John Magnus Ragnhildson Dahl
Postdoctoral Fellow
Research groups
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Feature article
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2023). Sosiale media er bra for barna våre. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2023). Vi treng ingen dommedagsprofetiar. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2021). Snusfornuftig humor . (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2019). Stovner-revyen: Kven har rett til å kalle kva for rasisme?. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2019). Sagen-gate: – Ein moralpanikk . (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson; Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø (2018). SKAM fortjente all oppmerksomheten den fikk. (external link)
- Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø; Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2016). “Skam skapar felleskap”. (external link)
- Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø; Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2016). "Skam skapar fellesskap". (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2023). Har unge skeive generelt dårligere helse enn andre unge? UiB forklarer!. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2022). Ungdom og smarttelefoner. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2017). Who is the audience of ethnic humour?. (external link)
- Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø; Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2017). Bruk av Skam i undervisning?. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2023). Avoiding the stigma - Queer online world making among Norwegian teenage boys. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2023). The Metaverse vs. Hannah Arendt: A critical reminder of our embodiment.. (external link)
- Ytre-Arne, Brita; Meijer, Irene Costera; Borchgrevink-Brækhus, Marianne et al. (2023). Conceptualizing and researching media experience. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2022). Beyond representation: Public service media, minority audiences and the promotion of capabilities through entertainment. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2022). The affordances of VG Snap A news user authoethnography. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2022). When only the world is big enough: RuPauls Drag Race as a pivotal TV show for queer youth. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2022). Playful recognition: Television comedy and the politics of mediated recognition. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson; Ytre-Arne, Brita (2021). Monitoring the infection rate: What news users consider valuable journalism in the pandemic. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2019). Ethnic Comedy as Playful Recognition: Minority viewers experience of the TV Show “Black Humour”. . (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2019). Challenging or patrolling boundaries? When public service comedy gets accused of racism.. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2019). “Svindemokratarna” og komedie som moralsk fordømming.. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2019). The “Pig Democrats” and comedy as equipment for moral condemnation. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2018). Immigration humour in Scandinavia.. (external link)
- Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø; Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2018). Skams demokratiske estetikk?. (external link)
- Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø; Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2018). Reading the Gay Romance - Adult female Skam fans through the lens of Janice Radway’s 1984 classic. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2018). The Show "Black Humour" an the Inclusive Laughter: Comedy, Recognition and Cultural Identities. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2018). The arrival of the immigrant – comedians. A comparative perspective on the first stand-up comedians with immigrant background in Scandinavia.. (external link)
- Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø; Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2018). Skam: A teen serial where adult female fans look for gratification.. (external link)
- Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø; Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2017). Skam i undervisning. (external link)
- Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø; Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2017). Sham - a teenage serial where adults look for gratification. (external link)
- Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø; Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2017). Hvorfor elsker kvinner Even og Isak? En undersøkelse av hvordan voksne fans fortolker ungdomsserien Skam. (external link)
Academic article
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson; Ytre-Arne, Brita (2023). Monitoring the infection rate: Explaining the meaning of metrics in pandemic news experiences. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2022). Playful recognition: Television comedy and the politics of mediated recognition. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2022). Beyond representation: Public service media, minority audiences and the promotion of capabilities through entertainment. (external link)
- Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø; Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2020). The Romantic Fantasy of Even and Isak - an Exploration of Scandinavian Women Looking for Gratification in the Teen Serial SKAM. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2019). From The Club Stage to the National Scene: How Mass Media Interpreted Two Comedians as Important Immigrant Voices. (external link)
- Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø; Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2018). Aligning Adolescents to the Public Sphere: The Teen Serial Skam and Democratic Aesthetic. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2015). Visual argumentation in political advertising: A context-oriented perspective. (external link)
Popular scientific article
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2023). When Does Online Ethnography Become Stalking? Some Reflections From Researching Teenagers on Dating Apps. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2020). Den polariserande humoren . (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2019). Når metaforar døyr – og vaknar til liv att.. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2017). Skam, Generasjon Meg og det lange blikket innover. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2017). Latterleggjering der alle smiler? NRK-serien Svart Humor.. (external link)
Academic literature review
Programme participation
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2022). Du kødder ikke med humor. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2019). Retorisk manøvrering av bevisbyrde. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2018). Metaforer i politikken. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2018). Pressekonferanse Donald Trump og Erna Solberg . (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2018). Humor i Eurovision. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
Popular scientific lecture
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2019). TV-humor og skandinavisk innvandringsdebatt. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2018). Aesthetic, popular culture, and politics. . (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2017). Kan det bli ungdomsopprør av SKAM?. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2017). Sammen om skammen. (external link)
- Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø; Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2017). Demokratiske perspektiver på dramaserien Skam. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2018). – Det er merkeleg å samanlikne det å få kritikk i VG med å bli brent på bålet. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2018). SKAM-ekspert: – Derfor flopper «SKAM» i USA. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2018). Regien bak toppmøtet mellom Nord- og Sør-Korea: Kroppsspråk-ekspert: – Det virket ganske hjertelig. (external link)