Leif Ove Larsen
Research groups
Media history; popular comedy and humor; journalism / cultural journalism; media industry and innovation; media and cultural policy; public sphere theory and history.
A major topic of my research is the history of popular culture. I have published several articles in academic journals and anthologies on Norwegian comedy and comedians in film and television, but have also published on Hollywood cinema, genre analyses and theory, and reception history. My most recent project in this area is the history of the major Norwegian film studio of the 20th century, Norsk Film A/S, published in the book Norsk Film A/S. En kulturhistorie (Norwegian Film Studios Ltd. A Cultural History) (2020), in which I contributed with two chapters on the company in the 1950s.
A second topic is cultural journalism and criticism. In 2008 I co-edited (with Karl Knapskog) the book Cultural Journalism. The Press and the Cultural Public Sphere (in Norwegian only). I was co-leader of the NFR-funded research project Journalistic Reorientations: The Online Challenge to Journalistic Ontology (2010-2014), and more recently I participated in a comparative project on Nordic cultural journalism. The result of the project is published in the anthology Cultural Journalism in the Nordic Countries (2017), in which I co-published two articles on cultural journalism in the Norwegian press and on public service broadcasting in the Nordics.
A third area of research interest is the history and functions of the public sphere. This includes study of copyright in the field of documentary production, and an ambitious study of the history of the Norwegian public sphere. Together with colleagues from my Department in Bergen, the comprehensive study was published in Allmennningen. Historien om norsk offentlighet (The Public Space. The history of the public sphere in Norway) (Jostein Gripsrud, ed. 2017). I am the sole author of a chapter on the public spehere during the second world war, but also contributing to several other chapters.
While serving as head of department for ten years (2012-2021) and being a partner in the Bergen Media Cluster, the field of innovation and the recent changes of the media industry has sparked my interest. Currently (2022) I am undertaking a comparative study of European media clusters, with particular regard to the role of the universities / academic partners.
Academic lecture
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2024). NRK og kulturjournalistikken . (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Larsen, Leif Ove (2015). Mediating the welfare state: journalistic representations of institutional dysfunction. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2012). A National Laughter: The Popular Film Comedy. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2012). Migrant Cinema and Cultural Identity - A Public Sphere Perspective. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2010). Fotografiet og Justers stjernebilde. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2010). Comic Encounters: Cultural Identity in Popular Film and Television Comedy. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2009). Fair Use in a Culture of Clearance: A Study of Knowledge of and Attitudes Towards Copyright and Fair Use among Norwegian Documentary Makers. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2009). Copyright and Fair Use in a Culture of Clearance. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2009). Is Copyright a problem for Norwegian Filmmakers?. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2008). The Unruly Body: Leif Juster and Popular Norwegian Film Comedy. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2008). Fair Use in a Culture of Clearance: A Study of Knowledge and Attitudes towards Copyright and Fair Use among Norwegian Documentary Makers. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2008). Entertaining the Nation: Leif Juster and a Century of popular Comedy. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2008). A Funny Icon: Leif Juster as Star/Comedian. (external link)
- Knapskog, Karl Atle; Larsen, Leif Ove (2007). Ikkje med mine skattepengar! Om kulturpolitikkens normative grunngjeving. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2007). Film in Norwegian History Writing. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2006). Film in National History Writing. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove; Knapskog, Karl Atle (2006). Kulturjournalistikk. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2005). Leif Juster og filmen. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2005). Filmkomedien og den norske filmkanon. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2004). Kjønnsløse bokormer: Komiske lærere i norsk film. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2003). Terningens ubehag. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2003). En tvilsom coctail: Filmkomedien, revyscenen og moderne moro omkring 1930. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2003). The Comedien as Star: Cultural Populism and the Changing Image of a Clown. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2002). Respektløs moro? Satire og parodi i 1960-årenes tv-komedie. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2002). Norsk filmhistorie: Status og utfordringer. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2002). The Archive and the Researcher. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2002). Moro i husmorparadiset: Norske filmkomedier og husmorsamfunnets modernisering. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2001). I den gode saks tjeneste. Kultur i Dagbladet i 1960 og 2001. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (1992). Lessons in the art of marriage: remarks on the most popular Norwegian film comedies of the 1950s. (external link)
Academic article
- Milojevic, Ana; Larsen, Leif Ove (2024). Media‐Tech Companies as Agents of Innovation: From Radical to Incremental Innovation in a Cluster. (external link)
- Ellingsberg, Vilde; Larsen, Leif Ove (2024). Den usynlige kulturjournalistikken. Redaksjonelle prioriteringer og tekstlige reorienteringer i det digitale medielandskapet. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2010). Documentary in a culture of clearance : a study of knowledge of and attitudes toward copyright and fair use among Norwegian documentary makers. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2006). Underholdningens gunst: Leif Juster og filmkomedien. (external link)
- Helland, Knut; Østbye, Helge; Larsen, Leif Ove et al. (2005). Metodebok for mediefag. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2004). Du store alpakka! Komiske lærere i norsk film. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2003). Kunnskapens gjerder. Intellektuell eiendom og akademia. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2002). Filmmoro på norsk: Historien om et smertensbarn?. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2001). Respektløs moro? Satire og parodi i 1960-årenes tv-komedie. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (1996). Situasjonskomedien : humor på samlebånd. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Larsen, Leif Ove; Tryggeseid, Ane J. (2020). Prestisjeprosjektet som nesten veltet Norsk Fim A/S. En produksjonsstudie av "Hans Nielsen Hauge". (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove; Tryggeseid, Ane J. (2020). Et vaklende kulturpolitisk instrument . (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Larsen, Leif Ove (2017). Journalistiske virkelighetsbilder av velferdsstaten: fremstillingen av det offentlige omsorgsapparatet i «Jannes historie». (external link)
- Hovden, Jan Fredrik; Larsen, Leif Ove; Nygaard, Silje (2017). Cultural rebels, popular journalism and niche journalism in Norway. (external link)
- Gripsrud, Jostein; Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø; Moe, Hallvard et al. (2017). Liberalisering og differensiering. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2017). 1940-1945: Erfaringer med det totalitære. (external link)
- Hellmann, Heikki; Larsen, Leif Ove; Riegert, Kristina et al. (2017). What Is Cultural News Good For? Finnish, Norwegian, and Swedish cultural journalism in public service organisations. (external link)
- Knapskog, Karl Atle; Iversen, Magnus Hoem; Larsen, Leif Ove (2016). The Future of Interpretative Journalism. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2015). New Voices, New Stories: Migrant Cinema and Television in Norway. (external link)
- Eide, Martin; Larsen, Leif Ove; Sjøvaag, Helle (2012). Nytt, brett, nett. Journalsitikk i forandring. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2012). Kunnskapens apostler: Bilder av læreren i norsk film. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2012). Kultur på nett og brett. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2009). En kulturjournalistikkens renessanse? Om kulturdekning i papir- og nettaviser. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2009). Avant-garde Comedy and Populism: The Star Image of Comedian Rolv Wesenlund. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2009). Lystige spor: Leif Juster som biografisk utfordring. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2008). Jentemoro fra Hollywood: 'The Sweetest Thing' og den romantiske komediens konvensjoner. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2008). Hva er sjangeranalyse?. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2008). Forskyvninger: Kulturdekningen i norske dagsaviser 1964-2005. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2008). Film og kino - institusjoner og historie. (external link)
- Østbye, Helge; Helland, Knut; Knapskog, Karl Atle et al. (2007). Generalisering. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2007). Tekstanalyse. (external link)
- Østbye, Helge; Helland, Knut; Knapskog, Karl Atle et al. (2007). Forskningsdesign og forskningsrapportering. (external link)
- Østbye, Helge; Knapskog, Karl Atle; Helland, Knut et al. (2007). Medieforskning, forskningskvalitet og forskningsetikk. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2006). Pinlig moro. Kjønn, kjærlighet og humor i romantisk komedie. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2004). Textanalys. (external link)
- Østbye, Helge; Knapskog, Karl Atle; Helland, Knut et al. (2004). Generalisering. (external link)
- Østbye, Helge; Knapskog, Karl Atle; Helland, Knut et al. (2004). Forskningsdesign. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2003). Muntre perspektiv: Fjernsynskomediens estetikk. (external link)
- Østbye, Helge; Helland, Knut; Knapskog, Karl Atle et al. (2002). Forskningsdesign. (external link)
- Østbye, Helge; Helland, Knut; Knapskog, Karl Atle et al. (2002). Generalisering. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2002). Tekstanalyse. (external link)
- Knapskog, Karl Atle; Larsen, Leif Ove (2001). Kulturjournalistikk og offentlighet. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (1999). Film og kino : institusjoner og historie. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (1997). Kompaniskap og kjønnskamp. Ekteskapskomedier i norsk film 1951-1964. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (1994). Let's Stay Married: Notes on Norwegian Romantic Comedies of the 1950's. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (1993). Husmoren vaskes ut : støv på hjernen og 50-tallets familieideal. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (1993). Let's stay Married : Notes on Norwegian Romantic Comedies of the 1950' s. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (1993). Egons planer og Olsenbanden som komedie : et notat om planens bidrag til Olsenbandens narrative struktur. (external link)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Eide, Martin; Sjøvaag, Helle; Larsen, Leif Ove (2016). The Journalistic Institution Re-examined. Digital Challenges and Professional Reorientations. (external link)
- Eide, Martin; Sjøvaag, Helle; Larsen, Leif Ove (2016). Journalism Re-examined. Digital Challenges and Professional Reorientations. Lessons from Northern Europe. (external link)
- Eide, Martin; Larsen, Leif Ove; Sjøvaag, Helle (2012). Nytt på nett og brett. Journalistikk i forandring. (external link)
- Knapskog, Karl Atle; Larsen, Leif Ove (2008). Kulturjournalistikk. Pressen og den kulturelle offentligheten. (external link)
- Knapskog, Karl Atle; Larsen, leif Ove (2008). Kulturjournalistikk. Pressen og den kulturelle offentligheten. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove; Knapskog, Karl Atle (2004). Søkelys på kulturjournalistikk. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
Popular scientific article
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2012). Kampf um Norwegen: Filmatiske virkemidler og propagandahistorisk kontekst. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2006). Kampf um Norwegen. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2003). Bygdetullinger, underbukser og annen billig moro - Norke folkekomedier under lupen. (external link)
Programme participation
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2009). Samtale om kulturjournalistikk i norsk presse. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2007). Og nå: Reklame! (om hygiene). (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2007). Og nå: Reklame! (om mat). (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2007). Og nå: Reklame! (om husmoren i reklamefilm). (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2006). Filmfront om den romantisk komedien. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove (2002). Om den amerikanske situasjonskomedien Cosby-show spesielt og svarte komikere i USA generelt. (external link)
- Østbye, Helge; Helland, Knut; Knapskog, Karl et al. (2007). Metodebok for mediefag. 3. utgave. (external link)
- Østbye, Helge; Knapskog, Karl Atle; Helland, Knut et al. (2004). Metodbok för medievetenskap. (external link)
- Østbye, Helge; Helland, Knut; Knapskog, Karl Atle et al. (2002). Metodebok for mediefag. (external link)
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
Selected publications in English
Ana Milojevic og Leif Ove Larsen (2024): "Media-Tech Companies as Agents of Innovation: From Radical to Incremental Innovation in a Cluster" in Media and Communication vol 12. Special issue: Unpacking Innovation and the Locus of Change. http://doi.org/10.17645/mac.7501
Film and Television
"New Voices, New Stories: Migrant Cinema and Television in Norway" in Bondebjerg, Redvall & Higson (eds): European Cinema and television. Cultural Policy and Everyday Life (2015)
"Avant-garde comedy and populism: the star image of comedian Rolv Wesenlund" in S´Tytti Soila (ed): Stellar Encounters. Stardom in Popular European Cinema (2009)
Two peices in Nete Nørgaard Kristensen & Kristine Riegert (eds): Cultural Journalism in the Nordic Countries (2017):
- "Cultural Rebels, Popular Journalism and Niche Journalism in Norway", co-authored with Jan Fredrik Hovden og Silje Nygaard
- "What is Cultural News good for? Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish cultural journalism in public service organisations", co-authored with Heikki Hellman, Kristina Riegert, Andreas Widholm & Silje Nygaard
"The Future of Interpretative Journalism" in Eide, Sjøvaag & Larsen (eds): Journalism Re-examined. Digital Challenges and Professional Reorientations (2016
On the Public Sphere
"1940-1945: Erfaringer med det totalitære" kap.6 i Jostein Gripsrud (red): Allmenningen. Historien om norsk offentlighet (2017)
"Documentary in a Culture of Clearance: A Study of Knowledge of and Attitudes Toward Copyright and Fair Use among Norwegian Documentary Makers" in Popular Communication (no 1:2010). Co-authored with Torgeir Nærland