John Georg Seland


Associate Professor

Research groups


My research is focused on characterization of molecular dynamics and organization of molecules in different types of materials using Nuclear Magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The NMR-techniques applied are based on how dynamical processes like relaxation and diffusion influence the measured NMR signal, and what this can tell us about the interactions between the molecules. I work in particular with characterization of liquid-filled porous systems and various types of soft materials. 



I teach the courses: 

KJEM251 NMR spectroscopy I

KJEM202 Environmental Chemistry (together with Olav Kvalheim)

Tematic areas for master thesis projects:

Studies of molecules in complex mixtures using diffusion weighted NMR spectroscopy: Molecules in a mixture can have different diffusion rate due to differences in size between the molecules. This difference in diffusion rate can be used to separate the NMR spectra from the different components in a mixture, leading to a simpler and more robust interpretation of the obtained results. The technique can also be used for studying interactions between molecules in a mixture. We apply the technique to liquid foods and petroleum products, but the technique can also be applied to other types of complex mixtures. The research is done in collaboration with Nils Åge Frøystein. 

Characterization of liquid saturated rock cores using NMR: We focus on optimizing and develop new techniques for characterization of parameters like surface wettability and pore connectivity, which can be applied within petroleum chemistry research. These are properties that can be determined using specially designed NMR techniques that are based on the changes in relaxation- and diffusion properties of the molecules when they are in contact with a surface. The projects are partly done in collaboration with Centre for Integrated petroleum Research (CIPR) at UiB.

Studies of liquid transport in heterogeneous systems using NMR: A broad range of systems, from composite materials to biological tissue, contains barriers (membranes) that restricts liquid transport (molecular diffusion and flow). In this project we will focus on characterizing water transport in biological heterogeneous systems using NMR, but the underlying mechanisms for liquid dynamics can also be applied to study transport processes in micro emulsions, heterogeneous catalyst materials, and other types of porous systems. 

Academic article
Masters thesis
Academic literature review
Academic lecture
Doctoral dissertation
Programme participation

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

  • "Investigating pore to pore exchange in systems saturated with water and oil", R. T. Lewis, S. Nåden, J. G. Seland. Diffusion Fundamentals, 18 1, (2013)
  • "Relaxometric properties of gadolinium-grafted mesoporous SBA-15 silica materials with varying pore size", H. Skår, Y. Liang, E. S. Erichsen, R. Anwander, J. G. Seland. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 175 125. (2013)


  • "Screening of the relaxivity of gadolinium-loaded periodic mesoporous silica functionalized by means of soft metalorganic silylamide grafting", H. Skår, J. G. Seland, Y. Liang, N. Å. Frøystein, K. W. Törnroos, R. Anwander. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 35 5969. (2013).


  • "A comparison of retrospectively self-gated magnetic resonance imaging and high-frequency echocardiography for characterization of left ventricular function in mice" B. H. Amundsen, M. Ericsson, J. G. Seland, T. Pavlin, Ø. Ellingsen, C. Brekken, Lab Anim. 45, 31, (2011).

  • "Dynamic correlations between susceptibility gradients and T2-relaxation as a probe for wettability properties of liquid saturated rock cores", T. Pavlin and J. G. Seland, Diffusion Fundamentals, 14  8, (2010).
  • "High Frequency Modulated Gradient Spin Echo Diffusion Measurements with Chemical Shift Resolution" J. G. Seland, Diffusion Fundamentals, 14  7, (2010).

  • "Dynamic Water Changes in Excised Rat Myocardium assessed by Continuous Distribution of T1 and T2” M. Bruvold, J. G. Seland, H. Brurok, P. Jynge, Magn. Reson. Med. 58 (3), 442 (2007).

  • “Analyzing equilibrium water exchange between myocardial tissue compartments using dynamical two-dimensional correlation experiments combined with manganese-enhanced relaxography” J. G. Seland, M. Bruvold, H. W. Anthonsen, H. Brurok, J. Krane, and P. Jynge, Magn. Reson. Med, 58 (4), 674 (2007).

  • “NMR-propagator measurements in porous media in the presence of surface relaxation and internal fields” U.M. Scheven, J.G. Seland and D.G. Cory, Magn. Reson. Imag, 23, 363, (2005).

  • “Determination of water compartments in rat myocardium using combined D-T1 and T1-T2 experiments” J. G. Seland, M. Bruvold, H. W. Anthonsen, H. Brurok, W. Nordhøy, P. Jynge, and J. Krane, Magn. Reson. Imag, 23, 354, (2005). 

  • “Correlations between diffusion, internal magnetic field gradients, and transverse relaxation in porous systems containing oil and water” J. G. Seland, K. E. Washburn, H. W. Anthonsen, and J. Krane, Phys. Rev. E. 70, 051305 (2004). 

  • “Exploring the separate NMR responses from crude oil and water simultaneously present in a rock core” G. H. Sørland,  H. W. Anthonsen, J. G. Seland,  F. Antonsen, H. C. Widerøe , and J. Krane, Appl. Magn. Reson. 26, (2004).

  • “NMR propagator measurements on flow through a random pack of porous glass beads and how they are affected by dispersion, relaxation and internal field inhomogeneities” U. M. Scheven, J. G. Seland, and D. Cory, Phys. Rev. E, 69, 021201, (2004).

  • “Background gradient suppression in pulsed gradient stimulated echo diffusion measurements” P. Z. Sun, J. G. Seland, and D. Cory, J. Magn. Reson., 161, 168, (2003).

  • “Combining PFG and CPMG NMR measurements for separate characterization of oil and water simultaneously present in heterogeneous systems” J. G. Seland, G. H. Sørland, H. W. Anthonsen, and J. Krane, Appl. Magn. Reson. 24, 41 (2003).

  • “A PFG-NMR study of restricted diffusion in heterogeneous polymer particles” J. G. Seland, M. Ottaviani, and B. Hafskjold, J. Coll. Int. Sci. 239, 168 (2001).

  • “Diffusion measurements at long observation times in the presence of spatially variable internal magnetic field gradients” J. G. Seland, G. H. Sørland, K. Zick, and B. Hafskjold, J. Magn. Reson. 146, 14 (2000).

  • “Improved convection compensated pulsed field gradient spin-echo and stimulated-echo methods” G. H. Sørland, J. G. Seland, H. W. Anthonsen, and J. Krane, J. Magn. Reson. 142, 323 (2000). 

  • “Measurement of diffusion in porous polythylene powder using PFGSTE NMR” J. G. Seland and B. Hafskjold, Magn. Reson. Imag. 16, 687 (1998).

  • “FTIR studies of the NO3 initiated degradation of but-2-yne: Mechanism and rate constant determination” J. G. Seland, I. M. W. Noremasaune, and C. J. Nielsen, J. Chem Soc. Far. Trans, 92, 3459 (1996).