Academic article
Kunčinas, A.; Osland, Per; Rebelo, M.N.
(2024). U(1)-charged Dark Matter in three-Higgs-doublet models. (external link)
Ferreira, P.M.; Grzadkowski, B.; Øgreid, Odd Magne
et al. (2024). New symmetries of the two-Higgs-doublet model. (external link)
Plantey, Robin Maurice Yves; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
et al. (2023). Weinberg’s 3HDM potential with spontaneous CP violation. (external link)
Kunčinas, A.; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
et al. (2023). Complex S <inf>3</inf>-symmetric 3HDM. (external link)
Ferreira, P.M.; Grzadkowski, B.; Øgreid, Odd Magne
et al. (2023). Softly broken symmetries in the 2HDM — an invariant formulation. (external link)
Plantey, Robin Maurice Yves; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
et al. (2022). Light scalars in the Weinberg 3HDM potential with spontaneous CP violation. (external link)
Khater, W.; Kunčinas, A.; Øgreid, Odd Magne
et al. (2022). Dark matter in three-Higgs-doublet models with S <inf>3</inf> symmetry. (external link)
Kuncinas, Anton; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
et al. (2022). Dark matter in a CP-violating three-Higgs-doublet model with S3 symmetry. (external link)
Kuncinas, Anton; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
et al. (2022). Two dark matter candidates in three-Higgs-doublet models
with S3 symmetry. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pankov, A.A.; Serenkova, I.A.
(2021). Updated constraints on Z′ and W′ bosons decaying into bosonic and leptonic final states using the run 2 ATLAS data. (external link)
Ferreira, Pedro M.; Grzadkowski, Bohdan; Øgreid, Odd Magne
et al. (2021). Symmetries of the 2HDM: an invariant formulation and consequences. (external link)
Abdallah, Waleed; AbdusSalam, Shehu S.; Ahmadov, Azar
et al. (2020). Reinterpretation of LHC results for new physics: status and recommendations after run 2. (external link)
Pankov, A.A.; Osland, Per; Serenkova, I.A.
et al. (2020). High-precision limits on W–W′and Z–Z′ mixing from diboson production using the full LHC Run 2 ATLAS data set. (external link)
Haber, Howard E.; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
et al. (2020). Implications of symmetries in the scalar sector. (external link)
Kuncinas, Anton; Osland, Per; Øgreid, Odd Magne
et al. (2020). S3-inspired three-Higgs-doublet models: A class with a complex vacuum. (external link)
Grzadkowski, Bohdan; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
(2020). The CP-symmetries of the 2HDM. (external link)
Bobovnikov, ID; Osland, Per; Pankov, AA
(2019). Improved constraints on the mixing and mass of Z' bosons from resonant diboson searches at the LHC at √s =13 TeV and predictions for Run II. (external link)
Abada, Asmaa; Abbrescia, M; AbdusSalam, SS
et al. (2019). FCC-ee: The Lepton Collider: Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 2. (external link)
Abada, Asmaa; Abbrescia, M; AbdusSalam, SS
et al. (2019). FCC-hh: The Hadron Collider: Future circular collider conceptual design report volume 3. (external link)
Serenkova, IA; Osland, Per; Pankov, Alexander A
(2019). Improved bounds on W−W′ mixing with ATLAS resonant WZ production data at the LHC at √s=13 TeV. (external link)
Abada, Asmaa; Abbrescia, M; AbdusSalam, SS
et al. (2019). HE-LHC: The High-Energy Large Hadron Collider: Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 4. (external link)
Haber, Howard E.; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
et al. (2019). Symmetries and mass degeneracies in the scalar sector. (external link)
Grzadkowski, Bohdan; Haber, Howard E.; Øgreid, Odd Magne
et al. (2018). Heavy Higgs boson decays in the alignment limit of the 2HDM. (external link)
Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per; Rebelo, Margarida N.
(2018). CP violation in extended higgs sectors. (external link)
Krawczyk, M; Moretti, S; Osland, Per
et al. (2017). Prospects for 2HDM charged Higgs searches. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pankov, Alexander A; Tsytrinov, Andrej V.
(2017). Probing Z−Z′ mixing with ATLAS and CMS resonant diboson production data at the LHC at √s=13 TeV. (external link)
Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per; Rebelo, Margarida N.
(2017). A simple method to detect spontaneous CP violation in multi-Higgs models. (external link)
Emmanuel-Costa, David; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
et al. (2017). Spontaneous symmetry breaking in three-Higgs-doublet S3-symmetric models. (external link)
Grzadkowski, Bohdan; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
(2017). Some properties of the generic 2HDM in the alignment limit. (external link)
Grzadkowski, Bohdan; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
(2016). Spontaneous CP violation in the 2HDM: Physical conditions and the alignment limit. (external link)
Grzadkowski, Bohdan; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
(2016). CP-violation in the ZZZ and ZWW vertices at e + e − colliders in Two-Higgs-Doublet models. (external link)
Emmanuel-Costa, David; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
et al. (2016). Spontaneous symmetry breaking in the S 3-symmetric scalar sector. (external link)
Emmanuel-Costa, David; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
et al. (2016). CP Violation in the scalar sector. (external link)
Basso, Lorenzo; Osland, Per; Pruna, Giovanni Marco
(2015). Charged-Higgs production in the Two-Higgs-doublet model — the τ ν channel. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pankov, Alexander A.; Tsytrinov, Andrej V.
(2015). The Higgs-like boson spin from the center–edge asymmetry in the diphoton channel at the LHC. (external link)
Grzadkowski, Bohdan; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
(2015). Testing the presence of CP violation in the 2HDM. (external link)
Andreev, Vasili V.; Osland, Per; Pankov, Alexander A.
(2014). Precise determination of Z-Z′ mixing at the CERN LHC. (external link)
Bomark, Nils-Erik; Kvellestad, Anders; Lola, Smaragda
et al. (2014). R-parity violating chargino decays at the LHC. (external link)
Bomark, Nils-Erik; Kvellestad, Anders; Lola, Smaragda
et al. (2014). Long lived charginos in Natural SUSY?. (external link)
Grzadkowski, Bohdan; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
(2014). Measuring CP violation in two-Higgs-doublet models in light of the LHC Higgs data. (external link)
Grzadkowski, Bohdan; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
(2014). Diagnosing CP properties of the 2HDM. (external link)
Moortgat-Pick, Gudrun; Osland, Per; Pankov, Alexander A.
et al. (2013). Unique heavy lepton signature at e(+)e(-) linear collider with polarized beams. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pukhov, Alexander; Pruna, Giovanni Marco
et al. (2013). Phenomenology of charged scalars in the CP-violating inert-doublet model. (external link)
Andreev, Victor V.; Moortgat-pick, Gudrun; Osland, Per
et al. (2012). Discriminating Z ' from anomalous trilinear gauge coupling signatures in e(+)e(-) -> W+W- at ILC with polarized beams. (external link)
Basso, Lorenzo; Lipniacka, Anna; Mahmoudi, Farvah
et al. (2012). Probing the charged Higgs boson at the LHC in the CP-violating type-II 2HDM. (external link)
Tsytrinov, Andrei; Kalinowski, Jan; Osland, Per
et al. (2012). Sneutrino identification in lepton pair production at ILC with polarized beams. (external link)
Grzadkowski, Bohdan; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
et al. (2012). Update on the CP-Violating Inert-Doublet Model. (external link)
Grzadkowski, Bohdan; Osland, Per
(2011). Natural Two-Higgs-Doublet Model. (external link)
Grzadkowski, Bohdan; Osland, Per
(2011). Tuned Two-Higgs-Doublet Model. (external link)
Bomark, Nils-Erik; Choudhury, Debajyoti; Lola, Smaragda
et al. (2011). Flavour structure of R-violating neutralino decays at the LHC. (external link)
Grzadkowski, Bohdan; Osland, Per; Wudka, José
(2011). Pragmatic extensions of the standard model. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pankov, A. A.; Paver, N
et al. (2011). Spin identification of heavy nonstandard bosons in dilepton and diphoton events at the LHC. (external link)
Olaussen, Kåre; Osland, Per; Solberg, Marius Aase
(2011). Symmetry and mass degeneration in multi-Higgs-doublet models. (external link)
Grzadkowski, Bohdan; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
et al. (2011). Exploring the CP-violating Inert-Doublet Model. (external link)
Grzadkowski, Bohdan; Osland, Per
(2010). Tempered two-Higgs-doublet model. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pankov, Alexander a.; Paver, Nello
et al. (2010). Sneutrino identification in dilepton events at the LHC. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pankov, Alexander A; Tsytrinov, Andrej V.
(2010). Identification of extra neutral gauge bosons at the International Linear Collider. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pankov, Alexander A.; Tsytrinov, Andrej V.
et al. (2010). Signals of warped extra dimensions at the LHC. (external link)
Bomark, Nils-Erik; Lola, Smaragda; Osland, Per
et al. (2010). Photon, neutrino and charged particle spectra from R-violating gravitino decays. (external link)
Raklev, Are; Osland, Per; Bomark, Nils-Erik
et al. (2009). Cosmic Ray Signatures from Decaying Gravitino Dark Matter. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pankov, Alexander A.; Tsytrinov, Andrej V.
et al. (2009). Spin and model identification of Z(') bosons at the LHC. (external link)
Bomark, Nils-Erik; Lola, Smaragda; Osland, Per
et al. (2009). Gravitino dark matter and the flavour structure of R-violating operators. (external link)
Grzadkowski, Bohdan; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
(2009). Natural multi-Higgs model with dark matter and CP violation. (external link)
Grzadkowski, B; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
(2009). Natural multi-Higgs model with dark matter and CP violation. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pankov, A. A.; Tsytrinov, AV
et al. (2008). Spin identification of the Randall-Sundrum resonance in lepton-pair production at the CERN LHC. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pandita, Pran Nath; Selbuz, Levent
(2008). Trilinear Higgs couplings in the two Higgs doublet model with CP violation. (external link)
Grimus, Walter; Lavoura, Luis; Øgreid, Odd Magne
et al. (2008). The oblique parameters in multi-Higgs-doublet models. (external link)
Grimus, Walter; Lavoura, Luis; Øgreid, Odd Magne
et al. (2008). A precision constraint on multi-Higgs-doublet models. (external link)
Grimus, W; Lavoura, L; Øgreid, Odd Magne
et al. (2008). The oblique parameters in multi-Higgs-doublet models. (external link)
Grimus, W; Lavoura, L; Øgreid, Odd Magne
et al. (2008). A precision constraint on multi-Higgs-doublet models. (external link)
Osland, Per; Vereshagin, Alexander
(2007). CP violation in unpolarized e+ e- \to charginos at one loop level. (external link)
El Kaffas, Abdel Wahab; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
(2007). CP Violation, Stability and Unitarity of the Two Higgs Doublet Model. (external link)
El Kaffas, Abdel Wahab; Khater, Wafaa; Øgreid, Odd Magne
et al. (2007). Consistency of the two-Higgs-doublet model and CP violation in top production at the LHC. (external link)
Lola, S; Osland, Per; Raklev, Are Reinert
(2007). Radiative gravitino decays from R-parity violation. (external link)
El Kaffas, Abdul Wahab; Osland, Per; Øgreid, Odd Magne
(2007). Constraining the two-Higgs-doublet-model parameter spcae. (external link)
Miller, David John; Osland, Per; Raklev, Are Reinert
(2006). Invariant mass distributions in cascade decays. (external link)
Dvergsnes, Erik wolden; Osland, Per; Pankov, Alexander a.
et al. (2005). Search and identification of extra spatial dimensions at LHC. (external link)
Gjelsten, Borge kile; Miller, David john; Osland, Per
(2005). Measurement of the gluino mass via cascade decays for SPS 1a. (external link)
Gjelsten, Børge Kile; Miller, D.J.; Osland, P.
(2004). Measurement of SUSY Masses via Cascade Decays for SPS 1a. (external link)
Buanes, Trygve; Dvergsnes, Erik wolden; Osland, Per
(2004). Graviton-induced bremsstrahlung at e(+)e(-) colliders. (external link)
Gjelsten, Børge Kile; Miller, David John; Osland, Per
(2004). Measurement of SUSY masses via cascade decays for SPS 1a. (external link)
Dvergsnes, Erik wolden; Osland, Per; Pankov, Alexander a.
et al. (2004). Center-edge asymmetry at hadron colliders. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pankov, Alexander A.; Paver, Nello
(2003). Discriminating graviton exchange effects from other new physics scenarios in e^+e^- collisions. (external link)
Gastmans, Raymond; Osland, Per; Wu, Tai Tsun
(2003). Neutrino Masses from Universal Fermion Mixing. (external link)
Dvergsnes, Eirik; Osland, Per; Ozturk, Nurcan
(2003). Graviton-induced Bremsstrahlung. (external link)
Khater, Wafaa; Osland, Per
(2003). CP violation in top quark production at the LHC and Two-Higgs-Doublet Models. (external link)
Babich, Alexander A.; della Ricca, Giuseppe; Holt, John
et al. (2003). Model-independent constraints on contact interactions from LEP2 data analysis. (external link)
Khater, Wafaa; Osland, Per
(2003). Maximal CP nonconservation in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model. (external link)
Ogreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
(2002). Some infinite series related to Feynman diagrams. (external link)
Davydychev, Andrei I.; Osland, Per; Saks, Leo
(2001). Quark-gluon vertex in arbitrary gauge and dimension. (external link)
Davydychev, Andrei I.; Osland, Per; Saks, Leo
(2001). Quark mass dependence of the one-loop three-gluon vertex in arbitrary dimension. (external link)
Babich, Alexander A.; Osland, Per; Pankov, Alexander A.
et al. (2001). New physics signatures at a Linear Collider: model-independent analysis from `conventional' polarized observables. (external link)
Ogreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
(2001). More Series related to the Euler Series. (external link)
Osland, Per; Zhang, Jian-Zu
(2001). Critical Phenomenon of a Consistent q-Deformed Squeezed State. (external link)
Lehmann, Harry; Osland, Per; Wu, Tai Tsun
(2001). Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein Effect for Linear Electron Density. (external link)
Zhang, Jian-Zu; Osland, Per
(2001). Perturbative Aspects of q-Deformed Dynamics. (external link)
Osland, Per; Vigdel, Geir
(2001). Neutrinoless double beta decay, solar neutrinos and mass scales. (external link)
Osland, Per; Vigdel, Geir
(2000). Vacuum and MSW interpretations of solar neutrino data with the LNW mass matrix. (external link)
Babich, Alexander A.; Osland, Per; Pankov, Alexander A.
et al. (2000). Optimal polarized observables for model-independent new-physics search at e+e- colliders. (external link)
Babich, Alexander A.; Osland, Per; Pankov, Alexander A.
et al. (2000). Contact interaction probes at the Linear Collider with polarized electron and positron beams. (external link)
Osland, Per
(1999). Higgs boson production in e+e- and e-e- collisions. (external link)
Davydychev, Andrei I; Osland, Per
(1999). On-shell two-loop three-gluon vertex. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pandita, Pran Nath
(1999). Measuring the Trilinear Couplings of MSSM Neutral Higgs Bosons at High-Energy e+ e- Colliders. (external link)
Bøe, Christian Alræk; Ogreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
et al. (1999). Higgs Production: CP Studies in e-e- Collisions. (external link)
Osland, Per; Vigdel, Per
(1998). Solar-neutrino oscillations and third-flavour admixture. (external link)
Andrianov, Alexandr A; Osland, Per; Pankov, Alexander A
et al. (1998). Phenomenology of a Z' coupling only to third-family fermions. (external link)
Ogreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
(1998). Summing one- and two-dimensional Series related to the Euler Series. (external link)
Davydychev, Andrei I; Osland, Per; Tarasov, Oleg V
(1998). Two-loop three-gluon vertex in the zero-momentum limit. (external link)
Accomando, Elena; Osland, Per
(1998). Physics with e+e- Linear Colliders. (external link)
Burrows, P. N.; Osland, Per
(1997). Three-jet Event Orientation in e+e- Annihilation: New Tests of the Standard Model. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pankov, A. A.
(1997). Z' interference effects from TRISTAN to LEP2. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pankov, A. A.
(1997). Optimal observables for new-physics search at LEP2. (external link)
Kovalevich, S. G.; Osland, Per; Shnir, Yasha M.
et al. (1997). The Effective Lagrangian of QED with a Magnetic Charge and Dyon Mass Bounds. (external link)
Kileng, B.; Osland, Per; Pandita, P.N.
(1996). Production and two-photon decay of the MSSM scalar Higgs boson at the LHC. (external link)
Davydychev, A.I.; Osland, Per; Tarasov, O.V.
(1996). Three-gluon vertex in arbitrary gauge and dimension. (external link)
Kileng, B.; Osland, Per
(1995). Gluino Production in Electron-Positron Annihilation. (external link)
Skjold, A.; Osland, Per
(1995). Testing CP in the Bjorken process. (external link)
Kileng, B.; Osland, Per
(1994). Light-gluon production at LEP. (external link)
Fäldt, Göran; Osland, Per
(1994). Decorated-box-diagram-contributions to Bhabha scattering. (I) (Erata i Nucl Phys B 419, (1994) s. 404-405). (external link)
Newton, Conrad; Osland, Per; Wu, Tai Tsun
(1994). Can the Higgs boson be detected at the Fermilab Tevatron collider?. (external link)
Newton, Conrad; Osland, Per; Wu, Tai Tsun
(1994). Point-splitting regularization for gauge theories - quantum electrodynamics. (external link)
Fäldt, Göran; Osland, Per
(1994). Decorated-box-diagram-contributions to Bhabha scattering. (II). (external link)
Skjold, Arild; Osland, Per
(1993). Angular and energy correlations in Higgs decay. (external link)
Osland, Per
(1993). Partikkelfysikk. Fysikkens front innad. (external link)
Popular scientific article
Brevik, Iver Håkon; Grøn, Øyvind; Olaussen, Kåre
et al. (2022). Finn Ravndal 80 år. (external link)
Johnsson, Anders; Mork, Kjell Johannes; Olaussen, Kåre
et al. (2011). Minneord over Haakon Andreas Olsen. (external link)
Gastmans, Raymond; Osland, Per
(2008). EPS High Energy Particle Physics Division 1970-2008. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2005). Prize Winners Gross, Politzer and Wilczek. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2005). ILC - International Linear Collider. (external link)
Osland, P.; Ould-Saada, Farid
(2002). Nobelprisen i fysikk 2002. (external link)
Dvergsnes, Eirik; Osland, Per
(2002). Ekstra dimensjoner - Science eller Fiction?. (external link)
Osland, Per; Ould-Saada, Farid
(2002). Nobelprisen 2002. (external link)
Academic literature review
Abada, Asmaa; Abbrescia, M; AbdusSalam, SS
et al. (2019). FCC Physics Opportunities: Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 1. (external link)
Akeroyd, Andrew G.; Aoki, Mayumi; Arhrib, Abdesslam
et al. (2017). Prospects for charged Higgs searches at the LHC. (external link)
Moortgat-pick, Gudrun; Osland, Per; Alexander, G
et al. (2008). Polarized positrons and electrons at the linear collider. (external link)
El Kaffas, Abdel Wahab; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
(2007). Constraining the Two-Higgs-Doublet-Model parameter space. (external link)
Weiglein, Georg; Barklow, Timothy; Boos, Edvard
et al. (2006). Physics interplay of the LHC and the ILC. (external link)
Academic monograph
Øgreid, Odd Magne; Grzadkowski, Bohdan; Osland, Per
(2017). Erratum: CP-violation in the ZZZ and ZWW
vertices at e+e- colliders in Two-Higgs-Doublet
Models. (external link)
Grzadkowski, Bohdan; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
(2017). Erratum to: CP-violation in the ZZZ and ZWW vertices at e + e − colliders in Two-Higgs-Doublet Models (Journal of High Energy Physics, (2016), 2016, 5, (25), 10.1007/JHEP05(2016)025). (external link)
Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per; Rebelo, Margarida N.
et al. (2016). Erratum to: Spontaneous symmetry breaking in the S3-symmetric scalar sector. (external link)
Emmanuel-Costa, David; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
et al. (2016). Erratum to: Spontaneous symmetry breaking in the S 3-symmetric scalar sector (JHEP, (2016), 2, (154), 10.1007/JHEP08(2016)169). (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
Lindroos, Jan; Sandaker, Heidi; Mota, David
et al. (2016). Beyond the Standard Models. Supersymmetric Parameter Scans
& Waves in Modified Gravity. (external link)
Purmohammadi, Mahdi; Osland, Per; Lipniacka, Anna
et al. (2013). An Extended Scalar Sector: Charged Higgs and Dark Matter. (external link)
Bomark, Nils-Erik; Osland, Per; Lipniacka, Anna
et al. (2011). Supersymmetry with Trilinear R-Parity Violation –Implications for Cosmology and the LHC. (external link)
El Kaffas, Abdel Wahab; Osland, Per
(2008). Constraining the Two Higgs Doublet Model with CP-Violation. (external link)
Raklev, Are Reinert; Osland, Per
(2007). Supersymmetric Cascade Decays at the LHC. (external link)
Dvergsnes, Erik Wolden; Osland, Per
(2004). Extra Dimensions at Particle Colliders. (external link)
Academic lecture
Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per; Grzadkowski, Bohdan
(2015). 2HDM: CP violation in the ZZZ and ZWW couplings. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2013). foredrag: Charged-Higgs benchmarks. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2013). An extended scalar sector (same title as other talk). (external link)
Osland, Per
(2013). Svensk kandidat- og mastergrads utdanning – Refleksjoner fra en evaluering, 2012-2013. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2013). An extended scalar sector (title used previously). (external link)
Osland, Per
(2013). Unconventional Dark Matter (title used previously). (external link)
Osland, Per
(2013). An extended scalar sector. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2013). The scalar sector. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2013). CP-violating 2HDM. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2012). Charged Higgs Benchmarks. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2012). Constraining the 2HDM and identifying benchmarks. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2011). Neutralino LSP decays. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2011). Unconventional Dark Matter. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2011). Exploring the CP-Violating Inert-Doublet Model. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2011). The CP-violating inert-doublet model. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2011). Unconventional Dark Matter. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2010). Unconventional Dark Matter. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2010). Unconventional Dark Matter. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2010). Unconventional Dark Matter. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2009). Light from Dark Matter. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2009). Light from Dark Matter. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2009). Decaying Dark Matter. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2008). Supersymmetry and mass measurements. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2008). Trilinear couplings in the 2HDM. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2008). Trilinear couplings in the 2HDM. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2008). Light from Dark Matter. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2008). Light from Dark Matter. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2008). Delta rho in multi-Higgs-doublet models. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2008). Oblique-parameter constraints on multi-Higgs-doublet models. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pankov, Alexander a.; Tsytrinov, Andrej V.
et al. (2008). Spin Identification of the Randall-Sundrum Graviton at the LHC. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2007). Constraining the Two-Higgs-Doublet-Model. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2007). Constraining the Two-Higgs-Doublet model. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2007). Alternative Theories (non-SUSY) Beyond the Standard Model. (external link)
El Kaffas, Abdel Wahab; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
(2007). Profile of Two-Higgs-Doublet-Model Parameter Space. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2007). Constraining the 2HDM Parameter Space. (external link)
Osland, Per; Kalinowski, Jan; Rolbiecki, Krzysztof
et al. (2007). Polarization-independent CP-odd Observable in e+e- Chargino Production at One Loop. (external link)
El Kaffas, Abdul Wahab; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
(2007). Profile of Two-Higgs-Doublet-Model Parameter Space. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2006). Asymptotic Diffraction Theory. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2006). Summary of Conclusions: theory. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2006). CP violation in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2006). Constraining the 2HDM parameters. (external link)
Gjelsten, Borge kile; Miller, David john; Osland, Per
et al. (2006). Mass Determination in Cascade Decays Using Shape Formulas. (external link)
Gjelsten, Borge kile; Osland, Per; Raklev, Are Reinert
et al. (2006). Mass ambiguities in cascade decays. (external link)
Osland, Per; Paver, Nello
(2005). Positron Polarization at the International Linear Collider. (external link)
Gjelsten, Borge kile; Miller, David john; Osland, Per
(2005). Determining masses of supersymmetric particles. (external link)
Osland, Per; Gjelsten, Borge kile; Miller, David john
(2005). Resolving ambiguities in mass determinations at future colliders. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2005). Supersymmetric cascade decays. (external link)
Buanes, Trygve; Dvergsnes, Erik wolden; Osland, Per
(2004). Hard Bremsstrahlung photons from graviton exchange. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2004). Graviton-induced Bremsstrahlung. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2004). Neutrino mass from universal fermion mixing. (external link)
Dvergsnes, Erik wolden; Osland, Per
(2004). Center-Edge Asymmetry at Hadron Colliders. (external link)
Vereshagin, Alexander; Osland, Per
(2004). Renormalization prescriptions in effective theory of pion-nucleon scattering. (external link)
Vereshagin, Alexander; Osland, Per
(2004). Renormalization prescriptions and bootstrap in effective theories. (external link)
Nilsen, Henrik wold; Osland, Per
(2004). CP Violation in the Two Higgs Doublet Model. (external link)
Vereshagin, Alexander; Osland, Per
(2004). Explicit equations for renormalization prescriptions in the case of pion-nucleon scattering. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2004). Graviton-induced Bremsstrahlung. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2004). Neutrino physics. (external link)
Dvergsnes, Erik wolden; Osland, Per; Pankov, Alexander a.
et al. (2004). Search and identification of extra spatial dimensions at LHC. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2003). CP violation in top quark production at the LHC and Two-Higgs-Doublet models. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2003). CP violation in top quark production at the LHC and Two-Higgs-Doublet models. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2003). Linear Collider plans. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2003). CP violation in top quark production at the LHC and Two-Higgs-Doublet models. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2003). CP violation in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model. (external link)
Ginzburg, Ilya F.; Krawczyk, Maria; Osland, Per
(2002). Two-Higgs-Doublet models with CP violation. (external link)
Ginzburg, Ilya F.; Krawczyk, Maria; Osland, Per
(2002). Two-Higgs-Doublet models with CP violation and photon colliders. (external link)
Ginzburg, Ilya F.; Krawczyk, Maria; Osland, Per
(2002). Two-Higgs-Doublet models with CP violation and photon colliders. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2002). Three-Neutrino MSW Effect and the Lehmann Mass Matrix. (external link)
Ginzburg, Ilya F.; Krawczyk, Maria; Osland, Per
(2002). Two-Higgs-Doublet models with CP violation. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2002). CP violation in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2002). Theoretical Particle Physics. (external link)
Gastmans, Raymond; Osland, Per; Wu, Tai Tsun
(2002). Neutrino masses from universal fermion mixing. (external link)
Ginzburg, Ilya F.; Krawczyk, Maria; Osland, Per
(2002). Two-Higgs-Doublet Models with CP violation. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2002). CP violation in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model. (external link)
Dvergsnes, Eirik; Osland, Per; Ozturk, Nurcan
(2002). Characteristics of graviton-induced bremsstrahlung. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2002). Extra Dimensions and Gravity-induced Bremsstrahlung. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2002). Transverse Beam Polarisation and Flavour Separation. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2002). CP violation in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model. (external link)
Osland, Per; Wu, Tai Tsun
(2002). Three-neutrino MSW Effect and the Lehmann Mass Matrix. (external link)
Ginzburg, Ilya F.; Krawczyk, Maria; Osland, Per
(2001). Potential of Photon Collider in resolving SM-like scenarios. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2001). Extra Dimensions and Gravity-induced Bremsstrahlung. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2001). Standard Model Scenario in the Two Higgs Doublet Model. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2001). Origin of mass. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2001). Particle Physics Theory in Bergen. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2001). Extra Dimensions. (external link)
Davydychev, Andrei I.; Osland, Per; Saks, Leo
(2000). One-loop results for the quark-gluon vertex in arbitrary dimension. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2000). Three-generation neutrino mixing. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2000). Three-generation MSW neutrino mixing, and applications to the Lehmann mass matrix. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2000). Selected Higgs topics at LHC. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2000). Radions at LHC. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2000). Particle Physics Theory in Bergen. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2000). Recent results in perturbative QCD. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2000). LNW neutrino mixing and 3-flavour MSW effect. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2000). LHC Challenges. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2000). Three-generation neutrino mixing. (external link)
Ogreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
(2000). Some infinite series related to Feynman diagrams. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2000). Three-neutrino MSW effect and the Lehmann mass matrix. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2000). Analytic solution of 3-flavour MSW problem and application to the Lehmann mass matrix. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pandita, Pran Nath
(1999). Multiple Higgs Production and Measurement of Higgs Trilinear Couplings in the MSSM. (external link)
Osland, Per
(1999). Multiple MSSM Higgs Production and Higgs Trilinear Couplings. (external link)
Ginzburg, Ilya F.; Krawczyk, Maria; Osland, Per
(1999). Distinguishing Higgs models at photon colliders. (external link)
Osland, Per
(1999). Multiple Higgs Production and Higgs Trilinear Couplings in the MSSM. (external link)
Osland, Per
(1999). Neutrino masses and oscillations. (external link)
Osland, Per
(1999). Neutrino Experiments, and the Search for Particle Masses. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pandita, Pran Nath
(1999). Multiple Higgs Production and Measurement of Higgs Trilinear Couplings in the MSSM. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pandita, Pran Nath
(1998). Measuring Trilinear Higgs Couplings in the MSSM. (external link)
Davydychev, Andrei I; Osland, Per; Tarasov, Oleg V
(1998). Two-loop QCD Vertices, WST Identities and RG Quantities. (external link)
Burrows, P.N.; Osland, Per
(1997). Event Orientation in e+e- Annihilation. (external link)
Kileng, B.; Osland, Per; Pandita, P.N.
(1997). Lightest MSSM Higgs Boson Production and its Two-Photon Decay at the LHC, Invited paper, in "Quantum Systems: New Trends and Methods", Proceedings the International Workshop, Minsk, Belarus, June 3-7, 1996,. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pankov, A.A.
(1997). Optimal observables for new-physics search at LEP2, contributed paper No. 676. (external link)
Kileng, B.; Osland, Per; Pandita, P.N.
(1996). The Two-Photon Decay Mode of MSSM Higgs Bosons at the Large Headron Collider. (external link)
Kileng, B.; Osland, Per; Pandita, P.N.
(1996). Lightest MSSM higgs boson production and its two-photon decay at the LHC. (external link)
Kileng, B.; Osland, Per
(1994). Light-gluon production at LEP. (external link)
Newton, C.; Osland, Per; Wu, T. T.
(1994). Mass relations in the Standard Model: The Higgs boson and the top quark masses. (external link)
Newton, C.; Osland, Per; Wu, T. T.
(1994). Mass relations in the Standard Model: The Higgs boson and the top quark masses. (external link)
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Bordvik, Målfrid; Osland, Per
(2012). Derfor er "Gudspartikkelen" historisk. (external link)
Sørlie, Eivind; Osland, Per
(2011). Tester støtter funn av partikler som reiser raskere enn lyset. (external link)
Grønli, Kristin Straumsheim; Osland, Per
(2011). Hektisk blant verdens fysikere. (external link)
Grønli, Kristin Straumsheim; Osland, Per
(2011). Uenige om nøytrino-publisering. (external link)
Sørlie, Eivind; Osland, Per
(2011). Einstein tok feil. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2009). Controversy bubbles over particle physics prize. (external link)
Osland, Per; Gewin, Virginia
(2006). Physical Exercise. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
Short communication
Masters thesis
Other product
Grimus, Walter; Lavoura, Luis; Øgreid, Odd Magne
et al. (2007). A precision constraint on multi-Higgs-doublet models. (external link)
Miller, David john; Osland, Per; Raklev, Are Reinert
(2005). Invariant mass distributions in cascade decays. (external link)
Gjelsten, Børge Kile; Lytken, E.; Osland, P.
et al. (2004). A detailed analysis of the measurement of SUSY masses with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. (external link)
Ackermann, K; Osland, Per
(2004). Extended Joint ECFA/DESY Study on Physics and Detector for a Linear e+ e- Collider. Proceedings. (external link)
Gjelsten, Børge Kile; Lytken, Else; Miller, David John
et al. (2004). A detailed analysis of the measurement of SUSY masses with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. (external link)
Weiglein, Georg; Osland, Per
(2004). Physics Interplay of the LHC and the ILC. (external link)
Gastmans, Raymond; Osland, Per; Wu, Tai Tsun
(2003). Neutrino Masses from Universal Fermion Mixing. (external link)
Osland, Per
(2003). Contribution to LHC/LC Study. (external link)
Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Osland, Per
(2003). TESLA, The Superconducting Electron-Positron Linear Collider with an Integrated X-ray Laser Laboratory Technical Design Report: Part III Physics at an e+e- Linear Collider (eds. R.-D. Heuer, D. Miller, F. Richard, P. Zerwas). (external link)
Dvergsnes, Eirik; Osland, Per; Ozturk, Nurcan
(2002). Graviton-induced Bremsstrahlung. (external link)
Babich, Alexander A.; della Ricca, Giuseppe; Holt, John
et al. (2002). Model-independent constraints on contact interactions from LEP2 data analysis. (external link)
Osland, Per; Zhang, Jian-Zu
(2000). Critical Phenomenon of a Consistent q-Deformed Squeezed State. (external link)
Osland, Per; Wu, Tai Tsun
(2000). Universal quark-lepton mixing and determination of neutrino masses. (external link)
Lehmann, Harry; Osland, Per; Wu, Tai Tsun
(2000). Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein Effect for Linear Electron Density. (external link)
Ogreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per
(1999). More Series related to the Euler Series. (external link)
Babich, Alexander; Osland, Per; Pankov, Alexander
et al. (1999). Optimal polarized observables for model-independent new-physics search at e+e- colliders. (external link)
Osland, Per; Wu, Tai Tsun
(1999). Solar Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein Effect with Three Generations of Neutrinos. (external link)
Osland, Per; Pankov, A.A.
(1996). Z' interference effects from TRISTAN to LEP2. (external link)
Osland, Per; Shnir, Y.M.
(1996). Dyon mass bounds from electric dipole moments. (external link)
Osland, Per
(1992). Theoretical Determination of the Masses of the Higgs Boson and the Top Quark in the Standard Model. (external link)
Osland, Per
(1992). Two-loop Ladder Diagram Contributions to Bhabha Scattering 2. Asymptomic results for high energies. (external link)
Programme participation
Ginzburg, Ilya F.; Krawczyk, Maria; Osland, Per
(2003). Identifying an SM-like Higgs particle at future colliders, Contribution to LHC/LC Study. (external link)
Ginzburg, Ilya F.; Krawczyk, Maria; Osland, Per
(2001). Resolving SM-like scenarios via Higgs boson production at a Photon Collider: I. 2HDM vs SM. (external link)
Babich, Alexander A.; Osland, Per; Pankov, Alexander A.
et al. (2001). Contact interactions and polarized beams at a Linear Collider. (external link)
Encyclopedia article
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Non-fiction book
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.