Research groups
Research Interest
- Causes and impacts of Arctic surface warming and warming aloft
- Roles of Arctic sea ice and/or Arctic Open Water in climate variability, change and prediction
- Effects of forcing factors and atmospheric dynamics on extreme weather events and climate
- East Asian winter monsoon
- Teleconnections especially their roles in climate impacts and predictability
- Machine Learning for climate prediction (guided by the knowledge obtained from the above topics).
Five (of ~50) selected peer-reviewed papers:
Zhao Jiazhen [PhD student], Shengping He, and Huijun Wang, 2022: Historical and future runoff changes in the Yangtze River Basin from CMIP6 models constrained by a weighting strategy. Environmental Research Letters, 024015.
Li Hua, Shengping He, Ke Fan, et al., 2021: Recent Intensified Influence of the Winter North Pacific Sea Surface Temperature on the Mei-Yu Withdrawal Date. Journal of Climate 34(10), 3869-3887.
He Shengping, Xinping Xu, Tore Furevik, and Yongqi Gao, 2020: Eurasian cooling linked to the vertical distribution of Arctic warming. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(10), e2020GL087212.
He Shengping, Yongqi Gao, ...., 2017: Impact of Arctic Oscillation on the East Asian climate: A review. Earth-Science Reviews, 164, 48-62.
He Shengping, and Huijun Wang [PhD supervisor], 2013: Oscillating relationship between the East Asian winter monsoon and ENSO. Journal of Climate, 9819-9838.
Teaching experience at University-level:
Teaching assistant
- 2018- 2018 Teaching Assistant – Models and Methods in Numerical Weather Prediction, University of Bergen/Geophysical Institute/Norway
- 2017- 2017 Teaching Assistant – Causes of Climate Change, University of Bergen/Geophysical Institute/Norway
- 30 June-6 July 2018, Norheimsund, Norway. Lecturer and committee for summer shcool - “ARCPATH/CONNECTED Summer School - Climate Teleconnections and Predictions: Past, Present and Future”, organized by University of Bergen and Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center; PhD level, 7 students from Norway, 6 from other European countries, 2 from Russia, and 12 from China. I have given two lectures: (1) Climate Teleconnection: Linkage the Arctic warming to lower latitudes and (2) Climate Change Research, Operation and Service in China. Language: English
Co-Suprevision of PhD and Master degree students
Total: eight (7 PhD degree students and 1 Master degree student),
Six graduated PhD degree stduents,
1. 2016-2020, Xinping Xu (MD-PhD), Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology; selected papers:
- Xu X., Shengping He, Yongqi Gao, Tore Furevik, et al., 2019: Strengthened linkage between midlatitudes and Arctic in boreal winter. Climate Dynamics, 53(7), 3971-3983.
- Xu Xingping, Shengping He, et al., 2018: Impact of northern Eurasian snow cover in autumn on the warm Arctic–cold Eurasia pattern during the following January and its linkage to stationary planetary waves. Climate dynamics, 50(5), 1993-2006.
2. 2015-2020, Lianlian Xu (MD-PhD), University of Chinese Academy of Science; selected papers:
- Xu Lianlian, Shengping He, et al., 2018: Numerical simulation on the southern flood and northern drought in summer 2014 over Eastern China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 134(3), 1287-1299.
3. 2014-2019, Hua Li (MD-PhD), University of Chinese Academy of Science; selected papers:
- Li Hua, Shengping He, et al., 2019: Relationship between the onset date of the Meiyu and the South Asian anticyclone in April and the related mechanisms. Climate Dynamics, 52(1), 209-226.
4. 2014-2019, Yang Liu (MD-PhD), University of Chinese Academy of Science; selected papers:
Liu Yang and Shengping He, 2020: Strengthened Linkage between November/December North Atlantic Oscillation and Subsequent January European Precipitation after the Late 1980s. Journal of Climate 33.19 (2020): 8281-8300.
Liu Yang, Shengping He, et al., 2017: Interdecadal change between the Arctic Oscillation and East Asian climate during 1900–2015 winters. International Journal of Climatology, 37(14), 4791-4802.
5. 2012-2018, Xin Hao (MD-PhD), University of Chinese Academy of Science; selected papers:
- Hao Xin, Shengping He, et al., 2019: Quantifying the contribution of anthropogenic influence to the East Asian winter monsoon in 1960–2012. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(15), 9903-9911.
- Hao Xin, and Shengping He., 2017: Combined effect of ENSO-like and Atlantic multidecadal oscillation SSTAs on the interannual variability of the East Asian winter monsoon. Journal of Climate 30.7: 2697-2716.
- Hao Xin, Shengping He, and Huijun Wang, 2016: Asymmetry in the response of central Eurasian winter temperature to AMO. Climate Dynamics 47.7: 2139-2154.
6. 2012-2017, Tingting Han (MD-PhD), University of Chinese Academy of Science; selected papers:
- Han Tingting, Shengping He, et al., 2019: Variation in principal modes of midsummer precipitation over Northeast China and its associated atmospheric circulation. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 36(1): 55-64.
- Han Tingting, Shengping He, et al., 2018: Enhanced influence of early-spring tropical Indian Ocean SST on the following early-summer precipitation over Northeast China. Climate dynamics, 51(11): 4065-4076.
One graduated Master degree stduents
1. 2015-2018, Shuo LI, University of Chinese Academy of Science; selected papers:
LI Shuo, Shengping He, et al., 2020: Precursor in Arctic oscillation for the East Asian January temperature and its relationship with stationary planetary waves: Results from CMIP5 models. International Journal of Climatology, 40(3), 1492-1511.
LI Shuo, Shengping He, et al. 2018: Simulated and projected relationship between the East Asian winter monsoon and winter Arctic Oscillation in CMIP5 models. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 11(5), 417-424.
One on going PhD degree student
1. 2021-, Jiazhen Zhao, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology; selected papers:
- Zhao Jiazhen, Shengping He, and Huijun Wang, 2022: Historical and future runoff changes in the Yangtze River Basin from CMIP6 models constrained by a weighting strategy. Environmental Research Letters 17.2 (2022): 024015.
Academic article
- Zhou, Xin; Han, Tingting; Wang, Huijun et al. (2025). Enhanced Influence of Late-Winter Arctic Oscillation on Early Spring Temperature in North and Northeast Asia. (external link)
- Xu, Xinping; He, Shengping; Wang, Huijun et al. (2025). “Colder North Eurasia, warmer North America” pattern in December 2023 and its blocking precursor. (external link)
- Jiang, Jie; He, Shengping; Fan, Ke (2025). Recent impact of reduced arctic sea-ice on the winter North Atlantic jet stream and its quantitative contributions compared to pre-industrial level. (external link)
- Xu, Yifan; Fan, Ke; He, Shengping (2025). Interdecadal opposite variation of December–January blocking days between the eastern North Atlantic and Ural region around 2008. (external link)
- Zhao, Jiazhen; He, Shengping; Fan, Ke et al. (2024). Projecting Wintertime Newly Formed Arctic Sea Ice through Weighting CMIP6 Model Performance and Independence. (external link)
- Li, Hua; He, Shengping; Yuan, Xing et al. (2024). The contrast responses of August precipitation over Northeast China to strong and moderate developing El Niño. (external link)
- He, Shengping; Drange, Helge; Furevik, Tore et al. (2024). Relative Impacts of Sea Ice Loss and Atmospheric Internal Variability on the Winter Arctic to East Asian Surface Air Temperature Based on Large-Ensemble Simulations with NorESM2. (external link)
- Yi, Daling Li; Fan, Ke; He, Shengping (2024). Thermodynamic and dynamic contributions to the abrupt increased winter Arctic sea ice growth since 2008. (external link)
- Zheng, Yanxin; Li, Shuangling; Keenlyside, Noel Sebastian et al. (2024). Projecting Spring Consecutive Rainfall Events in the Three Gorges Reservoir Based on Triple-Nested Dynamical Downscaling. (external link)
- Yuan, Yuan; Li, Huixin; Sun, Bo et al. (2024). Joint influence of the North Atlantic sea surface temperature and the Barents sea-ice concentration on the dipole pattern of Eurasian surface air temperature in March. (external link)
- Zeng, Zixuan; Sun, Jianqi; He, Shengping (2024). Comparison of the physical processes underlying heavy and light rain variations: insight from spring precipitation over Southern China. (external link)
- Zeng, Zixuan; Sun, Jianqi; He, Shengping (2024). Importance of Intraseasonal Oscillation for the Regional Extreme Consecutive dry Days Events in Spring Over Southern China. (external link)
- Li, Hua; Yan, Yuhan; He, Shengping et al. (2024). Interdecadal changes in interannual variability of June temperature over Northeast China induced by decadal shifts in the North Atlantic teleconnection. (external link)
- Yi, Daling Li; Fan, Ke; He, Shengping et al. (2024). Sea-ice-loss slowdown modulates the sea surface salinification in the Kara-Laptev Seas since the 2008 summer. (external link)
- Xu, Xinping; He, Shengping; Zhou, Botao et al. (2024). CMIP6 near-term and long-term projections of Eurasian winter cooling trend and cold extremes. (external link)
- Yin, Zhicong; Zhang, Yijia; He, Shengping et al. (2024). Warm Arctic-Cold Eurasia pattern helps predict spring wildfire burned area in West Siberia. (external link)
- Xu, Xinping; He, Shengping; Zhou, Botao et al. (2023). Arctic Warming and Eurasian Cooling: Weakening and Reemergence. (external link)
- Han, Tingting; He, Shengping; Zhou, Botao et al. (2023). Interdecadal Changes in the Linkage Between North Pacific Oscillation During May and Northeast China Precipitation During Mid-Summer: The Influence of North Atlantic Oscillation. (external link)
- He, Shengping; Furevik, Tore; Wang, Huijun et al. (2023). Impacts of the extratropical North Pacific on boreal summer Arctic circulation. (external link)
- Outten, Stephen; Li, Camille; King, Martin Peter et al. (2023). Reconciling conflicting evidence for the cause of the observed early 21st century Eurasian cooling. (external link)
- Zhao, Jiazhen; He, Shengping; Wang, Huijun (2022). Historical and future runoff changes in the Yangtze River Basin from CMIP6 models constrained by a weighting strategy. (external link)
- Zhao, Jiazhen; He, Shengping; Huijun, Wang (2022). Role of Atmosphere–Ocean–Ice Interaction in the Linkage between December Bering Sea Ice and Subsequent February Surface Air Temperature over North America. (external link)
- Xu, Xinping; He, Shengping; Zhou, Botao et al. (2022). Atmospheric Contributions to the Reversal of Surface Temperature Anomalies Between Early and Late Winter Over Eurasia. (external link)
- Zhao, Jiazhen; He, Shengping; Wang, Huijun et al. (2022). Constraining CMIP6 Projections of an Ice-Free Arctic Using a Weighting Scheme. (external link)
- Zheng, Yanxin; Li, Shuanglin; He, Shengping et al. (2022). Hydroclimatic intensity change in China during the past decades and its future trend based on CMIP5/6. (external link)
- Xu, Xinping; He, Shengping; Zhou, Botao et al. (2022). The Role of Mid-latitude Westerly Jet in the Impacts of November Ural Blocking on Early-Winter Warmer Arctic-Colder Eurasia Pattern. (external link)
- Fan, Qiyao; Xu, Xinping; He, Shengping et al. (2022). The extreme Arctic warm anomaly in November 2020. (external link)
- Li, Hua; Fan, Ke; He, Shengping et al. (2021). Intensified Impacts of Central Pacific ENSO on the Reversal of December and January Surface Air Temperature Anomaly over China since 1997. (external link)
- Li, Hua; He, Shengping; Fan, Ke et al. (2021). Recent Intensified Influence of the Winter North Pacific Sea Surface Temperature on the Mei-Yu Withdrawal Date. (external link)
- Zhang, Yijia; Yin, Zhicong; Wang, Huijun et al. (2021). 2020/21 record-breaking cold waves in east of China enhanced by the 'Warm Arctic-Cold Siberia' pattern. (external link)
- Li, Jingyi; Li, Fei; He, Shengping et al. (2021). The Atlantic Multidecadal Variability phase-dependence of teleconnection between the North Atlantic Oscillation in February and the Tibetan Plateau in March. (external link)
- He, Shengping; Wang, Huijun; Li, Hua et al. (2021). Machine learning and its potential application to climate prediction. (external link)
- Xu, Xinping; He, Shengping; Gao, Yongqi et al. (2021). Contributors to linkage between Arctic warming and East Asian winter climate. (external link)
- He, Shengping; Wang, Huijun; Li, Hua et al. (2021). Principle of Machine Learning and Its Potential Application in Climate Prediction. (external link)
- He, Shengping; Xu, Xinping; Furevik, Tore et al. (2020). Eurasia Cooling Linked to the Vertical Distribution of Arctic Warming. (external link)
- He, Shengping; Wang, Huijun; Li, Fei et al. (2020). Solar-wind-magnetosphere energy influences the interannual variability of the northern-hemispheric winter climate. (external link)
- Shen, Haibo; Li, Fei; He, Shengping et al. (2020). Impact of late spring Siberian snow on summer rainfall in South-Central China. (external link)
- Lü, Zhuozhuo; Li, Fei; Orsolini, Yvan et al. (2020). Understanding of European cold extremes, sudden stratospheric warming, and Siberian snow accumulation in the winter of 2017/18. (external link)
- Xu, Xinping; He, Shengping; Wang, Huijun (2020). Relationship between Solar Wind—Magnetosphere Energy and Eurasian Winter Cold Events. (external link)
- Li, Huixin; He, Shengping; Gao, Yongqi et al. (2020). North Atlantic Modulation of Interdecadal Variations in Hot Drought Events over Northeastern China. (external link)
- Sayedi, Sayedeh Sara; Abbott, Benjamin W.; Thornton, Brett F. et al. (2020). Subsea permafrost carbon stocks and climate change sensitivity estimated by expert assessment. (external link)
- Xu, Xinping; He, Shengping; Furevik, Tore et al. (2020). Oceanic forcing of the global warming slowdown in multi-model simulations . (external link)
- Liu, Yang; He, Shengping (2020). Strengthened linkage between November/December North Atlantic Oscillation and subsequent January european precipitation after the late 1980s. (external link)
- Han, Tingting; He, Shengping; Wang, Huijun et al. (2019). Variation in Principal Modes of Midsummer Precipitation over Northeast China and Its Associated Atmospheric Circulation. (external link)
- Li, Shuo; He, Shengping; Li, Fei et al. (2019). Precursor in Arctic oscillation for the East Asian January temperature and its relationship with stationary planetary waves: Results from CMIP5 models. (external link)
- Xu, Xinping; He, Shengping; Gao, Yongqi et al. (2019). Strengthened linkage between midlatitudes and Arctic in boreal winter. (external link)
- Shen, Haibo; He, Shengping; Wang, Huijun (2019). Effect of summer Arctic sea ice on the reverse August precipitation anomaly in Eastern China between 1998 and 2016. (external link)
- Li, Jingyi; Li, Fei; He, Shengping et al. (2019). Influence of December snow cover over North America on January surface air temperature over the midlatitude Asia. (external link)
- Hao, Xin; He, Shengping; Wang, Huijun et al. (2019). Quantifying the contribution of anthropogenic influence to the East Asian winter monsoon in 1960-2012. (external link)
- Xu, Xinping; Li, Fei; He, Shengping et al. (2018). Subseasonal reversal of East Asian surface temperature variability in winter 2014/15. (external link)
- He, Shengping; Gao, Yongqi; Furevik, Tore et al. (2018). Teleconnection between sea ice in the Barents Sea in June and the Silk Road, Pacific–Japan and East Asian rainfall patterns in August. (external link)
- Li, Shuo; He, Shengping; Li, Fei et al. (2018). Simulated and projected relationship between the East Asian winter monsoon and winter Arctic Oscillation in CMIP5 models. (external link)
- Li, Hua; He, Shengping; Fan, Ke et al. (2018). Relationship between the onset date of the Meiyu and the South Asian anticyclone in April and the related mechanisms. (external link)
- Li, Fei; Orsolini, Yvan; Wang, Huijun et al. (2018). Atlantic multidecadal oscillation modulates the impacts of Arctic sea ice decline. (external link)
- Lü, Zhuozhuo; He, Shengping; Li, Fei et al. (2018). Impacts of the autumn Arctic sea ice on the intraseasonal reversal of the winter Siberian high. (external link)
- He, Shengping; Knudsen, Erlend Moster; Thompson, David W J et al. (2018). Evidence for Predictive Skill of High-Latitude Climate Due to Midsummer Sea Ice Extent Anomalies. (external link)
- Hao, Xin; He, Shengping; Han, Tingting et al. (2018). Impact of Global Oceanic Warming on Winter Eurasian Climate. (external link)
- He, Shengping; Wang, Huijun; Gao, Yongqi et al. (2018). Recent intensified impact of December Arctic Oscillation on subsequent January temperature in Eurasia and North Africa. (external link)
- He, Shengping; Wang, Hui-Jun; Gao, Yongqi et al. (2018). Influence of solar wind energy flux on the interannual variability of ENSO in the subsequent year. (external link)
- Wei, Ting; He, Shengping; Yan, Qing et al. (2018). Decadal shift in West China autumn precipitation and its association with sea surface temperature. (external link)
- Liu, Yang; He, Shengping; Li, Fei et al. (2017). Unstable relationship between the Arctic Oscillation and East Asian jet stream in winter and possible mechanisms. (external link)
- Liu, Yang; He, Shengping; Li, Fei et al. (2017). Interdecadal change between the Arctic Oscillation and East Asian climate during 1900-2015 winters. (external link)
- Xu, Xinping; He, Shengping; Li, Fei et al. (2017). Impact of northern Eurasian snow cover in autumn on the warm Arctic - cold Eurasia pattern during the following January and its linkage to stationary planetary waves. (external link)
- Li, Fei; Orsolini, Yvan; Wang, Huijun et al. (2017). Modulation of the Aleutian–Icelandic low seesaw and its surface impacts by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. (external link)
- Xu, Lianlian; He, Shengping; Li, Fei et al. (2017). Numerical simulation on the southern flood and northern drought in summer 2014 over Eastern China. (external link)
- Yang, Ruowen; Wang, Jian; Zhang, Tianyu et al. (2017). Change in the relationship between the Australian summer monsoon circulation and boreal summer precipitation over Central China in the late 1990s. (external link)
- Hu, Chundi; Zhang, Chengyang; Yang, Song et al. (2017). Perspective on the northwestward shift of autumn tropical cyclogenesis locations over the western North Pacific from shifting ENSO. (external link)
- Hao, Xin; He, Shengping; Wang, Huijun et al. (2017). The impact of long-term oceanic warming on the Antarctic Oscillation in austral winter. (external link)
- Han, Tingting; He, Shengping; Wang, Huijun et al. (2017). Enhanced influence of early-spring tropical Indian Ocean SST on the following early-summer precipitation over Northeast China. (external link)
- Hao, Xin; He, Shengping (2017). Combined effect of ENSO-like and Atlantic multidecadal oscillation SSTAs on the interannual variability of the East Asian winter monsoon. (external link)
Academic lecture
- He, Shengping (2024). CL4.14 Climate and weather extremes in a warming climate: Processes, Prediction and Projection (3P). (external link)
- He, Shengping (2024). Relative impacts of sea ice loss and atmospheric internal variability on winter Arctic to East Asian surface air temperature based on large-ensemble simulations with NorESM2. (external link)
- He, Shengping (2024). Mechanism and prediction of the new Arctic climate system (MAPARC). (external link)
- He, Shengping (2023). Session CL2.5: Extreme Climate Events: Variability, Mechanisms, and Prediction. (external link)
- Tao, Dandan; Li, Camille; Davy, Richard et al. (2023). The thermodynamic differences between winter cyclones from midlatitudes and high latitudes. (external link)
- He, Shengping; Drange, Helge; Furevik, Tore et al. (2023). Relative impacts of sea ice loss and atmospheric internal variability on winter Arctic to East Asian surface air temperature based on large-ensemble simulations with NorESM2. (external link)
- He, Shengping (2023). 20 years of successful Chinese-Norwegian climate collaboration . (external link)
- He, Shengping (2023). Impacts of Arctic Climate Change. (external link)
- Tao, Dandan; Li, Camille; He, Shengping et al. (2022). Thermodynamics of winter cyclones entering the Barents Sea. (external link)
- He, Shengping (2022). Internal and forced contributions to the record-breaking heat waves in Europe. (external link)
- Li, Jingyi; Li, Fei; He, Shengping et al. (2021). The AMV phase-dependence of the connection between February NAO and March surface air temperature over the Tibetan Plateau. (external link)
- He, Shengping (2019). 'Contributions from extratropical North Pacific to Arctic summer atmospheric temperature and circulation'; Annual Meeting of Nansen–Zhu International Research Centre; 22-23 October 2019; Nanjing, China . (external link)
- He, Shengping (2018). 'Chapter Scientist for Chapter 3 - Polar Region'; IPCC authors meeting in China to develop IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate; organized by WMO and UNEP; 23-28 July 2018; Lanzhou, China.. (external link)
- He, Shengping; Furevik, Tore; Li, Fei et al. (2018). 'New insights into the Arctic warming - Eurasian cooling teleconnection'; Symposium: The Nordic Universities role in the new Arctic organized by Umeå University; 26 April 2018. (external link)
- He, Shengping; Knudsen, Erlend M.; Thompson, David W. J. et al. (2018). 'Evidence for predictive skill of high‐latitude climate due to midsummer sea‐ice extent anomalies'; POLAR 2018; 19-23 June 2018; Davos,Switzerland. (external link)
- He, Shengping; Furevik, Tore; Gao, Yongqi et al. (2018). 'Teleconnection between Arctic warming and Eurasian cooling'; International Symposium: Nansen–Zhu International Research Centre (NZC) 15-Year Collaboration; 16-17 October 2018; Beijing, China. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- He, Shengping (2020). 'Hot topics and advances in the Arctic climate change and its impacts'; (Virtual) Seminar on Paleoclimate and mid-high latitude climate change; Organized by Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology; 17 April 2020. (external link)
- He, Shengping (2018). Climate Teleconnection: Linkage the Arctic warming to lower latitudes; ARCPATH/CONNECTED Summer School. June-July, 2018, Bergen. (external link)
- Li, Jingyi; Li, Fei; He, Shengping et al. (2019). Influence of December snow cover over North America on January surface air temperature over the midlatitude Asia. (external link)
- Xu, Xinping; He, Shengping; Gao, Yongqi et al. (2019). Strengthened Linkage between Midlatitudes and Arctic in Boreal Winter. (external link)
- Li, Fei; Orsolini, Yvan; Wang, Huijun et al. (2018). Atlantic multidecadal oscillation modulates the impacts of Arctic sea ice decline. (external link)
Website (informational material)
2022-2026: Mechanism and prediction of the new Arctic climate system (MAPARC)
Project information:
- Project owner: University of Bergen,
- Project leader: Shengping He (
- Project period: 01.06.2022-31.05.2026
- Type: Researcher Project
- Public funding: 10 mill. kroner, funded by the Research Council of Norway
- Project no.: 328943
- Partners:Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center; Norwegian Institute for Air Research; Sun Yat-sen University; Nansen-Zhu International Research Centre, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Primary and secondary objectives of the project: TThe primary objective of MAPARC is to achieve better predictions of the new Arctic climate system considering a new vision of climate change and predictability. We will achieve this goal via addressing specific objectives:
(1) to identify the causes and impacts of the present and future increasing newly-formed sea ice and the shallow and deep Arctic ocean and atmosphere warming;
(2) to determine the mechanism of the change in atmospheric circulation regimes and their impacts on extreme weather and climate;
(3) then to develop new prediction methods and models to improve the skill and reliability of seasonal climate prediction at mid-high latitudes.
Project meetings: Updating
Publications: Updating
2021-2025: Climate response to a Bluer Arctic with increased newly-formed winter Sea ICe (BASIC)
Project information:
- Project owner: University of Bergen,
- Project leader: Shengping He (
- Project period: 22.11.2021-21.11.2025
- Type: Researcher Project
- Public funding: 12 mill. kroner, funded by the Research Council of Norway
- Project no.: 325440
- Partners:Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center; Norwegian Institute for Air Research; Meteorologisk Institutt; Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Exeter;
Primary and secondary objectives of the project: The primary objective is to understand the Arctic and Eurasian climate response to the new Arctic characterized bymore open waters in summer and an increasing volume of newly-formed sea ice in winter. We will achieve this by accomplishing the following secondary objectives:
- quantify the impacts of more open seawater in summer on the Arctic oceanic conditions
- identify the influences of deep Arctic warming (extending from the interior of the ocean to the middle troposphere) on the Eurasian winter climate
- determine the effects of increasing newly-formed wintertime Arctic sea ice on the freshwater and heat budget inthe Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean, and the accompanying impacts on the AMOC
- elucidate the gradually vanishing climatic impacts of summer-to-autumn Arctic sea ice in the 21st century as the Arctic Ocean is turning to an ‘ice-free’ state
- demonstrate the predominance of Arctic ocean temperature over sea ice as a dominant climatic factor, once a tipping point is reached in the future.
Project meetings: Updating
Publications: Updating
2017-2022: Chinese-Norwegian partnership in climate teleconnection and prediction (CONNECTED)
Project information:
- Project owner: University of Bergen,
- Project leader: Tore Furevik; Shengping is the Coordinator of summer schools and student mobility
- Project period: 01.2017-12.2022
- Type: UTFORSK 2016 - Long-term project funding
- Public funding: 1.99 mill. kroner, funded by the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills
- Project no.: UTF-2016-long-term/10030
- Main partner institution outside Norway: Institute of atmospheric physics, Chinese academy of sciences
- Network partners: Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center; Norwegian Research Center; Peking University; Beijing Climate Center; Nanjing University; Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology; China University of Geosciences (Wuhan);
Project summary:
The ChiNese NorwEgian partnership in Climate Teleonnection and prEDiction (CONNECTED) builds on an existing collaboration between three Norwegian institutions in Bergen and three Chinese institutions in Beijing and Nanjing. The activities are organized under the Nansen-Zhu International Research Centre located in Beijing, a joint venture established in November 2003. CONNECTED aims to capitalize on the existing cooperation, and further strengthen the research and research training activities by long termsupport for joint biennial summer schools with back-to-back workshops, PhD and Master students exchange visits between Norway and China with supervisors from both countries, and development of joint proposals to national and international funding agencies. The scientific focus is on better understanding of climate variability and climate trends using paleo (past)-climate data, instrumental data, and numerical models and theory to assess the importance of internal and external forcing of past, present and future climate. A central topic will be teleconnections in the climate system, i.e. how a change in climate in one part of the globe (e.g. temperatures in the Atlantic or shrinking sea ice cover in the Arctic) can influence climate on other parts of the globe (e.g. Eurasian winter temperatures), and how we can use this information to improve regional climate prediction and therefore regional climate service. The project will bring new partners into the Chinese-Norwegian cooperation in climate, increased research quality, more co-authorship in international peer reviewed journals, and more successful research funding applications to Chinese, Norwegian, or other international funding agencies.