Jon Henrik Ziegler Remme
Associate Professor
Jon Henrik Ziegler Remme is interested in how people exist in more-than-human collectives, including plants, animals, spirits and gods. He is particularly interested in how human-nonhuman worlds emerge and transform as people engage in relational ontic practices, that is practices with ontological effects. Remme has investigated such practices through studies of both sacrificial rituals and Pentecostal Sunday services in Ifugao, the Philippines. Looking to explore the interlinkages relational dynamics of kinship, animal husbandry and agriculture in a world where spirits enter in and out of people’s relational worlds, Remme’s research in Ifugao has resulted in publications about the relations between persons and pigs, domestication, the sensorial transformation of spirits, notions of causality, the relations between values and murder, the problems for Pentecostals with God becoming present, temporality in human-environment relations and interreligious encounters in burial rituals. Remme’s publications include the monograph Pigs and Persons in the Philippines (Lexington Books, 2014), the edited volume Human Nature and Social Life (Cambridge University Press, 2017) and the special issue The Ambiguities of Rituals (Ethnos, 2019).
Currently, Remme’s research focuses human-marine relations with an ethnographic focus on the lobster fishery of Maine, US. Remme is project leader for the project SEATIMES: How Climate Change Transforms Human Marine Temporalities in which he studies the implications of climate change for relations between humans and marine life in the Gulf of Maine. Remme is interested in question related to the intertwined rhythms of life, how temporal experiences and orientations emerge in human-marine relations and how efforts at shaping futures are enacted through conserving and transforming particular relational constellations of human and marine life.
Masters thesis
- Solis, Aleksandra; Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2024). Transnasjonale familier: Omsorg og intimitet på fysisk avstand mellom mor og barn blant filippinske familier. (external link)
- Tangvik, Julie; Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2023). Transnasjonale ekteskap i Thailand: Veien mot et trygt og stabilt liv. (external link)
- Blamey, Moira Magdalena Remme; Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2023). Maneuvering Contested Space and Community An Ethnographic Study of the Underground Electronic Music Scene in Itaewon. (external link)
- Pecorari, Chiara Elisabeth; Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2022). 2047/2021: Hong Kong and Securitizing Change. (external link)
- Ida, Bruland; Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2022). An Ethnography of Energy: Manifestations of Spirits in Norwegian Spiritualism. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2024). Tales from a stuffed lobster: Keeping life alive in Maine's spectral ecologies. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2024). Capturing lobsters: On the relational modalities of fishing in the Gulf of Maine, US. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2024). The Times of Lobsters: Exploring Human-Marine Temporalities in Maine's Lobster Fisheries. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2024). Reviving a Resource: Fishing for Life in Maine's Lobster Industry. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2024). The Gulf of Maine as an 'ecology of mobilities': Infrastructures, contestations, speculations and affects in Maine's plural marine mobilities. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2024). From pigs to lobsters: Multispecies temporalities across worlds. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2023). The microbiopolitics of keeping lobsters alive: Rethinking water in Maine's lobster industry. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2023). Humans, Animals, and Climate Change. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2023). Restoring the fish that feeds all: Alewife and ocean-river connectivity in the Bagaduce River watershed. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2023). Lobster holding tanks as liquid assemblages: The emerging waterscapes of keeping lobsters alive. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2023). From pigs in the Philippines to lobsters in Maine: An anthropologist’s exploration of the life of humans and marine life. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2022). Stinky entrapments, visions of care, and the affordances of hearing: Exploring the sensory politics of human-lobster relations. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2022). What if fishing is...? Speculative ecographies of Maine's more-than-human seascapes. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2022). Living with whales and lobsters: Commoning and the volumization of space in the Gulf of Maine. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2022). Seatimes: Exploring Temporalities in Human-Marine Contact Zones. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2021). Trapcams of care: Digital affectivity in human-lobster-trap relations. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2020). Digital teaching: Experiences from University of Oslo. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2019). Marine dislocations: An anthropology of livelihoods and an underwater refugee crisis. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2018). The values of a murder: Values and the topographies of socialities. (external link)
- Bjelland, Anne Karen; Haram, Liv; Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2017). NAT prisen 2016. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik (2015). Ontology - chronically unstable: Ontological dynamics and the 'difference within'. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2015). God's other within: The precarity of divine emergence in Ifugao Sunday services. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2014). The passion event: Time, virtuality and sacrifice in Ifugao rituals. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2014). Transformasjonens komparative annerledeshet. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2014). Containing lennāwa: Relational techniques for sustaining life in Ifugao, the Philippines. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2014). Ifugao native pigs: Becoming with the otherwise. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2014). The Passion Event: Time, Aesthetics and Perspectives in Ifugao Sacrificial Rituals. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2014). The ritual time-machine: Ontological dynamics in Ifugao sacrificial rituals. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2013). Vilje og motvilje i deltagende observasjon: Noen etiske refleksjoner. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2013). Demonic CD-players and bones refusing to become bones: Objects and ontological transformations in Ifugao, the Philippines. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2013). Manifesting God: Conversion as ontological transformation in Ifugao Pentecostalism. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2013). Colliding expectations to an indigenous religion: What anthropological theory does to Ifugao animism. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2013). At the other side of religion: Animism and its perspectival others in Ifugao. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2011). Enacting God in an Ifugao Pentecostal Sunday service: Aesthetics, virtuality and onto-praxis. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2011). Å høre sammen: Ifugao auditiv perspektivisme. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2011). Born to be wild: from depleted to excessive biodiversity in Norwegian lobster sea ranching. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2010). Ifugao animism: rethinking religious practices in northern Luzon, the Philippines. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2010). Reproducing subjects: Pigs and signs of life among the Ifugao, the Philippines. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2008). Changing religious landscapes: Pentecostalism in Ifugao. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2007). Separating encounters: tangent religions in an Ifugao burial ritual. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2007). Landscape, knowledge, and the introduction of Pentecostalism in Ifugao. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2007). Signifikante relasjoner: ritualer og personbegrep blant ifugao, Filippinene. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2007). Semantikk, pragmatikk og duplekse tegn. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2005). En kompleks begravelse. Et case om et møte mellom ulike tro- og kunnskapssystemer blant Ifugaoene, Nord-Luzon, Filippinene. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2004). Discourses on personhood among the Ifugao, Northern Luzon, the Philippines. (external link)
Book review
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2022). Review of Cutting Cosmos: Masculinity and Spectacular Events among the Bugkalot. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2020). Review of Revaluing coastal fisheries: how small boats navigate new markets and technology. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2016). Review of The Multispecies Salon (E. Kirksey, ed.), Duke University Press, 2014. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2016). Review of Tuked Rini, Cosmic Traveller: Life and Legend in the Heart of Borneo (M. Janowski). (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik (2015). Anmeldelse av 2001 and Counting: Kubrick, Nietzsche, and Anthropology (Bruce Kapferer). (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2014). Review of "Missionary Impositions: Conversion, Resistance, and Other Challenges to Objectivity in Religious Ethnography". (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2012). Review of Anarchic Solidarity: Autonomy, equality, and fellowship in Southeast Asia. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2012). Anarchic solidarity: Autonomy, equality, and fellowship in Southeast Asia. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2011). The art of not being governed: An anarchist history of upland Southeast Asia. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2011). Bokomtale: Katrine Fangen, Deltagende observasjon, 2. utgave. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2011). Review of Verbal Arts in Philippine Indigenous Communities: Poetics, Society, and History (Herminia Meñez Coben). (external link)
Academic article
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2021). The Instability of Values: Tradition, Autonomy and the Dynamics of Sociality in the Philippine Highlands. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2021). Trans-Temporal pigs: Humans, spirits and the temporal multiplicity of pigs in Ifugao, the Philippines. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2019). Harold C. Conklin: Atlas of Multispecies Relations in Ifugao. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler; Martin, Keir James Cecil (2019). The Ambiguities of Rituals: Introduction. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2019). The Problem with Presence: The Ambiguity of Mediating Forms in Ifugao Pentecostal Rituals. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2017). The dynamics of lennawa: Exchange, sharing and sensorial techniques for managing life substances in Ifugao. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2014). A dispositional account of causality: From herbal insecticides to theories of emergence and becoming. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2014). Sanselige transformasjoner: For en multisensorisk perspektivisme. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2013). Den ontologiske vendingen i antropologien. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2012). Separating Encounters Tangency in an Interreligious Encounter in Ifugao, the Philippines. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2012). Mellom potensialitet og aktualitet: Bā’is ontologiske transformasjon i Ifugao. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2011). Hvordan et insektmiddel virker: polygen og disposisjonell kausalitet. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2007). Ritualer, mord og mislykkede overføringer. Dynamikken i forholdet mellom tilbakeholding og artikulering av rituell kunnskap blant ifugao. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2006). Om tangens og meningsgenererende prosesser i et begravelsesrituale i Ifugao, Nord-Luzon, Filippinene. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2018). Ønsker ikke "kristent" kommunevåpen. (external link)
- Styve, Kyrre; Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2016). Forskar på hummerfiske. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2013). Intervju, Tyfon i opprørt landskap. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2013). Intervju, Norgesglasset. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2012). Hva skjer når åndetilbedere blir pinsevenner? Religiøse ritualer hos gamle hodejegere på Filippinene. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2018). Pigs and spirits in Ifugao: A cosmological decentering of domestication. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler; Sillander, Kenneth (2017). Introduction: Extended sociality and the social life of humans. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2017). Human at risk: Becoming human and the dynamics of extended sociality. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2017). Ethnographies Returned: The Mobilisation of Ethnographies and the Politicisation of Indigeneity in Ifugao, the Philippines. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik (2016). Actualizing spirits: Ifugao animism as onto-praxis. (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2016). Chronically unstable ontology: Ontological dynamics, radical alterity, and the "otherwise within". (external link)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2005). Rituals, murder, and failed transmissions. The dynamics of retention and articulation of Ifugao ritual knowledge. (external link)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Academic literature review
Academic monograph
Programme participation
Doctoral dissertation
Popular scientific lecture
Popular scientific article
Thesis at a second degree level
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
Major publications include:
Pigs and Persons in the Philippines: Human-Animal Entanglements in Ifugao Rituals
Human Nature and Social Life: Explorations in Extended Sociality