Magdalena Wicher


PhD candidate


Magdalena Wicher is working on the potential of responsible and sustainable research (RRI – Responsible Research and Innovation) and its impact on and interaction between society, science and policies. Since 2019 she is a member of the research group "Techno-Science & Societal Transformation" and has been working on implementing, evaluating and monitoring of RRI. Currently she is involved in the project Scientific Understanding and Provision of an Enhanced and Robust Monitoring system for RRI (SUPER MoRRI) and responsible for the work package on “Societal, scientific, democratic and economic benefits of RRI”.

Since December 2019 she has been a doctoral candidate at the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (SVT) at the University of Bergen. In her PhD she focuses on governance aspects of RRI.

She studied psychology with a focus on environmental psychology and gender studies at the Karl-Franzens-University of Graz and wrote her diploma thesis as part of the project "Build to Satisfy" (in the area of energy and climate research) in environmental psychology. Since then, she was involved in national and international projects.

From 2014 to 2017 she was researcher at the IFZ – the Interdisciplinary research center for technology, work and culture – within the research areas: Women*- Technology - Environment, Energy and Climate and Food Systems.

She is a member of the RRI Plattform Austria, within the working group Queer STS and board member of the association “Network Psychology and Environment”.


Magdalena Wicher was awarded the Evaluation Talent 2021 by the Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation (fteval). See interview here.

Co-editor: Volume 5 of QueerSTS Forum: Queer-feminist issues in pandemic times. (2020)


She is teaching at the Alpen Adria University of Klagenfurt and was a lecturer at University of Graz. Since 2019 she has been part of the Austrian wide “Lectures for Future” series.


Currently she is involved in the project Scientific Understanding and Provision of an Enhanced and Robust Monitoring system for RRI (SUPER MoRRI) and responsible for the work package on “Societal, scientific, democratic and economic benefits of RRI”. At SVT, Roger Strand is the PI of this project.

Since December 2019 she has been a doctoral candidate at the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (SVT) at the University of Bergen. In her PhD she focuses on governance aspects of RRI.