Pirmin Philipp Ebner


Postdoctoral Fellow


My work covers experimental and modeling component that will establish an accurate basis for the use of water isotopic composition in studies of the terrestrial and extraterrestrial hydrological cycle.


Current teaching activities

  • GEOF220 Physical Meteorology - Radiation (spring term)
  • GEOF232 Practical Meteorology and Oceanography (teaching assistent)
  • GEOF322 Field Course in Meteorology (teaching assistent)

Peer-review publications

R. Chaar, A. Sigmund, P. P Ebner, and M. Lehning: A Case Study on Drivers of the Isotopic Composition of Water Vapour at the Coast of East Antarctiva, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 128:1-17, 2023

P. P Ebner, F. Koch, V. Premier, C. Marin, F. Hanzer, C. M. Carmagnola, H. François, D. Günther, F. Monti, O. Hargoaa, U. Strasser, S. Morin, and M. Lehning: Evaluating a prediction system for snow management, The Cryosphere, 15:3949-3973, 2021

F. Willibald, S. Kotlarski, P. P. Ebner, M. Bavay, C. Marty, F. von Trentini, R. Ludwig, A. Grêt-Regamey: Vulnerability of ski tourism towards internal climate variability and climate change in the Swiss Alps, Science of The Total Environment, 784:147054, 2021.

P. P. Ebner, A. Eltelt: Audio inpainting with generative adversarial network, arXiv:2003.07704v1, 2020.

P. P. Ebner, A. Coulin, J. Borner, F. Wolfsperger, and M. Schneebeli: Liquid-water content and dielectric properties of wet snow, The Cryosphere Discussion, 2020.

F. Hanzer, C. M. Carmagnola, P. P. Ebner, F. Koch, F. Monti, M. Bavay, M. Bernhardt, M. Lafaysse, M. Lehning, U. Strasser, H. François, and S. Morin: Simulation of snow management in Alpine ski resorts using three different snow models, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 172:1-17, 2020.

P. P. Ebner, H. C. Steen-Larsen, B. Stenni, M. Schneebeli, and A. Steinfeld: Experimental observation of transient δ18O interaction between snow and advective airflow under various temperature gradient conditions, The Cryosphere, 11:1733-1743, 2017.

P. P. Ebner, M. Schneebeli, and A. Steinfeld: Metamorphism during temperature gradient with undersaturated advective airflow in a snow sample, The Cryosphere, 10:791-797, 2016.

P. P. Ebner, C. Andreoli, M. Schneebeli, and A. Steinfeld: Tomography-based characterization of ice-air interface dynamics of temperature gradient snow metamorphism under advective conditions, Journal of Geophysical Research, Earth Surface, 120:2437-2451, 2015.

P. P. Ebner, M. Schneebeli, and A. Steinfeld: Tomography-based monitoring of isothermal snow metamorphism under advective conditions, The Cryosphere, 9:1363-1371, 2015.

P. P. Ebner, S. A. Grimm, M. Schneebeli, and A. Steinfeld: An instrumented sample holder for time-lapse microtomography measurements of snow under advective conditions, Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 3:179-185, 2014.

P. P. Ebner and W. Lipinski: Heterogeneous thermochemical decomposition of a semi- transparent particle under high-flux irradiation–Uniform vs. non-uniform Irradiation, Heat and Mass Transfer, 50:1031-1036, 2014.

P. P. Ebner and W. Lipinski: Heterogeneous thermochemical decomposition of a semi- transparent particle under high-flux irradiation–Changing grain size vs. shrinking core models, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, 62:412-431, 2012.

P. P. Ebner and W. Lipinski: Heterogeneous thermochemical decomposition of a semi- transparent particle under direct irradiation, Chemical Engineering Sci., 66:2677-2689, 2011.

Invited journal paper

L. Matthews, L. Yue, P. P. Ebner, and W. Lipinski. Towards Solar Thermochemical CO2 Capture. In Press release of 245th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, 2013.

List of conference abstracts

F. Hanzer, C. M. Carmagnola, P. P. Ebner, M. Bavay, M. Lafaysee, M. Lehning, U. Strasser, H. François, and S. Morin: Simulating snow conditions in ski resorts with the physically based snowpack models AMUNDSEN, Crocus, and SNOWPACK/Alpine3D. In Abstract of International Snow Science Workshop Proceedings 2018, Innsbruck, Austria, 2018

M. Proksch, I. Gouttevin, M. Langer, P. P. Ebner, M. Schneebeli, and C. Fierz: Snow microstructure and modeling in support of permafrost science. In Abstract of Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Fribourg, Switzerland, 2014.

L. Matthews, L. Yue, P. P. Ebner, and W. Lipinski. Towards Solar Thermochemical CO2 Capture. In Abstract of 245th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, USA, 2013.

P. P. Ebner and W. Lipinski. Transient Heat and Mass Transfer Analysis of a Semi- Transparent Reacting Particle Under Non-Uniform High-Flux Irradiation. In Abstract of 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, USA, 2011.

P. P. Ebner and W. Lipinski. Heterogeneous thermochemical decomposition of a semi- transparent particle under direct irradiation. In Abstract of 11th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Minneapolis, USA, 2011.


A. Coulin, F. Wolfsperger, M. Schneebeli, P. P. Ebner. COMSOL-Simulation of the liquid water content in snow using dielectric heating. In Poster presentation of COMSOL conference, 2018.

P. P. Ebner, S. A. Grimm, H. C. Steen-Larsen, B. Stenni, M. Schneebeli, and A. Steinfeld. Time-lapse micro-tomography measurements and determination of effective transport properties of snow metamorphism under advective conditions and isotopes. In Poster presentation at AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, 2014.

P. P. Ebner and W. Lipinski. Heterogeneous thermochemical decomposition of a semi- transparent particle under direct irradiation. In Poster presentation of 11th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Minneapolis, 2011.

Supervised thesis

J. Schärer: Snowfarming - Modellierungen einer standortangepassten Materialwahl für das Abdecken von Schneedepots über die Sommermonate, Master Thesis, Uni Bern, 2020.

X. Buchwalder: How does the hardening of snow on ski runs depend on resting time and weather conditions? An investigation with field measurements and model simulations, Master Thesis, EPFL Lausanne, 2020.

F. B. Schindler: Influence of Post-Depositional Processes on the Stable Water Isotopic Composition in Snow and Air, Master Thesis, ETH Zurich, 2020.

P. Josi: Wassermanagement in der technische Beschneidung und Zukunftsvisionen des Schneesports in der Schweiz, Master Thesis, Uni Bern, 2019.

A. Coulin: Experimental setup to investigate the liquid water content in snow using the dielectric properties of ice, Master Thesis, ETH Zurich, 2018.

Y. Lizhong: Simulation of saturated airflow through a packed bed of ice particles combined with temperature gradient and condensation on the ice surface. Semester Thesis, ETH Zurich, 2015.

C. Andreoli: Experimental study of snow metamorphism under advective conditions and temperature gradient. Master Thesis, ETH Zurich, 2014.

List of trade magazine publications

M. Lehning, P. P. Ebner, and H. Rhyner: Schnee und Klimawandel im Hochgebirge: Prozessverständnis, Vorhersagen und Anpassungsmaßnahmen. Expertenforum Klima.Schnee.Sport, DSV FdSnow, Fachzeitschrift für den Skisport, 53, 2018.