Jean Charles Pelland
Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoctoral Researcher
Research groups
Before working for QUANTA, I completed a two-year postdoctoral research project on mathematical psychologism funded by the Quebec government, splitting my research at New College of the Humanities (London) and McGill University (Montréal). My doctoral dissertation, which explored the limits of externalist models of cognition in explaining the origins of numerical cognition, was completed in 2019 at the department of philosophy at Université du Québec à Montréal. My work focuses mainly on questions related to origins and varieties of numerical cognition, which has important implications for how we see the mind, how we see the nature of mathematical entities, and how we see the relation between ontogeny and phylogeny, broadly construed. Among some of my current projects, I am currently working on topics related to
-enactivism and other non-cognitivist approaches to the mind,
-the origins of numeration practices and numerical content,
-the notion of mathematical practice and how it relates to anthropology
-the format and nature of representations of numbers,
-implications of AI for the study of numerical cognition,
-empirical methods in developmental psychology and their implications for how we see the mind, and
-cross-cultural universals and their implications for the so-called nature/nurture distinction.