Research groups
- Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (TeLEd) research group
- HVL forskergruppe Universitetspedagogikk
Short info
International background and extensive experience in educational development and university teaching ...
Expertise in emotions in teaching, curriculum design, and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning ...
Interest in sustainability in university teaching and teaching with generative AI ...
Expertise in emotions in teaching, curriculum design, and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning ...
Interest in sustainability in university teaching and teaching with generative AI ...
Current research interests:
- sustainability in higher education, especially transgressive teaching in climate change and activism
- generative AI in higher education
- the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
Past research areas:
- in university pedagogy: university teachers' and students' emotions, interaction and learning at academic conferences, and online student evaluation of teaching
- in psychology: implicit associations, the emotion relief and the cognitive processing of negated information
University Pedagogy/Educational Development/Hochschuldidaktik: I am currently teaching at the Program for University Pedagogy at the University of Bergen. Here, I am responsible for the following courses:
- UPED 601: Documenting and Evaluating Teaching Effectiveness (English/Norwegian)
- UPED 602: Pedagogical Project (English/Norwegian)
- UPED 659B: Leveraging Large Language Models and Artifical Intelligence for Teaching and Learning (English)
- UPED 691: Becoming a Supervisor (English)
- UPED 695: Project Management for Bachelor and Master Thesis Supervision (English)
Since fall 2023, I am teaching university pedagogy courses at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS).
In addition, I facilitate educational development courses at other European universities.
University Teaching: In the past, I have taught in psychology both from a basic and an applied perspective, among others:
- Educational Psychology (Paderborn University, University of St.Gallen)
- Emotion (Paderborn University)
- Interaction in Leadership Situations (University of St.Gallen)
- Pedagogical Project in Teacher Practicum (Paderborn University)
Student Supervision: I have supervised ca. 30 bachelor and master theses and have been involved in eight PhD supervision processes and committees.
Academic lecture
- Kordts, Robert (2025). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): desarrollo académico y sostenible de la enseñanza. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2025). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Academic and sustainable teaching development. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2025). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Academic and sustainable teaching development. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2025). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): desarrollo académico y sostenible de la enseñanza. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2025). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): desarrollo académico y sostenible de la enseñanza. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Daae, Kjersti; Gandrud, Eirun Marie Lindelid et al. (2024). Teaching Analysis Poll in iEarth: Student feedback for co-creation in the Geosciences. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Muñoz Solheim, Belinda (2024). Generativ Kunstig Intelligenz i universitetspedagogikken: Erfaringer fra et UPED-kurs [Generative Artificial Intelligence in educational development: Experiences from a university pedagogy course]. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Kopainsky, Birgit; Stefan T., Siegel (2024). Systemtenkning blant studenter på bærekraftsutdanninger: En pilotstudie [Systems thinking among students in sustainability programs: A pilot study]. (external link)
- Vander Kloet, Marie A.; Boge, Cecilie; Kordts, Robert et al. (2023). Not theoretical enough? Too complicit? Engaging with critiques of academic development.. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2023). University teachers’ emotions – findings and ways forward. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2022). "Ich bin froh darüber, dass das so passiert ist": Scholarship of Teaching and Learning im digitalen Umbruch. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2022). “I‘m glad that it happened this way”: Pandemic Teaching and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2022). Leading yourself: Self-regulated learning and study success. (external link)
- Giorgis, Kevin; Marchese, Stefano; Sparisci, Giulia et al. (2021). Rapid educational improvements using Wyblo: Insights from continuous student feedback.. (external link)
- Thies, Katharina; Kordts, Robert (2021). How do university lecturers express their emotions in class? Evidence from an event-sampling study. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2021). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Professionalität in der akademischen Lehrtätigkeit [Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Professionalisms in academic teaching].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Bücker, Diana; Schulte, Rebecca et al. (2021). “I am glad that it happened this way”: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and Emergency-Remote Teaching. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2021). Keeping it moving… Instructor motivation in distance teaching.. (external link)
- Thies, Katharina; Kordts, Robert (2019). Emotionen von Hochschullehrenden: Erleben und Ausdruck von Freude, Angst und Ärger in der Lehre [University instructors‘ emotions: Experience and expression of joy, fear, and anger during teaching]. . (external link)
- Hansen, Miriam; Mendzheritskaya, Julia; Hagenauer, Gerda et al. (2019). A conceptual framework of higher education teachers’ emotions. . (external link)
- Dilger, Bernadette; Kordts, Robert; Gommers, Luci et al. (2019). Two of the same kind? Summative course evaluation and formative teaching analysis poll.. (external link)
- Grotegut, Lea; Kordts, Robert (2019). Der subjektive Stellenwert hochschulischer Prüfungen für Lehrende [The subjective value of higher education examinations for instructors].. (external link)
- Gommers, Luci; Dilger, Bernadette; Kordts, Robert et al. (2019). Teaching Analysis Poll in higher education: From course feedback to multi-level quality devel-opment. . (external link)
- Fritzsche, Eva Susanne; Kordts, Robert; Schlingensiepen, Jörn (2018). Emotions and motivation to study in engineering students.. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2018). Feel, think, teach – Emotionen im Lehralltag [Emotions in everyday teaching].. (external link)
- Thies, Katharina; Kordts, Robert (2018). How happy are university teachers? Positive emotions and subjective appraisals among work domains. . (external link)
- Klingsieck, Katrin B.; Kordts, Robert; Seifried, Eva (2018). Über die (un)realistischen Erwartungen von Lehramtsstudierenden an psychologische Grund-lagenveranstaltungen [On the (un)realistic expectations of teacher education students towards psychological foundational lectures].. (external link)
- Buhl, Heike M.; Bohndick, Carla; Greiner, Christian et al. (2018). Fallbasierte Modulabschlussprüfungen zur Verzahnung von Theorie und Praxis im Master des Lehramtsstudiums [Case-based university exams for the reconciliation of theory and practice in a Master of Education program]. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Klingsieck, Katrin B.; Seifried, Eva (2017). Confident and correct? Written reflection tasks in a lecture. . (external link)
- Thies, Katharina; Kordts, Robert (2017). Higher education teachers’ emotions: an intraindividual analysis on emotions and their antecedents.. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Große Honebrink, Thomas; Festner, Dagmar (2017). “At uni, regulate your feelings wisely” – Students’ emotion regulation and approaches to learning.. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Al-Kabbani, Daniel; Schaper, Niclas (2016). Interaktion und Zielerreichung bei einer Tagung. Das Beispiel dghd 2015 [Interaction and goal fulfilment at a conference. The example dghd 2015]. . (external link)
- Thies, Katharina; Kordts, Robert (2016). Auftreten und Variabilität von Emotionen von Hochschullehrenden. Ergebnisse einer Experience-Sampling-Studie [Prevalence and variability of university teachers’ emotions. Results of an experience-sampling study]. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2016). Umgang von Lehrenden mit Emotionen. Empirische Befunde und Implikationen für die Lehre [Teachers’ coping with emotions. Empirical findings and implications for teaching]. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2016). Feel the progress. Studienfortschritt und Emotionen im 1. Studienjahr [Study progress and emotions in the first study year]. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2016). Der emotionale Hochschullehrer. State Affekt und Lehrauffassung [The emotional university teacher. State affect and approach to teaching]. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2016). The affective teacher: State affect and approaches to teaching. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2015). Emotional underpinnings of student orientation in higher education teachers. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2015). Shift from teaching to learning in der Praxis: Die Sicht der Lehrenden [Shift from teaching to learning in practice: The teachers’ view]. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Grotegut, Lea (2015). Einstellungen Lehrender zu Hochschulprüfungen. Präferenzen und Verwendung [Teachers’ attitudes towards exams. Preferences and application]. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2014). A social-emotional enterprise: Positive emotions in higher education teaching.. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2014). A social-emotional enterprise: Positive emotions in higher education teaching. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2012). Haben Professoren Gefühle? Emotionen der Hochschullehrenden [Do professors have feelings? University teachers’ emotions]. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Geithner, Eva (2012). When mode does not matter: evaluation in-class versus out-of-class. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Geithner, Eva (2012). Papier? Online? Egal! - Evaluation während versus nach der Veranstaltung [Paper? Online? Doesn’t matter! – Evaluation during versus after the course].. (external link)
Feature article
- Kordts, Robert (2024). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Wissenschaftliche und nachhaltige Lehrentwicklung [Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Academic and sustainable teaching development]. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2024). University teachers’ emotions. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2024). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): vitenskapelig og bærekraftig utvikling av undervisning [Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): scientific and sustainable teaching development]. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2023). Supervision: A Process Model. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2023). Chat GPT: Betydningen for undervisning, læring og vurdering . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2023). The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL).. (external link)
- Gray Jr, Robert Morris; Kordts, Robert (2023). University Pedagogy at the University of Bergen: Challenges and Developments. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2022). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: What, why, how?. (external link)
- Kvernenes, Monika; Kordts, Robert (2022). Nervøs og spent eller glad og begeistret? Om undervisning og følelser. The comfort zones of teaching [Nervous and or happy and excited? About teaching and feelings]. . (external link)
- Pitzer, Eva; van den Berk, Ivo; Wagner, Dietrich et al. (2021). Nachhaltige Hochschuldidaktik auf den Ebenen der Hochschule [Sustainable educational de-velopment on the levels of higher-education institutions]. . (external link)
- Scholkmann, Antonia; Kordts, Robert; Metzger, Christiane et al. (2019). Publizieren – wie, was und für wen? Entwicklung, Bewertung, Verbreitung und strategische Nutzung hochschuldidaktischer Publikationserzeugnisse als Beitrag zur Institutionalisierung der Hochschuldidaktik [Publish – how, what, and for whom? Development, dissemination, and strategic use of educational development publications as means of institutionalizing educa-tional development]. . (external link)
- Pitzer, Eva; Kordts, Robert; Enzmann, Birgit et al. (2019). Der systemische Blick: Hochschuldidaktische Tätigkeit an den Schnittstellen der Ebenen einer Hochschule [The systemic view: Educational development work at the intersections of levels at a higher education institution].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2019). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning als Ansatz zur Bildungserforschung: Chancen und Herausforderungen [Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as approach for researching edu-cation: Opportunities and challenges].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2019). Motivation Theories: Beyond the Myths. . (external link)
- Ellinger, Dorothea; Scholkmann, Antonia; Kordts, Robert et al. (2019). Weiterbildung für Hochschuldidaktiker*innen: Gegenwart und Zukunft [Further education for educational developers: Presence and future]. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2018). Freude, Angst, Zufriedenheit? Emotionen von Hochschullehrenden [Joy, fear, contentment? University teachers’ emotions].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2018). Warum Kompetenzorientierung in Modulen? [Why competence orientation in modules?] . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2018). Abschlussarbeiten effektiv und effizient betreuen. Eine Projektmanagement-Perspektive [Effec-tive and efficient thesis supervision. A project-management perspective]. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2018). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Eine Analyse der Projekte der Universität Paderborn [An analysis of the SoTL projects at Paderborn University].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2018). Emotionen in Lehr-Lern-Prozessen [Emotions in teaching and learning processes].. (external link)
- Schulte, Rebecca; Kordts, Robert; Leschke, Jonas (2018). Rigour versus Relevance – Anspruch und Wirklichkeit des Scholarship of Teaching and Learning [Ideal and reality of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning]. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Pitzer, Eva (2017). Studentische Evaluation für Feedback optimieren [Optimizing student evaluations for feedback].. (external link)
- Thies, Katharina; Kordts, Robert (2017). Der emotionale Professor – Emotionen und Lehre an Hochschulen [The emotional professor – emotions and teaching at universities].. (external link)
- Braukmann, Johanna; Kordts, Robert; Schulte, Rebecca (2017). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning im Paderborner hochschuldidaktischen Zertifikatsprogramm [Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the Paderborn Educational Development program]. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2017). Feel, think, teach – Emotionen im Lehralltag [Emotions in everyday teaching].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2017). Erfolgreicher Studienstart [Successful study start]. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2017). Institutionalizing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Experiences from Paderborn University. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2017). Feel-think-teach: Emotionen in der Lehre [Emotions in teaching]. . (external link)
- Scholkmann, Antonia; Barnat, Miriam; van den Berk, Ivo et al. (2017). Das online-Journal ‚die hochschullehre’– Ein Outlet für hochschuldidaktische Texte [The online journal ‘die hochschullehre’ – an outlet for higher educational teaching and learning manuscripts].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2017). Die eigene Lehre systematisch untersuchen. Einführung in Scholarship of Teaching and Learn-ing [Systematic inquiry into one’s own teaching. Introduction into the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2016). Mehr als (gute) Methoden. Wie Lehremotionen und Lernmotivation die Hochschullehre beeinflussen [More than (good) methods. How teaching emotions and learning motivation influence higher education teaching].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2016). Betreuung von Abschlussarbeiten [Supervising student theses].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2016). Shift from Teaching to Learning in der Praxis: Die Sicht der Lernenden und Lehrenden [Shift from teaching to learning in practice: the learners’ and the teachers’ views]. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2016). Evaluation der Tutorenqualifizierung [Evaluation of student assistant training].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2016). Emotionen in der Lehre (Experteninput) [Emotions in teaching].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2016). Kompetenzorientiert Prüfen [Competence-oriented examinations]. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2015). Learning approaches and learning outcomes as a function of course type.. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Pitzer, Eva (2015). Learning approaches and learning outcomes as a function of course type.. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2015). Lehrüberzeugungen der Lehrenden und Lernansätze der Studierenden zusammenbringen [Combining teachers’ approaches to teaching and students’ approaches to learning]. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2014). Kompetenzorientierte Evaluation – Evaluation von Lernergebnissen tiefer Verarbeitung? [Competence-oriented evaluation – evaluation of learning results of deep processing?]. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2013). Let it out, prof! Emotion regulation and teaching approaches. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2013). Kompetenzorientierte Evaluation und die Studierenden [Competence-oriented evaluation and the students]. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Muñoz Solheim, Belinda (2024). Generativ Kunstig Intelligenz i universitetspedagogikken: Erfaringer fra et UPED-kurs [Generative Artificial Intelligence in educational development: Experiences from a university pedagogy course]. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Daae, Kjersti; Glessmer, Mirjam Sophia et al. (2024). Active Learning in the Geoscience Curriculum (ALIGC) – iEarth Seed Project report.. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Leschke, Jonas (2023). Teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Perspectives of SoTL scholars.. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Daae, Kjersti; Glessmer, Mirjam Sophia et al. (2023). Active Learning in the Geoscience Curriculum (ALIGC) – iEarth Seed Project status report.. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2022). "I'm glad that it happened this way": Emergency-Remote Teaching and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (the instructors’ view). . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2020). Lernende Studiengänge: Eine Weiterbildung für Studiengangverantwortliche [Learning study programs: A program for study-program managers]. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Van Treeck, Timo (2019). Interaction and learning: Conference formats at the 2017 annual conference of the German Association for educational and academic staff development in Higher Education (dghd).. (external link)
- Thies, Katharina; Kordts, Robert (2019). University lecturers’ emotions: experience and display of enjoyment, anxiety and anger in class.. (external link)
- Albers, Timm; Kordts, Robert; Steinbrück, Maxi et al. (2017). Inklusion Europäisch: Ein deutsch-österreich-italienisches Lehrprojekt [Inclusion European: a German-Austrian-Italian teaching project]. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2016). Affektive Korrelate der Studierendenorientierung Hochschullehrender [Affective correlates of the student-oriented approach to teaching]. . (external link)
- Thies, Katharina; Kordts, Robert (2016). Variability of higher education teachers‘ emotions in teaching and research: An experience-sampling study.. (external link)
- Deutsch, Roland; Kordts, Robert; Strack, Fritz (2008). Fast and fragile. A new look at the automaticity of negation processing. . (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Daae, Kjersti; Glessmer, Mirjam Sophia et al. (2024). Engagement and metacognition: Student views on active learning in a Geoscienceccourse. (external link)
- Dilger, Bernadette; Kordts, Robert; Schneider, Christian B. et al. (2020). Befragung Lehre auf Distanz an der HSG im Frühjahrssemester 2020 aus Sicht von Studierenden und Dozierenden. Ereignisbericht [Survey of distance teaching at HSG in spring semester 2020 from the perspective of students and lecturers. Report]. (external link)
- Brinker, Tobina; Brendel, Sabine; Ellinger, Dorothea et al. (2018). Rollen- und Kompetenzprofile für hochschuldidaktisch Tätige [Role and competence profiles for educational developers].. (external link)
Academic article
- Thiele, Stefan; Kordts, Robert (2024). You know it, you like it–student appreciation of active learning methods. (external link)
- Bolland, Sondre Sæther; Popov, Aleksandr; Eide, Tyra Fosheim et al. (2024). Fundamentals of Norwegian CS1. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Leschke, Jonas (2023). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) und Lehre in der Covid-Pandemie. Perspektiven von SoTL-Scholars. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Schneider, Christian B. (2023). Interaktionsprozesse in Führungssituationen – Erfahrungs- und fallbasiertes Lernen an der Universität St.Gallen (HSG) [Interaction processes in leadership situations: Experience- and case-based learning at the University of St. Gallen (HSG)]. (external link)
- Maier, Nichola A.; Mendzheritskaya, Julia; Hagenauer, Gerda et al. (2023). Developing a CVTAE-based conceptual framework for examining emotions in higher education teaching: a systematic literature review. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Zenker, Christina; Leimeister, Jan Marco (2022). Faktoren für gelungene Studienprogramm-Reformen. Eine Analyse des Bachelor BWL an der Universität St.Gallen [Factors of successful study program reforms. An analysis of the bachelor management program at the University of St.Gallen]. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Zenker, Christina; Leimeister, Jan Marco (2022). Faktoren für gelungene Studienprogramm-Reformen. Eine Analyse des Bachelor BWL an der Universität St.Gallen [Factors of successful study program reforms. An analysis of the bachelor management program at the University of St.Gallen].. (external link)
- Thies, Katharina; Kordts, Robert (2021). Wie gehen Hochschullehrende mit ihren Emotionen in der Lehre um? Eine Experience-Sampling-Befragung zum situativen Emotionsausdruck von Freude, Angst und Ärger [How do university lecturers handle their emotions during teaching? An experience-sampling study of the situational emotion expression of joy, anxiety and anger].. (external link)
- Brown, Karin; Scherrer, Pia; Kordts, Robert et al. (2020). Applied strategies for educational development as cultural work.. (external link)
- Thies, Katharina; Kordts, Robert (2019). German higher education academic staff’s positive emotions through work domains.. (external link)
- Thies, Katharina; Kordts, Robert (2019). University academics’ state emotions and appraisal antecedents: an intraindividual analysis.. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Klingsieck, Katrin B.; Seifried, Eva (2018). Beforschung einer eigenen Vorlesung: Effekte von Wahlfreiheit auf Leistung und Konfidenz [Researching your own lecture: Effects of choice on performance and confidence]. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Oergel, Kevin; Wünnemann, Martin (2017). Feel bad and keep steady: Emotional images and words and postural control during bipedal stance.. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Große Honebrink, Thomas; Festner, Dagmar (2017). Tiefenlernen im Praxissemester: Zusammenhänge mit Emotionsregulation [Deep learning in the teaching practicum: Connections to emotion regulation]. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2017). Feel, think, teach: Emotional underpinnings of student orientation in higher education.. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Al-Kabbani, Daniel; Schaper, Niclas (2017). Learning and interaction at a conference.. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Braukmann, Johanna; Bücker, Diana et al. (2017). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in der Praxis: Integration in ein hochschuldidaktisches Modul [Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in practice: Integration into an academic development module].. (external link)
- Al-Kabbani, Daniel; Kordts, Robert; Bücker, Diana et al. (2017). Dialog und Austausch auf Fachtagungen. Der Disqspace als hochschuldidaktisches Tagungsformat [Dialogue and exchange at conferences. The Discqspace as conference format].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2016). Differentielle Anregung von Tiefenlernstrategien durch Assessment? [Differential stimulation of deep learning strategies through assessment?] . (external link)
- Hailikari, Telle; Kordts, Robert; Postareff, Liisa (2016). Feel the progress: Second-year students’ reflections on their first-year experience.. (external link)
- Deutsch, Roland; Smith, Kevin J. M.; Kordts, Robert et al. (2015). How absent negativity relates to affect and motivation: an integrative relief model.. (external link)
- Van Treeck, Timo; Schöler, Stefanie; Kordts, Robert (2015). Nachwuchsförderung in der Hochschuldidaktik [Promoting young practitioners in academic development].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Geithner, Eva (2013). When mode does not matter: Evaluation in-class versus out-of-class.. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert (2013). Die Einstellung Hochschullehrender zum kompetenzorientierten Prüfen [Higher education teachers' attitudes towards competence-oriented assessment]. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Geithner, Eva (2012). Projektmanagement bei der Betreuung von Abschlussarbeiten [Project management for supervising theses].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Geithner, Eva (2011). Online- versus Papier-Evaluation in der Hochschuldidaktik. Ein Erfahrungsbericht [Online versus paper evaluation in academic development]. (external link)
- Wiers, Reinout W.; Rinck, Mike; Kordts, Robert et al. (2010). Retraining automatic action-tendencies to approach alcohol in hazardous drinkers.. (external link)
- Deutsch, Roland; Kordts, Robert; Gawronski, Bertram et al. (2009). Fast and fragile. A new look at the automaticity of negation processing. . (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Bade, Claudia; Kordts, Robert; Lohner, David et al. (2024). 50 Jahre Arbeitsgemeinschaft bzw. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik – Spannungsfelder mit Tradition [50 years Working Group/German Association for Academic Development – tension fields with tradition]. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Van Treeck, Timo (2019). Auf wissenschaftlichen Tagungen auch noch was lernen: Tagungsformate bei der Jahrestagung der dghd 2017 [Learning at academic conferences: Conference formats at the annual conference of dghd, 2017]. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Braukmann, Johanna; Schulte, Rebecca (2018). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – individuell-evidenzbasiertes Lehren [Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – individual and evidence-based teaching].. (external link)
- Fritzsche, Eva Susanne; Schlingensiepen, Jörn; Kordts, Robert (2018). Study motivation and academic emotions in engineering students. A case study in German higher education.. (external link)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Braun, Edith; Esterhazy, Rachelle; Kordts, Robert (2021). Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Schaper, Niclas; Scholkmann, Antonia et al. (2021). Handbuch Hochschuldidaktik [Handbook Educational Development]. (external link)
- Scholkmann, Antonia; Brendel, Sabine; Brinker, Tobina et al. (2018). Zwischen Qualifizierung und Weiterbildung: Reflexionen zur gekonnten Beruflichkeit in der Hochschuldidaktik [Between qualification and further education: Reflections on professional practice in educational development]. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Al-Kabbani, Daniel; Schaper, Niclas (2017). Hochschuldidaktik im Dialog: Berichte von der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik 2015 [Academic Development in Dialogue: Reports of the annual conference of the German Association for Academic Development 2015]. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Kenneweg, Anne Cornelia (2021). Forschung in der Hochschuldidaktik. Forschung für die Praxis und Forschung aus der Praxis [Research in academic development: Research for practice and research in practice]. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Bücker, Diana; Schulte, Rebecca (2021). “Ich bin froh darüber, dass das so passiert ist”: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning im digitalen Umbruch [“I’m glad that it happenend this way” – Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the digital change].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Leschke, Jonas (2020). “Transforming and extending knowledge”. Ernest L. Boyers Scholarship reconsidered. Priorities of the professoriate als Initiator des Scholarship of Teaching and Learning [Ernest L. Boyer's Scholarship reconsidered. Priorities of the professoriate as initiator of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning]. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Thies, Katharina (2018). Emotionen und Lehrorientierungen der Hochschullehrenden [University teachers’ emotions and approaches to teaching].. (external link)
- Buhl, Heike M.; Bohndick, Carla; Bonanati, Sabrina et al. (2018). Fallbasierte Modulabschlussprüfungen zur Verzahnung von Theorie und Praxis im Master des Lehramtsstudiums [Case-based module examinations for connecting theory with practice in the teacher education master program].. (external link)
- Brendel, Sabine; Brinker, Tobina; Kordts, Robert et al. (2018). Empfehlungen zur Qualifizierung und Weiterbildung der hochschuldidaktisch Tätigen: Auf dem Weg zur gekonnten Beruflichkeit [Recommendations on qualification and further education of educational developers: On the way to professional practice].. (external link)
- Stroot, Thea; Kordts, Robert; Steinbrück, Maxi et al. (2018). Inklusion Europäisch: Ein Peer Learning-Projekt an den Universitäten Paderborn, Brixen und der Hochschule Linz. [Inclusion European: A peer-learning project at the universities of Paderborn, Brixen, and Linz].. (external link)
- Al-Kabbani, Daniel; Kordts, Robert; Bücker, Diana et al. (2017). Der Disqspace bei der Jahrestagung der dghd 2015 [The Disqspace at the annual conference of the German Association for Academic Development].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Wagner, Dietrich; Sidler, Claudio et al. (2021). Cultivating a culture of experimentation in higher-education teaching and learning: Evaluation of recent experiences and transfer to the new-normal. (external link)
- Schulte, Rebecca; Kordts, Robert (2018). Lehr- und Lernpraxis im Fokus V – Reflexions- und Forschungsbeiträge aus der Universität Paderborn [Practice of teaching and learning in focus V - Papers on reflection and research from Paderborn University].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Urban, Diana; Velibeyoglu, Natalie (2016). Lehr- und Lernpraxis im Fokus III – Reflexions- und Forschungsbeiträge aus der Universität Paderborn [Practice of teaching and learning in focus III - Papers on reflection and research from Paderborn University].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Al-Kabbani, Daniel; Schaper, Niclas (2016). Hochschuldidaktik im Dialog. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik 2015 [Academic development in dialogue: Reports from the annual conference of the German Association for Academic Development in 2015].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Urban, Diana (2015). Lehr- und Lernpraxis im Fokus II – Reflexions- und Forschungsbeiträge aus der Universität Paderborn [Practice of teaching and learning in focus II - Papers on reflection and research from Paderborn University].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Urban, Diana; Schaper, Niclas (2014). Lehr- und Lernpraxis im Fokus – Reflexions- und Forschungsbeiträge aus der Universität Paderborn [Practice of teaching and learning in focus I - Papers on reflection and research from Paderborn University].. (external link)
- Kordts, Robert; Al-Kabbani, Daniel; Urban, Diana et al. (2013). Was denken Lehrende über Lehre? [What do higher education teachers über Lehre? [What do higher-education teachers think about teaching?].. (external link)