Edit Matti Garnes Wiik Position Associate Professor Affiliation Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies E-mail matti.wiik@uib.no Phone number +47 55588386 Visitor address Sydnesplassen 75007 Bergen Postal address P.O. Box 7805 NO-5020 Bergen Norway Matti Garnes Wiik Position Associate Professor Affiliation Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies Research groups Research group Antiquity and the Classical Tradition Publications Academic article Wiik, Matti Garnes (2011). Some Reflections on the Poetic I in Vergil's Georgics. (external link) Doctoral dissertation Wiik, Matti Garnes (2008). Images of Roman Epic Paternity: Anchises in Vergil’s Aeneid. (external link) See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.