Mark C. Price
Research groups
- Bergen Laboratory for the Study of Decision, Intuition, Consciousness, and Emotion
- Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (TeLEd) research group
- Synaesthesia, especially sequence-space synaesthesia and tickertape experience
- Visual imagery
- Intuition and fringe consciousness in implicit learning
- The Hard Problem of consciousness
I teach themes within perception, attention and consciousness on the Cognitive Psychology module of the clinical pscyhology training program. I am also the course tutor (emneansvarlig) for the Cognitive Psychology module in general (PROPSY305), which is an international course, taught in English.
- Price, Mark (2016). Spatial reference frames in synaesthetic and non-synaesthetic visuospatial imagery.. (external link)
- Price, Mark (2016). Mental subtitles in your mind’s eye: Characteristics and prevalence of “tickertape experience”. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Scott, Ryan B.; Price, Mark et al. (2016). The relationship between strategic control and conscious structural knowledge in artificial grammar learning. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Blakstad, Oskar; Johnsen, Øivind et al. (2016). The relationship between feelings-of-knowing and partial knowledge for general knowledge questions. (external link)
- Price, Mark (2014). Insights from introspection: a commentary on Gould et al. (2014), “An extended case study on the phenomenology of spatial form synaesthesia”. (external link)
- Jonas, Clare; Price, Mark (2014). Not all synesthetes are alike: Spatial versus visual dimensions of sequence-space synaesthesia. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Scott, Ryan; Jones, Emma Marie et al. (2014). Strategic control in artificial grammar learning. (external link)
- Price, Mark; Myland, Aurora (2013). How strange is tickertape synaesthesia? A case study. (external link)
- Price, Mark (2013). Synaesthesia, imagery and performance. (external link)
- Price, Mark; Pearson, David (2013). Toward a visuospatial developmental account of sequence-space synesthesia. (external link)
- Price, Mark; Mattingley, Jason (2013). Automaticity in sequence-space synaesthesia: A critical appraisal of the evidence. (external link)
- Rizza, Aurora; Price, Mark (2012). Do sequence-space synaesthetes have better spatial imagery skills? Maybe not. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Price, Mark; Jones, Emma Marie (2012). Ubevisst beslutningstaking : Kommentar til artikkelen: Teorien om ubevisst tenkning: Ikke så ille / Frank Siebler, Dag Nordahl, Linn Kathrin K. Ilstad. (external link)
- Price, Mark; Rizza, Aurora (2012). Do sequence-space synaesthetes have better spatial imagery skills? Maybe not. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Price, Mark (2012). Social intuition as a form of implicit learning. Sequences of body movements are learned less explicitly than letter sequences. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Scott, Ryan; Jones, Emma Marie et al. (2012). Strategic control over unconscious structural knowledge in artificial grammar learning. (external link)
- Šoltészová, Veronika; Turkay, Cagatay; Price, Mark et al. (2012). A Perceptual-statistics shading model. (external link)
- Rizza, Aurora; Price, Mark (2012). Do sequence-space synaesthetes have better spatial imagery skills? Maybe not. (external link)
- Price, Mark (2011). The visuospatial imagery of sequence-space synaesthesia. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Price, Mark; Jones, Emma Marie (2011). Measuring strategic control in artificial grammar learning. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Price, Mark; Jones, Emma Marie et al. (2011). Strategic control in AGL is not attributable to simple letter frequencies alone. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Jones, Emma; Price, Mark (2011). Å skille mellom bevisste og ubevisste beslutninger. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Price, Mark; Scott, Ryan et al. (2010). Flexible control over unconscious structural knowledge. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Price, Mark; Duff, Simon (2010). Fringe consciousness: A useful framework for clarifying the nature of experience-based metacognitive feelings. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Price, Mark (2010). Measuring "intuition" in the SRT generation task. (external link)
- Price, Mark (2010). The visuospatial imagery of “synaesthetic” spatial forms. (external link)
- Price, Mark; Solberg, Elias; Blakstad, Oskar (2010). Self-report and behavioural measures of spatial forms. (external link)
- Price, Mark (2009). What kind of mental images are spatial forms?. (external link)
- Price, Mark (2009). What kind of mental images are spatial forms?. (external link)
- Price, Mark (2009). Spatial forms and mental imagery. (external link)
- Price, Mark (2009). What kind of mental images are synaesthestic spatial forms?. (external link)
- Price, Mark (2009). What kind of mental images are spatial forms?. (external link)
- Price, Mark; Soleberg, Tormod Elias; Blakstad, Oskar (2009). Measures of synaesthetic spatial forms in the general population. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Price, Mark; Jones, Emma (2009). Measuring flexible control in artificial grammar learning. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Price, Mark; Jones, Emma (2009). Flexible control in "implicit" learning of artificial grammars. (external link)
- Price, Mark; Norman, Elisabeth (2009). Cognitive Feelings. (external link)
- Price, Mark; Norman, Elisabeth (2008). Intuitive decisions on the fringes of consciousness: Are they conscious and does it matter?. (external link)
- Price, Mark; Mentzoni, Rune (2008). Where is January? The month-SNARC effect in sequence-form synaesthetes. (external link)
- Price, Mark (2008). Synaesthestic spatial forms as mental images. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Price, Mark (2008). Metacognitive feelings in a situation of implicit learning: How can they be measured and are they subject to individual differences?. (external link)
- Price, Mark (2007). Spatial forms reflect real differences in cognitive representation. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Price, Mark (2007). Individual differences in the sensitivity to "intuitive" feelings. (external link)
- Price, Mark; Bakker, Marjanne (2007). Synaesthestic spatial forms: An understudied individual difference in visuo-spatial imagery. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Price, Mark; Duff, Simon et al. (2007). Gradations of awareness in a modified sequence learning task. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Price, Mark; Duff, Simon (2006). Fringe consciousness in sequence learning: The influence of individual differences. (external link)
- Price, Mark (2006). Ser Livet i Farger og Former. (external link)
- Price, Mark (2006). Blå Mandag. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Price, Mark (2006). Gut feelings and unconscious thought: An exploration of fringe consciousness in implicit cognition. (external link)
- Price, Mark; Norman, Elisabeth (2004). Learning to be conscious: The progressive aquistion of new sensory data. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Price, Mark (2004). The role of personality in an �implicit� sequence learning experiment. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Price, Mark (2004). Fringe consciousness in implicit learning: Does personality make a difference?. (external link)
- Price, Mark (2002). Measuring the fringes of consciousness. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Price, Mark (2002). "Fringe consciousness" and intuitions: Empirical investigations. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Price, Mark; Duff, Simon (2002). The psychology of intuition: Empirical investigations. (external link)
- Price, Mark; Norman, Elisabeth; Duff, Simon (2002). Does forced-choice localisation of masked visual targets simulate blindsight?. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Sætrevik, Bjørn; Price, Mark (2002). The relationship between implicit knowledge and intuitive feelings. (external link)
- Norman, Elisabeth; Price, Mark (2001). What is an intuition? An empirical investigation of intuitions and "fringe consciousness". (external link)
- Price, Mark; Norman, Elisabeth; Duff, Simon (2001). Does forced-choice localisation of masked visual targets simulate blindsight?. (external link)
- Price, Mark (2001). Now you see it, now you don't. Preventing consciousness with visual masking. (external link)
- Jason, Mattingly; Price, Mark; Jon, Driver (2000). Figure-ground segmentation of ambiguous 2D displays: clues to object-based visual neglect. (external link)
- Price, Mark; Norman, Elisabeth; Duff, Simon (2000). Blindsight in normal subjects. Pointing to targets you cannot see. (external link)
- Price, Mark (2000). Can non-conscious perception (visual masking) paradigms be used to model "blindsight" in normal subjects?. (external link)
- Price, Mark; Elisabeth, Norman; Duff, Simon (2000). Do normal subjects show blindsight when they attempt to point to the location of backward-masked visual targets?. (external link)
- Price, Mark; Elisabeth, Norman; Duff, Simon (2000). Distinguishing conscious from non-conscious discrimination: Exploring functional analogs of blindsight in normals using visuo-motor responses to masked targets. (external link)
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
Norman, E., Scott, R.B, Price, M.C., & Dienes, Z. (2016). The relationship between strategic control and conscious structural knowledge in artificial grammar learning. Consciousness and Cognition, 42, 229-236. DOI: 10.1016/j.concog.2016.03.014
Norman, E., Blakstad, O., Johnsen, Ø., Martinsen, S. K., & Price, M. C. (2016). The relationship between feelings-of-knowing and partial knowledge for general knowledge questions. Frontiers in Psychology. 7, 996.
Holm, S., Eilersten, T. & Price, M.C. (2015). How uncommon is tickertaping? Prevalence and characteristics of seeing the words you hear. Cognitive Neuroscience, 6(2-3), 89-99. DOI: 10.1080/17588928.2015.1048209. Available online.
Norman, E., & Price, M.C. (2015). Measuring consciousness with confidence ratings. In Behavioural methods in consciousness research. M. Overgaard (ed.), pp.159-180. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Jonas, C.N, & Price. M.C. (2014). Not all synesthetes are alike: Spatial versus visual dimensions of sequence-space synaesthesia. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, article 1171, 1-4. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01171. Available online.
Price. M.C. (2014). Insights from introspection: A commentary on Gould et al. (2014), “An extended case study on the phenomenology of spatial form synaesthesia.” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, Article 439, 1-2. DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00439. Available online.
Price. M.C. (2013). Synaesthesia, imagery and performance. In E. Hubbard and J. Simner (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Synaesthesia. Chapter 37, pp. 728-757. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Price, M.C., & Pearson, D.G. (2013). Toward a visuospatial developmental account of sequence-space synesthesia. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, Article 689, 1-6. DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00689. Available online.
Price, M.C., & Mattingley, J.B. (2013). Automaticity in sequence-space synaesthesia: A critical appraisal of the evidence. Cortex, 49, 1165-1186. DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2012.10.013
Rizza, A., & Price, M.C. (2012). Do sequence-space synaesthetes have better spatial imagery skills? Maybe not. Cognitive Processing 13(1), 299-303. DOI: 10.1007/s10339-012-0459-7
Sǒltészová, V., Turkay, Ç, Price, M.C., & Viola, I. (2012). A Perceptual-Statistics Shading Model. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(12), 2265-2274.
Norman, E., Price, M. C., & Jones, E. (2012). Ubevisst beslutningstaking. Psykologer bor stille seg skeptiske til studier av «ubevisst beslutningstaking som mangler tilstrekkelig maling og kontroll av bevisstheten. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 49, 98-100.
Norman, E., & Price, M. C. (2012). Social intuition as a form of implicit learning: Sequences of body movements are learned less explicitly than letter sequences. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 8(2), 121-131.
Norman, E., Price, M.C., Jones, E., & Dienes Z. (2011). Strategic control in AGL is not attributable to simple letter frequencies alone. Consciousness and Cognition, 20, 1933-1934.
Norman, E., Price, M.C., & Jones, E. (2011). Measuring strategic control in artificial grammar learning. Consciousness and Cognition, 20, 1920-1929.
Norman, E., Jones, E., & Price, M.C. (2011). Å skille mellom bevisste og ubevisste beslutninger. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 48, 808-809.
Norman, E., Price, M.C., & Duff, S. C. (2010). Fringe consciousness: A useful framework for clarifying the nature of experience-based feelings. In A. Efklides and P. Misailidi (Eds.). Trends and Prospects in Metacognition Research, pp. 63-80, New York, NY: Springer.
Norman, E., & Price, M.C. (2010). Measuring "intuition" in the SRT generation task. Consciousness and Cognition, 19, 475–477.
Price, M.C., & Norman, E. (2009). Cognitive Feelings. In Bayne, T., Cleeremans, A., & Wilken, P. (Eds.), Oxford Companion to Consciousness, pp.141-144. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Price, M.C. (2009). What kind of mental images are spatial forms? Cognitive Processing, 10 (Suppl 2), 276–278. Available online.
Price, M.C. (2009). Spatial forms and mental imagery. Cortex, 45, 1229-1245.
Price, M.C., & Norman, E. (2008). Intuitive decisions on the fringes of consciousness: Are they conscious and does it matter? Judgement and Decision Making, 3(1), 28-41. Available online.
Price, M.C., & Mentzoni, R.A. (2008). Where is January? The month-SNARC effect in sequence-form synaesthetes. Cortex, 44(7), 890-907.
Norman, E., Price, M.C., Duff, S.C, & Mentzoni, R.A. (2007). Gradations of awareness in a modified sequence learning task. Consciousness and Cognition, 16, 809-837.
Norman, E., Price, M.C., & Duff, S.C. (2006). Fringe consciousness in sequence learning: The influence of individual differences. Consciousness and Cognition, 15, 723–760.
Prior to 2006
Price, M.C. (2002). Measuring the fringes of consciousness. Psyche, 8(16). Available online.
Price, M.C. (2001). Now you see it, now you don't. Preventing consciousness with visual masking. In P.G. Grossenbacher (ed.), Finding Consciousness in the Brain: A Neurocognitive Approach (Advances in Consciousness Research, 8), pp. 25-60. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Price, M.C. (1999). Cognitive Models Go Paddling in the Waters of Consciousness: Review of ‘Scientific Approaches To Consciousness’, eds. J. Cohen & J. Schooler, LEA, 1997. Psyche, 5(15).
Price, M.C. (1998). Review of 'Scale in Conscious Experience: Is the Brain Too Important To Be Left To Specialists To Study?', eds. J King & K.H. Pribram, LEA, 1995. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 8(1), 91-93.
Price, M.C. (1996), 'Should we expect to feel as if we understand consciousness?', Journal of Consciousness Studies, 3(4), 303-12. (Reprinted in Explaining Consciousness: The Hard Problem, ed. J. Shear. MIT. 1998).
Automatic listing of publications as displayed by Cristin database