Sarah Jacoba Deborah Wurz
Professor, Archaeology
Book review
- Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah (2024). Becoming human: Expert sequential and flexible thinking led to cumulative culture. Review of Enquist, M., Ghirlanda, S. & Lind, J. The Human Evolutionary Transition: From Animal Intelligence to Culture. Princeton University Press, Princeton, USA. . (external link)
- Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah (2014). Review of Barham, L. 2013. From Hand to Handle. The First Industrial Revolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press; Shea, J.J. 2013. Stone Tools in the Paleolithic and Neolithic Near East. A Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Desrosiers, P.M. (Editor) 2012. The Emergence of Pressure Blade Making. From Origin to Modern Experimentation. New York: Springer. (external link)
- Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah (2012). Review of Henshilwood, C.S. & d’Errico, F. (editors). 2011. Homo symbolicus. The dawn of language, imagination and spirituality. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. ISBN: 978-90-272-1189-7 (hardback). I-XI, 237pp. (external link)
- Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah (2011). The Cave of Hearths: Makapan Middle Pleistocene Research Project: Field research by Anthony Sinclair and Patrick Quinney, 1996-2001. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Pearson, Alexandra; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah; Reynard, Jerome P. et al. (2024). A comparative zooarchaeological perspective on MIS 5 coastal ecology at Klasies River Main site and Blombos Cave, South Africa . (external link)
- Faul, Inez; Andersson, Carin; Niekerk, Karen Loise van et al. (2024). A palaeoenvironmental analysis of microfossils from MIS 5c-d in Cave 1, Klasies River main site, South Africa. (external link)
- Muller, Antoine; Armitage, Simon James; d'Errico, francesco et al. (2024). Many ways to get to the point: Experimental insights into the behavioural complexity involved in Middle Stone Age point-making. (external link)
- Ryano, Kokeli Peter; Niekerk, Karen Loise van; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah et al. (2022). Shellfish remains as proxy for human behaviour and past environments during MSA II lower at Klasies River main site and Blombos Cave, southern Cape, South Africa. (external link)
- Bentsen, Silje Evjenth; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah (2018). Red alert? The colors of heat-affected quartzite from the Eastern Cape, South Africa. (external link)
- Ryano, Kokeli Peter; Van Niekerk, Karen Loise; Henshilwood, Christopher et al. (2018). Shellfishing at Klipdrift Cave during the Oakhurst, ca. 12–10 ka, in the southern Cape coast, South Africa: human predation pressure, dietary and climatic implications. (external link)
- Ryano, Kokeli Peter; Van Niekerk, Karen Loise; Henshilwood, Christopher et al. (2017). Shellfish and tortoise exploitation during the Oakhurst at Klipdrift Cave, southern Cape, South Africa: human predation pressure and climatic implications. (external link)
- Delagnes, Anne; Douze, Katja; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah et al. (2016). The habitual heat treatment of silcrete by the Howiesons Poort groups from southern Africa. (external link)
- Delagnes, Anne; Douze, Katja; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah et al. (2015). Heating silcrete: innovation, invention or simple opportunistic behavior for the MSA groups?. (external link)
- Delagnes, Anne; Douze, Katja; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah et al. (2014). Patterns of changes over the Howiesons Poort sequence at Klipdrift Shelter (South Africa). (external link)
- Schmidt, P; Porraz, G; Delagnes, Anne et al. (2014). Heat treatment of silcrete in the southern African MSA: the heating procedure and its implications for the chaine operatoire. (external link)
Academic article
- Ezeimo, Joel; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah; Badenhorst, Shaw (2024). The Faunal from the MSA l Layers in Cave 1B, Klasies River Main site, South Africa. (external link)
- Ryano, Kokeli Peter; Niekerk, Karen Loise van; Henshilwood, Christopher Stuart et al. (2024). Shellfish gathering during MIS 5c-d at Klasies River main site and Blombos Cave, southern Cape, South Africa: An inter-assemblage comparison. (external link)
- Reynard, Jerome P.; Pearson, Alexandra; Akuku, Pamela et al. (2024). Taphonomic and zooarchaeological analysis of fauna from the Howiesons Poort and post-Howiesons Poort at Klasies River main site: Examining links between the environment and subsistence behaviour in Marine Isotope Stages 4 and 3. (external link)
- Zwane, B.; Bamford, M.; van Wijk, Wijk et al. (2023). An analysis and environmental interpretations of wood charcoal from the Later Stone Age deposit at Klasies River cave 1, Tsitsikamma Coast. (external link)
- Morrissey, Peter; Mentzer, Susan M.; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah (2023). The stratigraphy and formation of Middle Stone Age deposits in Cave 1B, Klasies River Main site, South Africa, with implications for the context, age, and cultural association of the KRM 41815/SAM-AP 6222 human mandible. (external link)
- Culey, Jasmin; Hodgskiss, T.; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah et al. (2023). Ochre use at Olieboomspoort, South Africa: insights into specular hematite use and collection during the Middle Stone Age. (external link)
- Massilani, Diyendo; Morley, Mike W.; Mentzer, Susan M. et al. (2022). Microstratigraphic preservation of ancient faunal and hominin DNA in Pleistocene cave sediments. (external link)
- Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah; Pickering, Robyn; Mentzer, Susan M (2022). U-Th dating, taphonomy, and taxonomy of shell middens at Klasies River main site indicate stable and systematic coastal exploitation by MIS 5c-d. (external link)
- Morrissey, Peter; Mentzer, Susan M; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah (2022). A Critical Review of the Stratigraphic Context of the MSA I and II at Klasies River Main Site, South Africa. (external link)
- Lombard, Marlize; Bradfield, Justin; Caruana, Matthew V. et al. (2022). THE SOUTHERN AFRICAN STONE AGE SEQUENCE UPDATED (II). (external link)
- Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah (2021). Technocomplexes and chronostratigraphy for mis 6-1 in Southern Africa. (external link)
- Brenner, Mareike; Ryano, Kokeli P.; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah (2020). Coastal adaptation at Klasies River main site during MIS 5c-d (93,000–110,000 years ago) from a southern Cape perspective. (external link)
- Bradfield, Justin; Lombard, Marlize; Reynard, Jerome P. et al. (2020). Further evidence for bow hunting and its implications more than 60 000 years ago: Results of a use-trace analysis of the bone point from Klasies River Main site, South Africa. (external link)
- Reynard, Jerome; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah (2020). The palaeoecology of Klasies River, South Africa: An analysis of the large mammal remains from the 1984-1995 excavations of Cave 1 and 1A. (external link)
- Bradfield, Justin; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah (2020). A FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT OF THE NOTCHED BONE ARTEFACTS FROM KLASIES RIVER MAIN SITE . (external link)
- Rusch, Neil; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah (2020). The Doring River bullroarers rock painting: Continuities in sound and rainmaking. (external link)
- Bentsen, Silje Evjenth; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah (2019). Color Me Heated? A Comparison of Potential Methods to Quantify Color Change in Thermally-Altered Rocks. (external link)
- Ryano, Kokeli Peter; Van Niekerk, Karen Loise; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah et al. (2019). Shellfish exploitation during the Oakhurst at Klipdrift Cave, southern Cape, South Africa. (external link)
- Larbey, Cynthia; Mentzer, Susan; Ligouis, Bertrand et al. (2019). Cooked starchy food in hearths ca. 120 kya and 65 kya (MIS 5e and MIS 4) from Klasies River Cave, South Africa. (external link)
- Kumbani, Joshua; Bradfield, Justin; Rusch, Neil et al. (2019). A functional investigation of southern Cape Later Stone Age artefacts resembling aerophones. (external link)
- Brenner, Mareike J; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah (2019). A high-resolution perspective on MIS 5c-d lithic assemblages from Klasies River main site Cave 1. (external link)
- Van Pletzen-Vos, Liezl; Brink, James; Reynard, Jerome P. et al. (2019). Revisiting Klasies river: A report on the large mammal remains from the deacon excavations of Klasies river main site, South Africa. (external link)
- Van Wijk, Yvette; Rust, Renee; Uithaler, Eldrid M. et al. (2019). Ethnobotanical research at klasies river linking past, present, and future. (external link)
- Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah; Bentsen, Silje Evjenth; Reynard, Jerome et al. (2018). Connections, culture and environments around 100?000 years ago at Klasies River main site. (external link)
- Douze, Katja; Delagnes, Anne; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah et al. (2018). The Howiesons Poort lithic sequence of Klipdrift Shelter, southern Cape, South Africa. (external link)
- Novello, Alice; Bamford, Marion K.; Van Wijk, Yvette et al. (2018). Phytoliths in modern plants and soils from Klasies River, Cape Region (South Africa). (external link)
- Nel, Turid Hillestad; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah; Henshilwood, Christopher (2018). Small mammals from Marine Isotope Stage 5 at Klasies River, South Africa - Reconstructing the local palaeoenvironment. (external link)
- Bentsen, Silje Evjenth; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah (2017). Towards a better understanding of cooking techniques in the African Middle Stone Age. (external link)
- Ryano, Kokeli Peter; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah; Van Niekerk, Karen Loise et al. (2017). The Technology of the Early Oakhurst Lithic Techno-Complex from Klipdrift Cave, Southern Cape, South Africa. (external link)
- Reynard, Jerome; Discamps, Emmanuel; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah et al. (2016). Occupational intensity and environmental changes during the Howiesons Poort at Klipdrift Shelter, southern Cape, South Africa. (external link)
- Delagnes, Anne; Schmidt, Patrick; Douze, Katja et al. (2016). Early evidence for the extensive heat treatment of silcrete in the Howiesons Poort at Klipdrift Shelter (layer PBD, 65 ka), South Africa. (external link)
- Douze, Katja; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah; Henshilwood, Christopher (2015). Techno-cultural characterization of the MIS 5 (c. 105 - 90 Ka) lithic industries at Blombos Cave, Southern Cape, South Africa. (external link)
- Henshilwood, Christopher; Van Niekerk, Karen Loise; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah et al. (2014). Klipdrift Shelter, southern Cape, South Africa: preliminary report on the Howiesons Poort layers. (external link)
- Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah (2013). Technological trends in the Middle Stone Age of South Africa between MIS 7 and MIS 3. (external link)
- Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah; Perrault, C; Brantingham,, P. J et al. (2013). Perreault, C. , Brantingham, P. J., Kuhn, S.L., Wurz, S. & Gao, X. Measuring the Complexity of Lithic Technology. (external link)
- Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah; Lombard, Marlize; Dusseldorp, Gerrit L. (2013). Pleistocene Homo and the updated Stone Age sequence of South Africa. (external link)
- Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah (2012). The significance of MIS 5 shell midddens on the cape coast - a lithic perspective from Klasies River and Ysterfontein 1. (external link)
- Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah; Van Peer, P (2012). Out of Africa, the Nile Valley and the Northern Route. (external link)