Siddharth Sareen
Professor, Department of Geography, Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation
I am engaged as a human geographer at the University of Bergen, where I held a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the Department of Geography and the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation during 2017-2020. I study the governance of energy transitions, have worked in seven countries and established an international, interdisciplinary research profile on resource and energy governance. During 2018 and 2019, I also worked as a Researcher at the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities. During my postdoctoral years, I led a project on solar uptake in Portugal, and supported another on smart grid development in Norway.
My postdoctoral project was entitled ‘Solar ‘power’: Producing accountable institutions for transitions to renewable energy’. This was funded through the Akademia agreement between the University of Bergen and Equinor, and the Bergen Research Foundation project ‘European Cities as Actors in Climate and Energy Transformation’. As part of the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation, I engage keenly with human and development geographers as well as along interdisciplinary lines.
My research focuses on questions of social and environmental equity and justice along three main strands. The first concerns extractive zones, conflict regions and sites of dispossession. At this supply end of the energy spectrum, I explore issues of inequitable power relations and resource access in conjunction with the configuration and constitution of institutional authority.
The second concerns the political economy of the energy sector, and interrogates dynamics close to the supply-demand interface. Here, I have examined the governance of electricity distribution, and engage with questions of social imaginaries of energy, intra-household and community energy practices, and public engagement with decision-making on common energy futures, with an empirical basis in India, Portugal, Norway and elsewhere.
The third strand concerns questions of accountability and sustainability in energy transitions, with an empirical focus on solar uptake. I am keen to unpack claims of sustainability – understood as decarbonisation with an enhancing effect on social equity – associated with energy transitions and their contextual specificities. My work in this regard employs expert interviews, participant and field observation, small-scale surveys, and extended engagement with a wide range of sectoral stakeholders. This empirical effort is accompanied by a methodological ambition to study accountability as a means of characterising energy transitions in relation to their implications for sustainability.
From August 2020 onward, I am based at the University of Stavanger as an Associate Professor in Energy and Environment.
5 April: Invited talk, Extractions and digital infrastructure workshop, Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology, Oslo
3 April: Moderator, Norwegian School of Economics bi-annual energy conference on offshore renewables, Bergen.
12 March: Chair, Bergen Energy Lab seminar on 'participatory energy monitoring'.
22-23 February: Convenor, workshop on scalar perspectives on energy poverty metrics, Lisbon. An illustrated report
13 February: Convenor, Bergen Energy Lab 'energy and smart cities' seminar.
6 February: Convenor, National SDG Conference workshop on 'accountable climate action for energy transition'.
1 February: Seminar talk, How geographers can enable energy transitions, disciplinary pedagogy day, University of Bergen.
24 January: Conference paper, 2nd annual energy poverty conference, European Commission Representation in Romania, Bucharest. An illustrated report
14 November: Climate poetry, Fest for Fesken, Bergen. and
1-4 November: Invited talk, Ethical Legal and Social Aspects (ELSA) Norway network workshop, Trondheim.
31 October: Paper, Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation work-in-progress seminar series, Bergen
31 October: Speaker, ‘Spis deg Vis’ (Eat and be Wise) lunch seminar, Department of Geography, University of Bergen
16 October: Main speaker, career development seminar, South Asia Center, University of Washington-Seattle
8 September: Host address, Rise for Climate Bergen, initiative.
15-21 July: Selected paper, International Sociological Association World Congress, Toronto.
12-15 July: Selected paper, Summer Institute on metrics & accountability in environmental governance, University of Toronto.
11 July: Invited talk, Review of SDG7 at High Level Political Forum 2018, United Nations Headquarters, New York.
20-22 June: Convenor (with Don Kalb) 'POLLEN18 Roundtable: Can interdisciplinarity push disruptive junctures beyond business-as-usual reassembly?' Second Biennial Conference of the Political Ecology Network, Oslo.
9 June: "The future of solar power" at Pecha Kucha Bergen #10:
12-14 April: Participant, Climate Governance Workshop, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies.
10 April: Convenor, Bergen Energy Lab seminar on "Energy, measurement and society":
4 April - 3 May: Hosting visiting researcher Steven Wolf (SPIRE grant),
15 March: Invitee, COST Action on Innovations in Climate Governance meeting, Norwegian Embassy, Brussels.
30 March: Co-chair, COST Action European Energy Poverty Working Group on Implementation workshop, Dublin. Dublin workshop and meeting report
22-25 March: Paper on panel 'Reconciling Growth and Welfare: State and Social Change in Contemporary South Asia', Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Washington D.C.
19-23 March: Paper (with Patrik Oskarsson), 'Understanding adivasiness as caste expression and land rights claim in central-eastern India', World Bank Land and Poverty Conference: Land Governance in an Interconnected World, Washington D.C.
5-8 March: Participant, Second International INOGOV Spring School on Governing Climate Change: Polycentricity in Action?, Heerlen.
21-23 February: Invited speaker (with Sunila Kale), 'Solar 'power': Socio-political dynamics of infrastructural development in two Western Indian states', How new are the renewables? Historicizing energy transitions conference, Deutsches Museum, Munich.
18 February: Main speaker, 'Accountability analysis to assess sustainability transformations', Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation internal workshop, University of Bergen
8-9 February: Workshop convenor (with Tarje Wanvik), 'Transformative deliberation: How to balance participatory urban planning ideals with pragmatic implementation of sustainable energy solutions', SDG Conference Bergen.
1-2 February: Invited speaker, panel on 'Connecting energy and climate justice', Transformative infrastructures: Second energy vulnerabilities and pathways symposium, University of Manchester.
30 January: Convenor, SpaceLab group seminar on interdisciplinary collaboration with Don Kalb, University of Bergen.21-24 January: Network representative, Future Earth Early Career Researchers Network of Networks annual meeting, British Academy, London.
Invited speaker, 'Social science approaches to energy: A practical workshop on theory', Solar xChange project, University of Oslo.
Paper, 'Bridging concepts: Applying a geography of energy transition to the empirics of urban solar uptake', EASST workshop on Making Futures: Green alternatives and STS Interventions, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań.
Invited speaker, Roundtable discussion: Assessing the Energy Access Programme in India: Challenges and Opportunities, 10th Annual Nordic NIAS Council Conference, Oslo.
Co-chair of working group on implementation and Norway Managing Committee member, COST Action 16232 on European Energy Poverty launch meeting, Brussels.
Paper, 'Enduring discourses and everyday contestation: Introduction to special section on 'Discourse and resource conflict in extractive zones of India'', Interdisciplinary Conference on Extraction and Exclusion, University of Oxford.
Paper, 'Bridging concepts: Applying energy transformation imaginaries to the empirics of solar uptake', Beyond Oil: Mobilizing alternative futures, University of Bergen.
Paper, 'Bridging concepts: applying a geography of energy transition to the empirics of urban solar uptake', RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, London.
Session convenor, 'Mobilising multi-scalar energy sector transformations through applied research on systemic solar adoption', 7th International Conference on Sustainability Science, Stockholm.
Paper, 'The multiple justice dimensions of low-carbon energy transitions', Asian Dynamics Initiative 9th annual conference, Copenhagen.
Invited speaker. 'Energy distribution trajectories in two Western Indian states: Comparative politics and sectoral dynamics', International Sustainability Transitions 2017, Gothenburg.
Invited paper, 'Under what conditions can local government nurture indigenous people's democratic practice? A case study of two Ho village assemblies in Jharkhand', Narratives of Indian Democracy, King's India Institute, London.
Paper, 'What powers success on the ground? The gradual reform of electricity distribution in Gujarat', 16th Annual STS Conference, Graz.
Invitee, 'Energy Transformations' interdisciplinary symposium of Max Planck Institutes, Harnack Haus, Berlin.
Main speaker, Asianettverket seminar on 'Energy distribution trajectories in two Western Indian states: comparative politics and sectoral dynamics', University of Oslo.
Invitee of Future Earth Norway on energy governance, ‘Ecological Challenges’ conference, Oslo. and
Invitee of Energy Anthropology Network on energy governance, ‘Energy Impacts’ workshop, University of Bergen.
Main speaker, seminar on 'Politics, procurement, bail-out and buy-in: Woes and ways for Rajasthan’s distribution sector', Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies, Erfurt University.
Invitee, 'Commons and Development', French Development Agency annual conference, Paris.
Main speaker, International Centre for Advanced Studies seminar, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi.
Main speaker, seminar on 'Discourses around logging: Framing extraction of wood from West Singhbhum’s conflicted forests', Department of Sociology, Delhi University.
Main speaker, seminar on 'Discourses around logging: Framing extraction of wood from West Singhbhum’s conflicted forests', Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, Bangalore.
Paper, ‘Mapping Power’ workshop on state electricity governance, Centre for Policy Research, Delhi.’s-distribution-sector
Panel convenor, ‘Political Ecologies of Conflict Contestation and Capitalism’, POLLEN, Wageningen.
Paper, ‘Undisciplined Environments’ conference of the European Network of Political Ecology, Stockholm.
Paper, 4th Erasmus Mundus Forest and Nature for Society annual conference, Bangor.
Paper, University of Melbourne and IDS Kolkata workshop on Instruments of Intervention, Kolkata.
Paper, 3rd Erasmus Mundus Forest and Nature for Society annual conference, Montpellier.
Invitee, SASNET annual workshop on South Asia: Culture, Technology and Development, Falsterbo.
Paper, 'Development as security in India’s Jharkhand? Practices of assemblage and the Saranda Action Plan', 23rd European Conference on South Asian Studies, Zurich.
Paper, 'State provision of livelihoods in a resource-conflict region', Danish Development Research Network conference on Development Paradoxes, Copenhagen.
Paper, 'How do you do access? Indigenes and forest resources in a conflict-affected Indian region', International Union of Forest Research Organizations 24th World Congress, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Paper, 'Devolution and resource conflict: Can a local institution nurture democratic practice in Jharkhand?' 43rd Annual Conference on South Asia, Madison, Wisconsin
Invited representative, Erasmus Mundus Association 10th Annual General Assembly, Krakow
Paper, 'The role of institutional recognition in negotiating equitable access to natural resources in Jharkhand', Property and Citizenship initiative’s seminar with Nancy Peluso, Copenhagen
A. T. Kearney fellowship invitee on natural resource governance, Falling Walls Labs, Berlin.
Paper, Global Political Ethnography: Studying Policy Regimes in Flux, Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen
Invited participant, National Consultation: Effective Implementation of Protective Legislation – PESA, Delhi
Paper, 2nd Erasmus Mundus Forest and Nature for Society annual conference, San Vito di Cadore.
Invitee from Denmark, South Asia Swedish Network’s Nordic-Indian exploratory workshop, Bangalore.
Panel convenor on 'Exploring local pathways of economic growth', Asian Dynamics Initiative 5th annual conference, Copenhagen.
Main speaker, South Asia Swedish Network Seminar on forest access in a resource-rich region, Lund University.
Invitee, panel debate on 'Development Dilemmas in India: The Polavaram Dam and the livelihoods of indigenous people', Copenhagen.
Invitee, Copenhagen Goodwill Ambassador Corps Annual Conference, Copenhagen.ære-vores-land/
Invitee, Youth Goodwill Ambassadors Denmark National Conference, Copenhagen
Paper, Arts and Aesthetics in a Globalising World (ASA UK & Commonwealth), Delhi.
Paper, Earth System Governance: Evidence for Sustainable Development (IHDP), Berlin.
Paper, International Sociological Association’s XVII World Congress of Sociology, Gothenburg.
Invitee, The February Dialogues on Food Sovereignty and Climate Change, Bangalore
Spring 2020
BSRS917 Bergen Summer Research School PhD course Cities in Climate and Energy Transformations (with Håvard Haarstad) (freely accessible at
GEO337: Discourses, Politics and People: Critical Perspectives on Environmental Governance
Spring 2019
GEO337: Discourses, Politics and People: Critical Perspectives on Environmental Governance (syllabus:
Spring 2018
GEO337: Critical Perspectives on Environment and Development (course coordinator)
GEO231: Theories about Development and Migration (2 modules)
GEO324: Geographies of the Green Economy (1 module)
Autumn 2017
GEO328: Planning and Society (1 module)
(Un)productive landscapes: Course by SpaceLab and Bergen Architecture School (1 module)
Amber Joy Nordholm (Masters, 2018-) Exploring and measuring the effect of Portugal’s energy policy on energy poverty
Rosalie Marc (Intern, 2018, Masters student at Université de Caen Normandie) Sustainable food and animal welfare in Bergen
Ragnhild Ødegaard (Masters, 2017-18) Sustainable development and urban planning in a metropolis
Please look through the ideas below or here if you're considering sending me an email concerning (co-)supervising your thesis project:
Masters thesis project 1: Sustainability effects of solar energy transitions across space and scale
In what ways are solar energy projects contributing to sustainability? Is their grid integration environmentally sound? Are they making the energy sector more people-friendly? What factors matter towards such outcomes and what processes determine these factors? The project will be empirically based on single/multiple sites/scales in e.g. Norway, Portugal and/or India. I am available to provide inputs on applications for requisite funding to support fieldwork. Conceptually, the project will draw on infrastructure and environmental politics, and the political economy of development from energy geography perspectives.
Masters thesis project 2: Land-use change due to energy sprawl in the renewables transition
What are the land-related impacts of shifts away from fossil fuels and towards renewable sources like solar energy? Is a transition to renewables accompanied by more distributed generation or driven by large concentrated projects? The project will draw on multiple data types, both qualitative and quantitative, to study energy transitions in relation to land-use change, most likely in comparative perspective. It will draw on emerging scholarship on energy sprawl solutions, backed by political and development geography theories that connect land use, power relations, and environmental planning and governance. The regional focus is flexible and depends on data availability.
General themes
I am happy to discuss supervision and co-supervision of Masters and PhD theses respectively on topics related to any or all of the themes of energy transitions, political economy, resource governance, environmental planning and interdisciplinary social science work on solar energy uptake.
Feature article
- Sareen, Siddharth (2025). Husk! Energisikkerhet og energidemokrati går hånd i hånd. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2024). Dropp siloene! Det er et presserende behov for å beregne omstilling på tvers av sektorer. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2024). På tide å løsne grepet til fossilindustrien i energiomstillingsdebatten. (external link)
- Heiret, Yngve Solli; Jordhus-Lier, David; Sareen, Siddharth et al. (2022). Language dilemmas: a culture of bilingualism. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund; By, Rune Todnem et al. (2021). Det nødvendige akademiske ansvar i møte med klimakrisen. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund; By, Rune Todnem et al. (2021). Det nødvendige akademiske ansvar i møte med klimakrisen. (external link)
- Freng Dale, Ragnhild; Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard; Sareen, Siddharth (2021). Urovekkende tendenser i Danmark. (external link)
- Jordhus-Lier, David; Børrud, Elin; Gever, Ryan et al. (2021). Language dilemmas: Six reflections. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen; Erdal, Marta Bivand et al. (2021). Diversity in Norwegian Academia 2021 . (external link)
- Tjønndal, Anne; Shah, Feroz Mehmood; Erdal, Marta Bivand et al. (2021). Mangfold i forsknings-Norge 2021 . (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2019). India’s Renewable Energy Transition: Clear on Targets, Slow on Jobs. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sareen, Siddharth; Girard, Berenice Rachel Esther (2025). Renewable energy communities for energy-poor households: policy mobility challenges in urban and peri-urban European contexts. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2025). Development. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2024). Comparative visual ethnographies of the ensconcement of solar photovoltaics in the urban built environment of solar cities Jaipur and Lisbon. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Martin, Abigail (2024). Cognate aspects of solar energy transitions. (external link)
- Langhelle, Oluf; Sareen, Siddharth; Silvester, Benjamin Ronald (2024). From CCS to CCU and CCUS : The pitfalls of utilisation and storage. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Shokrgozar, Shayan; Scharnigg, Renée Margaritha et al. (2023). Accountable solar energy transitions in financially constrained contexts. (external link)
- Remme, Devyn; Sareen, Siddharth; Haarstad, Håvard et al. (2023). Electric vehicle paradise? Exploring the value chains of green extractivism. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Remme, Devyn Helen Avhild; Nordholm, Amber Joy et al. (2022). A mixed methods engaged study of divergent imaginaries in Bergen's mobility transition. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2021). Scalar biases in solar photovoltaic uptake : Socio-materiality regulatory inertia and politics. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2019). Reframing Energy Transitions as Resolving Accountability Crises. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2019). A Typology of Practices of Legitimation to Categorise Accountability Relations. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Moss, Timothy; Lund, Christian et al. (2019). Conclusion: Legitimation and Accountability in Energy Transitions Research. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2019). Practices of Legitimation and Accountability Crises in a Range of Energy Transitions. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Lord, Emma Jane (2019). Mahua for Jharkhand’s Ho? An accountability analysis of minor forest product governance. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2019). Engaging Rural Indian Interventions: Constructing Local Governance Through Resource Access and Authority. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2018). Electricity distribution in Rajasthan: Unbundling the recurrent failures of a politicised sector. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2018). Gujarat’s success in efficient electricity distribution: A call for proactive governance to further gains. (external link)
Academic article
- Ptak, Tom; Stock, Ryan; Sareen, Siddharth et al. (2025). Repositioning energy geographies in a time of crisis: Arguments from a subdiscipline on the margins of geography. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Ortar, Nathalie; Lis-Plesińska, Aleksandra (2024). Framing spatiotemporalities of sustainability in new mobility practices and imaginaries. (external link)
- Mahoney, Katherine; Lopes, Rita; Sareen, Siddharth et al. (2024). Perceptions of competing agendas in carbon neutrality policies in Portugal: Adverse impacts on vulnerable population groups. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2024). Financially-constrained solar development: A comparative analysis of urban fabrics and scalar expression in Portugal and Rajasthan. (external link)
- Girard, Berenice Rachel Esther; Shokrgozar, Shayan; Sareen, Siddharth (2024). The meaning of solar energy: Political imaginaries of solar energy in contemporary India. (external link)
- Girard, Berenice Rachel Esther; Sareen, Siddharth (2024). Change everything so that (almost) nothing changes? Investigating the territorial distribution of solar energy subsidies in rural India. (external link)
- Müller, Anders Riel; Sareen, Siddharth (2024). The maintenance of carbonscapes: Enacting Net Zero in Stavanger, Norway. (external link)
- Tråsavik, Helene; Loe, Morten Ryen; King, Katrina Starr Rose et al. (2024). Leisure mobility: Situating emotional geographies of friluftsliv in urban mobility transitions. (external link)
- Stock, Ryan; Sareen, Siddharth (2024). Solar aporias: On precarity and praxis in interdisciplinary research on solar energy. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Haarstad, Håvard; Gong, Huiwen et al. (2024). Watt sense of community? A human geography agenda on energy communities. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Dodge, Alexander Steven; Nakakaawa-Jjunju, Charlotte Anne et al. (2024). Scales of accountability: Solar mini-grids and clean energy for all in Uganda. (external link)
- King, Katrina Starr Rose; Tråsavik, Helene; Sareen, Siddharth (2024). Take a hike: Spatializing allemannsretten and transportation accessibility for outdoor recreation in the Greater Stavanger Region, Norway. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Sorman, Alevgul; Stock, Ryan et al. (2023). Solidaric solarities: Governance principles for transforming solar power relations. (external link)
- Neven-Scharnigg, Renée Margaritha; Sareen, Siddharth (2023). Accountability implications for intermediaries in upscaling: Energy community rollouts in Portugal. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Girard, Berenice Rachel Esther; Lindkvist, Peter Mathias et al. (2023). Enabling a just energy transition through solidarity in research. (external link)
- Haarstad, Håvard; Sareen, Siddharth; Wanvik, Tarje Iversen (2023). Climate targets as more than rhetoric: Accounting for Norway's Zero Growth Objective. (external link)
- Silva, Luís; Sareen, Siddharth (2023). The calm before the storm? The making of a lithium frontier in transitioning Portugal. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Smith, Adrian; Gantioler, Sonja et al. (2023). Social implications of energy infrastructure digitalisation and decarbonisation. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2023). Cross-sectoral metrics as accountability tools for twin transitioning energy systems. (external link)
- Krupnik, S.; Wagner, A.; Koretskaya, O. et al. (2022). Beyond technology: A research agenda for social sciences and humanities research on renewable energy in Europe. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Grandin, Jakob Olof; Haarstad, Håvard (2022). Multiscalar Practices of Fossil Fuel Displacement. (external link)
- Haarstad, Håvard; Sareen, Siddharth; Kandt, Jens et al. (2022). Beyond automobility? Lock-in of past failures in low-carbon urban mobility innovations. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Wågsæther, Katinka Lund (2022). New municipalism and the governance of urban transitions to sustainability. (external link)
- Remme, Devyn Helen Avhild; Sareen, Siddharth; Haarstad, Håvard (2022). Who benefits from sustainable mobility transitions? Social inclusion, populist resistance and elite capture in Bergen, Norway. (external link)
- Mahoney, Katherine; Gouveia, João Pedro; Lopes, Rita et al. (2022). Clean, green and the unseen: The CompeSA framework | Assessing Competing Sustainability Agendas in Carbon Neutrality Policy Pathways. (external link)
- Wågsæther, Katinka Lund; Remme, Devyn Helen Avhild; Haarstad, Håvard et al. (2022). The justice pitfalls of a sustainable transport transition. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Robinson, Caitlin; Thomson, Harriet et al. (2022). Editorial: Urban energy poverty and positive energy districts.. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Waage, Markus; Smirnova, Polina et al. (2022). Double energy vulnerability in the Norwegian low-carbon urban transport transition. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Shokrgozar, Shayan (2022). Desert geographies: solar energy governance for just transitions. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Albert-Seifried, Vicky; Aelenei, Laura et al. (2022). Ten questions concerning positive energy districts. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Nordholm, Amber Joy (2021). Sustainable development goal interactions for a just transition: multi-scalar solar energy rollout in Portugal. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Foss Ballo, Ingrid; Sareen, Siddharth (2021). Extracting Users: Regimes of Engagement in Norwegian Smart Electricity Transition. (external link)
- Sovacool, Benjamin K.; Hook, Andrew; Sareen, Siddharth et al. (2021). Global sustainability, innovation and governance dynamics of national smart electricity meter transitions. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2021). Drivers of Scalar Biases: Environmental Justice and the Portuguese Solar Photovoltaic Rollout. (external link)
- Nordholm, Amber Joy; Sareen, Siddharth (2021). Scalar Containment of Energy Justice and Its Democratic Discontents: Solar Power and Energy Poverty Alleviation. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2021). Digitalisation and social inclusion in multi-scalar smart energy transitions. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2021). Energy infrastructure transitions and environmental governance. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2021). Legitimating power: Solar energy rollout, sustainability metrics and transition politics. (external link)
- Geels, Frank W.; Sareen, Siddharth; Hook, Andrew et al. (2021). Navigating implementation dilemmas in technology-forcing policies: A comparative analysis of accelerated smart meter diffusion in the Netherlands, UK, Norway, and Portugal. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Wolf, Steven A. (2021). Accountability and sustainability transitions. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Nielsen, Kenneth Bo; Oskarsson, Patrik et al. (2021). The pandemic as a rupture that follows rules: Comparing governance responses in India, USA, Sweden and Norway. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Remme, Devyn Helen Avhild; Haarstad, Håvard (2021). E-scooter regulation: The micro-politics of market-making for micro-mobility in Bergen. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Remme, Devyn Helen Avhild; Wågsæther, Katinka Lund et al. (2021). A matter of time: Explicating temporality in science and technology studies and Bergen's car-free zone development. (external link)
- Martiskainen, Mari; Axon, Stephen; Sovacool, Benjamin K. et al. (2020). Contextualizing climate justice activism: Knowledge, emotions, motivations, and actions among climate strikers in six cities. (external link)
- Silva, Luis; Sareen, Siddharth (2020). Solar photovoltaic energy infrastructures, land use and sociocultural context in Portugal. (external link)
- Grandin, Jakob; Sareen, Siddharth (2020). What sticks? Ephemerality, permanence and local transition pathways. (external link)
- Nielsen, Kenneth Bo; Sareen, Siddharth; Oskarsson, Patrik (2020). The Politics of Caste in India's New Land Wars. (external link)
- DellaValle, Nives; Sareen, Siddharth (2020). Nudging and boosting for equity? Towards a behavioural economics of energy justice. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Haarstad, Håvard (2020). Legitimacy and accountability in the governance of sustainable energy transitions. (external link)
- Moss, Timothy; Sareen, Siddharth (2020). Demanding demand: Political configurations of energy flexibility in Berlin, 1920-2020. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2020). Metrics for an accountable energy transition? Legitimating the governance of solar uptake. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Thomson, Harriet; Herrero, Sergio Tirado et al. (2020). European energy poverty metrics: Scales, prospects and limits. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Sagmo, Jan (2020). Getting profitable CCU off the ground: Contingent pathways and Bergen Carbon Solutions. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2020). Social and technical differentiation in smart meter rollout: embedded scalar biases in automating Norwegian and Portuguese energy infrastructure. (external link)
- Fell, Michael; Pagel, Laura; Chen, Chien-fei et al. (2020). Validity of energy social research during and after COVID-19: challenges, considerations, and responses. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Saltelli, Andrea; Rommetveit, Kjetil (2020). Ethics of quantification: illumination, obfuscation and performative legitimation. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Rommetveit, Kjetil (2019). Smart gridlock? Challenging hegemonic framings of mitigation solutions and scalability. (external link)
- Oskarsson, Patrik; Sareen, Siddharth (2019). Adivasiness as Caste Expression and Land Rights Claim-Making in Central-Eastern India. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Grandin, Jakob (2019). European green capitals: branding, spatial dislocation or catalysts for change?. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Kale, Sunila S (2018). Solar 'power': Socio-political dynamics of infrastructural development in two Western Indian states. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Haarstad, Håvard (2018). Bridging socio-technical and justice aspects of sustainable energy transitions. (external link)
- Haarstad, Håvard; Sareen, Siddharth; Wanvik, Tarje Iversen et al. (2018). Transformative social science? Modes of engagement in climate and energy solutions. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Baillie, Douglas; Kleinwaechter, Juergen (2018). Transitions to Future Energy Systems: Learning from a Community Test Field. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Nathan, Iben (2017). Under what conditions can local government nurture indigenous people’s democratic practice? A case study of two Ho village assemblies in Jharkhand. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2017). Who governs local access in Jharkhand? Mechanisms of access to government services. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2017). Discourses around Logging: The Moral Economy of Wood Extraction from West Singhbhum's Conflicted Forests. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2017). Energy distribution trajectories in two Western Indian states: comparative politics and sectoral dynamics. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Manuel, Celie (2016). Uphill tasks within Kumaon Himalayan communities: Multi- dimensional gendered inequalities in everyday life. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2016). Seeing development as security: constructing top-down authority and inequitable access in Jharkhand. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2016). Whose matkam? An ethnographic account of the political economy of mahua flowers. (external link)
- Lindkvist, Peter Mathias; Sareen, Siddharth; Varo, Anaïs et al. (2024). Energy management framework for communities in the EU. (external link)
- Wagner, Aleksandra; Koretskaya, Olga; Wade, Robert et al. (2020). 100 Social Sciences and Humanities priority research questions for renewable energy in Horizon Europe. (external link)
- Falk, Johan; Gaffney, Owen; Bhowmik, Avit et al. (2018). Exponential Climate Action Roadmap. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2017). Politics, procurement, bail-out and buy-in: Woes and ways for Rajasthan’s distribution sector. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2017). What powers success on the ground? The gradual reform of electricity distribution in Gujarat. (external link)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Sareen, Siddharth; Martin, Abigail (2024). Geographies of Solar Energy Transitions: Conflicts, controversies and cognate aspects. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Müller, Katja (2023). Digitisation and Low-Carbon Energy Transitions. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Moss, Timothy; Lund, Christian et al. (2019). Enabling Sustainable Energy Transitions: Practices of legitimation and accountable governance. (external link)
- Girard, Berenice Rachel Esther; Shokrgozar, Shayan; Sareen, Siddharth (2024). Governing renewable energy rollouts in financially constrained contexts. (external link)
- Biely, Katharina; Sareen, Siddharth; de Vries, Gerdien et al. (2024). Understanding the embeddedness of individuals within the larger system to support energy transition. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Oskarsson, Patrik (2017). Enduring discourses and everyday contestation: Introduction to special section on discourse and resource conflict in extractive zones of India. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2016). Editorial Introduction. (external link)
Academic monograph
Popular scientific article
Academic literature review
- Sareen, Siddharth; Fisker, Jens Kaae; Shokrgozar, Shayan et al. (2023). Making low-carbon places . (external link)
- Jiglau, George; Bouzarovski, Stefan; Dubois, Ute et al. (2023). Looking back to look forward: Reflections from networked research on energy poverty. (external link)
- Lippert, Ingmar; Sareen, Siddharth (2023). Alleviation of energy poverty through transitions to low-carbon energy infrastructure. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Haarstad, Håvard (2021). Decision-making and scalar biases in solar photovoltaics roll-out. (external link)
Short communication
Academic lecture
- Røe, Per Gunnar; Haarstad, Håvard; Vasstrøm, Mikaela Lise Modalen et al. (2023). Empowered Futures PhD School- communications workshop and excursion. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2022). Solar energy governance at multiple scales. (external link)
- Nordholm, Amber Joy; Sareen, Siddharth (2021). Building Renovation and Solar PV Integration for Energy Poverty Reduction: Insights from Lisbon. (external link)
Programme participation
- Sareen, Siddharth (2018). Accelerating SDG7 Achievement Policy Brief 24: Energy sector transformation: Decentralized renewable energy for universal energy access (international organisations including University of Bergen). (external link)
- Thomson, Harriet; Sareen, Siddharth (2018). European energy poverty Policy Brief 1: The challenge of energy poverty measurement (Section 2). (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2018). Accelerating SDG7 Achievement Policy Brief 8: Interlinkages among energy, poverty and inequalities (UNDP and University of Bergen). (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth (2016). Case studies of natural resource access in Jharkhand, India: Implications for ’democratic’ decentralisation. (external link)
Book review
Doctoral dissertation
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
Edited volumes
Siddharth Sareen. (ed) 2020. Enabling sustainable energy transitions: Practices of legitimation and accountable governance. Palgrave Macmillan.
Journal articles
Siddharth Sareen. 2020. Metrics for an accountable energy transition? Legitimating the governance of solar uptake. Geoforum 114: 30-39.
Jakob Grandin and Siddharth Sareen. 2020. What sticks? Ephemerality, permanence and local transition pathways. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 36: 72-82.
Nives DellaValle and Siddharth Sareen. 2020. Nudging and boosting for equity? Towards a behavioural economics of energy justice. Energy Research & Social Science 68: 101589.
Siddharth Sareen, Harriet Thomson, Sergio Tirado Herrero, João Gouveia, Ingmar Lippert and Aleksandra Lis. 2020. European energy poverty metrics: Scales, prospects and limits. Global Transitions 2: 26-36.
Siddharth Sareen and Jakob Grandin. 2020. European green capitals: Branding, spatial dislocation or catalysts for change? Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography. 102 (1): 101-117.
Siddharth Sareen, Andrea Saltelli and Kjetil Rommetveit. 2020. Ethics of Quantification: Illumination, Obfuscastion and Performative Legitimation. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 6: 20.
Siddharth Sareen and Håvard Haarstad. 2020. Legitimacy and Accountability in the Governance of Sustainable Energy Transitions. Global Transitions 2: 47-50.
Kenneth Nielsen, Siddharth Sareen and Patrik Oskarsson. 2020. The politics of caste in India's new land wars. Journal of Contemporary Asia.
Siddharth Sareen. 2020. Social and technical differentiation in smart meter rollout: Embedded scalar biases in automating Norwegian and Portuguese energy infrastructure. Humanities and Social Sciences 7: 25.
Michael Fell, Laura Pagel, Chien-fei Chen, Matthew Goldberg, Mario Herberz, Gesche Huebner, Siddharth Sareen and Ulf Hahnel. 2020. Validity of energy social research during and after COVID-19: challenges, considerations, and responses. Energy Research & Social Science 101646.
Patrik Oskarsson and Siddharth Sareen. 2019. Adivasiness as caste expression and land rights claim- making in central-eastern India. Journal of Contemporary Asia.
Siddharth Sareen and Kjetil Rommetveit. 2019. Smart gridlock? Challenging hegemonic framings of mitigation solutions and scalability. Environmental Research Letters 14: 075004.
Siddharth Sareen and Håvard Haarstad. 2018. Bridging socio-technical and justice aspects of sustainable energy transitions. Applied Energy 228: 624-632.
Siddharth Sareen and Sunila Kale. 2018. Solar ‘power’: Socio-political dynamics of infrastructural development in two Western Indian states. Energy Research and Social Science 41: 270-278.
Siddharth Sareen and Iben Nathan. 2018. Under what conditions can local government nurture indigenous people’s democratic practice? A case study of two Ho village assemblies in Jharkhand. Journal of Development Studies 54 (8): 1354-1373.
Siddharth Sareen. 2018. Energy distribution trajectories in two Western Indian states: comparative politics and sectoral dynamics. Energy Research and Social Science 35: 17-27.
Siddharth Sareen, Douglas Baillie and Jürgen Kleinwächter. 2018. Transitions to future energy systems: Learning from a community testfield. Sustainability 10 (12): 4513.
Håvard Haarstad, Siddharth Sareen, Tarje Wanvik, Jakob Grandin, Kristin Kjærås, Stina Oseland, Hanna Kvamsås, Karin Lillevold and Marikken Wathne. 2018. Transformative social science? Modes of engagement in climate and energy solutions. Energy Research & Social Science 42: 193-197.
Siddharth Sareen. 2017. Who governs local access in Jharkhand? Mechanisms of access to government services. Forum for Development Studies 44 (2): 249-274.
Siddharth Sareen and Patrik Oskarsson. 2017. Discourse and Resource Conflict in Extractive Zones of India. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 40(4).
Siddharth Sareen. 2017. Discourses around logging: Framing extraction of wood from West Singhbhum’s conflicted forests. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 40 (4): 862-877.
Siddharth Sareen. 2016. Seeing development as security: constructing top-down authority and inequitable access in Jharkhand. South Asian Multidisciplinary Academic Journal 13.
Siddharth Sareen. 2016. Whose matkam? An ethnographic account of the political economy of mahua flowers. Journal of Adivasi and Indigenous Studies 3 (1): 37-45.
Siddharth Sareen and Celie Manuel. 2016. Uphill tasks within Kumaon Himalayan communities: Multi- dimensional gendered inequalities in everyday life. Asia in Focus 3.
Book chapters
Siddharth Sareen. 2019. ‘Interventions and aspirations: Constructing local governance through resource access and authority’. In (eds. D’Costa, A. & A. Chakraborty) Changing contexts and shifting roles of the Indian state: New perspectives on development dynamics, Springer.
Siddharth Sareen and Emma Jane Lord. 2019. ‘Mahua for Jharkhand’s Ho? An accountability analysis of minor forest product governance’. In (eds. Bhagat-Ganguly V. & S. Kumar) India's Scheduled Areas: Untangling governance, law, and institutions, Routledge. Areas-Untangling-Governance-Law-and-Politics-1st/Bhagat-Ganguly-Kumar/p/book/9781138583726
Siddharth Sareen. 2018. ‘Electricity distribution in Rajasthan: Unbundling the recurrent failures of a politicised sector’. In (eds. Dubash N., S. Kale & R. Bharvirkar) Mapping Power: The political economy of electricity in India’s states, Oxford University Press. power-9780199487820
Siddharth Sareen. 2018. ‘Gujarat’s success in efficient electricity distribution: A call for proactive governance to further gains’. In (eds. Dubash N., S. Kale & R. Bharvirkar) Mapping Power: The political economy of electricity in India’s states, Oxford University Press.
Siddharth Sareen. 2016. ‘The continuing marginalisation of adivasi livelihoods despite decentralisation: Resource extraction in Jharkhand’s West Singhbhum’. In (eds K. B. Nielsen and P. Oskarsson) ‘Industrialising India: Land, Policy, Resistance’, Routledge.
Working papers and reports
Siddharth Sareen and Steven Wolf. 2020. Accountability and sustainability transitions. Science Policy Research Unit Working Papers Series 2020-07 (May), University of Sussex.
Siddharth Sareen and Harriet Thomson (eds.) 2019. Moving beyond the state of the art in energy poverty measurement. ENGAGER European energy poverty network working group 2 report.
Co-author. 2018. Exponential Climate Action Roadmap. Future Earth Sweden.
Siddharth Sareen. 2017. Politics, procurement, bail-out and buy-in: Woes and ways for Rajasthan’s distribution sector. in-woes- and- ways-of-rajasthans-distribution-sector/. Working paper, Regulatory Assistance Project and Centre for Policy Research.
Siddharth Sareen. 2017. What powers success on the ground? The gradual reform of electricity distribution in Gujarat. ground-the- gradual- reform-of-electricity-distribution-in-gujarat/. Working paper, Regulatory Assistance Project and Centre for Policy Research.
Policy briefs
Co-author. 2020. Making the most of qualitative evidence for energy poverty mitigation: A research agenda and call for action. ENGAGER policy brief (Middlemiss, L. et al). content/uploads/2020/02/ENGAGER-Policy-Brief-No.-3-February-2020-Making-the-Most-of-Qualitative- Data-for-EP-Research-and-Action.pdf
Co-author. 2018. European Energy Poverty COST Action Policy Brief 1.
Co-author. 2018. Accelerating SDG7 Achievement: Policy Briefs in Support of the First SDG7 Review at the United Nations High Level Political Forum 2018.
Siddharth Sareen. 2016. Case studies of natural resource access in Jharkhand, India: Implications for ‘democratic’ decentralisation. Copenhagen Centre for Development Research Policy Brief Series.
Book reviews
Siddharth Sareen. 2018. Book review: Indigenist Mobilization: Confronting Electoral Communism and Precarious Livelihoods in Post-Reform Kerala, Luisa Steur, The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 19(4): 367-370.
Siddharth Sareen. 2017. Book review: The Burning Forest: India’s War in Bastar, Nandini Sundar, Journal of South Asian Development 12 (2): 209-212.
Solar 'power': Producing accountable institutions for transitions to renewable energy (2017-2021)
PARticipatory platform for sustainable ENergy managemenT (PARENT) (2018-2019)