Jan Michálek
Senior Engineer, Seismologist, Senior Engineer
Studies of local seismicity, earthquake source parameters, focal mechanisms. Experience with seismic instruments, installation of stations. Currently working on various infrasturctural projects related to European Plate Observing System (EPOS).
Academic article
- Bailo, Daniele; Paciello, Rossana; Michalek, Jan et al. (2024). Data Management in Distributed, Federated Research Infrastructures: The Case of EPOS. (external link)
- Bailo, Daniele; Paciello, Rossana; Michalek, Jan et al. (2023). The EPOS multi-disciplinary Data Portal for integrated access to solid Earth science datasets. (external link)
- Shiddiqi, Hasbi Ash; Ottemöller, Lars; Rondenay, Stephane et al. (2022). Crustal structure and intraplate seismicity in Nordland, Northern Norway: insight from seismic tomography. (external link)
- Cocco, Massimo; Freda, Carmela; Atakan, Kuvvet et al. (2022). The EPOS Research Infrastructure: a federated approach to integrate solid Earth science data and services. (external link)
- Bailo, Daniele; Jeffery, Keith G.; Atakan, Kuvvet et al. (2022). Data integration and FAIR data management in Solid Earth Science. (external link)
- Atakan, Kuvvet; Cocco, Massimo; Orlecka-Sikora, Beata et al. (2022). National EPOS initiatives and participation to the EPOS integration plan. (external link)
- Ottemöller, Lars; Michalek, Jan; Christensen, Jon Magnus et al. (2021). UiB-NORSAR EIDA Node: Integration of Seismological Data in Norway. (external link)
- Giuliacci, Kety; Bailo, Daniele; Michalek, Jan et al. (2023). A FAIR approach for the integration of scientific services in the Geo-INQUIRE initiative. (external link)
- Michalek, Jan; Atakan, Kuvvet; Ottermøller, Lars et al. (2023). EPOS-Norway Portal. (external link)
- Michalek, Jan; Atakan, Kuvvet; Ottermøller, Lars et al. (2023). EPOS-Norway Portal. (external link)
- Michalek, Jan; Atakan, Kuvvet; Rønnevik, Christian et al. (2021). EPOS-Norway Portal. (external link)
- Langeland, Tor; Daae Lampe, Ove; Fonnes, Gro et al. (2020). EPOS-Norway Portal. (external link)
- Langeland, Tor; Daae Lampe, Ove; Fonnes, Gro et al. (2019). EPOS-Norway Portal. (external link)
- Michalek, Jan; Atakan, Kuvvet; Rønnevik, Christian et al. (2019). EPOS-Norway – Integration of Norwegian geoscientific data into a common e-infrastucture. (external link)
- Michalek, Jan; Atakan, Kuvvet (2019). EPOS-Norway – Integration of Norwegian geoscientific data into a common einfrastucture.. (external link)