Kristin S. Klock
Academic article
- Beyene, Madeleine Misje Roman; Bårdsen, Asgeir; Klock, Kristin S. et al. (2023). Orthodontic management of traumatic dental injuries in Norway and orthodontists' perceptions of referral routines: A quality assurance survey. (external link)
- Skeie, Marit Slåttelid; Sen, Abhijit; Dahllöf, Göran et al. (2023). Karies på emalje- og dentinnivå blant europeiske ungdommer – en systematisk oversikt og metaanalyse En sekundærpublisering. (external link)
- Jensen, Synnøve Stokke; Austin, Christine; Arora, Manish et al. (2023). Toxic and essential trace elements in human primary teeth: A baseline study within The MoBaTooth Biobank and The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). (external link)
- Skeie, Marit Slåttelid; Sen, Abhijit; Dahllöf, Göran et al. (2022). Dental caries at enamel and dentine level among European adolescents – a systematic review and meta-analysis. (external link)
- Virtanen, Jorma; Salehi, Maryam; Klock, Kristin Solveig (2021). Terveydenhuolto hammaslääketieteen opetuksessa Pohjoismaissa . (external link)
- Virtanen, Jorma; Salehi, Maryam; Klock, Kristin Solveig (2021). Undervisning i samfunnsodontologi i de nordiske landene . (external link)
- Virtanen, Jorma; Salehi, Maryam; Klock, Kristin Solveig (2021). Undervisningen i samfundsodontologi i de nordiske lande . (external link)
- Christensen, Lisa Bøge; Arnadottir, Inga B; Hakeberg, Magnus et al. (2021). Social ulighed i oral sundhet i de nordiske lande. (external link)
- Virtanen, Jorma; Salehi, Maryam; Klock, Kristin Solveig (2021). Ontologisk folkälsovetenskap – så är utbildningen utformad i Norden . (external link)
- Bratteberg, Magnus Holmøy; Thelen, Dorina Sula; Klock, Kristin et al. (2020). Traumatic dental injuries and pulp sequelae in an adolescent population. (external link)
- Krumsvik, Rune Johan; Jones, Lise Øen; Klock, Kristin (2020). Student Response System in Dental Students’ Education. Using a Student Response System and Peer Discussion to Raise the Awareness of the Importance of Good Professional Communication Skills in Practice Periods. (external link)
- Jensen, Synnøve S.; Klock, Kristin; Lygre, Gunvor Bentung (2019). MoBaTann - en biobank for fremtiden : status og validering av målinger på innsamlede melketenner . (external link)
- Bratteberg, Magnus Holmøy; Thelen, Dorina Sula; Klock, Kristin et al. (2019). Traumatic dental injuries and experiences along the life course - a study among 16-yr-old pupils in western Norway. (external link)
- Espelid, Ivar✝; Simonsen, Kristian Anton; Skaare, Anne B et al. (2018). Forskningsnettverk med leger og tannleger: et pilotprosjekt med datauttrekk fra elektronisk pasientjournal . (external link)
- Espelid, Ivar; Simonsen, Kristian Anton; Skaare, Anne B et al. (2018). Forskningsnettverk med leger og tannleger. (external link)
- Skaare, Anne B; Simonsen, Kristian Anton; Espelid, Ivar✝ et al. (2018). Medikamentelt utløst munntørrhet hos to pasientgrupper: Et pilotprosjekt blant leger og tannleger basert på data fra elektroniske pasientjournaler og spørreskjema. (external link)
- Eriksen, Elisabeth Schilbred; Moen, Ketil; Wisth, Per J et al. (2018). Patient satisfaction and oral health-related quality of life 10-15 years after orthodontic-surgical treatment of mandibular prognathism. (external link)
- Bratteberg, Magnus Holmøy; Thelen, Dorina Sula; Klock, Kristin et al. (2018). Traumatic dental injuries : prevalence and severity among 16-year-old pupils in western Norway. (external link)
- Skeie, Marit Slåttelid; Klock, Kristin (2018). Dental caries prevention strategies among children and adolescents with immigrant-or low socioeconomic backgrounds-do they work? A systematic review. (external link)
- Gülcan, Ferda; Ekbäck, Gunnar; Ordell, Sven et al. (2017). Exploring the association of dental care utilization with oral impacts on daily performances (OIDP) - a prospective study of ageing people in Norway and Sweden. (external link)
- Ressem, Sara Lovise Amli; Klock, Kristin; Haavik, Svein et al. (2016). Pasienten som kilde til legemiddelopplysninger. (external link)
- Raknes, Ronja; Lygre, Henning; Klock, Kristin et al. (2015). Registrering av legemiddelbruk i tannhelsejournal. (external link)
- Gülcan, Ferda; Nasir, Elwalid Fadul; Klock, Kristin et al. (2014). Sosiale forskjeller i tannhelse og bruk av tannhelsetjenester fra 65 - til 70 års alder - et livsløpsperspektiv. (external link)
- Tvinnereim, Helene Meyer; Lygre, Gunvor Bentung; Haug, Kjell et al. (2014). A biobank of primary teeth within the Norwegian mother and child cohort study (MoBa) per 2014: A resource for the future. (external link)
- Tvinnereim, Helene Meyer; Langseth, Maiken Rørvik; Klock, Kristin (2014). Melketenner som kilde til biomarkører i epidemiologisk forskning. (external link)
- Gülcan, Ferda; Nasir, Elwalid Fadul; Klock, Kristin S. et al. (2014). Sosiale forskjeller i tannhelse og bruk av tannhelsetjenester fra 65-70 års alder- et livsløpsperspektiv. (external link)
- Vilhjalmsson, Vilhjalmur Helgi; Klock, Kristin; Størksen, Kjell Steinar et al. (2013). Radiological evaluation of single implants in maxillary anterior sites with special emphasis on their relation to adjacent teet - a 3-year follow-up study. (external link)
- Ekbäck, Gunnar; Åstrøm, Anne Nordrehaug; Klock, Kristin et al. (2012). Oral health of 65-years olds in Sweden and Norway: A global question and ICF, the latest conceptual model from WHO. (external link)
- Holst, Dorthe ; Skau, Irene; Klock, Kristin et al. (2012). Synspunkter på arbeidsforhold i tannhelsetjenesten : tannlegestudenter i Oslo og Bergen 2001-2009. (external link)
- Tvinnereim, Helene Meyer; Klock, Kristin; Langseth, Maiken Rørvik (2012). Melketenner som biomarkører i epidemiologisk forskning :. (external link)
- Skeie, Marit Slåttelid; Klock, Kristin; Haugejorden, Ola (2012). Nåværende norske rutiner for innsamling av data innen kariesepidemiologi blant barn/unge - holder rutinene fortsatt mål? :. (external link)
- Tvinnereim, Helene Meyer; Lygre, Gunvor Bentung; Haug, Kjell et al. (2012). A biobank of primary teeth within the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa): a resource for the future. (external link)
- Skeie, Marit Slåttelid; Klock, Kristin; Haugejorden, Ola (2012). Nåværende norske rutiner for innsamling av data innen kariesepidemiologi blant barn/unge. (external link)
- Vilhjalmsson, Vilhjalmur Helgi; Klock, Kristin; Størksen, Kjell Steinar et al. (2011). Aesthetics of implant-supported single anterior maxillary crowns evaluated by objective indices and participants' perceptions. (external link)
- Åstrøm, Anne Nordrehaug; Ekbäck, Gunnar; Klock, Kristin et al. (2011). En femårsstudie av tannhelse og tannhelsevaner blant 65-åringer i Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane og Nordland : resultater fra 2007. (external link)
- Skeie, Marit Slåttelid; Espelid, Ivar; Klock, Kristin et al. (2011). Småtann-prosjektet har gitt ny kunnskap om småbarns tannhelse :. (external link)
- Seljestokken, Tone; Berge, Morten Eirik; Klock, Kristin (2011). Rotstiftforankring i faste protesar : spørjeundersøking om indikasjon og bruk blant privatpraktiserande allmenntannlegar og spesialistar i oral potetikk. (external link)
- Rishaug, Maren Johnsen; Simensen, Anja Nyland; Klock, Kristin et al. (2010). Implantatforankret protetisk behandling : faktorer av betydning for terapivalget. (external link)
- Skeie, Marit Slåttelid; Rafey, Sima; Klock, Kristin (2010). Kosthold hos førskolebarn med mødre av henholdsvis norsk bakgrunn og asiatisk innvandrerbakgrunn i Oslo 2002 :. (external link)
- Skeie, Marit Slåttelid; Klock, Kristin; Haugejorden, Ola et al. (2010). Tracking of parents' attitudes to their children's oral health-related behavior-Oslo, Norway, 2002-04. (external link)
- Ekbäck, Gunnar; Åstrøm, Anne Nordrehaug; Klock, Kristin et al. (2010). Satisfaction with teeth and life-course predictors: a prospective study of a Swedish 1942 birth cohort. (external link)
- Ekback, G; Åstrøm, Anne Nordrehaug; Klock, Kristin et al. (2009). Variation in subjective oral health indicators of 65-year-olds in Norway and Sweden. (external link)
- Ekback, Gunnar; Åstrøm, Anne Nordrehaug; Klock, Kristin et al. (2008). Self-perceived oral health among 19-year-olds in two Swedish counties. (external link)
- Skeie, Marit Slåttelid; Espelid, Ivar; Riordan, Paul J. et al. (2008). Caries increment in children aged 3-5 years in relation to parents' dental attitudes: Oslo, Norway 2002 to 2004. (external link)
- Haugejorden, Ola; Klock, Kristin; Åstrøm, Anne Nordrehaug et al. (2008). Socio-economic inequality in the self-reported number of natural teeth among Norwegian adults - an analytical study. (external link)
- Skaret, Erik; Åstrøm, Anne Nordrehaug; Haugejorden, Ola et al. (2007). Assessment of the reliability and validity of the Dental Neglect Scale in Norwegian adults. (external link)
- Skeie, Marit Slåttelid; Riordan, Paul J.; Klock, Kristin et al. (2006). Parental risk attitudes and caries-related behaviours among immigrant and western native children in Oslo. (external link)
- Åstrøm, Anne Nordrehaug; Haugejorden, Ola; Skaret, Erik et al. (2006). Oral Impacts on Daily Performance in Norwegian adults: the influence of age, number of missing teeth, and socio-demographic factors. (external link)
- Nilsen, Ellen M; Berge, Trond Inge; Espeland, Lisen et al. (2005). Profylaktisk fjerning av visdomstenner. (external link)
- Haugejorden, Ola; Klock, Kristin; Trovik, Tordis Agnete (2005). Developing a scale for measuring expectancy of retaining natural teeth for life and comparison of results obtained using a global item and a multi-item scale of measurement. (external link)
- Åstrøm, Anne Nordrehaug; Haugejorden, Ola; Skaret, Erik et al. (2005). Oral impacts on daily performance in Norwegian adults: validity, reliability and prevalence estimates. (external link)
- Haugejorden, Ola; Klock, Kristin; Trovik, Tordis Agnete (2003). Incidence and predictors of self-reported tooth loss in a representative sample of Norwegian adults. (external link)
- Trovik, Tordis Agnete; Klock, Kristin Solveig; Haugejorden, Ola (2002). Level and predictors of agreement between patients and their dentists concerning need for replacement of teeth at the time of extraction. (external link)
- Larsson, Cristel L; Klock, Kristin Solveig; Åstrøm, Anne-Kristine Nodrehaug et al. (2002). Lifestyle-related characteristics of young low-meat consumers and omnivores in Sweden and Norway. (external link)
- Trovik, Tordis Agnete; Klock, Kristin Solveig; Haugejorden, Ola (2002). Predictors of Norwegian dentists' decisions to recommend replacement of teeth at the time of extraction. (external link)
- Klock, Kristin Solveig; Haugejorden, Ola (2002). Measurement and predictors of young adults' perceived ability to cope with dental life events. (external link)
- Trovik, Tordis Agnete; Klock, Kristin Solveig; Haugejorden, Ola (2002). Predictors of Norwegian adult patients' perceived need for replacement of teeth at the time of extraction. (external link)
- Haugejorden, Ola; Klock, Kristin Solveig (2002). Expectation of retaining natural teeth for a lifetime and its predictors among Norwegian adults. (external link)
- Berge, Trond Inge; Klock, Kristin Solveig (2000). Tannimplantater - et skjevfordelt behandlingstilbud? (Fordeling av implantater i den norske befolkning). (external link)
- Berge, Trond Inge; Klock, Kristin Solveig (2000). NTF's Tidende. (external link)
- Trovik, Tordis Agnete; Klock, Kristin Solveig; Haugejorden, Ola (2000). Trends in reasons for tooth extractions in Norway from 1968 to 1998. (external link)
- Haugejorden, Ola; Klock, Kristin Solveig (2000). Avoidance of dental visits. The predictive validity of three dental anxiety scales. (external link)
- Bårdsen, Asgeir; Klock, Kristin; Bjorvatn, Kjell (1999). Dental fluorosis among persons exposed to high- and low-fluoride drinking water in western Norway. (external link)
- Bårdsen, Asgeir; Klock, Kristin Solveig; Bjorvatn, Kjell (1999). Dental fluorosis in selected high- and low-fluoride areas of Norway. (external link)
- Klock, Kristin; Haugejorden, Ola (1998). Predictors of 25-year-old Norwegians' ability to cope with dental life events. (external link)
- Haugejorden, Ola; Nord, Alf; Klock, Kristin (1997). Direct evidence concerning the "major role" of fluoride dentifrices in the caries decline. (external link)
- Klock, Kristin; Haugejorden, Ola (1993). An analysis of primary and contributing reasons for extraction of permanent teeth given by the dentist. (external link)
- Klock, Kristin; Gjerdet, N. R.; Haugejorden, Ola (1993). Periodontal attachment loss assessed by linear and area measurements in vitro. (external link)
- Haugejorden, Ola; Rise, J.; Klock, Kristin (1993). Norwegian adults' percieved need for coping skills to adjust to dental and non-dental life events. (external link)
- Klock, Kristin; Haugejorden, Ola (1993). In vitro determination of the forceps level of extraction of teeth for periodontal reasons. (external link)
- Haugejorden, Ola; Rise, Jostein; Klock, Kristin (1993). Norwegian adults' perceived need for coping skills to adjust to some dental and non-dental life events. (external link)
Popular scientific article
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Academic lecture
- Bratteberg, Magnus Holmøy; Thelen, Dorina Sula; Klock, Kristin et al. (2018). Multiple episodes of traumatic dental injuries and related life course events. (external link)
- Tvinnereim, Helene Meyer; Klock, Kristin; Lygre, Gunvor Bentung et al. (2010). Biobanking primary teeth collected from children within the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. (external link)
- Skeie, Marit Slåttelid; Klock, Kristin; Espelid, Ivar (2009). Parental dental attitudes related to educational background. (external link)
- Skeie, Marit Slåttelid; Klock, Kristin; Espelid, Ivar (2008). Caries predictors related to diet. (external link)
- Skeie, Marit Slåttelid; Espelid, Ivar; Klock, Kristin (2007). Trends in Parents Dental Attitudes to their Children's Oral health. (external link)
- Klock, Kristin (2006). Social-economic inequality in self-reported dental status and OHRQol among Norwegian adults. (external link)
- Åstrøm, Anne Nordrehaug; Haugejorden, Ola; Skaret, Erik et al. (2005). Socio-demographic correlates of adults' oral quality of life. (external link)
- Åstrøm, Anne Nordrehaug; Haugejorden, Ola; Trovik, Tordis Agnete et al. (2005). Socio-demographic correlates of adults' oral quality of life. (external link)
- Berge, Trond Inge; Espeland, Lisen V; Klock, Kristin Solveig et al. (2003). SMM rapport nr 10/2003: Profylaktisk fjerning av visdomstenner. (external link)
- Klock, Kristin (1999). Hvorfor griper vi til hebel og tang?Aktualiteter omkring tannekstraksjoner. (external link)
- Haugejorden, Ola; Klock, Kristin (1999). The predictive validity of three dental anxiety scales. (external link)
- Haugejorden, Ola; Klock, Kristin; Trovik, Tordis Agnete (1999). Trends in reasons for tooth extractions in Norway from 1968-1998. (external link)
- Gülcan, Ferda; Ekback, Gunnar; Ordell, Sven et al. (2015). Dental care utilization and OHRQoL at age 70 in Norway and Sweden. (external link)
- Gülcan, Ferda; Ekbäck, Gunnar; Ordell, Sven et al. (2014). Inequality in oral health related to early and later socioeconomic position. (external link)
- Baerheim, Anders; Bondevik, Gunnar Tschudi; Haugland, Mildrid et al. (2012). Practical learning sits in my body. (external link)
- Holst, Lone; Baerheim, Anders; Haugland, Mildrid et al. (2012). Interdisciplinary training in patient counselling. (external link)
- Eckback, Gunnar; Åstrøm, Anne Nordrehaug; Klock, Kristin et al. (2009). Stability of toothsatisfaction in a Swedish cohort between age 50 and 65. (external link)
- Tvinnereim, Helene Meyer; Eide, Rune; Klock, Kristin et al. (2008). A National Biobank of Human Primary Teeth in Norway. (external link)
- Vilhjalmsson, Vilhjalmur Helgi; Klock, Kristin; Størksen, Kjell et al. (2008). Aesthetics of implant-supported single crowns in the anterior maxilla. (external link)
- Skaret, Erik; Åstrøm, Anne Nordrehaug; Haugejorden, Ola et al. (2005). Reliability and validity of the Dental Neglect Scale in Norway. (external link)
- Haugejorden, Ola; Klock, Kristin; Åstrøm, Anne Nordrehaug et al. (2005). Dental status change and socio-demographic differences among Norwegian adults. (external link)
- Haugejorden, Ola; Klock, Kristin Solveig; Trovik, Tordis Agnete (2003). Conditional vs. unconditional estimates of adults' expectancy of retaining natural teeth for life. (external link)
- Trovik, Tordis Agnete; Klock, Kristin Solveig (2003). Validation of dentist's periodontal reason for extraction by in vitro and radiographic measurements of periodontal attachment loss. (external link)
- Haugejorden, Ola; Klock, Kristin; Trovik, Tordis Agnete (2002). Incidence and predictors of self reported tooth loss in a representative sample of Norwegian adults. (external link)
- Trovik, Tordis Agnete; Klock, Kristin Solveig; Haugejorden, Ola (2001). Norwegian adults' perceived need for replacement of extracted teeth at the time of extraction. (external link)
- Trovik, Tordis Agnete; Klock, Kristin Solveig; Haugejorden, Ola (2001). Predictors of dentists' recommendations to replace extracted teeth. (external link)
- Trovik, Tordis Agnete; Klock, Kristin Solveig; Haugejorden, Ola (2000). Trends in reasons for tooth extractions in Norway from 1968-1998. (external link)
- Haugejorden, Ola; Klock, Kristin Solveig (2000). The predictive validity of three dental anxiety scales. (external link)
- Åstrøm, Anne Nordrehaug; Klock, Kristin (1997). Stability of dental health behavior through late adolescence. (external link)
- Åstrøm, Anne Nordrehaug; Klock, Kristin (1997). Stability of dental health behavior through late adolescence. (external link)
- Bårdsen, Asgeir; Klock, Kristin; Bjorvatn, Kjell (1996). Dental fluorosis in selected areas in Norway. Risk factors. (external link)
Masters thesis
- Almli Ressem, Sara Lovise; Lygre, Henning; Klock, Kristin et al. (2014). Pasienten som tannlegens kilde til legemiddelopplysninger - en kartleggingsstudie ved private tannhelseklinikker i Bergen. (external link)
- Bendtsen Raknes, Ronja; Lygre, Henning; Klock, Kristin et al. (2014). Registrering av legemiddelbruk i pasientjournal for tannhelseopplysninger. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
- Gjermo, Per E; Klock, Kristin; Berg, Einar (2005). En intervju-undersøkelse blant norske periodontister vedrørende 700-takstene for refusjon av utgifter i forbindelse med periodontitt-behandling. (external link)
- Klock, Kristin; Berg, Einar; Gjermo, Per E. (2005). Kartlegging av pasientgrupper som får stønad eller bidrag til rehabilitering av tannsett under takst 1107. (external link)
- Klock, Kristin; Berg, Einar; Gjermo, Per E. (2005). Kartlegging av omfanget av utbetalinger etter takst 618, 619 og 409. (external link)
- Bolstad, Anne Isine; Bårdsen, Asgeir; Fristad, Inge et al. (1996). Evaluering av studiet og undervisningen ved Det odontologiske fakultet. (external link)