Research groups
Short info
My academic work focuses on EU Intellectual Property law, especially copyright, alongside key topics in digital content distribution, consumption, and the evolving digital markets. Beyond intellectual property, my interests extend to privacy and data protection, IT law, and the broader legal frameworks governing the digital economy. In addition to my work on EU/EEA law, I am engaged in the harmonization of Ukrainian law with the EU acquis and Ukraine’s ongoing journey toward EU membership.
I obtained my PhD from the University of Tartu in Estonia with a thesis on "Reconciling the Material and Immaterial Dissemination Rights in Light of Developments under the EU Copyright Acquis". The thesis explores the developments under the EU copyright acquis against technological advancements and the distinction drawn between material and immaterial dissemination rights, restricting the application of a general limit to exclusive rights (‘exhaustion principle’) to tangible copies of a work. I argued for a need for reconciling the approaches in respect of secondary communication which would take into account the lawfulness of the initial communication as well as competing rationales of copyright protection. To this end, a normative framework for evaluating the justifiability of extending the reach of exclusive rights beyond authorising every initial dissemination of a work is offered.
In addition to my research, my practical experience in technology spans IT operations, server infrastructure management, contract negotiations for hardware and software resources, and ensuring IT compliance for the adoption of emerging technologies within organizations. This combination of legal research and hands-on technology experience enables me to bridge the gap between law and the rapidly evolving digital landscape.
Areas of teaching and supervision:
- Intellectual property (IP) law
- Data protection law
- EU/EEA law
Course coordinator
DIGI113 GDPR og personvern (with Malgorzata Cyndecka)
DIGI613 GDPR og personvern (with Malgorzata Cyndecka)
DIGI113 GDPR og personvern (with Malgorzata Cyndecka)
JUS277-2-C EU Copyright Law
JUS277-2-B International Copyright Law
DIGI113 GDPR og personvern (with Malgorzata Cyndecka)
JUS260-2-B Opphavsrett
JUS260-2-B Opphavsrett
DIGI113 GDPR og personvern (with Malgorzata Cyndecka)
Academic lecture
- Oprysk, Liliia (2024). The Ambiguity of Purchasing Digital Content: EU Digital Consumer Contract Law to Limited Avail? . (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2024). Trademark applications at the EUIPO sparked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and public policy or accepted principles of morality as a ground for refusal. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2024). Ukraine on the way to EU membership. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2023). The Ambiguity of Purchasing Digital Music in the Streaming Era: EU Digital Consumer Contract Law to Limited Avail?. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2023). The Ambiguity of Purchasing Digital Music in the Streaming Era: EU Digital Consumer Contract Law to Limited Avail? . (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2023). Commercial use of national symbols in IP and marketing. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2023). Chasing the moving target of EU copyright acquis amid the full-scale Russian invasion: Ukraine’s multi-faced recovery?. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2023). The Ambiguity of Purchasing Digital Music in the Streaming Era: EU Digital Consumer Contract Law to Limited Avail?. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2023). Chasing a moving target of EU copyright acquis amid full-scale Russian invasion: gradual approximation or a major leap for Ukrainian copyright. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2022). Embedding of Freely Available Digital Content as an Infringement of Copyright under the EU law: CJEU Judgment in VG Bild-Kunst. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2022). Restrictions on the use of the digital content and the Digital Content Directive: EULAs, terms and conditions and beyond. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2022). How much “new” public is too much? The CJEU in VG Bild-Kunst and non-exhaustive control over consumption of works protected by copyright. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2021). Digital Consumer Contract Law without Prejudice to Copyright: EU Digital Content Directive, Reasonable Consumer Expectations and Competition. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2019). In search of flexibility under the EU copyright acquis: reconciling the approaches to material and immaterial dissemination rights. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2019). In search of flexibility under the EU copyright acquis: reconciling the approaches to material and immaterial dissemination rights. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2019). AI and sui generis copyright protection . (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2018). “Digital exhaustion” serving the digital markets. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2018). Making “digital” exhaustion serve the EU Digital Single Market. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2018). The reference in C-263/18 TomKabinet case and the paradox of the CJEU’s functional equivalent approach. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2018). I can haz your e-book: the reference in TomKabinet case and the paradox of functional equivalent approach. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2018). 90-ies revisited: mitigating the lack of imagination in copyright harmonisation. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2017). Reconciling right of distribution and right of communication to the public in online environment. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2017). Reconciling right of distribution and right of communication to the public in online environment. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2017). Development of a Secondary Market for E-books: The Case of Amazon. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2017). Applying copyright exhaustion to e-books // Tired but not exhausted. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2016). The forthcoming Data Protection Regulation in the EU: Higher Compliance Costs Might Slow-Down Small and Medium Enterprises in Adopting Infrastructure as a Service. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2016). Distinguishing between the right of distribution and right of communication to the public in the online environment. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2016). Balancing incentives to create and public access to copyright protected works in digital age: copyright exhaustion and dissemination of literary works. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2024). Approximation with the EU copyright acquis as a matter of both economics and culture. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2023). Russia’s war against Ukraine: the role of civil society, research, and education. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2022). Status of internally displaced persons in Ukraine amid the Donbas war and annexation of Crimea and the full-scale Russian war against Ukraine launched on February 24, 2022. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2022). Ukraine on the way to EU membership . (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2022). Ukraine on the way to EU membership. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Oprysk, Liliia (2023). The Ambiguity of Purchasing Digital Music in the Streaming Era: EU Digital Consumer Contract Law to Limited Avail?. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2023). Intellectual Property Rights and Data Ownership. (external link)
- Krõõt Tupay, Paloma; Oprysk, Liliia; Ebers, Martin (2023). Fairness and Equal Treatment. (external link)
- Ebers, Martin; Oprysk, Liliia; Krõõt Tupay, Paloma (2023). Safety and Security. (external link)
- 4. Krõõt Tupay, Paloma; Oprysk, Liliia; Ebers, Martin (2023). Accountability and Liability. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2020). “Digital” Exhaustion and the EU (Digital) Single Market. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2019). The CJEU Judgment in Ranks and Vasilevics: You Can Buy a Used License, but Will a Copy Follow?. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
- Oprysk, Liliia (2023). Memes in Ukrainian society dialogue in times of war. (external link)
- Kalsaas, Johanne Berge; Paulsen, Martin; Skodvin, Knut Einar et al. (2022). Hvorfor er det krig i Ukraina?. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2022). Ukraina – krigsforbrytelsene og flyktningene. (external link)
Feature article
- Naime, Monica; Oprysk, Liliia (2022). Norge bør intervenere i Ukraina v. Russland ved ICJ . (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2022). Har noen spurt flyktningene?. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2022). Krig til tross: Ukraina er på vei mot EU-medlemskap. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia; Einarsen, Terje (2022). Vi må støtte et spesialtribunal for Ukraina nå!. (external link)
Academic article
- Oprysk, Liliia (2022). How Much “New” Public Is Too Much? The CJEU’s VG Bild-Kunst Judgment and Non-Exhaustive Control Over a Work’s Consumption. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2021). Digital Consumer Contract Law without Prejudice to Copyright: EU Digital Content Directive, Reasonable Consumer Expectations and Competition. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia; Sein, Karin (2020). Limitations in End-User Licensing Agreements: Is There a Lack of Conformity Under the New Digital Content Directive?. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2020). Secondary communication under the EU copyright acquis after Tom Kabinet: between exhaustion and securing work’s exploitation. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia; Matulevičius, Raimundas; Kelli, Aleksei (2017). Development of a Secondary Market for E-books: The Case of Amazon. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2016). The Forthcoming General Data Protection Regulation in the EU: Higher Compliance Costs Might Slow Down Small and Medium- sized Enterprises’ Adoption of Infrastructure as a Service. (external link)
Popular scientific article
- Oprysk, Liliia (2021). CJEU in C-597/19 Mircom: users of P2P networks might be infringing the making available right if duly informed. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2021). CJEU in C-597/19 Mircom: users of P2P networks might be infringing the right of making works available to the public. (external link)
- Oprysk, Liliia (2019). Ranks aftermath, or TomKabinet reference versus reality. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
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