Line Torbjørnsen Hilt




Research groups


Research covering thematic fields such as education policy, migration and integration, inclusion/exclusion, globalisation, discourses/semantics in education, 21st century skills, moral philosophy and character education. Works with systems theory as understood by Niklas Luhmann, discourse theory, and liberal-communitarian political philosophy.


Teachers education

Educational science


Hilt, Line (2022) How not to be governed by social and emotional standards. In Riese, Hanne; Hilt, Line Torbjørnsen; Søreide, Gunn Elisabeth (eds.) Educational Standardisation in a complex world. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Hilt, Line og Riese, Hanne (2022) Mastering Life through Skills: Risk Preventionthrough ‘Standards of the Self’ in Health and Life-Skills EducationIn Riese, Hanne; Hilt, Line Torbjørnsen; Søreide, Gunn Elisabeth (eds.) Educational Standardisation in a complex world. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Riese, Hanne; Hilt, Line Torbjørnsen; Søreide, Gunn Elisabeth (2022) Educational Standardisation in a complex world. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Riese, Hanne, Søreide, Gunn og Hilt, Line (2022) How to Frame Standards and Standardisation in Education. In Riese, Hanne; Hilt, Line Torbjørnsen; Søreide, Gunn Elisabeth (eds.) Educational Standardisation in a complex world. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Line Hilt & Hanne Riese (2021) Hybrid forms of education in Norway: a systems theoretical approach to understanding curriculum change, Journal of Curriculum Studies, DOI: 10.1080/00220272.2021.1956596

Torjussen, Lars Petter and Line Hilt (2021) Grunnspørsmål i Pedagogikken. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget

Hilt, Line (2021) Hvordan bør skolen legge til rette for moralsk danning?  I Torjussen, Lars Petter og Line Hilt (red.) Grunnspørsmål i Pedagogikken. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget

Hilt, Line (2021) Hvordan bør skolen fremme felleskapsdanning i flerkulturelle samfunn? I Torjussen, Lars Petter and Line Hilt (red.) Grunnspørsmål i Pedagogikken. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget

Hilt, Line og Lars Petter Torjussen (2021) Hva er bærekraftig danning? Grønne dyder i den antropocene tidsalder. I Torjussen, Lars Petter and Line Hilt (red.) Grunnspørsmål i Pedagogikken. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget

Lars Petter Torjussen og Line Hilt (2021) Hva er pedagogikkens gjenstandsområde? Lars Petter and Line Hilt (red.) Grunnspørsmål i Pedagogikken. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget

Søreide, Gunn, Line Hilt og Hanne Riese (2021) 21st century skills and current Nordic educational reforms. Oxford Research Encyklopedia of Education



See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.