Research groups
Academic article
- Vincent, Flora; Gralka, Matti; Schleyer, Guy et al. (2023). Viral infection switches the balance between bacterial and eukaryotic recyclers of organic matter during coccolithophore blooms. (external link)
- Mausz, Michaela A.; Segovia, María; Larsen, Aud et al. (2020). High CO2 concentration and iron availability determine the metabolic inventory in an Emiliania huxleyi-dominated phytoplankton community. (external link)
- Thingstad, T. Frede; Våge, Selina; Bratbak, Gunnar et al. (2020). Reproducing the virus-to-copepod link in Arctic mesocosms using host fitness optimization.. (external link)
- Tsagaraki, Tatiana Margo; Pree, Bernadette; Leiknes, Øystein et al. (2018). Bacterial community composition responds to changes in copepod abundance and alters ecosystem function in an Arctic mesocosm study. (external link)
- Paulino, Ana; Larsen, Aud; Bratbak, Gunnar et al. (2018). Seasonal and annual variability in the phytoplankton community of the Raunefjord, west coast of Norway from 2001-2006. (external link)
- Lorenzo, M. Rosario; Iñiguez, Concepción; Egge, Jorun Karin et al. (2018). Increased CO2 and iron availability effects on carbon assimilation and calcification on the formation of Emiliania huxleyi blooms in a coastal phytoplankton community. (external link)
- Pree, Bernadette; Larsen, Aud; Egge, Jorun Karin et al. (2017). Dampened copepod-mediated trophic cascades in a microzooplankton-dominated microbial food web: A mesocosm study. (external link)
- Erga, Svein Rune; Haugen, Stig Bjarte; Bratbak, Gunnar et al. (2017). Seasonal variations in C:N:Si:Ca:P:Mg:S:K:Fe relationships of seston from Norwegian coastal water: Impact of extreme offshore forcing during winter-spring 2010. (external link)
- Segovia, María; Lorenzo, M. Rosario; Maldonado, María T. et al. (2017). Iron availability modulates the effects of future CO2 levels within the marine planktonic food web. (external link)
- Thomsen, Helge Abildhauge; Egge, Jorun Karin (2016). Papposphaera heldalii sp. nov. (Haptophyta, Papposphaeraceae) from Svalbard. (external link)
- Thomsen, Helge Abildhauge; Egge, Jorun Karin; Heldal, Mikal (2016). Papposphaera obpyramidalis (Haptophyta, Papposphaeraceae):New findings from both Polar Regions.. (external link)
- Pitta, Paraskevi; Nejstgaard, Jens Christian; Tsagaraki, Tatiana et al. (2016). Confirming the "rapid phosphorus transfer from microorganisms to mesozooplankton in the eastern mediterranean sea" scenario through a mesocosm experiment. (external link)
- Larsen, Aud; Egge, Jorun Karin; Nejstgaard, Jens Christian et al. (2015). Contrasting response to nutrient manipulation in Arctic mesocosms are reproduced by a minimum microbial food web model. (external link)
- Paulino, Ana Isabel; Heldal, Mikal; Norland, Svein et al. (2013). Elemental stoichiometry of marine particulate matter measured by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) spectroscopy. (external link)
- Cuevas, Luis Antonio; Egge, Jorun Karin; Thingstad, Tron Frede et al. (2011). Organic carbon and mineral nutrient limitation of oxygen consumption, bacterial growth and efficiency in the Norwegian Sea. (external link)
- Pedrotti, Maria Luiza ; Peters, Francesc; Beauvais, Sophie et al. (2010). Effects of nutrients and turbulence on the production of transparent exopolymer particles: a mesocosm study. (external link)
- Iversen, Kriss Wenche Rokkan; Primicerio, Raul; Larsen, Aud et al. (2010). Effects of small-scale turbulence on lower trophic levels under different nutrient conditions. (external link)
- Tambi, Hanita; Flaten, Gro Anita Fonnes; Egge, Jorun Karin et al. (2009). Relationship between phosphate affinities and cell size and shape in various bacteria and phytoplankton. (external link)
- Egge, Jorun Karin; Thingstad, T. Frede; Larsen, Aud et al. (2009). Primary production during nutrient-induced blooms at elevated CO2 concentrations. (external link)
- Paulino, Ana Isabel; Egge, Jorun Karin; Larsen, Aud (2008). Effects of increased atmospheric CO2 on small and intermediate sized osmotrophs during a nutrient induced phytoplankton bloom. (external link)
- Thingstad, T. Frede; Bellerby, Richard; Bratbak, Gunnar et al. (2008). Counterintuitive carbon-to-nutrient coupling in an Arctic pelagic ecosystem. (external link)
- Schulz, Kai G.; Riebesell, Ulf; Bellerby, Richard et al. (2008). Build-up and decline of organic matter during PeECE III. (external link)
- Egge, Jorun Karin; Thingstad, T. Frede; Engel, A. et al. (2007). Primary production during nutrient-induced blooms at elevated CO2 concentrations. (external link)
- Schulz, K.G.; Riebesell, U.; Bellerby, Richard et al. (2007). Build-up and decline of organic matter during PeECE III. (external link)
- Beauvais, Sophie; Pedrotti, Maria Luiza ; Egge, Jorun Karin et al. (2006). Effects of turbulence on TEP dynamics under contrasting nutrient conditions: implications for aggregation and sedimentation processes. (external link)
- Thingstad, Tron Frede; Øvreås, Lise; Egge, Jorun Karin et al. (2005). Use of non-limiting substrates to increase size; a generic strategy to simultaneously optimize uptake and minimize predation in pelagic osmotrophs?. (external link)
- Castberg, Tonje; Larsen, Aud; Sandaa, Ruth-Anne et al. (2001). Microbial population dynamics and diversity during a bloom of the marine coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyta). (external link)
- Larsen, Aud; Castberg, Tonje; Sandaa, Ruth-Anne et al. (2001). Population dynamics and diversity of phytoplankton, bacteria and viruses in a seawater enclosure. (external link)
- Head, Robert N.; Crawford, David W.; Egge, Jorun Karin et al. (1998). The hydrography and biology of a bloom of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi in the northern North Sea. (external link)
- Wassmann, Paul Friedrich; Egge, J.K.; Reigstad, Marit et al. (1997). Influence of silicate addition on vertical flux of particulate biogenic matter. (external link)
- Levasseur, M.; Michaud, S.; Egge, Jorun Karin et al. (1996). Production of DMSP and DMS during a mesocosm study of an Emiliania huxleyi bloom: influence of bacteria and Calanus finmarchicus grazing. (external link)
- Aksnes, Dag Lorents; Ulvestad, Kåre B.; Balino, Beatriz et al. (1995). Ecological modelling in coastal waters: Towards predictive physical -chemical-biological simulation models. (external link)
- Jacobsen, Anita; Egge, Jorun Karin; Heimdal, B. R. (1995). Effects of increased concentration of nitrate and phosphate during a springbloom experiment in mesocosm. (external link)
- Heimdal, B. R.; Egge, Jorun Karin; Veldhuis, M. J. W. et al. (1994). The 1992 Norwegian Emiliania huxley experiment. An overview. (external link)
- Aksnes, Dag Lorents; Egge, Jorun Karin; Rosland, Rune et al. (1994). Representation of Emiliania huxleyi in phytoplankton simulation models. A first approach. (external link)
- Wal, P. van der; Bleijswijk, J. van; Egge, Jorun Karin (1994). Primary productivity and calification rate in blooms of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi Lohmann (Hay et Mohler) developing in mesocosms. (external link)
- Bleijswijk, J. van; Kempers, R.; Wal, P. van der et al. (1994). Standing stocks of PIC, POC, PON and Emiliania huxleyi coccospheres and liths in seawather enclosures with different phosphate loadings. (external link)
- Egge, Jorun Karin; Heimdal, B. R. (1994). Blooms of phytoplankton including Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyta). Effects of nutrient supply in different N:P ratios. (external link)
- Bratbak, Gunnar; Egge, Jorun Karin; Heldal, Mikal (1993). Viral mortality of the marine alga Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyceae) and termination of algal blooms. (external link)
- Bratbak, Gunnar; Egge, Jorun Karin; Heldal, Mikal (1993). Viral mortality of the marine algae Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyceae) and termination of algal blooms. (external link)
- Wesbroek, Peter; Brown, Christopher W.; van Bleijswijk, Judith et al. (1993). A model system approach to biological climate forcing. The example of Emiliania huxleyi. (external link)
- Egge, Jorun Karin; Aksnes, Dag Lorents (1992). Silicate as regulating nutrient in phytoplankton competition. (external link)
- Aksnes, Dag Lorents; Egge, Jorun Karin (1991). A theoretical model for nutrient uptake in phytoplankton. (external link)
Academic literature review
Academic lecture
- Tsagaraki, Tatiana; Egge, Jorun Karin; Bratbak, Gunnar et al. (2017). Microbial Food web structure in a changing Arctic.. (external link)
- Hylland, Ketil; Vestheim, Hege Finsås; Stomperudhaugen, Eirin Sva et al. (2015). INTERACT - interaksjoner mellom miljøfaktorer: pelagiske og bentiske habitat. (external link)
- Edvardsen, Bente; Egge, Elianne Sirnæs; Torill Vik, Johannessen et al. (2013). Diversity and dynamics of marine haptophytes and their viruses. (external link)
- Hosia, Aino Laila Johanna; Augustin, Christina; Egge, Jorun Karin et al. (2012). Senescent Cyanea capillata jellyfish may contribute to increased autumnal production: A mesocosm study. (external link)
- Larsen, Aud; Egge, Jorun Karin; Nejstgaard, Jens C. et al. (2012). When Si and glucose give neither diatoms nor bacteria. A zooplankton effect in an Arctic ecosystem?. (external link)
- Hylland, Ketil ; Andersen, Tom; Egge, Jorun Karin et al. (2011). Interactions between eutrophication, oil and contaminants in marine ecosystems. (external link)
- Frigstad, Helene; Silyakova, Anna; Bellerby, Richard et al. (2010). Ecosystem driver pertubations summer 2009. (external link)
- Vestheim, Hege Finsås; Hylland, Ketil ; Andersen, Tom et al. (2010). Interactions between eutrophication, oil and contaminants in marine ecosystems. (external link)
- Thingstad, T.F.; Bellerby, Richard; Bratbak, Gunnar et al. (2008). Increased level of CO2 in the ecosphere may modify the structure of marine plankton. (external link)
- Bratbak, Gunnar; Brussaard, Corina P. D.; Castberg, Tonje et al. (2000). Diversity and succession of algae, virus and bacteria in nutrient enriched seawater enclosures. (external link)
- Aksnes, Dag Lorents; Ulvestad, K. B.; Berntsen, Jarle et al. (1993). Ecological modelling of coastal waters. (external link)
- Egge, Jorun Karin; Jacobsen, Anita (1993). Norwegian Ehux Mesocosm experiment 1993. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
- Paulino, Ana Isabel; Egge, Jorun Karin (2017). Phytoplankton in a dynamic marine environment: insights from composition and dynamics studies in the Raunefjord (Western Norway). (external link)
- Egge, Jorun Karin (1994). Nutrient control of phytoplankton growth. Effects of macronutrient composition (N. P. Si) on species succession. (external link)
- Hosia, Aino; Augustin, Christina; Dinasquet, Julie et al. (2014). Jellyfish boost pelagic productivity. (external link)
- Vestheim, Hege Finsås; Egge, Jorun Karin; Thingstad, Frede et al. (2010). Pelagic Community Response to Multiple Anthropogenic Stressors (BO45B-13). (external link)
- Egge, Jorun Karin; Peters, Francesc; Thingstad, Tron Frede et al. (2005). TURBULENCE STIMULATED UPTAKE OF PHOSPHATE IN LARGE PHYTOPLANKTON. (external link)
- Riebesell, Ulf; Allgaier, Martin; Avgoustidi, V et al. (2004). Pelagic Ecosystems in a High CO2 Ocean: the Mesocosm Approach. (external link)
- Egge, Jorun Karin; Nejstgaard, Jens Christian; Svensen, Camilla (2000). Where do all the nutrients go ?. (external link)
- Egge, Jorun Karin; Larsen, Aud (1999). Effects of increasing mesozooplankton concentrations on the phytoplan kton community in mesocosms. (external link)
- Bratbak, Gunnar; Egge, Jorun Karin; Heldal, Mikal (1995). Viral control of algal blooms?. (external link)
Thesis at a second degree level
- Egge, Jorun Karin; Fiksen, Øyvind; Aksnes, Dag Lorents et al. (1994). Summary of data from enclosure experiments on phytoplankton blooms at Espegrend in 1986-1993. (external link)
- Aksnes, Dag Lorents; Egge, Jorun Karin; Heimdal, Berit R. et al. (1993). Eksperimentelle og teoretiske studier av artssuksesjon i planteplanktonoppblomstringer. (external link)
- Aksnes, Dag Lorents; Egge, Jorun Karin; Rykkelid, Øystein et al. (1993). Kartlegging av Prymnesium parvum og giftige vannmasser ved hjelp av faste stasjoner i Hylsfjorden, Saudafjorden og Sandsfjorden. (external link)
- Aksnes, Dag Lorents; Rykkelid, Ø.; Egge, Jorun Karin (1992). Prymnesium parvum i Ryfylkefjordene. Delprosjekt 5: Kartlegging av P. Parvum og giftige vannmasser ved hjelp av faste stasjoner i Hylsfjorden, Saudafjorden og Sandsfjorden. (external link)
- Aksnes, Dag Lorents; Aure, J.; Egge, Jorun Karin et al. (1991). Undersøkelser at Prymnesium parvum i Ryfylkefjordene 1991. SMR Rapport 1/91. Delrapport 7. (external link)
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
Iversen, KR, Primicerio R, Larsen A, Egge JK, Peters F, Guadayol Ó, Jacobsen A, Havskum H, Marrasé C (2010) Effects of small-scale turbulence on lower trophic levels under different nutrient conditions. J. Plank. Res. 32: 197-208
Tambi H, Fonnes Flaten GA, Egge JK, Bødker G, Jacobsen A, Thingstad TF. (2009). Relationship between phosphate affinities and cell size in varius bacteria and phytoplankton. dio: 10.3356/ame01369, Aquat Microb Ecol 57: 311-320
Thingstad, TF, Bellerby RGJ, Bratbak G, Børsheim KY, Egge JK, Heldal M, Larsen A, Neill C, Nejstgaard J, Norland S, Sandaa R-A, Skjoldal EF, Tanaka T, Thyrhaug R, Töpper B (2008). Counterintuitive carbon-to-nutrient coupling in an Arctic pelagic ecosystem. doi:10.1038/nature07235, Nature, 455, 387-390
Egge, JK, Thingstad TF, Larsen A,Engel A, Bellerby RGJ, & Riebesell U. Primary production during nutrient –induced blooms at elevated CO2 concentrations. Biogeosciences Discuss., 4, 4385-4410, 2007
Paulino, AI, Egge JK, Larsen A. Effects of increased atmospheric CO2 on small and intermediate sized osmotrophs during a nutrient indused phytoplankton bloom. Submitted to Biogeoscience. Biogeosciences, 5, 739-748, 2008
Schulz, K, Riebesell, U, Bellerby, RGJ, Biswas, Meyerhöfer, HM, Müller, MN, Egge, JK, Nejstgaard, JC, Neill, C, Wohlers, J & Zöllner, E.. Build-up and decline of organic matter during PeECE. Biogeosciences, 5, 707-718, 2008
Beauvais S, Pedrotti ML, Egge J, Iversen K, Marrasé C (2006). Effects of turbulence on TEP dynamics under contrasting nutrient conditions: implications for aggregation and sedimentation processes MEPS 323: 47-57
Thingstad TF, Øvreås L, Egge JK, Løvdal T, Heldal M (2005) Use of non-limiting substrates to increase size; a generic strategy to simultaneously optimize uptake and minimize predation in pelagic osmotrophs? Ecology Letters 8 :675-682
Helland, S., Nejstgaard J.C, Fyhn, H..J., Egge, J.K. & Båmstedt, U. (2003) Effects of season, diet and starvation on the free amino acid and protein content of Calanus finmarchicus females. Mar. Biol. 143: 297–306
Svensen C, Nejstgaard JC, Egge JK, Wassmann P (2002) Pulsing versus constant supply of nutrients (N,P, and Si): effect on phytoplankton, mesozooplankton and vertical flux of biogenic matter. Sci. Mar. 66(3):189-203
Larsen A, Castberg T, Sandaa RA, Brussaard CPD, Egge J, Heldal M, Paulino A, Thyrhaug R, van Hannen EJ, Bratbak G (2001). Population dynamics and diversity of phytoplankton, bacteria and viruses in a seawater enclosure. Mar.Ecol. Prog. Ser. 221:47-57
Castberg, T, Larsen, A, Sandaa, RA, Brussard CPD, Egge, JK, Heldal, M, Thyrhaug, R, van Hannen, EJ & Bratbak G (2001). Microbial population dynamics and diversity during a bloom of the marine coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyta) Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 221:39-46
Svensen C, Egge, JK & Stiansen JE (2001). Can silicate and turbulence regulate the vertical flux of biogenic matter? A mesocosm study. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 217: 67-80
Head, R.N., D.W. Crawford, J. Egge, D. Lesley, S. Kristiansen, E. Marañón, D. Pond, D. Purdie & R. Harris (1998). The hydrography and biology of a bloom of the coccolithophorid Emiliana huxleyi in the Northern North Sea. Journal of Sea Research 39: 255-266
Williams, P leB, & J.K. Egge (1998). The management and Behaviour of the mesocosm. Submitted to Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sea Science. 46: 3-14
Egge, J.K. (1998). Are diatoms bad competitors at low phosphate concentrations? Journal of Marine Systems. 16:191-198
Wassmann, P., J.K. Egge, M. Reigstad & D.L. Aksnes (1997) Influence of silicate on vertical flux on particulate biogenic matter. Mar. Poll. Bull. 400 (33): 10-20
Egge, J.K. & A. Jacobsen (1997) Influence of silicate on particulate carbon production in phytoplankton. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.: 147: 219-230
Levasseur, M. S. Michaud, , J.K. Egge, G. Cantin, J.C. Nejstgaard R. Sanders, E. Fernández, P.T. Solberg, B. Heimdal & M. Gosslin (1996). Production of DMSP and DMS during a mesocosm study of an Emiliania huxleyi bloom: Influence of bacteria and Calanus finmarticus grazing. Mar. Biol. 126: 609 - 618
Kristiansen, K., J.K. Egge, T. Farbrot, T.M. Johnsen, E.R. Lømsland, S.M. Myklestad & T.F. Thingstad (1995). Growth and vertical migration of Gyrodinium aureolum during a bloom in Norwegian fjords. In: Skjoldal, H.R., C. Hopkins, K.E. Erikstad & H.P. Leinaas [Eds]: Ecology of Fjords and Coastal Waters. Proceedings of the Mare Nor Symposium on the Ecology of Fjords and Coastal Waters, Tromsø, Norway 5-9 December, 1994. Elsevier, p 275-289
Jacobsen, A. J.K. Egge & B.R. Heimdal (1995). Effects of increased concentration of nitrate and phosphate during a springbloom experiment in mesocosm. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol 187: 239-251
Aksnes, D.L., K.B. Ulvestad, B.M. Balino, J. Berntsen, J.K. Egge, & E. Svendsen (1995). Ecological modelling in coastal waters: Towards predictive Physical‑Chemical‑Biological simulation models. Ophelia 41: 5-36
Wal, P. van der, J.D.L. van Bleijswijk & J.K. Egge (1994). Primary productivity and calcification rate in blooms of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi (Hay and Mohler) developing in mesocosms. ‑ Sarsia 79: 401-408
Heimdal, B.R., J.K. Egge, M.J.V. Veldhuis & P. Westbroek (1994). Introduction to the 1992 Norwegian EHUX experiment. ‑ Sarsia 79: 285-290
Egge, J.K. & B.R. Heimdal (1994). Blooms of Emiliania huxleyi in mesocosm experiment; effects of nutrient supply in different N:P ratios. ‑ Sarsia 79: 333-348
Bleijswijk, J. van, R. Kempers, P. van der Wal, P. Westbroek, J. Egge & T. Lukk (1994). Standing stocks of PIC, POC, PON and Emiliania huxleyi coccospheres and liths in seawater enclosures with different phosphate loadings. ‑ Sarsia 79: 307-318
Aksnes, D.L., J.K. Egge, R. Rosland & B.R. Heimdal (1994). On the representation of Emiliania huxleyi in phytoplankton simulation models. ‑ Sarsia 79:291-300
Westbroek, P., C.W. Brown, J. van Bleijswijk, C. Brownlee, G.J. Brummer, M. Conte, J. Egge, E. Fernàndez, R. Jordan, M. Knappertsbush, J. Stefels, M. Veldhuis,
P. van der Wal & J. Young (1993). A model system approach to biological climate forcing. The example of Emiliania huxleyi. Global and Planetary Changes 8: 27-46.
Aksnes, D.L. & J.K. Egge (1991) A teoretical model nutrient uptake in phytoplankton. Mar Ecol. Prog. Ser. 70: 65-72
Bratbak, G., J.K. Egge & M. Heldal (1993). Viral mortality of the marine alga Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyceae) and termination of algal bloom. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 93: 39-49
Egge, J.K. & D.L. Aksnes (1992). Silicate as regulating nutrient in phytoplankton competition. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 83: 281-289
Kaartvedt, S., D.L. Aksnes & J.K. Egge (1987). Effects of light on the vertical distribution of Pecten maximus larvae. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 40: 195-197