Rolf Erik Scott





My research focuses on the constitution of the individualistic individual and the phenomenology, history and dynamics of global space. This includes how the Neo-Platonic and Christian notion of the self and God, led to a concretisation of the modern individual, and the epistemolocial structure of the global world as we know it. A main theoretical approach is how the self became after 1400, and following the reintroduction of Ptolemy's Geography, perceived pragmatically as a point relating to the global grid of latitude and longitude, which is an outher projection of the self. Such a cosmological "genesis" figure is the basic structure from which the individual relates to a global world as a collective.

Part of my work has been to investigate Western people who sail on cruising yachts around the world, and I have also worked on the revitalisation of Polynesian Navigation in Hawaii. 

My work includes drug related problems and mental health issues among marginalised people in Bergen, Norway. 

I am also a film producer, and have filmed and directed a whole range of ethnographic films.

Other product
Academic article
Academic lecture
Feature article
Popular scientific lecture
Website (informational material)
Doctoral dissertation
Museum exhibition
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Other presentation
Book review
Digital learning tools
Thesis at a second degree level

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

2020. The Invisibility of the Visual: The ideological formation of realities as seen through a museum exhibition, and the visual-virtual individualistic-egalitarian way the individual relates to the global world. Monograph (Forthcoming).  

2020. The Lost Child. 1 hour 35 min. Scott, Rolf; Smedal, Olaf. Film, Flores, Indonesia. (Forthcoming). 

2020. Going for Mackerel (27 min). Scott, Rolf; Storaas, Frode; Perlov, Diane. Journal of Anthropological Films (in press).

2019. The Go-Between, Afar of Ethiopia (36 min). Journal of Anthropological Films;Volum 3.(1)UiB. Storaas, Frode; Scott, Rolf. E; Kassa, Getachew.

2018. Chea's Great Kuarao. 55 min. Marovo Lagoon. Salomon Islands. Scott, Rolf. E; Hviding, Edvard; Tollefsen, Trygve. Chea's Great Kuarao. Journal of Anthropological Film. Vol (2)

2018. 1. What is egalitarianism (4,20 min) ? 2. Why do research on egalitarianism (4 min)? 3. Can there be any true egalitarian societies (6,43 min)? 4. Are utopias a driving force of egalitarianism (2,20 min)? 4 films in conversation with professor Bruce Kapferer at the Albert Memorial, London.

2017. What do the Rocks say? (17 min). Scott, Rolf; Storaas, Frode; Smedal, Olaf. The Department of Anthropology, Uib. Website.

2016. The Global Self. Positioning the Individual as a Point in a Grid-Based Global World. Doctoral Thesis. University of Bergen.  

[2010]. Voyaging, Cultural Heritage, and Rites of Passage: The Hawaiian Transformation of Pacific and Global Space, in Edvard Hviding and Knut Rio (eds) Social Movements, Cultural Heritage and the State in Oceania. Oxford: Sean Kingston Publishing.

[2010 in print] The Photograph and Film: Cosmological Roots, Global Dynamics and Impact on Individuality, in Bruce Kapferer and Angela Hobard (eds.) Human Interface between Ritual, Theatre and Film. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books.

2007. Å posisjonere individet i en moderne verden. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, 18(1): 46-62.

2003. Documentary film workshop Tanzania. SOT Film A/S and GeGCA–NUFU papers.

 2002. Cruising the World as a Western Sea Nomad. Master thesis in social anthropology, Dept. of social anthropology, UiB, p. 233.

Selected anthropological films and web presentations

2009. Responisble for the films for the exhibition ”Kolonitid! Nordmenn på eventyr og big business i Afrika og Stillehavet” at Bergen Museum. These films include:

-"Norske etterkommere på Salomonøyene." 27 min. [with Edvard Hviding]. Produced by UiB, Sot Film AS.

- "Nordmenn som formet Kauai." 29 min. [with Knut Rio]. Produced by Bergen Museum, Sot Film AS

- "Entreprenøren Mike Faye." 14 min. [with Knut Rio]. Produced by Bergen Museum, Sot Film AS.

- "Familien Blackstad på Kauai." 11 min. [with Knut Rio]. Produced by Bergen Museum, Sot Film AS.

- "Chris Faye, Kunstmaler." 16 min. [with Knut Rio]. Produced by Bergen Museum, Sot Film AS.

- "Sjø, hav og seilskuter." 8 min. Produced by Bergen Museum, Sot Film AS.

- "Kauai, en bildepresentasjon." 16 min. Produced by Bergen Museum, Sot film AS.

2006. "Å seile Reef Øyene." 6 min. Used in the exhibition "Stjernestier over Stillehavet” at the Ethnographic museum, University of Oslo organized by Arne Perminov. Produced by Ethnographic museum, University of Oslo.

2006. "New Life in the Old World. A Knighthood in London to the Spiritual Authority of the Christian Fellowship Church in Solomon Islands." 60 min. [with Edvard Hviding]. Produced by Sot Film AS, UiB and British Museum.

2006. "Vincent and the Rainforest: Global Conversations in Rural Melanesia." 75 min. [with Edvard Hviding]. Produced by SOT-Film AS, UiB and Solomon Islands National Museum

2006. "The Power of Museum Objects." 40 min. [with Edvard Hviding]. Produced by SOT Film AS, UiB and British Museum.

2006. "Bubo. 10. min. Produced by Bergen Museum, UiB  and Sot Film AS.

2004. Editing of Gunnar og Kari Haaland's film “The Ethiopian Iron Smelter and his World.” 55 min. Produced by UiB.

2004. Film consultant and last editing of the film "Datoga, let's beware AIDS!". 56 min. In co-operation with Ole Bjørn Rekdal at the University College of Bergen.

2003. "Lawrence in the Field. Museum Director Meets Morovo Lagoon." 45 min. [with Edvard Hviding]. Produced by Sot Film AS, UiB and Solomon Islands National Museum.

2003. "Chea’s Kuarao Interactive." [with Edvard Hviding and Trygve Tollefsen]. Web design by Mandag Media. Produced by Sot Film AS and UiB.

2003. "Teknologi, organisasjon og overtro på Havdrøn." 49 min. [with Frode Storås]. Produced by Sot Film AS and UiB.

2003. "The Waterhole." 27 min. [with Frode Storås]. Produced by Sot Film AS and UiB.

2003. "The settlement." 23 minutes. [with Frode Storås]. Produced by Sot Film AS and UiB.

2003. "Augusts. The settlement 2." 24 min. [with Frode Storås]. Produced by Sot Film AS and UiB.

2003. "August. The Night 23 minutes." [with Frode Storås]. Produced by  Sot Film AS and UiB.

2002. "Alfred Melotu, The funeral of a Paramount Chief." 45 min. [with Peter Crawford and Trygve Tollefsen] Produced by Bergen Museum, Universitety of Århus (Denmark), Intervention Press (Denmark) and Nordic Anthropological Film Association (NAFA).

2002. "Chea’s Great Kuarao." 57 min. English version. [with Edvard Hviding and Trygve Tollefsen]. Produced by Sot Film AS in co-operation with UiB.

2002. "Tuo Dolphins." 25 min. [with Peter Crawford]. Produced by Sot Film AS, Intervention Press, Bergen Museum and Nordic Anthropological Film Association (NAFA).

1999. "Going for Mackerel." 27 min. [with Diane Perlov and Frode Storås]. Produced by Sot Film A/S, Bergen Museum and California Science Centre, Los Angeles, USA.

1999. "The Cactus League." 19 min. [with Diane Perlov and Frode Storås]. Produced by Sot Film A/S, Bergen Museum and California Science Centre, Los Angeles, USA.

1999. "Magic at Work." 10 min. [with Diane Perlov and Frode Storås]. Produced by Sot Film A/S, Bergen Museum and California Science Centre, Los Angeles, USA.


Regionalt: Det globale, Stillehavet og Europas utforskningshistorie.

Tematisk: Fenomenologi, ontologi, ritualet, det globale, romlighet, individualisme, navigering, Polynesisk navigasjon, utforskning, film og foto.

Filmkompetanse: Har også utdannelse innen film, og har produsert, regissert, filmet, og redigert en hel rekke etnografiske filmer.