Jeremy Alexander Beller
Postdoctoral Fellow, SFF Centre for Early Sapiens Behaviour (SapienCE)
Academic lecture
- Beller, Jeremy Alexander; Craig, Caitlin; O'Neil, Holly et al. (2024). New light on the prehistory of the central Azraq Basin, Jordan: Results of wadi surveys conducted in 2022 and 2023. (external link)
- Beller, Jeremy Alexander; Craig, Caitlin; O'Neil, Holly et al. (2024). Wadi surveys shed additional light on the Palaeolithic occupation of the central Azraq Basin, Jordan. (external link)
- Beller, Jeremy Alexander; Collard, Mark (2024). Surface water distribution as a constraint on hominin mobility in the central Azraq Basin during the Middle Pleistocene: Implications for Out of Africa dispersals. (external link)
- Beller, Jeremy; Niekerk, Karen Loise van; Grabe, Pieter-Jan et al. (2024). Raw material distribution in the southern Cape region and its significance for lithic procurement during the MSA at Blombos Cave, South Africa. (external link)
- Guilbault, Alan; Beller, Jeremy Alexander; al-Nahar, Maysoon et al. (2024). The Jordan Predictive Palaeoanthropology Project: Details and research update. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
- Beller, Jeremy Alexander (2024). Revealing the entanglements of biology and culture in human evolution. (external link)
- Beller, Jeremy Alexander (2024). Hunter-gatherer mobility and resource utilisation in the southern Cape: A view from Blombos Cave. (external link)
- Beller, Jeremy Alexander (2024). Hunter-gatherer mobility and resource utilisation in the southern Cape: A view from Blombos Cave. (external link)