Jarrod Cusens


Postdoctoral Fellow


Research groups


I am a interdisciplinary scientist specialising in social-ecological systems with a focus on ecosystem services as a lens to link social and ecological systems. My current focus is studying the spatial distribution of ecosystem services using a Public Participation GIS and biophysical modelling. In my work I integrate social-cultural values with biophysical values for ecosystem service mapping and identifying so-called social ecological archetypes. The motivation is to develop holistic approaches to inform planning and management decisions within an ecosystem services framework. I have engaged with a broad set of stakeholders from the project onset to assist in survey design and, disseminate and share findings.

Academic article
Website (informational material)
Academic lecture
Doctoral dissertation

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Schrage, J., Barraclough, A. D., Wilkerson, B., Cusens, J., & Fuller, J. (2022). Developing positional awareness in sustainability science: four archetypes for early career scientists working in an SDG world. Sustainability Science. (Open access) [Link]

Barraclough, A. D., Cusens, J., & Måren, I. E. (2022). Mapping stakeholder networks for the co-production of multiple ecosystem services: A novel mixed-methods approach. Ecosystem Services, 56, 101461. (Open access) [Link]

Cusens, J., A. D. Barraclough, I. E. Måren. (2022). Participatory mapping reveals biocultural and nature values in the shared landscape of a Nordic UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. People and Nature. 4(2), 365-381. (Open access) [Link]

Donnellan Barraclough, A. M., R. Zweifel, J. Cusens, S. Leuzinger. Disentangling the net: concomitant xylem and over-bark measurements reveal the phloem-generated osmotic adjustment behind daytime stem swelling in the mangrove Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. Functional Plant Biology, 46:5, 393-406. [Link]

Donnellan Barraclough, A. M., R. Zweifel, J. Cusens, S. Leuzinger. (2018). Daytime stem swelling and seasonal reversal in the peristaltic depletion of stored water along the stem of Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. Tree Physiology, 38:7, 965–978. [Link]

Tran, P., I. Gritcan, J. Cusens, A. C. Alfaro, S. Leuzinger. (2017). Biomass and nutrient composition of temperate mangroves (Avicennia marina var. australasica) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 51:3, 427-442. [Link]

Leuzinger, S., S. Fatichi, J. Cusens, C. Körner and P. Niklaus. (2015).The ‘island effect’ in terrestrial global change experiments - a problem with no solution? Special issue ‘Scaling effects regulating plant response to global change’ in AOB Plants. (Open access) [Link]

Gillman, L.N., S.D. Wright, J. Cusens, P.D. McBride, Y. Malhi and R.J. Whittaker. (2015). Latitude, productivity and species richness. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24, 107–117.  (Open access) [Link]

McBride P.D., J. Cusens and L.N. Gillman. (2014). Revisiting spatial scale in the productivity–species richness relationship: fundamental issues and global change implications. Special issue ‘Scaling effects regulating plant response to global change’ in AOB Plants. 6.  (Open access) [Link]

Cusens, J., S.D. Wright, P.D. McBride and L.N. Gillman. (2012). What is the form of the productivity–animal species richness relationship? A critical review and meta-analysis. Ecology, 93:10, 2241–2252. [Link]