Medical ultrasound
Cardiac mechanics
Acoustic phantoms
Teaching ultrasound methods and applications for students in:
Postgraduate courses
Academic article
- Hjertaas, Johannes Just; Einarsen, Eigir; Gerdts, Eva et al. (2023). Impact of aortic valve stenosis on myocardial deformation in different left ventricular levels: A three-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography study. (external link)
- Kovac, Nina; Grymyr, Lisa Marie Dale; Gerdts, Eva et al. (2022). Markers of Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Severe Obesity and One Year after Bariatric Surgery. (external link)
- Khan, Muhammad Umael; Omdal, Tom R.; Matre, Knut et al. (2021). Speckle tracking derived strain in neonates: planes, layers and drift. (external link)
- Omdal, Tom Roar; Khan, Muhammad Umael; Ebbing, Cathrine et al. (2021). The influence of region of interest width in fetal 2D-speckle tracking echocardiography late in pregnancy. (external link)
- Khan, Muhammad Umael; Omdal, Tom Roar; Greve, Gottfried et al. (2021). Effect of temporal and spatial smoothing on speckle–tracking-derived strain in neonates. (external link)
- Grymyr, Lisa Marie Dale; Nadirpour, Saied; Gerdts, Eva et al. (2021). One-year impact of bariatric surgery on left ventricular mechanics: results from the prospective FatWest study. (external link)
- Einarsen, Eigir; Hjertaas, Johannes Just; Gu, Haotian et al. (2021). Impact of arterio-ventricular interaction on first-phase ejection fraction in aortic stenosis. (external link)
- Pristaj, Nadia; Saeed, Sahrai; Midtbø, Helga Bergljot et al. (2020). Covariables of myocardial function in women and men with increased body mass index. (external link)
- Grymyr, Lisa Marie Dale; Nadirpour, Saied; Gerdts, Eva et al. (2020). Left ventricular myocardial oxygen demand and subclinical dysfunction in patients with severe obesity referred for bariatric surgery. (external link)
- Saeed, Sahrai; Gerdts, Eva; Waje-Andreassen, Ulrike et al. (2019). Left ventricular myocardial dysfunction in young and middle-aged ischemic stroke patients: the Norwegian stroke in the young study. (external link)
- Aass, Terje; Stangeland, Lodve; Moen, Christian Arvei et al. (2019). Left ventricular dysfunction after two hours of polarizing or depolarizing cardioplegic arrest in a porcine model. (external link)
- Halland, Hilde; Matre, Knut; Einarsen, Eigir et al. (2019). Effect of fitness on cardiac structure and function in overweight and obesity (the FATCOR study). (external link)
- Hjertaas, Johannes Just; Matre, Knut (2019). A left ventricular phantom for 3D echocardiographic twist measurements. (external link)
- Midtbø, Helga Bergljot; Semb, Anne Grete; Matre, Knut et al. (2018). Left Ventricular Systolic Myocardial Function in Ankylosing Spondylitis . (external link)
- Aass, Terje; Stangeland, Lodve; Chambers, David J. et al. (2017). Myocardial energy metabolism and ultrastructure with polarizing and depolarizing cardioplegia in a porcine model . (external link)
- Retz, Kathinka; Kotopoulis, Spiros; Kiserud, Torvid et al. (2017). Measured acoustic intensities for clinical diagnostic ultrasound transducers and correlation with thermal index. (external link)
- Dahle, Geir Olav; Stangeland, Lodve; Moen, Christian Arvei et al. (2016). The influence of acute unloading on left ventricular strain and strain rate by speckle tracking echocardiography in a porcine model. (external link)
- Aass, Terje; Stangeland, Lodve; Moen, Christian Arvei et al. (2016). Myocardial function after polarizing versus depolarizing cardiac arrest with blood cardioplegia in a porcine model of cardiopulmonary bypass. (external link)
- Midtbø, Helga Bergljot; Semb, Anne Grete; Matre, Knut et al. (2016). Disease activity is associated with reduced left ventricular systolic myocardial function in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. (external link)
- Dahle, Geir Olav; Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Moen, Christian Arvei et al. (2016). Carvedilol-enriched cold oxygenated blood cardioplegia improves left ventricular diastolic function after weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass. (external link)
- Retz, Asta Kathinka H; Kotopoulis, Spiros; Kiserud, Torvid et al. (2016). Measured acoustic intensities for clinical diagnostic ultrasound transducers and correlation with thermal index. (external link)
- Khan, Muhammad Umael; Hjertaas, Johannes Just; Greve, Gottfried et al. (2016). Optimal acquisition settings for speckle tracking echocardiography-derived strains in infants: An in vitro study. (external link)
- Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Dahle, Geir Olav; Moen, Christian Arvei et al. (2015). Intracoronary insulin administered at reperfusion in a porcine model of acute coronary syndrome. (external link)
- Cramariuc, Dana; Gerdts, Eva; Hjertaas, Johannes Just et al. (2015). Myocardial function in aortic stenosis - insights from radial multilayer Doppler strain. (external link)
- Dahle, Geir Olav; Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Moen, Christian Arvei et al. (2015). Esmolol added in repeated, cold, oxygenated blood cardioplegia improves myocardial function after cardiopulmonary bypass. (external link)
- Logallo, Nicola; Fromm, Annette; Waje-Andreassen, Ulrike et al. (2014). Effect of microbubble contrast on intracranial blood flow velocity assessed by transcranial Doppler. (external link)
- Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Dahle, Geir Olav; Moen, Christian Arvei et al. (2014). Reperfusion therapy with low-dose insulin or insulin-like growth factor 2; myocardial function and infarct size in a porcine model of ischaemia and reperfusion. (external link)
- Moen, Christian Arvei; Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Dahle, Geir Olav et al. (2013). Multi-layer radial systolic strain vs. one-layer strain for confirming reperfusion from a significant non-occlusive coronary stenosis. (external link)
- Moen, Christian Arvei; Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Dahle, Geir Olav et al. (2013). Is strain by Speckle Tracking Echocardiography dependent on user controlled spatial and temporal smoothing? An experimental porcine study. (external link)
- Sande, Ragnar; Matre, Knut; Eide, Geir Egil et al. (2013). The effect of ultrasound output level on obstetric biometric measurements. (external link)
- Sande, Ragnar; Matre, Knut; Eide, Geir Egil et al. (2013). The effects of reducing the thermal index for bone from 1.0 to 0.5 and 0.1 on common obstetric pulsed wave Doppler measurements in the second half of pregnancy. (external link)
- Hjertaas, Johannes Just; Fosså, Henrik; Dybdahl, Grete Lunestad et al. (2013). Accuracy of real-time single- and multi-beat 3-D speckle tracking echocardiography in vitro. (external link)
- Sande, Ragnar; Matre, Knut; Eide, Geir Egil et al. (2012). Ultrasound safety in early pregnancy: reduced energy setting does not compromise obstetric Doppler measurements. (external link)
- Ahmed, Aymen B; Matre, Knut; Hausken, Trygve et al. (2012). Rome III subgroups of functional dyspepsia exhibit different characteristics of antral contractions measured by strain rate imaging. (external link)
- Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Jonassen, Anne K.; Aarnes, Eva-Katrine et al. (2011). Antiapoptotic Intervention in Repeated Blood Cardioplegia: A Porcine Study of Myocardial Function. (external link)
- Moen, Christian Arvei; Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Grong, Ketil et al. (2011). Left ventricular strain, rotation, and torsion as markers of acute myocardial ischemia. (external link)
- Cramariuc, Dana; Gerdts, Eva; Davidsen, Einar Skulstad et al. (2010). Myocardial deformation in aortic valve stenosis – relation to left ventricular geometry. (external link)
- Davidsen, Einar Skulstad; Moen, Christian Arvei; Matre, Knut (2010). Radial deformation by tissue Doppler imaging in multiple myocardial layers. (external link)
- Hergum, Torbjørn; Skaug, Thomas Renhult; Matre, Knut et al. (2009). Quantification of Valvular Regurgitation Area and Geometry Using HPRF 3-D Doppler. (external link)
- Ahmed, Aymen B; Gilja, Odd Helge; Hausken, Trygve et al. (2009). Strain measurement during antral contractions by ultrasound strain rate imaging: influence of erythromycin. (external link)
- Fanneløp, Tord Olav; Dahle, Geir Olav; Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta et al. (2009). Multidose cold oxygenated blood is superior to a single dose of bretschneider HTK-cardioplegia in the pig. (external link)
- Havre, Roald Flesland; Elde, Erlend; Gilja, Odd Helge et al. (2008). Freehand real-time elastography: Impact of scanning parameters on image quality and In Vitro intra- and interobserver validations. (external link)
- Fanneløp, Tord Olav; Dahle, Geir Olav; Matre, Knut et al. (2008). Esmolol before 80 min of cardiac arrest with oxygenated cold blood cardioplegia alleviates systolic dysfunction. An experimental study in pigs. (external link)
- Nylund, Kim; Leh, Sabine; Immervoll, Heike et al. (2008). Crohn's disease: Comparison of in vitro ultrasonographic images and histology. (external link)
- Matre, Knut; Moen, Christian Arvei; Fanneløp, Tord Olav et al. (2007). Multilayer radial systolic strain can identify subendocardial ischemia: An experimental tissue Doppler imaging study of the porcine left ventricular wall. (external link)
- Stormark, Tor Andre; Strømmen, Kenneth; Iversen, Bjarne Magnus et al. (2007). Three-dimensional ultrasonography can detect the modulation of kidney volume in two-kidney, one-clip hypertensive rats. (external link)
- Ahmed, Aymen B; Gilja, Odd Helge; Gregersen, Hans et al. (2006). In vitro strain measurement in the porcine antrum using ultrasound Doppler strain rate imaging. (external link)
- Hoff, Dag Arne Lihaug; Gregersen, Hans; Ødegaard, Svein et al. (2006). A multimodal laser Doppler and endosonographic distension device for studying mechanosensation and mucosal blood flow in the oesophagus. (external link)
- Ahmed, Aymen B; Gilja, Odd Helge; Gregersen, Hans et al. (2006). In vitro strain measurement in the porcine antrum using Doppler strain rate imaging. (external link)
- Matre, Knut; Fanneløp, Tord Olav; Dahle, Geir Olav et al. (2005). Radial strain gradient across the normal myocardial wall in open-chest pigs measured with Doppler strain rate imaging. (external link)
- Schuster, Peter Moritz; Matre, Knut; Færestrand, Svein (2005). Assessment of regional timing of left ventricular sytolic longitudinal movement by Doppler tissue synchronization imaging in structurally normal hearts. (external link)
- Fanneløp, Tord Olav; Dahle, Geir Olav; Matre, Knut et al. (2004). An anaesthetic protocol in the young domestic pig allowing neuromuscular blockade for studies of cardiac function following cardioplegic arrest and cardiopulmonary bypass. (external link)
- Strømmen, Kenneth; Stormark, Tor A.; Iversen, Bjarne Magnus et al. (2004). Volume estimation of small phantoms and rat kidneys using three-dimensional ultrasonography and a position sensor. (external link)
- Matre, Knut; Kvitting, Peder; Zhou, Y.Q. et al. (2003). The effect of body weight on the degree of blood velocity profile skewness in the aortic annulus in domestic pigs. (external link)
- Matre, Knut; Ahmed, Aymen B; Gregersen, Hans et al. (2003). In vitro evaluation of ultrasound Doppler strain rate imaging: modification for measurement in a slowly moving tissue phantom. (external link)
- Gregersen, Hans; Gilja, Odd Helge; Hausken, Trygve et al. (2002). Mechanical properties in the human gastric antrum using B-mode ultrasonography and antral distension. (external link)
- Gilja, Odd Helge; Heimdal, Andreas; Hausken, Trygve et al. (2002). Strain during gastric contractions can be measured using Doppler ultrasonography. (external link)
- Matre, Knut; Ersland, Lars; Larsen, Terje H et al. (2002). In vitro agreement between magnetic resonance imaging and intraluminal Doppler ultrasound for high flow velocity measurements. (external link)
- Vikenes, Kjell; Westby, Jørgen; Matre, Knut et al. (2002). Percutaneous assessment of coronary blood flow and cardiac biomarkers. (external link)
- Heltne, Jon-Kenneth; Farstad, Marit; Lund, Tjøstolv et al. (2002). Determination of plasma volume in anaesthetized piglets using the carbon monoxide (CO) method. (external link)
- Vikenes, Kjell; Westby, Jørgen; Matre, Knut et al. (2002). Release of cardiac troponin I after temporally graded acute coronary ischaemia with electrocardiographic ST depression. (external link)
- Kvitting, Peder; Matre, Knut; Hessevik, Idar et al. (1999). Velocity distribution in the ascending aorta in pigs during chronotropic and inotropic stimulation. (external link)
- Matre, Knut; Stokke, Elisabeth M; Martens, Ditlef et al. (1999). In vitro volume estimation of kidneys using three-dimensional ultrrasonography and a position sensor. (external link)
- Nesje, LB; Skarstein, Arne; Matre, Knut et al. (1998). Dieulafoy's vascular malformation: Role of endoscopic ultrasonography in therapeutic decision-making. (external link)
- Nesje, LB; Skarstein, Arne; Matre, Knut et al. (1998). Dieulafoy's vascular malformation: Role of endoscopic ultrasonography in therapeutic decision-making. (external link)
- Nesje, Lars B; Skarstein, Arne; Matre, Knut et al. (1998). Dieulafoy's vascular malformation: role of endoscopic ultrasonography in therapeutic decision-making. (external link)
- Iversen, Bjarne Magnus; Kvam, Fred I.; Matre, Knut et al. (1998). Resetting of RBF autoregulation during acute pressure reduction in hypertensive rats. (external link)
- Gilja, Odd Helge; Hausken, Trygve; Olafsson, Snorri et al. (1998). In vitro evaluation of three-dimensional ultrasonography based on magnetic scanhead tracking. (external link)
- Iversen, Bjarne Magnus; Kvam, Fred-Ivan; Matre, Knut et al. (1998). Resetting of renal blood flow autoregulation during acute blood pressure reduction in hypertensive rats.. (external link)
- Zhou, YQ; Birkeland, S; Matre, Knut et al. (1997). Effects of velocity distribution. Diameter measurement and velocity tracing on the accuracy of cardiac output measurement by pulsed Doppler echocardiography in the aortic annulus. (external link)
- Zhou, Y. Q.; Faerestrand, S.; Birkeland, S. et al. (1997). Effects of velocity distribution, diameter measurement and velocity tracing on the accuracy of cardiac output measurement by pulsed Doppler echocardiography in the aortic annulus. (external link)
- Zhou, Yuqing; Birkeland, Sigurd; Matre, Knut et al. (1997). Effect of velocity distribution, diameter measurement and velocity tracing on the accuracy of cardiac output measurement by pulsed Doppler echocardiography in the aortic anulus of pigs. (external link)
- Zhou, Yu-Qing; Færestrand, Svein; Matre, Knut (1996). Velocity distribution in the aortic annulus in patients with primary dilated and ischemic cardiomyopathy measured using Doppler ultrasound. (external link)
- Kvitting, Peder M; Hessevik, Idar; Matre, Knut et al. (1996). Three-dimensional cross-sectional velocity distribution in the ascending aorta in cardiac patients. (external link)
- Kvitting, Peder M; Hessevik, Idar; Matre, Knut et al. (1996). Three-dimensional cross-sectional velocity distribution in the ascending aorta in cardiac patients. (external link)
- Thune, Nils; Gilja, Odd Helge; Hausken, Trygve et al. (1996). A practical method for estimating enclosed volumes using 3D ultrasound. (external link)
- Berstad, Arnold; Hausken, Trygve; Gilja, OH et al. (1995). Volume measurements of the antrum by 3D-ultrasonography and flow measurements through the pylorus by duplex technique. (external link)
- Gilja, OH; Smievoll, AI; Thune, N et al. (1995). In vivo comparison of 3D ultrasonography and Magnetic Response Imaging in volume estimation of human kidneys. (external link)
- Hessevik, Idar; Matre, Knut; Kvitting, Peder M. et al. (1995). Intraluminal recording of cross-sectional blood velocity distribution of human ascending aorta by ultrasound Doppler technique. (external link)
- Zhou, Yuqing; Færestrand, Svein; Matre, Knut (1995). Velocity distribution in the left ventricular outflow tract in patients with aortic stenosis: effect on the measurement of aortic valve area by using continuity equation. (external link)
- Zhou, Yuqing; Færestrand, Svein; Birkeland, Sigurd et al. (1995). The velocity distribution in the aortic anulus at different times during systole is mainly determined by the pattern of flow convergence in the left ventricular outflow tract: an experimental study using Doppler colour flow mapping. (external link)
- Matre, Knut; Birkeland, S.; Hessevik, Idar et al. (1994). Comparison of transit-time and Doppler ultrasound methods for measurement of flow in aortocoronary bypass grafts during cardiac surgery. (external link)
- Gilja, Odd Helge; Thune, Nils; Matre, Knut et al. (1994). In vitro evaluation of three-dimensional ultrasonography in volume estimation of abdominal organs. (Tilknyttet prosjektet: Pasienter med funksjonell dyspepsi studert v.h.a. 3-dimensjonal ultralyd.). (external link)
- Matre, Knut; Birkeland, S.; Hessevik, Idar et al. (1994). Comparison of transit-time and Doppler ultrasound methods for measurement of flow in aortocoronary bypass grafts during cardiac surgery. (external link)
- Hausken, Trygve; Thune, N.; Matre, Knut et al. (1994). Volume estimation of the gastric antrum and the gallbladder in patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia and erosive prepyloric changes, using three-dimensional ultrasonography. (external link)
- Berstad, Arnold; Hausken, Trygve; Gilja, Odd Helge et al. (1994). Volume measurement of gastric antrum by 3-D ultrasonography and flow measurements through the pylorus by duplex technique. (external link)
- Hessevik, Idar; Matre, Knut; Kvitting, Peder M. et al. (1994). Intraluminal recording of cross-sectional blood velocity distribution of human ascending aorta by ultrasound doppler technique. (external link)
- Birkeland, Sigurd; Westby, Jørgen; Matre, Knut et al. (1994). Myocardial contraction patterns in non-ischaemic and ischaemic regions during acute coronary insufficiency. (external link)
- Hausken, Trygve; Thune, N.; Matre, Knut et al. (1993). New device shows enlarged antrum in dyspeptic patients. (external link)
- Zhou, Yuqing; Færestrand, Svein; Matre, Knut et al. (1993). Velocity distribution in the left ventricular outflow tract and the aortic anulus measured with Doppler colour flow mapping in normal subjects. (external link)
- Ødegaard, Svein; Nesje, Lars B; Kimmey, M.B. et al. (1992). Trabsendoskopische Ultraschalldiagnostik bei Läsionen im Oberen Verdauungstrakt im Rahmen der Routineendoskopi. (external link)
- Hausken, Trygve; Berstad, Arnold; Matre, Knut et al. (1992). Antroduodenal motility and movements of luminal contents studied by Duplex-sonography. (external link)
- Iversen, Bjarne Magnus; Kvam, Fred Ivan; Matre, Knut et al. (1992). Effect of mesangiolysis on autoregulation of renal blood flow and glomerular filtration in rats. (external link)
- Hausken, Trygve; Ødegaard, Svein; Matre, Knut et al. (1992). Untersuchungen der gastroduodenalen Motilität mit Realtime Ultrasonographie. (external link)
- Hexeberg, Erik; Birkeland, Sigurd; Grong, Ketil et al. (1992). Coronary artery stenosis provokes nonuniformity of twodimensional deformation in the anterior wall of the feline left ventricle. (external link)
- Hexeberg, Erik; Birkeland, Sigurd; Grong, Ketil et al. (1992). Coronary artery stenosis provokes non-uniformity of two-dimensional deformation in the anterior wall of the feline left ventricle. (external link)
- Birkeland, Sigurd; Hexeberg, Erik; Matre, Knut et al. (1990). Gradual reduction of coronary perfusion pressure in cats: changes in transmural distribution of blood flow. (external link)
- Matre, Knut; Hexeberg, Erik; Grong, Ketil et al. (1987). Local myocardial function following coronary occlusion in cats. Effect on non-ischaemic regions. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
- Aass, Terje; Grong, Ketil; Matre, Knut et al. (2019). Polarizing versus depolarizing blood cardioplegia. An experimental study of myocardial function, metabolism and ultrastructure following cardiopulmonary bypass and cardioplegic arrest. (external link)
- Dahle, Geir Olav; Grong, Ketil; Matre, Knut et al. (2017). Cardiac performance after adrenergic blocker-enriched blood cardioplegia. An evaluation of left ventricular function by pressure volume loops and myocardial deformation. (external link)
- Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Grong, Ketil; Matre, Knut et al. (2015). Myocardial protection and anti-apoptotic intervention at reperfusion. Experimental studies in translational porcine models of myocardial ischemia and reperfusion. (external link)
- Moen, Christian Arvei; Matre, Knut; Grong, Ketil (2013). Myocardial deformation during ischemia and reperfusion. An experimental study of regional left ventricular function by Tissue Doppler Imaging and Speckle Tracking Echocardiography. (external link)
- Fanneløp, Tord Olav; Segadal, Leidulf; Grong, Ketil et al. (2011). A Porcine Model for Studies of Cardioplegia. Assessment of left ventricular myocardial function after cardioplegic arrest by pressure-volume loops, tissue Doppler imaging and microspheres. (external link)
- Cramariuc, Dana; Gerdts, Eva; Matre, Knut (2009). Left ventricular structure and systolic function in aortic valve stenosis : influence of global left ventricular load, gender and hypertension. (external link)
- Matre, Knut (1988). Invasive ultrasound for assessment of cardiac function : application of transit-time ultrasound for evaluation of myocardial contraction, and Doppler ultrasound for measure- ment of cardiac output. (external link)
Academic literature review
- Hjertaas, Johannes Just; Matre, Knut (2016). A twisting left ventricular ultrasound phantom for evaluation of 3D speckle tracking twist measurements. (external link)
- Khan, Umael; Hjertaas, Johannes Just; Greve, Gottfried et al. (2015). Optimizing speckle tracking echocardiography strain measurements in infants: an in-vitro phantom study . (external link)
- Davidsen, Einar Skulstad; Kuiper, Karel Kier-Jan; Matre, Knut et al. (2014). Determinants of left ventricular systolic function after transcatheter aortic valve implantation. (external link)
- Sande, Ragnar; Matre, Knut; Eide, Geir Egil et al. (2012). The effect of ultrasound power level on obstetric biometric measurements. (external link)
- Hjertaas, Johannes Just; Fosså, Henrik; Dybdahl, Grete Lunestad et al. (2011). Accuracy of real-time single and multi beat 3D speckle tracking echocardiography in vitro. (external link)
- Moen, Christian Arvei; Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Grong, Ketil et al. (2011). Multilayer radial strain measurements can detect early reperfusion from ischemia. An experimental porcine study. (external link)
- Davidsen, Einar Skulstad; Cramariuc, Dana; Bleie, Øyvind et al. (2011). Increased systolic strain rate early after transcatheter aortic valve implantation. (external link)
- Cramariuc, Dana; Hjertaas, Johannes Just; Segadal, Leidulf et al. (2011). Impact of aortic valve stenosis and hypertension on radial strain in multiple layers. (external link)
- Moen, Christian Arvei; Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Grong, Ketil et al. (2010). Multilayer radial strain measurements detect reduction in myocardial perfusion before longitudinal, circumferential, radial strain and rotation. An experimental porcine study. (external link)
- Cramariuc, Dana; Gerdts, Eva; Davidsen, Einar Skulstad et al. (2009). 2D Longitudinal Myocardial Strain: A More Sensitive Parameter of Left Ventricular Dysfunction in Aortic Valve Stenosis?. (external link)
- Cramariuc, Dana; Gerdts, Eva; Davidsen, Einar Skulstad et al. (2008). The differential impact of static and pulsatile blood pressure components on regional myocardial deformation in patients with asymptomatic aortic valve stenosis. A SEAS substudy. (external link)
- Davidsen, Einar Skulstad; Matre, Knut (2005). Systolic radial strain in 3 layers across the myocardial wall in normal humans. (external link)
- Matre, Knut; Fanneløp, Tord Olav; Moen, Christian Arvei et al. (2005). Radial strain in 4 layers across the left ventricular wall. An experimental TVI study in pigs demonstrating the influence of ischaemia. (external link)
- Hoff, Dag Arne Lihaug; Gregersen, Hans; Ødegaard, Svein et al. (2005). Development of a multimodal device incorporating laser Doppler flowmetry to study oesophageal pain mechanisms. . (external link)
- Hexeberg, Erik; Birkeland, Sigurd; Grong, Ketil et al. (1991). Left coronary artery stenosis provokes nonuniformity of myocardial contraction. (external link)
Letter to the editor
- Midtbø, Helga Bergljot; Semb, Anne Grete; Matre, Knut et al. (2016). Response to: 'Disease activity and left ventricular systolic function in rheumatoid arthritis' by Giollo et al. (external link)
- Dahle, Geir Olav; Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Moen, Christian Arvei et al. (2016). Reply: Esmolol Added in Cardioplegia. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Aass, Terje; Stangeland, Lodve; Chambers, David J. et al. (2016). Myocardial energy status and ultrastructure with polarizing and depolarizing cardioplegic arrest in a porcine model. (external link)
- Aass, Terje; Stangeland, Lodve; Moen, Christian Arvei et al. (2014). Polariserende versus depolariserende kardioplegi med repetert, kaldt oksygenert blod i en eksperimentell dyremodell. (external link)
- Mezl, Martin; Jirík, Radovan; Matre, Knut et al. (2013). Quantitative myocardial perfusion analysis with contrast-enhanced ultrasound bolus tracking - preliminary animal results. (external link)
- Matre, Knut (2012). Experimental and clinical measurements of multilayer strain using TDI. (external link)
- Moen, Christian Arvei; Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Dahle, Geir Olav et al. (2012). Multilayer radial strain analysis can detect successful reperfusion from a significant non-occlusive coronary stenosis. An experimental porcine study. (external link)
- Hjertaas, Johannes Just; Fanneløp, Tord Olav; Grong, Ketil et al. (2011). Tissue doppler imaging in open-chest pigs before and after pericardiotomy. (external link)
- Dahle, Geir Olav; Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Moen, Christian Arvei et al. (2011). Esmolol added to cold repeated oxygenated blood cardioplegia may increase cardiac function the first hours after declamping in a swine model. (external link)
- Moen, Christian Arvei; Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Dahle, Geir Olav et al. (2011). Multilayer strain can identify reperfusion from coronary stenosis. (external link)
- Moen, Christian Arvei; Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Grong, Ketil et al. (2011). Left ventricular strain and rotation as markers of acute myocardial ischemia. (external link)
- Moen, Christian Arvei; Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Grong, Ketil et al. (2010). Multilayer radial strain measurements detect reduction in myocardial perfusion before longitudinal, circumferential, radial strain and rotation. An experimental porcine study. (external link)
- Moen, Christian Arvei; Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Grong, Ketil et al. (2010). Low-grade coronary stenosis is first detected by multilayer strain measurements. An experimental porcine study. (external link)
- Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Jonassen, Anne K.; Aarnes, Eva-Katrine et al. (2010). Insulin-like growth factor-II in blood cardioplegia enhances myocardial contractility and stimulates anti-apoptotic mechanisms after reperfusion. (external link)
- Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Jonassen, Anne K.; Aarnes, Eva-Katrine et al. (2009). Insulinlignende vekstfaktor-II i blodkardioplegi øker kontraktilitet av myokard og stimulerer anti-apoptotiske mekanismer etter reperfusjon. (external link)
- Hergum, Torbjørn; Skaug, Thomas Renhult; Matre, Knut et al. (2008). Quantification of Valvular Regurgitation Area and Geometry using HPRF 3D Doppler. (external link)
- Nylund, Kim; Leh, Sabine; Immervoll, Heike et al. (2005). Muscularis mucosae, fibrosis and nodular lymphocyte aggregates in Crohn's disease - novel ultrasonographic findings in vitro. (external link)
- Vikenes, Kjell; Westby, Jørgen; Matre, Knut et al. (2001). Percutaneous assessment of coronary blood flow and cardiac markers. (external link)
- Gilja, Odd Helge; Heimdal, A; Hausken, Trygve et al. (2000). A novel method using color Doppler ultrasonography to study relative strain of the muscle layers during antral contractions. (external link)
- Gilja, Odd Helge; Heimdal, A; Hausken, Trygve et al. (2000). A novel method using color Doppler ultrasonography to study relative strain of the muscle layers during antral contractions. (external link)
- Molin, S-O; Falk, A.; Siwertsson, R. et al. (1996). Anpassning av TEE proben for stadieindelning av tumører i øvre gastrointestinalkanalen och preliminære resultat av 3D visualisering med multiplanprob. (external link)
- Gilja, OH; Hausken, Trygve; Olafsson, S et al. (1995). In vitro evaluation of three-dimensional ultrasonography based on magnetic scanhead tracking. Oral presentation. (external link)
- Gilja, Odd Helge; Smievoll, Alf-Inge; Thune, Nils et al. (1994). 3D ultrasonography compared with magnetic resonance imaging in volume estimation of human kidneys in vivo. (external link)
- Gilja, Odd H.; Thune, Nils; Matre, Knut et al. (1994). Evaluering av 3D ultrasonografi in vitro. (Tilknyttet prosjektet: Pasienter med funksjonell dyspepsi studert v.h.a. 3-dimensjonal ultralyd.). (external link)
- Gilja, Odd Helge; Smievoll, Alf-Inge; Thune, Nils et al. (1994). In Vivo Comparison of 3D Ultrasonography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Volume Estimation of Abdominal Organs. (external link)
- Aass, Terje; Stangeland, Lodve; Moen, Christian Arvei et al. (2015). Polarizing versus depolarizing cardiac arrest with repeated, cold, oxygenated blood cardioplegia in a translational porcine model. (external link)
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- Schuster, Peter; Færestrand, Svein; Matre, Knut (2004). Assessment of Regional Timing of Left Ventricular Longitudinal Movement by Tissue Synchronization Imaging. (external link)
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Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Øye, Ola Kristoffer; Wein, Wolfgang; Ulvang, Dag Magne et al. (2012). Real Time Image-Based Tracking of 4D Ultrasound Data. (external link)
- Matre, Knut; Gilja, Odd Helge (2011). Medical imaging. (external link)
- Gregersen, Hans; Matre, Knut (2005). The Use of Ultrasound in Biomechanics. (external link)
- Matre, Knut; Dahl, Peter Hans (2005). Basic Technologies in Ultrasound. (external link)
- Gilja, Odd Helge; Thune, N.; Matre, Knut et al. (1995). In vitro evaluation of three dimensional ultrasonography in volume estimation of organs. (external link)
Non-fiction book
Masters thesis
Popular scientific article
- Mørkve, Odd; Halstensen, Alfred; Matre, Knut (1996). Evaluering av undervisningen i indremedisin ved Universitetet i Bergen. Effekt av økning i studenttall, ny studieplan og innføring i nytt studiested. (external link)
- Mørkve, Odd; Halstensen, Alfred; Matre, Knut (1996). Evaluering av undervisningen i indremedisin ved Universitetet i Bergen. Effekt av økning i studenttall, ny studieplan og innføring i nytt studiested. (external link)
1. Effect of left ventricular hypertrophy on myocardial strain and torsion
2. Studies on myocardial dysfunction following ischemia and reperfusion
3. Develoment of acoustic phantoms
4. Accuracy of cardiac 3D deformation methods