Johan Alme


Professor, Microelectronics



Current projects:

  • ALICE experiment at CERN. Development of readout electronics for the Inner Tracker System (ITS) sub-detector
  • Proton CT A UoB driven project where the goal is to make a CT machine by using MAPS ICs (ALPIDEs) that uses protons instead of photons for imaging.
  • Participates twice a year in the "ka vil du bli"-event. This is an arrangement for pupils in secondary schools in and around Bergen where they get to visit different workplaces to learn about various professions. The institute of Physics and Technology is a part of this, and we give them the opportunity to measure the activity of radioactive sources, and through that activity teach them a bit about what it means to be a physicist.
  • I was part of a team that made a movie recruiting students to study physics. The long movie can be seen here
  • Interviewed by the TV2-news 19. May 2021 about the global shortage of microchips. It was publushed online a few days later.
  • Chair of the Physics program board
  • PHYS114 Basic Measurement Science and Experimental Physics
  • PHYS116 Signal and System Analysis

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.


Current projects:

  • ALICE experiment at CERN. Development of readout electronics for the Inner Tracker System (ITS) sub-detector
  • Proton CT A UoB driven project where the goal is to make a CT machine by using MAPS ICs (ALPIDEs) that uses protons instead of photons for imaging.