Jefferson Rajah


PhD Candidate, Research Fellow


Research groups

Short info

Jefferson is a PhD Research Fellow at the System Dynamics Group, with an interest in human behaviour and social system dynamics within larger ecological, technological, and health systems, as well as participatory modelling and stakeholder engagement.

Although I am now a system dynamics modeller by training, I started my academic journey in traditional and applied social research, where I worked with marginalized communities to advance diversity and inclusion and community development. Since making the transition to modelling, I have been passionate about bridging social research with system dynamics. What does this look like to me? Including people, their knowledge, experiences, and decision-rules in system dynamics models. Ergo, my research interests revolve around human behaviour and social system dynamics within larger ecological, technological, and health systems, as well as participatory modelling and stakeholder engagement.

Presently, I am a Research Fellow funded by the EU Horizon Project, WorldTrans: Transparent Assessments for Real People. This project seeks to address several weaknesses that have been identified in existing climate models for integrated assessments. For me, the most important of those weaknesses is the inadequate representation of human behaviour within the social system. As part of my PhD, I will be researching ways to include social and cultural factors that influence people's values and behaviour into integrated models. I will also be leading the participatory modelling components of the project, where I aim to meaningfully include stakeholders (experts and citizens alike) in the practice of integrated assessment modelling. With this research, I hope to refine a system dynamics and post-normal science methodology for bringing people into integrated assessment modelling and praxis. I believe this embodies what I have come to adopt as my personal tagline for my career: system dynamics in practice; social research at heart.



  1. (2024 October 14). Representing endogenous diet shifts in FRIDA-integrated assessment model: from conceptualisation to simulation. Presented at: Division Seminar in Nutrition Epidemiology. Department of Nutrition, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo. Oslo, Norway (Virtual).
  2. (2023 August 21). Harnessing Systems Thinking and Participatory Modeling for Water Systems Research & Solutions. Presented at: Data-Driven Water Systems Solutions for Communities session at World Water Week. West Big Data Innovation Hub. Stockholm, Sweden (Virtual).


  1. (2024 August 8). Teaching Loop Dominance Analysis and Leverage Point Identification in the Classroom Using Loops That Matter. Presented at: The 42nd International System Dynamics Conference. Bergen, Norway.
  2. (2023 May 13). Brewing Success: Learning to Manage Supply Chains with The Beer Game. Presented at: The 50th European Young Engineers Conference. The Hague, Netherlands.
  3. (2022 December 5). Systems mapping workshop on Geopolitics. Presented at: “The extreme is here. Now.” Student Workshop. University of Bergen. Bergen, Norway. 
  4. (2022 September 28–29). Introduction to Systems Thinking & Systems Mapping on Groundwater Depletion. Presented at: The Transboundary Groundwater Resilience Network Annual Workshop. New Mexico, USA (Virtual).  

Media Citation

  1. Dynamic model predicts bright future for digital prosthetics. (August 25, 2022). Amplitude magazine: CO, USA.


  • GEO-SD304: System Dynamics Modelling Process (Fall 2024)
  • GEO-SD302: Fundamentals of Dynamic Social Systems (Fall 2022)

Teaching Assistance

  • GEO-SD309: Model Based Interactive Learning Environments (Fall 2024)
  • GEO-SD304: System Dynamics Modelling Process (Fall 2021; 2022; 2023)
  • GEO-SD303: Model-based Analysis and Policy Design (Fall 2021)
  • GEO-SD302: Fundamentals of Dynamic Social Systems (Fall 2021)

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  1. Rajah JK, Kopainsky B. (2025). A Systematic Method to Integrate Co-Produced Causal Loop Diagrams Based on Feedback Stories. System Dynamics Review 41(1): e1794. doi: 10.1002/sdr.1794
  2. Rajah JK, Atkins AEP, Tang C, Bax K, Wilkerson B, Fernald AG, Langarudi SP. (2024). Understanding Hydrologic, Human, and Climate System Feedback Loops: Results of a Participatory Modeling Workshop. Water 16(3): 396. doi: 10.3390/w16030396
  3. Rajah JK, Chernicoff W, Hutchison CJ, Gonçalves P, Kopainsky B. (2023). Enabling Mobility: A Simulation Model of the Health Care System for Major Lower-Limb Amputees to Assess the Impact of Digital Prosthetics ServicesSystems 11(1): 22. doi: 10.3390/systems11010022
  4. Johannis AA, Heng MA, Baildon MC, Rajah JK. (2022). Time to Negotiate Singapore’s Meritocracy? Getting ready for the future of work and educationGlobalisation, Societies and Education 22(5): 839–855doi: 10.1080/14767724.2022.2121688

Book Chapters

  1. Lim AC, Rajah JK, Sng JWM, Kuan YH. (2022). EDI in Singapore: emerging issues with sexual and gender minorities and people living with HIV. In Klarsfeld A, Knappert L, Kornau A, Ng ES, Ngunjiri FW (eds.) Research Handbook on New Frontiers of Equality and Diversity at Work: International Perspectives. Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, 198–216.

Conference Proceedings/Presentations

  1. Rajah JK, Tusch B, Hammerseng G, Kopainsky B. (2024 November 4-6). Conceptualising an endogenous representation of human behaviour change in a feedback-based, global-scale integrated assessment model. Poster presented at: The 17th Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium Annual Meeting. Seoul, South Korea.
  2. Rajah JK, Kopainsky B. (2024). Human behavioural drivers of meat consumption: Using group model building to capture lived realities. In Howick S, Jalali M, Rahmandad H (eds.) Proceedings of the 2024 International System Dynamics Conference. System Dynamics Society, Bergen, Norway.
  3. Rajah JK, Tusch B, Hammerseng G, Kopainsky B. (2024 August 4-8). Towards Modelling (Pro-)Environmental Human Behaviour in Integrated Assessment Models from a Systems Approach. Abstract presented at: The 42nd International System Dynamics Conference. Bergen, Norway.
  4. Mauritzen C, Adakudlu M, Blanz B, Breier J, Grimeland MB, Mashhadi S, Rajah JK, Ramme L, Wells C. (2024). Towards a “fit for purpose” , fully coupled, integrated, and interdisciplinary world-Earth model – Documentation of FRIDA Version 1.0. In Howick S, Jalali M, Rahmandad H (eds.) Proceedings of the 2024 International System Dynamics Conference. System Dynamics Society, Bergen, Norway.
  5. Schoenberg WA, Rajah JK, Kopainsky B. (2024). Teaching with Loops That Matter in the classroom. In Howick S, Jalali M, Rahmandad H (eds.) Proceedings of the 2024 International System Dynamics Conference. System Dynamics Society, Bergen, Norway.
  6. Sliwkowski A, Rajah JK. (2024). Where Will Food Come From? A Look at the Potential of Vertical Farming in Norway. In Howick S, Jalali M, Rahmandad H (eds.) Proceedings of the 2024 International System Dynamics Conference. System Dynamics Society, Bergen, Norway.
  7. Jongsma TAI, Rajah JK. (2024). The Dynamic Radicalization Process and Violent Behaviour of Incels. In Howick S, Jalali M, Rahmandad H (eds.) Proceedings of the 2024 International System Dynamics Conference. System Dynamics Society, Bergen, Norway.
  8. Rajah JK, Kopainsky B. (2024 June 4-6). Co-producing Models of (Pro-)Environmental Human Behaviour: Feedback Stories Surrounding Meat Consumption. Paper presented at: The 16th Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference. Turku, Finland.
  9. Rajah JK, Atkins A, Tang C, Langarudi S. (2023 July 24-27). Advancing cross-disciplinary research on transboundary groundwater systems through group model building. Paper presented at: The 41st International System Dynamics Conference. Chicago, IL, USA.
  10. Siemer AR, Rajah JK. (2023). Modeling Public Transportation Attractiveness in System Dynamics: The Significance of Safety Perception. In Proceedings of the 2023 International System Dynamics Conference. System Dynamics Society, Chicago, IL.
  11. Rajah JK, Grimeland MB. (2022). Enabling Resilient Food Systems: Simulating the Impact on Local Farmers’ Livelihoods in Greater Adelaide, Australia. In Proceedings of the 2022 International System Dynamics Conference. System Dynamics Society, Frankfurt, Germany. 
  12. Rajah JK, Hutchison C, Chernicoff W, Gonçalves P. (2022). The Dynamics of Prosthetics Care Continuum for Persons with Amputation. In Proceedings of the 2022 International System Dynamics Conference. System Dynamics Society, Frankfurt, Germany.
  13. Gkini C, Rajah JK, Rodriguez AA, Kopainsky B. (2022). Integrating Diverse Perspectives: Meaning-Making Process in Participatory System Dynamics. In Proceedings of the 2022 International System Dynamics Conference. System Dynamics Society, Frankfurt, Germany.
  14. Andreasson E, Rajah JK. (2022). Eroding Public Services: Modelling the Rise of the American Legislative Exchange Council in the United States Legislatures. In Proceedings of the 2022 International System Dynamics Conference. System Dynamics Society, Frankfurt, Germany. 
  15. Rajah JK. (2021). Where Has the Passion Gone? The Dynamics of Non-Profit Workers’ Passion Burnout and Intention to Leave. In Proceedings of the 2021 International System Dynamics Conference. System Dynamics Society, Chicago, IL.
  16. Surovets V, Rajah JK. (2021). Model-Based Socioeconomic Planning of Tourism Development in Developing Countries. In Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists "Current issues of financial system development in the information economy". NaUKMA, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Technical Reports

  1. Rajah JK, Kopainsky B, Eker S, Prawitz H, Breier J, Donges J. (2024). Report on conceptualization of pro-environmental value shifts for modeling human behavioral changes. EU Deliverable 2.3. WorldTrans – Transparent Assessments for Real People, EU Horizon Europe, Grant No. 101081661.
  2. Lindqvist AN, Cornell S, Collste D, Palm C, Rajah JK, Kopainsky B. (2024). Scientific synthesis: fitness for purpose of current IAM approaches. EU Deliverable 4.3. WorldTrans – Transparent Assessments for Real People, EU Horizon Europe, Grant No. 101081661.
  3. Collste D, Rajah JK, Cornell S, Palm C, Kopainsky B. (2024). Learning and Training — External engagement with Citizens. EU Deliverable 4.4. WorldTrans – Transparent Assessments for Real People, EU Horizon Europe, Grant No. 101081661.
  4. Swamy D, Eker S, Rajah JK, Kopainsky B, Callegari B, Breier J, Donges J. (2023). Preliminary Conceptualization of Modeling Human Systems in Integrated Assessment. EU Deliverable 2.1. WorldTrans – Transparent Assessments for Real People, EU Horizon Europe, Grant No. 101081661.

WorldTrans: Transparent Assessments for Real People

Research Fellow (2023–Present)

Funded by EU’s Horizon Europe, WorldTrans seeks to build new communities of integrated assessment modelling experts and users (citizens and stakeholders alike); include heterogeneous human behaviour in integrated assessment models; identify main feedback loops and policy leverage points for climate-neutrality oriented policies; and produce quantitatively consistent results for various (IPCC and IPBES) assessment processes. I am involved in designing the participatory modelling process with multiple stakeholders (across serveral work packages) and developing an adaptable model on shifts in value systems and behaviour changes towards climate mitigation.

SYNAGRI: Developing synergies between the bioeconomy and regional food systems for a sustainable future

Researcher (2024–Present)

Along with Assemblage Thinking researchers from Ruralis – Institute for Rural and Regional Research and University of Neuchatel, I am involved in exploring the interconnections, synergies, and disjunctures between Systems Thinking and Assemblage Thinking methodological approaches for advancing an integrative framework for food system analysis and transformation. Funded by the Research Council of Norway, this work package of SYNAGRI is interested in understanding how actors are involved in governance, mobilisation, and transformation of social and material relations within food systems.  

Transboundary Groundwater Resilience Network Participatory Modeling

Consultant (2022–2023)

I provided consulting and professional services to the Transboundary Groundwater Resilience (TGR) Network of Networks from the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute. I co-designed an introductory systems thinking and system dynamics modeling lecture, and conducted a two-day virtual systems mapping session at the TGRR annual workshop held on September 28-29, 2022. Workshop outputs include a causal loop diagram depicting the mental models of participants, identified research priorities, and results of the evaluation survey of the workshop, which were presented to TGR. Since then, we have used the workshop outputs as a case to advance use-inspired research in water resources through participatory modelling.

Enabling Mobility: Health and Prosthetics Care System for Major Lower Limb Amputees

Researcher/Modeller (2022–2023)

A collaborative system dynamics modelling project between University of Bergen, ProsFit Technologies JSC, and Toyota Mobility Foundation. The aim of the research is to computationally represent a country-level health and prosthetic care system for major lower limb amputees for the purpose of improving the access to and outcomes of prosthetics service provision. The model assesses the impact of emerging digital technology in prosthetics in relation to amputee mobility and the net socio-economic benefit accrued to society. This project was conducted as part of my Master Thesis under the supervision of Birigt Kopainsky (University of Bergen) and Paulo Gonçalves (University of Lugano).