Katrine Haakonsdatter Hjelde


Head of Department, Academic - artist - researcher


Research groups

Short info

I am an artist, lecturer, curator and researcher. Since 2023 I have been the Head of Department at The Art Academy, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, University of Bergen. Previously Course Leader for Graduate Diploma Fine Art and Senior Lecturer BA Fine Art Theory at Chelsea College of Art.

PhD  Constructing a Reflective Site: Practice between art and pedagogy in the art school PDF


External Examination & Peer Esteem 

2024 Assessor, Diploma Exam, BAS (Bergen School of Architecture)

2023 -2027   External Examiner, BA Painting,  Slade School of Fine Art, University College London

2023 - 2027 External Examiner,  Fine Art Mixed Media 

2023 Advisory Board for Journal of Contemporary Painting 

2020 Advisory Board for Journal Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education + Peer reviewer 

2019  Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy  

2017  Peer Reviewer for Journal of Visual Art Practice 

2015  Peer Reviewer for Journal Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education,  

2013  External Examiner, MA Critical & Pedagogical Studies, Malmö Art Academy, Lund 

University, Sweden 


2020  Hjelde, Katrine, ‘Showing-Knowing:  the exhibition, the student, and the art institution’,  Journal of Visual Arts Practice, 19(1). pp. 69-85. ISSN 1470-2029  


2016  Hjelde, Katrine, ‘Theory and practice between art and pedagogy in the art school’. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 15 (1). pp. 41-49. ISSN 1470-2029 


Bradfield, Marsha and Hjelde, Katrine, ‘Future resource: Ph.D. student collaboration’. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 15 (1). pp. 10-29. ISSN 1470-2029 


2015 Hjelde, Katrine, ‘Paradox and potential: Fine Art employability and enterprise perspectives’. Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education, 14 (2). pp. 175-188. ISSN 1474-273X  


Review of “An Appetite for Painting’ for Journal of Contemporary Painting, Volume 1 Issue 2 2015. ISSN: 20526695. 


2014   Hjelde, Katrine, ‘Praxis between the educational turn and the art school’, FL∆G Collective. Journal of Art Design and Communication in Higher Education (ADCHE), Volume 13 Issue 1, ISSN: 1474273X