Odd Inge Steen
Associate Professor
Research groups
Masters thesis
- Landøy, Marie Louise; Steen, Odd Inge (2017). NGO relations in development work. A study about people’s perceptions of NGO-government relations, NGO-NGO relations and NGO-locals relations in Ethiopia.. (external link)
- Haugen, Espen; Steen, Odd Inge (2013). National Development Policy and Rural Schools. Exploring the effects of Nicaragua’s development policy on issues of access, gender, and empowerment in three rural schools. (external link)
- Sæterdal, Anne Lise; Steen, Odd Inge (2011). Læring gjennom feltarbeid- Å gjøre forskningsresultater til en praktisk anvendbar ressurs for næring, forvaltning, læringsinstitusjoner og andre aktuelle aktører. (external link)
- Wangen, Siri Skulstad; Steen, Odd Inge (2011). Agricultural extension, food security and livelihoods. A study of challenges and benefits of the National Agricultural Advisory Services in Tororo District, Uganda. (external link)
- Shombong, Nkushi Francis; Steen, Odd Inge (2010). CHAD-CAMEROON PERTROLEUM DEVELOPMENT AND PIPELINE PROJECT Impact Assessment of the Project to the Local Community: Case Study of the Ocean Division of Cameroon. (external link)
- Moe, Sigrun; Steen, Odd Inge (2009). The conditions of internally displace people in the outskirts of Bogotá and the external agents'perception of the situation. (external link)
- Skar Manger, Mia; Steen, Odd Inge (2008). Frivillig organisert integreringsarbeidEin studie av frivillige organisasjonar sitt supplerende arbeid for integrering av flyktingar i Bergen. (external link)
Book review
- Dale, Britt Engan; Møller Madsen, Lene; Steen, Odd Inge (2011). Andersland Svein: GIS i geografifaget på ungdomstrinnet: Fagdidaktisk perspektiv på å lære om og med GIS. Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU 2011:12. (external link)
- Molin, Lena; Steen, Odd Inge; Rød, Jan Ketil (2010). Geografi i tekst og bilde. En studie av geografibøker for ungdomsskolen fra Norge, Sverige, Danmark og Finland. (external link)
Academic article
- Steen, Odd Inge (2009). International field studies in Norwegian teacher training courses: perspectives and experiences. (external link)
- Steen, Odd Inge; Klausen, Kurt Klaudi; Selle, Per (1996). Autonomy or dependency? Relations between non-governmental international aid organisations and government. (external link)
- Steen, Odd Inge (1996). Autonomy or dependency? Relations between non-governmental international aid organisations and government. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Steen, Odd Inge (2008). Challenges in the new geography programme introduced in Norwegian secondary schools after Reform 2006. (external link)
- Steen, Odd Inge (2008). International field studies in Norwegian teacher training courses: A study of student teachers’ perceptions of expectations and the effects of field studies in Tanzania. (external link)
- Steen, Odd Inge (2008). Geografi og kunnskapsløftet – Perspektiv på mål og innhold i hovedområdet utviklingsgeografi. (external link)
- Tonning, Anne Sissel Vedvik; Smith, Kari; Krumsvik, Rune Johan et al. (2008). Teacher Training Students and the School Library. (external link)
- Smith, Kari; Krumsvik, Rune Johan; Steen, Odd Inge et al. (2008). Becoming partners- examining possible effects after the first semester of implementing a new university-school partnership model. (external link)
- Steen, Odd Inge (2007). Field studies in higher education - some implications for teacher training courses. (external link)
- Steen, Odd Inge (2007). The European dimension in geography - Challenges and opportunities in geography courses offered to visiting and exchange students at Norwegian universities. (external link)
- Steen, Odd Inge (2006). Feltstudieturer som et integrert samfunnsdidaktisk element i geografiundervisning. Erfaringer fra Tanzania. (external link)
- Steen, Odd Inge (2001). Tuning Educational Structures in Europe - The case of Norway. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
- Steen, Odd Inge (2006). Integrert lærerutdanning og partnerskolemodellen - konsekvenser for de samfunnsvitenskapelige fag. (external link)
- Steen, Odd Inge (2006). Kunnskapsløftet og lærerutdanning - geografifaget som skolefag. (external link)
- Steen, Odd Inge (2006). International Cooperation in Education, Research and Humanitarian Development. The case of Norway. (external link)
- Steen, Odd Inge (2006). Geografifagets egenart og målsetting. Fagfilosofiske og faghistoriske aspekt ved samfunnsgeografien. (external link)
- Steen, Odd Inge; Reed, Robert A.; Gonzales, Julia et al. (1998). A map of knowledge - Poverty and development. (external link)
- Steen, Odd Inge; Gonzales, Julia; Lowenstein, Wilhelm (1998). Map of knowledge and chart of skills -Country Report Norway. (external link)
- Steen, Odd Inge; Hansen, Jens Christian (1995). Problemer med anvendelse av vestlige planleggingsteorier og modeller i bistand til Den Tredje Verden. (Bearb. av prøveforelsning for dr. polit.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen, desember 1994). (external link)
- Barkved, Einar; Tvedt, Terje; Steen, Odd Inge et al. (1993). De private organisasjonene som kanal for norsk bistand. En tilleggsstudie. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Steen, Odd Inge (2004). Models of good practice of international co-operation. The case of Norway. (external link)
- Steen, Odd Inge (1999). Thematic Study: Poverty and Development. (external link)
- Steen, Odd Inge; Angvik Magne, Nielsen Vagn Oluf (1999). Nordisk ungdoms oppfatninger av og interesser for verden utenfor Europa. (external link)
- Steen, Odd Inge (1999). Country Report: Norway. (external link)
- Steen, Odd Inge; Klausen, Kurt Klaudi; Selle, Per (1995). Autonomi eller avhengighet? Norske (nordiske) bistandsorganisasjoners forhold til det offentlige. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
Dr. polit i 1994 med en avhandling om norske frivillige organisasjoners arbeid i den tredje verden.