Rebecca Jane Cox Brokstad


Professor, Head of the Influenza Centre

Research groups

Short info

Rebecca heads the Influenza Centre with a vision is to reduce the global burden of respiratory illness through being an international leader in control and treatment of pandemic/epidemic viruses. She is a member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, an advisor to the WHO, EMA and EU.

Rebecca har more than 30 years of experience in influenza research. The key competence of the Influenza Centre is development and clinical evaluation of novel and pandemic vaccines as well as cohort studies of infected patients focusing on immunological responses with long term follow up.


Rebecca won the Meltzer prize for excellent scientific dissemination in 2022 in recognition of her work in public dissemination. She frequently contributes to news through interviews and chronicles on television, the radio, in the newspapers, online and magazines about COVID-19, influenza and vaccines including >400 media interviews during the COVID pandemic. 


Rebecca actively participates in teaching of Virology, Immunology and Vaccinology of undergraduate and postgraduate (masters and Ph.D., medical doctors undergoing specialisation) students in medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and cell biology. She chairs the education committee for the learned society Influenza and other respiratory viruses.


2023-26 KlinBeForsk Interventions against Long-COVID in Norway (PanoramicNorway). 6 partners. Partner. Budget: 20 million NOK

2021-26 EU IMI2 Innovations to accelerate vaccine development vaccine development and manufacture (Inno4Vac). 41 partners. WP leader  Budget: €18.6 million. 

2021-25 EU H2020. European Corona Vaccine Trial Accelerator Platform. (Vaccelerate). 31 partners.  National coordinator and WP leader Budget: €12 million. 

2020-25 EU H2020 Indo-European Consortium for Next Generation Influenza Vaccine Innovation (INCENTIVE). 19 partners.  Partner PI children’s clinical trial. Budget: €6 million

2019-25 Research Council of Norway (RCN) An effectiveness trial (phase IV) to evaluate protection of children and pregnant women by influenza vaccine in rural Bangladesh. 3 Partners. Coordinator - RJ. Cox. Budget: 16.9 million NOK