Liliia Oprysk


Associate Professor


Research groups


I am a researcher in law with a background in both the academic and private sectors.

My academic research focuses mainly on the EU intellectual property law (in particular copyright), various aspects of digital content distribution and consumption, and digital markets. Besides intellectual property, I am interested in privacy and data protection, IT law broadly, as well as the law in the digital economy, and have been involved in projects concerning AI implementation in the public sector. Besides the EU/EEA law, I also work with harmonisation of Ukrainian law with the EU acquis and Ukraine's path to EU Membership.

I obtained my PhD in Estonia at the University of Tartu as a part of the IT law programme with a thesis on "Reconciling the material and immaterial dissemination rights in the light of the developments under the EU copyright acquis". The thesis explores the developments under the EU copyright acquis against technological advancements and the distinction drawn between material and immaterial dissemination rights, restricting the application of a general limit to exclusive rights (‘exhaustion principle’) to tangible copies of a work. I argued for a need for reconciling the approaches in respect of secondary communication which would take into account the lawfulness of the initial communication as well as competing rationales of copyright protection. To this end, a normative framework for evaluating the justifiability of extending the reach of exclusive rights beyond authorising every initial dissemination of a work is offered.

My research background is complemented by practical experience in various areas connected to technology and its implementation. I have worked in roles within IT operations and administration of server infrastructure, contract management in respect of hardware & software resources, as well as IT compliance for new technologies to be implemented both within and outside the organization.


Areas of teaching and supervision:

  • Intellectual property (IP) law
  • Data protection law
  • EU/EEA law

Course coordinator


JUS2314 EU Copyright Law

JUS3514 EU Copyright Law

DIGI113 GDPR og personvern (with Malgorzata Cyndecka)


JUS277-2-C EU Copyright Law

JUS277-2-B International Copyright Law

DIGI113 GDPR og personvern (with Malgorzata Cyndecka)

JUS260-2-B Opphavsrett


JUS260-2-B Opphavsrett

DIGI113 GDPR og personvern (with Malgorzata Cyndecka)



See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

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Most of my research can be found on ResearchGate ( and/or SSRN (