Cederroth, Christopher R.; Hong, Mun-Gwan; Freydin, Maxim B.
et al. (2023). Screening for Circulating Inflammatory Proteins Does Not Reveal Plasma Biomarkers of Constant Tinnitus. (external link)
Spencer, Shikha; Sereda, Magdalena; Marzena, Bielińska
et al. (2023). Effects of complex neck therapy – kinesiotherapy and interspinal muscles massage – on tinnitus. (external link)
Koumar, O.C.; Martin, T.; Bataille, A.
et al. (2023). Core body temperature varies according to the time of exercise without affecting orexin-A production in the dorsal hypothalamus in male rats. (external link)
Bulla, Jan; Brueggemann, Petra; Wrzosek, Małgorzata
et al. (2023). Limited Link of Common Blood Parameters with Tinnitus. (external link)
Langguth, Berthold; Bulla, Jan; Fischer, Beate
et al. (2023). Tinnitus Is Marginally Associated with Body Mass Index, Heart Rate and Arterial Blood Pressure: Results from a Large Clinical Sample. (external link)
Bacri, Timothee Raphael Ferdinand; Berentsen, Geir Drage; Bulla, Jan
et al. (2023). Computational issues in parameter estimation for hidden Markov models with template model builder. (external link)
Berentsen, Geir Drage; Bulla, Jan; Maruotti, Antonello
et al. (2022). Modelling clusters of corporate defaults: Regime-switching models significantly reduce the contagion source. (external link)
Edvall, Niklas K.; Mehraei, Golbarg; Claeson, Martin
et al. (2022). Alterations in auditory brain stem response distinguish occasional and constant tinnitus. (external link)
Bacri, Timothee Raphael Ferdinand; Berentsen, Geir Drage; Bulla, Jan
et al. (2022). A gentle tutorial on accelerated parameter and confidence interval estimation for hidden Markov models using Template Model Builder. (external link)
Simoes, Jorge; Bulla, Jan; Neff, Patrick
et al. (2022). Daily Contributors of Tinnitus Loudness and Distress: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study. (external link)
Gallego-Martinez, Alvaro; Escalera-Balsera, Alba; Trpchevska, Natalia
et al. (2022). Using coding and non-coding rare variants to target candidate genes in patients with severe tinnitus. (external link)
Pasquier, Florane; Bessot, Nicolas; Martin, Tristan
et al. (2020). Effect of vestibular stimulation using a rotatory chair in human rest/activity rhythm. (external link)
Lugo, Alessandra; Edvall, Niklas K.; Lazar, Andra
et al. (2020). Relationship between headaches and tinnitus in a Swedish study. (external link)
Trpchevska, Natalia; Bulla, Jan; Prada Hellberg, Matilda
et al. (2020). Sexual dimorphism in the familial aggregation of tinnitus. (external link)
Cederroth, Christopher R; Lugo, Alessandra; Edvall, Niklas K.
et al. (2020). Association between Hyperacusis and Tinnitus. (external link)
Bessot, Nicolas; Polyte, Raphaël; Quesney, Marius
et al. (2020). Diurnal gait fluctuations in single- and dual- task conditions. (external link)
Schlee, Winfried; Hølleland, Sondre; Bulla, Jan
et al. (2020). The Effect of Environmental Stressors on Tinnitus: A Prospective Longitudinal Study on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic. (external link)
Tserga, Evangelia; Nandwani, Tara; Edvall, Niklas K
et al. (2019). The genetic vulnerability to cisplatin ototoxicity: a systematic review. (external link)
Maruotti, Antonello; Bulla, Jan; Mark, Tanya
(2019). Assessing the influence of marketing activities on
customer behaviors: a dynamic clustering approach. (external link)
Mark, Tanya; Bulla, Jan; Niraj, Rakesh
et al. (2019). Catalogue as a tool for reinforcing habits: Empirical evidence from a multichannel retailer. (external link)
Simoes, Jorge; Neff, Patrick; Schoisswohl, Stefan
et al. (2019). Toward personalized tinnitus treatment: An exploratory study based on internet crowdsensing. (external link)
Edvall, Niklas K; Gunan, Edis; Genitsaridi, Eleni
et al. (2019). Impact of temporomandibular joint complaints on tinnitus-related distress. (external link)
Ellul, Rebecca Marie; Bulla, Jan; Brudal, Espen
et al. (2019). Protection and antibody reactivity in lumpsucker (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) following vaccination against Pasteurella sp. . (external link)
Le Gall, A; Hilber, P; Chesneau, Christophe
et al. (2019). The critical role of vestibular graviception during cognitive-motor development. (external link)
Bulla, Jan; Langrock, Roland; Maruotti, Antonello
(2019). Guest editor’s introduction to the special issue on “Hidden Markov Models: Theory and Applications”. (external link)
Maruotti, Antonello; Bulla, Jan; Lagona, Francesco
et al. (2017). Dynamic mixtures of factor analyzers to characterize multivariate air pollutant exposures. (external link)
Sansom, John; Bulla, Jan; Carey-Smith, Trevor
et al. (2017). The impact of conventional space-time aggregation on the dynamics of continuous-time rainfall. (external link)
Dumont, Victoria; Bulla, Jan; Bessot, Nicolas
et al. (2017). The manual orienting response habituation to repeated tactile stimuli in preterm neonates: Discrimination of stimulus locations and interstimulus intervals. (external link)
Maas, Iris Lianne; Bruggemann, Petra; Requena, Theresa
et al. (2017). Genetic susceptibility to bilateral tinnitus in a Swedish twin cohort. (external link)
Hebert, Marie-Josee; Bulla, Jan; Vivien, Denis
et al. (2017). Are distal and proximal visual cues equally important during spatial learning in mice? A pilot study of overshadowing in the spatial domain. (external link)
Riphaus, Andrea; Slottje, Mark; Bulla, Jan
et al. (2017). Women awaken faster than men after electroencephalogram-monitored propofol sedation for colonoscopy. (external link)
Bulla, Jan; Chesneau, Christophe; Kachour, Maher
(2017). A bivariate first-order signed integer-valued autoregressive process. (external link)
Riphaus, Andrea; Slottje, Mark; Keil, Carolin
et al. (2017). Schnelleres Aufwachenverhalten bei Frauen im Vergleich zu Männern nach EEG geführter Propofolsedierung im Rahmen der Koloskopie Erste prospektive Beobachtungstudie zu geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschieden zu Propofoldosis und Aufwachzeit. (external link)
Kreuzer, Peter M.; Poeppl, Timm B.; Bulla, Jan
et al. (2016). A proof-of-concept study on the combination of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and relaxation techniques in chronic tinnitus. (external link)
Tanya, Mark; Southam, Colette; Bulla, Jan
et al. (2016). Cross-category indulgence: Why do some premium brands grow during recession?. (external link)
Wrzosek, Małgorzata; Eugeniusz, Szymiec; Wiesława, Klemens
et al. (2016). Polish translation and validation of the tinnitus handicap inventory and the tinnitus functional index. (external link)
Martin, Tristan; Moussay, Sebastien; Bulla, Ingo
et al. (2016). Exploration of circadian rhythms in patients with bilateral vestibular loss. (external link)
Dupont Rocher, Sandrine; Bessot, Nicolas; Sesboue, Bruno
et al. (2016). Circadian Characteristics of Older Adults and Aerobic Capacity. (external link)
Bulla, Jan; Lagona, Francesco; Maruotti, Antonello
et al. (2015). Environmental conditions in semi-enclosed basins: A dynamic latent class approach for mixed-type multivariate variables. (external link)
Bulla, Jan; Chesneau, Christophe; Kachour, Maher
(2015). On the Bivariate Skellam Distribution. (external link)
Martin, Tristan; Mauvieux, Benoit; Bulla, Jan
et al. (2015). Vestibular loss disrupts daily rhythm in rats. (external link)
Perrier, Joy; Clochon, Patrice; Bertran, Francoise
et al. (2015). Specific EEG sleep pattern in the prefrontal cortex in primary insomnia. (external link)
Bessot, Nicolas; Lericollais, Romain; Gauthier, Antoine
et al. (2015). Diurnal variation in gait characteristics and transition speed. (external link)
Perrier, Joy; Leufkens, Tim R.M.; Bulla, Jan
et al. (2015). Electroencephalography during on-the-road driving in older untreated insomnia patients and normal sleepers. (external link)
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.