Ragnhild Gya
Postdoctoral Fellow, Biologydidactics
Research groups
Reader opinion piece
- Armendariz, Mikel Moriana; Olsen, Siri Lie; Gya, Ragnhild et al. (2024). Effects of warming and species introduction in an alpine grassland. (external link)
- Egelkraut, Dagmar Dorothea; Geange, Sonya Rita; Ocampo-Zuleta, Korina et al. (2022). Fire and Elevation affect Plant Communities and Functional Traits in Peruvian Puna Grasslands. (external link)
- Zernichow, Camilla; Gya, Ragnhild; Töpper, Joachim Paul et al. (2022). Effects of warming and novel plant interactions on alpine plant diversity. (external link)
- Gya, Ragnhild; Töpper, Joachim Paul; Olsen, Siri Lie et al. (2022). Population dynamics of two alpine species in response to transplant, removal and warming experiments. (external link)
- Gya, Ragnhild; Jaroszynska, Francesca Orinda Holl; Vandvik, Vigdis (2020). Functional trait shifts along temperature and precipitation gradients in the light of trait driver theory. (external link)
- Søgaard, L.; Gya, Ragnhild; Töpper, Joachim Paul et al. (2020). Resource allocation in plants under different climatic conditions. (external link)
- Vandvik, Vigdis; Töpper, Joachim Paul; Alexander, Jake M. et al. (2019). INCLINE: Indirect climate change impacts on alpine plant communities. (external link)
- Althuizen, Inge; Jaroszynska, Francesca Orinda Holl; Gya, Ragnhild et al. (2018). Plant functional traits as predictors of ecosystem carbon fluxes across climatic gradients in alpine grasslands.. (external link)
- Bjordal, Mari Vold; Gya, Ragnhild (2018). biORACLE - A safe haven for new students leading to better learning. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Nyléhn, Jorun; Gya, Ragnhild; Steinseide, Maria Kjeilen et al. (2024). Changes in misconceptions in natural selection from upper secondary school to master’s level in biology education in Norway. (external link)
- Lieungh, Eva; Yilmaz, Yeliz; Tang, Hui et al. (2023). Complementary field and modelling experiments: alpine vegetation under climate warming. (external link)
- Berthelsen, Susanne; Töpper, Joachim Paul; Gya, Ragnhild et al. (2022). Alpine flower production under warming and novel competitors. (external link)
- Gya, Ragnhild; Geange, Sonya Rita; Lynn, Joshua Scott et al. (2022). A test of local adaptation to drought in germination and seedling traits in populations of two alpine forbs across a 2000 mm/year precipitation gradient. (external link)
- Gya, Ragnhild; Enquist, Brian J.; Jaroszynska, Francesca Orinda Holl et al. (2021). Spatial temperature and precipitation gradients predict ten-year shift in community trait composition. (external link)
- Gya, Ragnhild; Geange, Sonya Rita; Lynn, Joshua Scott et al. (2021). A test of local adaptation to drought in germination and seedling traits in populations of two alpine forbs across a 2000 mm/year precipitation gradient. (external link)
- Gya, Ragnhild (2021). Trait shifts along spatial and temporal gradients and the INCLINE field experiment . (external link)
- Gya, Ragnhild; Enquist, Brian J.; Jaroszynska, Francesca Orinda Holl et al. (2021). Spatial temperature and precipitation gradients predict ten-year shift in community trait composition. (external link)
- Gya, Ragnhild (2020). Indirect effects of climate change on alpine plant communities (the INCLINE project). (external link)
- Gya, Ragnhild; Haugum, Siri Vatsø; Jaroszynska, Francesca Orinda Holl et al. (2019). Learning by Doing and Reflection: the Redesign of an Alpine Ecology Field Course. (external link)
- Althuizen, Inge; Gya, Ragnhild; Jaroszynska, Francesca Orinda Holl et al. (2018). Trait Shifts affect Ecosystem Carbon Exchange under Climate Change in Alpine Grasslands . (external link)
- Olsen, Siri Lie; Töpper, Joachim Paul; Gya, Ragnhild et al. (2018). INCLINE: Indirect climate change impacts on alpine plant communities. (external link)
Academic article
- Dahle, Ingrid Johnsen; Gya, Ragnhild; Töpper, Joachim Paul et al. (2024). Are sub-alpine species' seedling emergence and establishment in the alpine limited by climate or biotic interactions?. (external link)
- Maes, S.L.; Dietrich, J.; Midolo, G. et al. (2024). Environmental drivers of increased ecosystem respiration in a warming tundra. (external link)
- Jaroszynska, Francesca Orinda Holl; Olsen, Siri Lie; Gya, Ragnhild et al. (2024). Plant functional group interactions intensify with warming in alpine grasslands. (external link)
- Halbritter, Aud Helen; Vandvik, Vigdis; Cotner, Sehoya Harris et al. (2024). Plant trait and vegetation data along a 1314 m elevation gradient with fire history in Puna grasslands, Perú. (external link)
- Eidesen, Pernille Bronken; Brysting, Anne Krag; Hagen, Kathleen Rani et al. (2024). Ecological and evolutionary consequences of ploidy-driven trait variation: Insights from Saxifraga oppositifolia L.. (external link)
- Schaldach, Pascal; Gya, Ragnhild; Nyléhn, Jorun (2024). Science students’ understanding of the nature of science in higher education: A Norwegian case study. (external link)
- Gya, Ragnhild; Geange, Sonya Rita; Lynn, Joshua et al. (2023). A test of local adaptation to drought in germination and seedling traits in populations of two alpine forbs across a 2000 mm/year precipitation gradient. (external link)
- Lynn, Joshua; Gya, Ragnhild; Klanderud, Kari et al. (2023). Traits help explain species' performance away from their climate niche centre. (external link)
- Birkeli, Kristine; Gya, Ragnhild; Haugum, Siri Vatsø et al. (2023). Germination and seedling growth of Calluna vulgaris is sensitive to regional climate, heathland succession, and drought. (external link)
- Vandvik, Vigdis; Althuizen, Inge; Jaroszynska, Francesca et al. (2022). The role of plant functional groups mediating climate impacts on carbon and biodiversity of alpine grasslands. (external link)
- Gya, Ragnhild; Bjune, Anne Elisabeth (2021). Taking practical learning in STEM education home: Examples from do‐it‐yourself experiments in plant biology. (external link)
- Vuorinen, Katariina Elsa Maria; Austrheim, Gunnar; Mysterud, Atle et al. (2021). Functional traits of alpine plant communities show long-term resistance to changing herbivore densities. (external link)
- Seddon, Alistair William Robin; Festi, Daniela; Nieuwkerk, Mayke et al. (2021). Pollen-chemistry variations along elevation gradients and their implications for a proxy for UV-B radiation in the plant-fossil record. (external link)
- Geange, Sonya Rita; von Oppen, Jonathan; Strydom, Tanya et al. (2020). Next‐generation field courses: Integrating Open Science and online learning. (external link)
- Chacón-Labella, Julia; Boakye, Mickey; Enquist, Brian J. et al. (2020). From a crisis to an opportunity: Eight insights for doing science in the COVID‐19 era and beyond. (external link)
- Vandvik, Vigdis; Halbritter, Aud H.; Yang, Yan et al. (2020). Plant traits and vegetation data from climate warming experiments along an 1100 m elevation gradient in Gongga Mountains, China. (external link)
- Halbritter, Aud Helen; De Boeck, Hans J.; Eycott, Amy Elizabeth et al. (2019). The handbook for standardized field and laboratory measurements in terrestrial climate change experiments and observational studies. (external link)
- Halbritter, Aud Helen; Vandvik, Vigdis; Santos Andrade, P.E. et al. (2023). OSF data repository for PFTC3, Puna project and PFTC5 - PFTCourses, Elevational Gradient, Puna Project and Fire Experiment, Wayquecha, Peru. (external link)
- Vandvik, Vigdis; Althuizen, Inge; Jaroszynska, Francesca Orinda Holl et al. (2022). The role of plant functional group interactions in mediating climate change impacts on the carbon dynamics and biodiversity of alpine ecosystems. (external link)
- Vandvik, Vigdis; Halbritter, Aud Helen; Yang, Yan et al. (2020). PFTCourses Elevational Gradient and TransPlant Experiment, Gongga Mountain, China. (external link)
Masters thesis
- Berthelsen, Susanne; Töpper, Joachim Paul; Gya, Ragnhild (2022). The neighborhood matters: warming and novel competitors alter flower production of alpine plants. (external link)
- Dahle, Ingrid Johnsen; Töpper, Joachim Paul; Gya, Ragnhild (2021). Can lowland species germinate and establish in alpine locations?. (external link)
- Søgaard, Lasse; Töpper, Joachim Paul; Vandvik, Vigdis et al. (2020). The effects of climate on resource allocation and traits of alpine and boreal herbaceous plants. (external link)
- Gya, Ragnhild; Dessau, Even (2022). Ragnhild har sett fjellnaturen forandre seg gjennom et tiår: - Etter hvert vil flere fjellplanter bli truet. (external link)
- Gya, Ragnhild; Dessau, Even (2022). Slik blir fjellplantene truet av klimaendringene. (external link)
- Gya, Ragnhild; Sviggum, Embla Gjerde (2022). Ho har sete med nasen nedi graset i både sol og regn: - Eg har hatt mine finaste og mine verste dagar på Vikafjellet. (external link)
- Vandvik, Vigdis; Gya, Ragnhild; Haugum, Siri Vatsø et al. (2021). Norsk hodepine. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
- Gya, Ragnhild (2022). Feltekskursjon. (external link)
- Gya, Ragnhild (2021). Skolebesøk - Toten ungdomsskole. (external link)
- Gya, Ragnhild (2021). ParkHD: Hvordan er det å forske som biolog?. (external link)
- Gya, Ragnhild (2021). Skolebesøk - Krokeide VGS. (external link)
- Gya, Ragnhild (2021). Skolebesøk - Krokeide VGS. (external link)
- Töpper, Joachim Paul; Gya, Ragnhild (2020). Workshop for å utvikle undervisningsopplegg på forskningen vår om fjellplanter og klimanedringer på faglig pedagogisk dag ved UiB. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
Programme participation
Feature article
Popular scientific article
Website (informational material)
INCLINE: Indirect climate change impacts on mountain plant communities