Academic article
Manger, Leif Ole
(2023). Sudanese brokers in Yiwu. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2023). From Barth’s actor oriented perspective and Geertz’ cultural history to Pfeilstetter’s concept of “entrepreneurialization” A discussion of useful perspectives in the understanding of political entrepreneurial processes in Sudan. (external link)
Anfinset, Nils; Manger, Leif Ole; Shunnaq, Mohammed Suleiman
et al. (2022). Can a Local Descent Group Become an Interna4onal Network? Research on the Rashāyidah in Five Countries. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2008). Land, territoriality and ethnic identities in the Nuba Mountains. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2007). Hadramis in Hyberabad - From Winners to Loosers. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2004). Reflections on War and State and the Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2002). Pastoralist - State Relationships among the Hadendowa Beja of Eastern Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2002). Hadramis in Signapore - Making Muslim Space in a Global City. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2001). Religion, Identities and Politics: Defining Muslim Discourse in the Nuba Mountains in Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1998). Local Resource Management in the Context of Civil War and Genocide: identity, cultural tradition and territory among the nuba of the Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1998). Pastoralist-State Relationships Among the Hadendowa Beja of Eastern Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1993). "Public Schemes and Local Participation: some remarks on the presentsituation in the Southern Nuba Mountains Area of the Sudan." Seminarinnlegg på konferanse om "Agricultural Development and Planning", Universitetet i Khartoum, 1979. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1992). On the Study of Islam in Local Contexts. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1991). Public Schemes and Local Participation: some remarks on the present situation in the Southern Nuba Mountains Area of the Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1989). Survival in the Short or Long Run? Perspectives on the Ecological Crisis in the Red Sea Region. (external link)
Masters thesis
Zemuy, Yonas; Manger, Leif Ole
(2019). Life in transition: the case of young Eritreans in Norway. (external link)
Holthe, Idunn Lüllau; Manger, Leif Ole
(2017). Imagining coherence. Local discourses about identities, tradition and religion in Pangani, Tanzania. (external link)
Yousif, Mai Azzam Ibrahim; Manger, Leif Ole
Youth Charity Activism in Khartoum
. (external link)
Yanitake, Yidayati; Manger, Leif Ole
(2016). STATE-SOCIETY INTERACTION IN XINJIANG, CHINA. Relationships between Uyghur and Hui Muslims and the Chinese Government. (external link)
Haug, Camilla; Manger, Leif Ole
(2014). "Om du bare jobber hardt vil du utvikle deg"
Opprettholdelsen av lokale identiteter i krysningspunktet mellom statlig minoritetspolitikk og økonomisk utviklingsprosjekter i Kinas periferi. (external link)
Blåsternes, Eirik; Manger, Leif Ole
(2014). "Keeping it Real" In Beijing; Exploring Identity, Authenticity and Music as a 'Technology of the Self' among Urban Middel-class Youth. (external link)
Sandvik, Erik; Manger, Leif Ole
(2014). Jordanske kristne beretter. (external link)
Yang, Cheng; Manger, Leif Ole
(2014). "Becoming urban": A study of post-relocation life and livelihood changes among former peasants in Chenggong, China. (external link)
Trollvik, Karoline Sofie Tveitnes; Manger, Leif Ole
(2014). Seeking a sense of belonging: Young people combining modern life with an indigenous ethos on Taiwan. (external link)
Collins, Henry Ahorttor; Manger, Leif Ole
(2013). "Stuck in Thorns". The Effects of Power on Liberian Refugees in Guinea. (external link)
Bøe, Dag Inge; Manger, Leif Ole
(2013). A quest for success in urban China. A study of "Young Urban Professionals" in Beijing. (external link)
Stornes, Solveig; Manger, Leif Ole
(2012). ‘I want to improve myself’: Underemployed rural graduates in urban areas of China. (external link)
Awadelseed, Adil; Manger, Leif Ole
(2012). “ The Dar Hamid Sons’ Union”. Understanding Political Development Among The Dar Hamid Agro-Pastoralists in North Kordofan, Sudan. (external link)
Nassali, Saidat Mugerwa; Manger, Leif Ole
(2010). Polygami and HIV-AIDS Today: The Muslim Community of Bombo in Central Uganda. (external link)
Abd Elkreem, Tamer M.A.; Manger, Leif Ole
(2010). Seeing Like a State vs. Seeing Like a Local Community: The Case of Dam Construction in Nubian Homeland, Sudan. (external link)
Palerud, Elisabet; Manger, Leif Ole
(2009). "I am a woman, I am Christian, And I am Palestinian." En studie av identitet og roller blant kristen palestinske landsbykvinner på den okkuperte vestbredden. (external link)
Redse, Elisabeth; Manger, Leif Ole
(2009). Identity, migration and diaspora from the perspectives of French speaking West Africans in Bergen and Oslo-their thoughts and their story. (external link)
Abebe Bezabeh, Samson; Manger, Leif Ole
(2008). Among People with History. A study of Yemeni Diaspora and Ethiopian State Interaction. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; Kjøstvedt, Hilde Granås
(2007). "Her voice, Palestinian" - a study of women's rights among ordinary Palestinian women on the occupied West Bank. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; Hellum, Marte Teie
(2007). Hvem er du? -selvbevissthet: visshet og uvisshet i Nuba Mountains, Sudan. (external link)
Elsayed, Ghefari Fadlalh; Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). The politics of Difference and Boundary Making among the Nuba and the Baggara of Southern Kordofan State, Sudan. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Manger, Leif Ole
(2018). Sovereignties in the Making. Reflections on state and society in the Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2017). Introduction. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2017). Negotiating the Homeland: Dieaporic Consciousness and social stratification Among Hadramis in the Indian Ocean region. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2017). Rediscovering Hadhramaut. Paradigas of research. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
Manger, Leif Ole
(2015). Conflicts on the Move – looking at the complexity of the so-called“resource based conflicts” in Western Sudan
. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2013). Building a Moral Economy: the historical success of Hadrami Sada in Singapore. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2013). Seligman on the Lafofa: social organisation and some terminology. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2009). Food and identity. Processes of cultural change among the Lafofa Nuba of Central Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2009). "Resource Based Conflicts" in Western Sudan – some reflections on the role of the State. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2009). Comparing Global Moments over Time. Some theoretical and methodological implications. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2009). Colonial Anxieties in the Nuba Mountains. Religious rebellions as anti-colonial threats in Anglo-Egyption Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2007). Building Peace in the Sudan: a reflection on local and regional challenges. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2007). Darfur - Regional-Historical Causes. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). Connectivity in the Long Durèe. Hadramis from South Yemen in an Indian Ocean. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). Globalization on the African Horn: Yemenis in Southern Somalia and Ethiopia. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). A Hadrami Diaspora in the Sudan – individual life courses in regional and global contexts. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; Assal, Munzoul A. M.
(2006). Diasporas Within and Without Africa. Dynamism, hetereogeneity, variation. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). Understanding globalization -the need for a historicized anthropology. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). Understanding Resource Management in Western Sudan: a critical look at New Institutional Economics. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2004). The Nature of the State and the Problem of a National Identity in the Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2001). The Nuba mountains- battlegrounds of identities: cultural traditions and territories. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2000). "Muslim" Resource Management in the Sudanic World: Local Realities or International Rhetoric. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2000). East African Pastoralism and Underdevelopment: an Introduction. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1999). On Becoming Muslim. The construction of identities among the Lafofa of the Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1999). An Introduction. (external link)
Krzywinski, Knut; Vetaas, Ole Reidar; Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). Vegetation dynamics in the Red Sea Hills - Continuties and changes. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; Abd el Ati, Hassan; Vetaas, Ole Reidar
(1996). Vegetation Dynamics in the Red Sea Hills - Continuities and Changes. (external link)
Hassan A. A., [Mangler fornavn]; Vetaas, Ole Reidar; Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). The natural environment of the Red Sea Hills - lessons in variability. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). Land Tenure and Pastoral Planning in the Red Sea Hills. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). Human Adaption in East African Dryland: The Dilemma of Concepts and Ap proaches. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; Krzywinski, Knut; Vetaas, Ole Reidar
(1996). The Natural Environment of the Red Sea Hills - Lessons in Variability. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). The Future of Red Sea Hills Pastoralism - Links and Implications for Planning. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). "Survival on Meagre Resources" "Hadendowa Pastoralism in the Red Sea Hills". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). The Hadendowa Way of Life - Survival of a Cultural Tradition. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). General Introduction. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). Making Ends Meet - Some Problems of Viability in Hadendowa Households. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1995). On Becoming Muslim: The construction of identity among the Lafofa Nuba of the Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1995). Human Life in East African Drylands. Regional and Comparative Perspectives. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1995). Land Tenure and Pastoral Planning in the Red Sea Hills. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1992). From Slave to Citizen. Processes of Cultural Change among the LafofaNuba of Central Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1991). Research and Development in Eastern Sudan: The Red Sea Area Programme. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; Bovin, Mette
(1990). Adaptive Strategies in African Arid Lands: An Introduction. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1990). Agro-Pastoral Production Systems and the Problem of Resource Management. (external link)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Manger, Leif Ole
(2017). On War and Insecurity, Survival and Development in South Kordofan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; Ghaffar, Abdul
(2009). Peace in Eastern Sudan. Some important aspects for consideration. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; Labianca, Øystein
(2009). Global moments in the Levant. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; Ahmed, Abdel Ghaffar
(2006). Understanding the Crisis in Darfur. Listening to Sudanese Voices. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; Munzoul, A.M.Assal
(2006). Diasporas Within and Without Africa. Dynamism, hetereogeneity, variation. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
Angelskår, Berit; Manger, Leif Ole
(2015). "A humanitarian solution to a political problem". UNRWA between globalized values and localized meaning. (external link)
Manuylov, Alexander; Manger, Leif Ole
(2015). Russian Greeks/Greek Russians. Parameters of Identity. (external link)
Bøe, Janne Bjorheim; Manger, Leif Ole
(2015). Women and Work - Money and Gifts. The Dynamics of Gendered Economic Adaptations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. (external link)
Naguib, Nefissa N.A.; Manger, Leif Ole
(2003). Knowing Water: Palestinian women between the spring and fauset. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1992). Managing Natural Resources in a Pastoral Community: Some Issues Relating to the Beja of the Red Sea Hills in the Sudan. Innlegg på et Ph.D. seminar arrangert av Roskilde Universitets Center. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1991). From the Mountains to the Plains. The Integration of the Lafofa Nuba into the Sudanese Society. (Ph.D. dissertation). (external link)
Book review
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Academic lecture
Manger, Leif Ole
(2011). "The Land Issue". Presentation presented at the "Southern Kordofan Preparatory Committee Retreat" on 16-17 February 2011 in the capacity of being resource person for HD (Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue) in the process of "Popular Participation in South Kordofan" (Nuba Mountains) which was organised as part of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) on Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2011). "Political Risk and Instability in selected Middle East Countries. Part Two: Yemen, Sudan". Presented as a resource person in a seminar organised by the Chinese oil company SINOPEC's entitled “Government and Public Relations. Development of Relationship with Local Partner, Local Resource Management Authority and Local Community in Resource Countries” and co-organized with MLR-CGS and PETRAD-CCO, 5-8 December 2011, Xiamen Jingmin Central Hotel, China. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2011). “Battles of Sovereignties. States and Territories, Markets and Commodities, Wars and Terror”. Paper presented in seminar at Centre for Middle Eastern Research, Lund University, 27 January 2011. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2011). "From Clash of Civilizations to Battles of Millenarianisms". Paper presented at American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting in Montreal, 16-20 November 2011 in the the panel "Managing Muslim Migration in the 21st Century: Between Spiritual Geographies and Global Security Regimes". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2011). "Religious, Social and Cultural Rights". Presentation presented at the "Southern Kordofan Preparatory Committee Retreat" on 16-17 February 2011 in the capacity of being resource person for HD (Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue) in the process of "Popular Participation in South Kordofan" (Nuba Mountains) which was organised as part of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) on Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2011). "Political Risk and Instability in selected Middle East Countries. Part One: Iran vs. USA, Iraq". Presented as a resource person in a seminar organised by the Chinese oil company SINOPEC's entitled “Government and Public Relations. Development of Relationship with Local Partner, Local Resource Management Authority and Local Community in Resource Countries” and co-organized with MLR-CGS and PETRAD-CCO, 5-8 December 2011, Xiamen Jingmin Central Hotel, China. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2010). "One Religion, Two Decades, Three Problems. Reflections on the Study of Islam by an Anthropologist." Paper presented at conference “New Horizons in Islamic Area Studies: Continuity, Contestations and the Future”. The Third International Conference organized by Islamic Area Studies (IAS) section of National Institutes for the Humanities Program (NIHU) in Kyoto, Japan, December 17-19, 2010. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2009). Resource Wars ? Global Model Fantasies or Local Realities? Paper presented at conference – “How Do Global Discourses Affect Natural Resource Governance in the South?”. Bergen, 26-27 March, 2009. Organised by University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsens Institute. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2009). 'Nation-building within a collapsing state. Towards a "New Sudan"?' Keynote address presented to international workshop on “Emerging Orders in Sudan under the CPA: Governance, Livelihoods and Markets”, held in Khartoum, October 3-6, 2009. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2009). “State-Building in the Sudan – Between Triumph and Disaster ?” Paper presented at international workshop on “Challenging the State. Transmutations of Power in Contemporary Global Realities”. Held in Voss, November 13 - 15, 2009. Organized by Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2008). 'Conflicts on the Move – looking at the complexity of the so-called “Resource Based Conflicts” in Western Sudan'. Paper presented at conference (25-26 October, 2008) celebrating the Golden Jubilee of the Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Khartoum, 1958. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2007). Building a Moral Economy: the historical success of Hadrami Sada in Singapore (c. 1820-1920). Paper presented at “Final MEISA Seminar” (Migrants and Entrepreneurs in Insular Southeast Asia, 2007). (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2007). Islam i Det indiske hav: samspel mellom ideologi, kultur og politisk økonomi. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2007). Growing up Poor in the Sudan. A battle between realities and imaginations. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2007). Food and Identity. Processes of Cultural Change among the Lafofa Nuba of Central Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2007). Antropologen i krig og fred. Refleksjonar over arbeid i Sudan i skjæringspunktet mellom fag og politikk. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2007). Livestock, Land and Weapons: Understanding resource-based conflicts between agro-pastoral groups in Western Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). 'Traders, Kings and Mariners. Movement and Interconnections in the Indian Ocean in Antiquity.' Paper presented at conference on "Crossing Boundaries Between Africa and Asia – People, Trade, Biographies of Things". At Centre de Cooperation Franco-Norvegienne, Paris, June 9-10, 2006. Organised by Unifob Global. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). The Building of the New Sudan:how to combine collective group rights and individual citizen rights. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). Reflections on the Darfur crisis. Prospects for Peace ?. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). Understanding the Darfur Crisis. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). Understanding the Crisis in Darfur: structured politics or post-modern chaos?. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). Global Moments in the Levant. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). Political and developmental challenges in Eastern Sudan – after peace agreement in Asmara. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). Islamization and Inter-generational Conflict among the Lafofa Nuba in the Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). The Political Culture of North Sudan and the Capital, Khartoum. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). Resource Conflict as a factor in the Darfur crisis in Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). Three Leaders, Three Revival Movements, One Islam – thoughts on the new religiosity and globalization. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). Understanding the Ethnic Situation in the Nuba Mountains in the Sudan. How to handle processes of group-making, meaning production and metaphorization in a situation of post-conflict reconstruction. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). Land Territoriality and Ethnic Identities in the Nuba Mountains. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). Reflections on the Darfur Crisis. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). Bergen Anthropology in Sudan, 1960-2006: Research, competence building and changing politics. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). From War to Peace in Sudan: an impossible task?. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). Building Peace in the Sudan. Reflections on Local and regional Challenges in the Nuba Mountains. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). Concluding remarks. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). Empire, states and globalization. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). The Sudan peace process. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). Reflections on North-South research cooperation. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). Hadramis in Singapore -trading entrepeneurs and moral economy. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). The Sudan peace agreement -basic challenges. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). Sudan peace agreement - some reflections. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). Innvandring, identitet og globalisering. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). Overview of project progress. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). Ethnography, modernity, globalization. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). Understanding the conflict in Darfur. (external link)
Labianca, Øystein; Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). Global Moments and Inter-civilizational Encounters in the Levant. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). Building a Moral Economy: the historical success of Hadrami Sada in Singapore (c. 1820-1920). (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). The Indian Ocean: regional perspectives. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2003). Nubafolket i Sudan: Gamle samfunn i ei ny verd. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2003). Civil War and the Politics of Subjectivity in the Nuba Mountains, Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2003). Surfing on the Waves of Globalization: The Hadramis in an Indian Ocean World. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2003). Nubafolket i Sudan: Gamle samfunn i ei ny verd. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2002). Multi-sited fieldwork - Some contextual comments. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2002). Resource management in Western Sudan: beyond territory and scarcity?. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2002). Antropologi og historie. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2002). Understanding Globalisation - The Need for a Historicised Anthropology. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2001). Globalisation ....... (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2001). Hadrami Migration in the Indian Ocean: A Comparison in Time and Space. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2001). Surfing on the Waves of Globalisation. On the Hadramis in an Indian Ocean World. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2001). Surfing on the Waves of Globalisation. On the Hadramis in an Indian World. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2001). Cross Border Trade in East Africa - an evaluation. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2001). De lange linjers antropologi. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2001). The Hadrami diaspora, some theoretical and empirical issues. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2001). Ecological studies in the East African Drylands. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2001). Understanding diaspora: empirical and theoretical issues. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2001). The Nuba mountains- battlegrounds of identities: cultural traditions and territories. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2000). "Indian Ocean Diasporas- Battleground of Identities". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2000). "Diaspora- generelt og fra Det indiske hav". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2000). "Institutionalizing Indian Ocean Studies". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2000). "Interrogating Diasporic Identities". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2000). "South Arabian People in the Indian Ocean World". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2000). "Historicizing Globalization: Hadramis in an Indian Ocean World". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1998). Union of Social Anthropological and Ethnological Societies. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1997). Migration as a Way of Life: the Hadrami migration in the Indian Ocean from the coming of Islam until the present time. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1997). Religion, Identities and Politics: Definding Muslim discourses in the Nuta Mountains of the Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1997). Hadrami Diaspora: Empirical and Conceptical Considerations. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). "Resource Flows, Entitlements and Empowerment: Roles and Inter-relationships". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). "Discussant":"Livehood form Resource Flows: Awareness and Contextual Analysis of Enviromental Conflict". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). "The Hadrami Diaspora: Empirical and Conceptual Considerations". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1995). On Becoming Muslim: the construction of identity among the Lafofa Nuba of the Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1995). Land Tenure and Pastoral Planning in the Red Sea Hills. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1995). Human Life in East African Drylands: Regional and Comparative Perspectives. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1994). The Future of Red Sea Hills Pastoralism. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1992). Evaluation of the Red Sea Area Programme. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1992). On Becoming Muslim: The Construction of Identities among the Lafofa of the Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1992). The Social Science Component of the Red Sea Area Programme. (external link)
Academic monograph
Interview Journal
Manger, Leif Ole; Lukashenko, Olga; Usufuvich, Rakhmat Khakulov
et al. (2009). Assessment of Development Results. Republic of Tajikiistan. Evaluation of UNDP Contribution. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; El-Solh, Camillia Fawsi; Barmada, Warka
et al. (2005). Country Evaluation: Syria. Assessment of Development Result. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). Capacity building for conflict transformation and peace building in the Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). Organization of Master studies in anthropology, Addis Abeba University. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; El Imam, Abdalla El Tom; Egemi, Omer
et al. (2003). Options Available for Dealing with Land Tenure Issues in the Nuba Monutains. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; Secher-Marcusse, H.
(1994). Managing Pastoral Adaptions in the Red Sea Hills of the Sudan: Challenges and Dilemmas. In: Improved Natural Resource Management - the Role of the State versus that of the Local Community. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; Abd el Ati, Hassan; Harir, Sherif
et al. (1994). Survival on Meagre Resources: Hadendowa pastoralism in the Red Sea Hills. Final report The Red Sea Area Programme. (external link)
Barkved, Einar; Tvedt, Terje; Steen, Odd Inge
et al. (1993). De private organisasjonene som kanal for norsk bistand. En tilleggsstudie. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1991). On the Study of Islam in Local Contexts. (external link)
Thesis at a second degree level
Rundereim, Astrid; Manger, Leif Ole
(2007). We are Christians with the Muslims, with the Lebanese we are Palestinian."We are different anywhere we go."Identitetshandtering blant kristne palestinarar i Libanon. (external link)
Øvrevalle, Ann Kristin; Manger, Leif Ole
(2007). En øy av métissage.En studie av det reunionske og det franske slik det kommer til uttrykk gjennom musikklivet på Réunion. (external link)
Tveiten, Lars; Manger, Leif Ole
(2007). Millionærer og Møkkamenn.Om forball, dualismer og vold i Argentina. (external link)
Ihlebæk, Hanna M.; Manger, Leif Ole
(2006). WATER OR SODA -Volunteers in a Kampala Slum. (external link)
Paus, Nicolay; Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). Strained fraternity. Identity formations, migrations and social transformation among Sri Lankan Tamils in Tamil Nadu, India. (external link)
Aanestad, Olav; Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). Creating a common space in a sectarian landscape. Social work and cohesive action in post-war Lebanon. (external link)
Aasland, Synnøve; Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). Mellom Mao og marknad. Kinesiske studentar i Shanghai si posisjonering mellom ein statleg og ein kommersiell modernitet. (external link)
Jansen, Karine Aasgaard; Manger, Leif Ole
(2005). Abuse and suffering. A feminist perspective on domestic violence, bodies and battered women's coping strategies in Mauritius. (external link)
Botnedal, Anne Grethe; Manger, Leif Ole
(2004). Eg vil spille mer på lag med naturen:Om naturforståelse og lokal tilpasning blandt tilhengere av økologisk landbruk. (external link)
Gramshaug, Randi; Manger, Leif Ole
(2004). Å forma det nye mennesketUtdanning i lokale og nasjonale kontekstar på Madagaskar. (external link)
Reader opinion piece
Non-fiction book
Manger, Leif Ole; Ahmed, AGM
(2000). Pastoralists and evironment: Experiences from the Greater Horn of Africa. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1999). Muslim Diversity. Local Islam in a Global Context. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; Shazeli, Salah; Elkhidir, Adil Mohamed
et al. (1996). "Evaluation Report on the Joint Project, Sinkat,Red Sea State-Sudan". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). Survival on Meagre Resources: Hadendowa Pastoralism in the Red Sea Hills". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). Survival on Meagre Resources: Hadendowa Pastoralism in the Red Sea Hills". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). Survival on Meagre Resources: Hadendowa Pastoralism in the Red Sea Hills". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; Abd el Ati, Hassan; Harir, Sharif
et al. (1996). "Survival on Meagre Resources". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). Survival on meager resources - Hadendowa pastoralism in the Red Sea Hills. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). Survival on meager resources - Handeondowa pastoralism in t he Red Sea Hills. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; Abd el Ati, Hassan; Harir, Sharif
et al. (1996). "Survival on Meagre Resources". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; Abd el Ati, Hassan; Harir, Sharif
et al. (1996). Survival on Meagre Resources: Hadendowa Pastoralism in the Red Sea Hills. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1994). From the Mountains to the Plains: the Integration of the Lafofa Nuba into Sudanese Society. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1994). From the Mountains to the Plains: the integration of the Lafofa Nuba into Sudanese society. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1993). From the Mountains to the Plains. The Integration of the Lafofa Nuba into the Sudanese Society. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1991). Yemeni Themes: Exploration of some important building blocks within Yemeni state and society. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1991). Conceptualizations of Hierarchy and Equality in Contemporary Anthropogical Thought. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1998). Muslim Diversity: Local Islam in Global Contects. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1998). On Becoming Muslim. The Construction of Identities among the Lafofa of the Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1998). Muslim Diversity: An Introduction. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; Bell, Joseph Norment
(1998). Religion, Identities and Politics. Defining Muslim Discourses in the Nuba Mountains of the Nuba Mountains of the Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; Rao, N. Sudhakar
(1997). A Survey on Hadramis in Hyderabad. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole; Abd el Ati, Hassan; Sharif, Harir
et al. (1995). Survival on Meagre Resources - Hadendowa Pastoralism in the Red Sea Hills. Final Report on The Red Sea Programme. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
Manger, Leif Ole
(1998). The Lower Jordan River Basin Programme in Bir Zeit. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1998). East African Dryland Programme. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1998). Årsmøte i Nordisk selskap for midtausten-forskning. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1998). The Civil War in Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1998). Methodological problems in applied social science research. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1998). Inland Fisheries in Southern Africa. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1998). Development Problems of Contemporary Yemen. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1998). NUFU-prosjekt. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1998). East African Dryland Program. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1998). Islam i Afrika, med spesielt fokus på konflikten i Sudan. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1998). The Hadrami Diaspora. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1998). Globalisering av kulturbegrepet. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1997). Perspectives in Indian Ocean Research: migration, trade, religion. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1997). Internasjonal handel, antropologiske perspektiver. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). "The Future of the Nuba People in the Sudan: problems of identity, cultural tradition and territory". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). "Social Anthropology - seen from the Western World". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). "Menneskelig tilpasning i Afrika: gamle tradisjoner-ny virkelighet". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). "Palestinian Higher Education". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). "Managing Scarce Resources: reflections on the study of human adaptations in arid areas":. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). "Islam i Afrika: terrorisme eller frigjøring?". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). American Anthropological Association. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). "Islam i Afrika: fra verdensreligion til enkeltmenneskers tro". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). "The Indian Ocean as Context for Environmental Discourse". (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). African Studies Association. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1995). Hema - Arabisk institusjon for ressursutnyttelse. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1995). Vannforvaltning i Jemen : gamle system og moderne problem. jemenittiske irrigasjonssystemer. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1995). "hema" - Arabisk institusjon for ressursutnyttelse. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1995). Vannforvaltning i Jemen: gamle system og moderne problem. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1994). The Future of Red Sea Hills Pastoralism. (external link)
Manger, Leif Ole
(1994). Hadendowa Pastoralism in the Red Sea Hills, the Sudan. (external link)
Programme participation
Popular scientific article
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.