Mihaela Roxana Cimpan




  • Biomaterials, Nanomaterials 
  • Safer and sustainable-by-design development of nano- and advanced materials
  • Development of New Approach Methodologies to evaluate the biological effects of (nano)materials
  • Bioimpedance, microfluidics, 3D biological models
  • Biological effects of biomaterials and nanomaterials, Biocompatibiltiy
  • Nanotoxicology
  • Nanomedicine



dental students, dental hygienist students, specialist candidates, PhD candidates, BSc and MSc students in Nanotechnology and Nanoscience

Academic lecture
Popular scientific lecture
Academic article
Academic literature review
Masters thesis
Thesis at a second degree level
Doctoral dissertation
Website (informational material)
Popular scientific article

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.


"Theranostic exosomes in personalized cancer nanomedicine" (TEPCAN) (2020-2024) – EEA - WP leader

"Research School for Training the Next Generation of Micro- and Nanotechnology Researchers in Norway" (TNNN) (2022-2030) - Research Council of Norway - WP lead, board member 

"Metal nanoparticles contamination of milk: mother-to-young transfer and role of extracellular vesicles" (NanoMilk) (2023-2026) - ANR (INRAE lead) - WP leader

"Towards a reliable assessment of nanomaterial health effects using advanced biological models and assays" (NanoBioReal) (2019-2023) - finnanced by the Norwegian Research Coucil, NANO2021 program - coordinator

"Science-based Risk Governance of Nano-Technology" (RiskGone) (2019-2023) - finnanced by HORIZON2020 (H2020-NMBP-13-2018 RIA, grant agreement nr. 814425) - WP co-leader

COST action "Nano2Clinic" - partner (2019-2023)

"Development of impedance-based non-invasive techniques for evaluating the biological effects of nanoparticles"  - funded by UH-nett Vest - project leader

“Innovative Nanopharmaceuticals: Targeting breast cancer stem cells by a novel combination of epigenetic and anticancer drugs with gene therapy (INNOCENT)” (2017-2020) - financed by EuroNanoMed II - Principal investigator v/UiB

“Self-navigated integrin receptors seeking "thermally-smart" multifunctional few-layer graphene-encapsulated magnetic nanoparticles for molecular MRIguided anticancer treatments in "real time" personalized nanomedicine (GEMNS)” (2015 - 2018) - financed by EuroNanoMed II, through EC’s 7th Framework Programme - Principal investigator and leader of the Norwegian partners

"A common European approach to the regulatory testing of nanomaterials" NANoREG - the project is funded by the FP7 European Framework Program on Nanoscience, Nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies (2013-2017) - Principal investigator

“National initiative towards developing a common approach to the regulatory testing of manufactured nanomaterials” (NorNANoREG) – project funded by the Norwegian Research Council, the NANO2021 program (2014-2017) - Principal investigator and task leader