Jannicke Igland


Associate Professor



I’m an associate professor in medical statistics with background also from chemometrics.

I have been working with registry-based epidemiology since 2003 and have long experience with data management and statistical analyses of data from all the various Norwegian health registries. As head of the core facility in data analysis and biostatistics (BIOS) I have worked within various research fields, e.g., cardiovascular disease, diabetes, reproductive and perinatal epidemiology and neurology. I’m currently also the principal investigator and secretary for the steering committee for the Hordaland Health Studies (HUSK).

My main field of interest is the application of modern statistical methods on data from observational studies, with a focus on pharmacoepidemiologic studies based on registry data.

Since 2018 I’ve been the lead statistician in the SCAN-AED project which is a Nordic registry-based study where we have pooled and linked data from health registries from all the Nordic countries to study pregnancy safety of use of antiseizure medications. I am currently the local PI for an EMA mandated Nordic drug utilization study for prophylactic migraine medications and also the lead statistician for the Norwegian part of a PASS study on the safety of paternal exposure to Valproate around time of conception. I’m also working with the prosect Drug Repurposing fOr Neurological disEases (DRONE) where we use advanced methods within causal inference and machine learning algorithms to study associations between various drugs and risk of and progression of Parkinson’s disease, with the aim to identify new treatment options. In addition, I’m working with the GLIO-Link project where we are investigating if use of antipsychotics can improve the effect of chemotherapy among patients with glioblastoma or other gliomas.


I’m responsible for the course MEDSTATA each semester and is also responsible for the teaching in statistics in HELSAM305

Academic lecture
Letter to the editor
Academic article
Academic literature review
Short communication
Doctoral dissertation

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
