Lukas Paul Skiba
Associate Professor
Before joining Bergen, I was an Assistant Professor (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the University of Hamburg. I did my PhD and MPhil at the University of Cambridge, after obtaining a BA from Humboldt-Universität Berlin.
My philosophical interests lie at the intersection of metaphysics with the philosophy of logic and language. At the moment I'm particularly interested in "Higher-Order Metaphyiscs", the project of using tools from higher-order logic to formulate metaphysical theories about, e.g., properties, propositions, modality, ground and time.
I also work on the history of analytic philosophy, especially on the philosophy of Gottlob Frege and, more recently, Susan Stebbing.
Published Articles:
- Forthcoming. Higher-Order Being and Time. Noûs.
- Forthcoming. Engineering Existence?. Inquiry.
- 2022. In Defence of Hybrid Contingentism. Philosophers‘ Imprint 22: 1-30.
- 2022. Frege’s Infinite Hierarchy of Senses. The Reasoner. 63-64.
- 2021. Higher-Order Metaphysics. Philosophy Compass 16: 1-11.
- 2021. Higher-Order Metaphysics and the Tropes versus Universals Dispute. Philosophical Studies 178: 2805–2827
- 2020. Fictionalist Strategies in Metaphysics. (w/ Richard Woodward). In The Routledge Handbook of Metametaphysics, (eds.) Ricki Bliss and James Miller.
- 2019. Fictionalism, the Safety Result, and Counterpossibles. Analysis 79: 647-658.
- 2018. Critical Notice of On Reference (ed. A. Bianchi). Analysis. 78: 160-171.
- 2017. Frege’s Unthinkable Thoughts. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. 117: 333–343.
- 2017. Fictionalism and the Incompleteness Problem. Synthese. 194: 1349-1362.
- 2015. On Indirect Sense and Reference. Theoria. 81: 48-81.
Edited Volume:
- I'm currently editing a special issue "Higher-Order Metaphysics of Ground" to appear at Philosophical Studies.