Academic article
Weidner, Jacqueline; Jensen, Camilla Håkonsrud; Giske, Jarl
et al. (2024). Hormonal regulation of the phenotype into environmentally appropriate pace-of-life syndromes. (external link)
Budaev, Sergei; Dumitru, Magda L.; Enberg, Katja
et al. (2024). Premises for a digital twin of the Atlantic salmon in its world: Agency, robustness, subjectivity and prediction. (external link)
Wilson, James A.; Giske, Jarl
(2023). Does fishing dismantle fish culture and ecosystem structure? Questions about the implications of social learning among fish and fishers. (external link)
Jensen, Camilla Håkonsrud; Weidner, Jacqueline; Giske, Jarl
et al. (2023). Adaptive host responses to infection can resemble parasitic manipulation. (external link)
Grimm, Volker; Railsback, Steven F.; Vincenot, Christian E.
et al. (2020). The ODD protocol for describing agent-based and other simulation models: A second update to improve clarity, replication, and structural realism. (external link)
Weidner, Jacqueline; Jensen, Camilla Håkonsrud; Giske, Jarl
et al. (2020). Hormones as adaptive control systems in juvenile fish. (external link)
Jensen, Camilla Håkonsrud; Weidner, Jacqueline; Giske, Jarl
et al. (2020). Hormonal adjustments to future expectations impact growth and survival in juvenile fish. (external link)
Budaev, Sergei; Jørgensen, Christian; Mangel, Marc
et al. (2019). Decision-making from the animal perspective: Bridging ecology and subjective cognition. (external link)
Budaev, Sergei; Giske, Jarl; Eliassen, Sigrunn
(2018). AHA: A general cognitive architecture for Darwinian agents. (external link)
Folkvord, Arild; Gundersen, Geir; Albretsen, Jon
et al. (2016). Impact of hatch date on early life growth and survival of Mueller’s pearlside (Maurolicus muelleri) larvae and life-history consequences. (external link)
Folkvord, Arild; Gundersen, Geir; Albretsen, Jon
et al. (2016). Impact of hatch-date on early life growth and survival of Mueller's pearlside (Maurolicus Muelleri) larvae and life-history consequences. (external link)
Andersen, Bjørn Snorre; Jørgensen, Christian; Eliassen, Sigrunn
et al. (2016). The proximate architecture for decision-making in fish. (external link)
Ni, Yuanming; Eskeland, Gunnar; Giske, Jarl
et al. (2016). The global potential for carbon capture and storage from forestry. (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn; Andersen, Bjørn Snorre; Jørgensen, Christian
et al. (2016). From sensing to emergent adaptations: Modelling the proximate architecture for decision-making. (external link)
Thingstad, T. Frede; Pree, Bernadette; Giske, Jarl
et al. (2015). What difference does it make if viruses are strain-, rather than speciesspecific?. (external link)
Thingstad, Tron Frede; Våge, Selina; Storesund, Julia Endresen
et al. (2014). A theoretical analysis of how strain-specific viruses can control microbial species diversity. (external link)
Godø, Olav Rune; Handegard, Nils Olav; Browman, Howard
et al. (2014). Marine ecosystem acoustics (MEA): Quantifying processes in the sea at the spatio-temporal scales on which they occur. (external link)
Våge, Selina; Storesund, Julia Endresen; Giske, Jarl
et al. (2014). Optimal defense strategies in an idealized microbial food web under trade-off between competition and defense. (external link)
Giske, Jarl; Eliassen, Sigrunn; Fiksen, Øyvind
et al. (2014). The emotion system promotes diversity and evolvability. (external link)
Våge, Selina; Castellani, Marco; Giske, Jarl
et al. (2013). Successful strategies in size structured mixotrophic food webs. (external link)
Giske, Jarl; Eliassen, Sigrunn; Fiksen, Øyvind
et al. (2013). Effects of the emotion system on adaptive behavior. (external link)
Castellani, Marco; Våge, Selina; Strand, Espen
et al. (2013). The Scaled Subspaces Method: A new trait-based approach to model communities of populations with largely inhomogeneous density. (external link)
Vincenzi, Simone; Crivelli, Alain J.; Giske, Jarl
et al. (2012). Selective consequences of catastrophes for growth rates in a stream-dwelling salmonid. (external link)
Giske, Jarl; Jakobsen, Per Johan; Jørgensen, Christian
(2012). Hva er et menneske? Hjernen mellom natur og kultur i et langt, historisk perspektiv. (external link)
Grimm, Volker; Berger, Uta; DeAngelis, Donald L.
et al. (2010). The ODD protocol A review and first update. (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn; Jørgensen, Christian; Mangel, Marc
et al. (2009). Quantifying the adaptive value of learning in foraging behavior. (external link)
Giske, Jarl
(2008). Benefitting from bibliometry. (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn; Jørgensen, Christian; Mangel, Marc
et al. (2007). Exploration or exploitation: life expectancy changes the value of learning in foraging strategies. (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn; Jørgensen, Christian; Giske, Jarl
(2006). Co-existence of learners and stayers maintains the advantage of social foraging. (external link)
Grimm, Volker; Berger, Uta; Bastiansen, Finn
et al. (2006). A standard protocol for describing individual-based and agent-based models. (external link)
Giske, Jarl; Mangel, Marc; Jakobsen, Per Johan
et al. (2003). Explicit trade-off rules in proximate adaptive agents. (external link)
Fiksen, Øyvind; Aksnes, Dag Lorents; Flyum, Magni H.
et al. (2002). The influence of turbidity on growth and survival of fish larvae: a numerical analysis. (external link)
Strand, Espen; Huse, Geir; Giske, Jarl
(2002). Artificial evolution of life history and behavior. (external link)
Giske, Jarl; Huse, Geir; Berntsen, Jarle
(2001). Spatial modelling for marine resource management, with a focus on fish. (external link)
Nøttestad, Leif; Giske, Jarl; Holst, Jens Chr.
et al. (1999). A length-based hypothesis for feeding migrations in pelagic fish. (external link)
Huse, Geir; Strand, Espen; Giske, Jarl
(1999). Implementing behaviour in individual-based models using neural networks and genetic algorithms. (external link)
Giske, Jarl; Huse, Geir; Fiksen, Øyvind
(1998). Modelling spatial dynamics of fish. (external link)
Huse, Geir; Giske, Jarl
(1998). Ecology in Mare Pentium; an individual-based spatio-temporal model for fish with adapted behaviour. (external link)
Eiane, Ketil; Aksnes, Dag Lorents; Giske, Jarl
(1997). The significance of optical properties in competition among visual and tactile planktivores: a theoretical study. (external link)
Giske, Jarl; Salvanes, Anne Gro Vea
(1995). Why Pelagic Planktivores should be Unselective Feeders. (external link)
Giske, Jarl; Aksnes, Dag Lorents; Balino, B.M.
et al. (1990). Vertical distribution and trophic interactions of zooplankton and fish in Masfjorden, Norway. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
Academic literature review
Website (informational material)
Popular scientific lecture
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bauer, Silke; Nolet, Bart A.; Giske, Jarl
et al. (2011). Cues and decision rules in animal migration. (external link)
Huse, Geir; Giske, Jarl
(2004). 33. Utilizing different levels of adaptation in individual-based modeling. (external link)
Huse, Geir; Giske, Jarl; Salvanes, Anne Gro Vea
(2002). Individual based modelling. (external link)
Mangel, Marc; Fiksen, Øyvind; Giske, Jarl
(2001). Chapter 4. Theoretical and statistical models in natural resource management and research. (external link)
Carlotti, Francois; Giske, Jarl; Werner, Francisco
(2000). Modelling zooplankton dynamics. (external link)
Giske, Jarl; Salvanes, Anne Gro Vea
(1999). Chapter 2. A model of enhancement potentials in open ecosystems. (external link)
Giske, Jarl
(1998). Evolutionary models for fisheries management. (external link)
Giske, Jarl; Skjoldal, Hein Rune; Slagstad, Dag
(1998). Ecological Modelling for Fisheries. (external link)
Feature article
Popular scientific article
Book review
Academic lecture
Eliassen, Sigrunn; Jørgensen, Christian; Mangel, Marc
et al. (2006). Coexistence of mobile and sedentary strategies maintains the advantage of social foraging. (external link)
Thingstad, T. Frede; Giske, Jarl; Rassoulzadegan, Fereidoun
(2003). Predictable, chaotic or stochastic; do we understand the nature of the oceanic ecosystem?. (external link)
Giske, Jarl
(2003). Evolusjon og økologi. (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn; Giske, Jarl; Mangel, Marc
(2003). Hedonic models of fish behaviour. (external link)
Giske, Jarl
(2002). Evolutionary approaches to behaviour in individual-based modelling. (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn; Torgersen, Thomas; Giske, Jarl
(2002). Modellering av hedonisk atferd. (external link)
Encyclopedia article
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