Jeremy A. Beller
Postdoctoral Fellow, SFF Centre for Early Sapiens Behaviour (SapienCE)
Popular scientific article
Academic lecture
- Guilbault, Alan; Beller, Jeremy Alexander; al-Nahar, Maysoon et al. (2024). The Jordan Predictive Palaeoanthropology Project: Details and research update. (external link)
- Beller, Jeremy Alexander; Craig, Caitlin; O'Neil, Holly et al. (2024). New light on the prehistory of the central Azraq Basin, Jordan: Results of wadi surveys conducted in 2022 and 2023. (external link)
- Beller, Jeremy Alexander; Collard, Mark (2024). Surface water distribution as a constraint on hominin mobility in the central Azraq Basin during the Middle Pleistocene: Implications for Out of Africa dispersals. (external link)
- Beller, Jeremy Alexander; Craig, Caitlin; O'Neil, Holly et al. (2024). Wadi surveys shed additional light on the Palaeolithic occupation of the central Azraq Basin, Jordan. (external link)
- Beller, Jeremy; Niekerk, Karen Loise van; Grabe, Pieter-Jan et al. (2024). Raw material distribution in the southern Cape region and its significance for lithic procurement during the MSA at Blombos Cave, South Africa. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
- Beller, Jeremy Alexander (2024). Revealing the entanglements of biology and culture in human evolution. (external link)
- Beller, Jeremy Alexander (2024). Hunter-gatherer mobility and resource utilisation in the southern Cape: A view from Blombos Cave. (external link)
- Beller, Jeremy Alexander (2024). Hunter-gatherer mobility and resource utilisation in the southern Cape: A view from Blombos Cave. (external link)