Professor of sociology and head of department (2021-2025).
Kristoffer Chelsom Vogt does research on the life course, education, work, inequality, practical knowledge, youth transitions, family and gender. He has published on topics ranging from vocational education, early school leaving, age norms, transitions from school to work, the 'gap year', post-industrial theory, historical changes within class analysis, gender segregated labour markets, intergenerational relations, recent changes in children and young people's everyday lives, depictions of boys as losers, boy`s time use on gaming/homework and youth debt in a life-course context.
Partner in the ongoing research projects Missing men (Institute for social research) and Life chances (NOVA, Oslomet), both financed by The Norwegian Research Council.
Chair of the National council of sociology (Nasjonalt Fagråd for sosiologi, UHR)
See overview of communications and publications here.
See overview in the Christin database.
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2025) Post-industrial. Elgar Encyclopedia of Critical Management Studies. Edited by Leo McCann, Ödül Bozkurt, Rachael Finn, Edward Granter, Carolyn Hunter, Nina Kivinen, Arun Kumar, and Brian Wierman. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Birkeland, Marthe Bosvik, Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2024) Youth debt in a Life-Course Context: Young People`s Ways into and out of Debt in Norway. Nordic Journal of Welfare Research. 9(3):238–251.
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2022). Yrkesfagene, i Det norske samfunn: Bind 2. Oslo, Gyldendal Akademisk.
Moberg, Karolin Elisabeth og Kristoffer Chelsom Vogt (2022). Gutters tidsbruk på dataspill og skolearbeid, i Nordisk tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning.
Lorentzen, Thomas and Kristoffer Chelsom Vogt (2021) Gendered transition structures: life course patterns after completion of gender-segregated vocational education in Norway. Journal of Education and Work.
Sletten, Mira, Monika Grønli Rosten og Kristoffer Chelsom Vogt (2021) Svartmaling av gutter og sykeliggjøring av jenter, i Guro Ødegård og Willy Pedersen (red.), Ungdommen. Cappelen Damm Akademisk, Nordic Open Access.
Nilsen, Ann, Kristoffer Chelsom Vogt (2021) The Taken-for-Granted in Intergenerational Processes during Youth Transitions, in Valentina Cuzzocrea, Ben Gook, and Bjørn Schiermer (Eds.), Forms of Collective Engagement in Youth Transitions. Brill Publishing.
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom, Thomas Lorentzen og Hans-Tore Hansen (2020) Are low-skilled youth increasingly useless, and are boys the losers among them? Journal of Education and Work.
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2020) Prosessuell interseksjonalitet: gutter, posisjoner og prosesser. Tidsskrift for Kjønnsforskning, 44(2).
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2020) Kortsiktighetens pris. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, 61(1).
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2019) Barn og unges hverdagssteder i endring. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education.
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2019) The extended family in transitions to adulthood: a dynamic approach. Journal of Youth Studies.
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2018) Myten om velferdsavhengighet (The myth of welfare dependency). I: Myter om velferd og velferdsstaten. Christensen, Karen og Syltevik, Liv (red.). Noric Open Access, Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2018) Svartmaling av gutter. Norsk Sosiologisk Tidsskrift, 2(2): 177-193.
Brannen Julia; Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom; Nilsen, Ann; Knight, Abigail (2018). Transitions from school to work in Norway and Britain among three family generations of working class men. In: Irwin, S and Nilsen, A (eds.) Transitions to Adulthood Through Recession: Youth and Inequality in a European Comparative Perspective. Oxford: Routledge.
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2018) The timing of a time out: the gap year in life course context. Journal of Education and Work, 31(1):47-58.
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2017) From job-seekers to self-searchers: changing contexts and understandings of school to work transitions. YOUNG: Nordic Journal of Youth Research. Online first.
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2017) Age norms and early school leaving. European Societies. Online first.
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2017) Men in Manual Occupations: Changing Lives in Times of Change. Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing: Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2017) Vår utålmodighet med ungdom, Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. Nr. 1, Vol 58.
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2017) The concept of the work situation in class analysis. Current Sociology, Online first 2017
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2017) Anmeldelse av boken «Kvinnejobber, mannsjobber og innvandrerjobber» av Julia Orupabo, utgitt på Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, nr 1, 2017.
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2016) Kjønnssegregering i mannsdominerte manuelle yrker. I: Halrynjo og Teigen (red). Ulik likestilling i arbeidslivet. Gyldendal Akademisk 2016.
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2016) Yrkesfagene. I: Det norske samfunn, bind 2. Gyldendal Akademisk 2016. s. 286-30
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2016) Anmeldelse av boken «De frafalne: om frafall i videregående opplæring» av Kaja Reegård og Jon Rogstad, utgitt på Gyldendal Akademisk.. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 2016 (4).
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2016) The post-industrial society: from utopia to ideology, i Work, Employment and Society. Volum 30.(2) s. 366-376.
Nilsen, Ann; Brannen, Julia; Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2015). Young people's transitions to adulthood: an intergenerational lens. I: Lange et al (red), Handbuch Kindheits- und Jugendsoziologie. Berlin: Springer publishing.
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2013) Approaches to work and education over the life course: a two-cohort study of men skilled in male-dominated manual occupations in Norway. Ph.d. avhandling. Sosiologisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen.
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2008) Er frafall i videregående opplæring et kjønnsproblem? Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning, nr. 4, 2008.
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2007) Ekte mannfolk i panel? Kronikk, Dagbladet 22.08.07.
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2007) Forskeres språkbruk: dominerende perspektiver på utdanning og arbeid. Replikk - tidsskrift for human- og samfunnsvitenskap. Nr 24.
Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2007) Gutter i mannsdominerte yrkesfag: valg av utdanning og arbeid. Masteroppgave i Sosiologi. Universitetet i Bergen.