Simon Neby
Professor, affiliate to the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET)
I generally work with questions related to public organizations, politics and governance in different sectors, typically focusing on institutional change, reforms, accountability, application of knowledge, and questions concerning coordination, capacity and legitimacy. Recurring themes in my research are the challenges that come with handling particularly unruly societal challenges and the tensions that arise where both our understanding of the problem and our alternatives for action are unclear.
Currently I mainly work with questions regarding different aspects of climate policy and climate transformations, across the distinction between mitigation and adaptation. This research interest has three pivotal elements - firstly, how knowledge about the climate and climate change is applied to political and administrative practices; secondly, how the public sector seeks to establish and sustain governance capacity in situations marked by complexity and uncertainty; and, thirdly, how questions of climate risk are handled by public organizations and how our academic understanding of climate risk can be improved and expanded.
Academic lecture
- Morsut, Claudia; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland; Neby, Simon et al. (2024). Paper presentation: Translations of securitisation of climate change consequences at local level: climate change adaptation in Bergen and Stavanger municipalities . (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Angell, Elisabeth; Morsut, Claudia et al. (2023). Den nasjonale klimatilpasningspolitikken i Norge: mellom risiko, sektorgrenser og umodenhet. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Angell, Elisabeth; Kvamsås, Hanna (2023). Climate adaptation in Bergen (Norway): an embedded approach?. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Kvamsås, Hanna (2023). Draft 1: Climate adaptaton in Bergen (Norway): an embedded approach. (external link)
- Sataøen, Hogne Lerøy; Lövgren, Daniel; Neby, Simon (2022). Higher education and strategic communication in Scandinavia: Creating "the university experience"?. (external link)
- Fleischer, Julia; Danielsen, Ole Andreas; Neby, Simon et al. (2022). The state as marketizer vs. the marketization of the state: Two organizational models of corporatization in Norway and Sweden. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2021). Time and climate governance: multi-level cooperation as a multi-temporal problem. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Rykkja, Lise H. (2019). Possible roles of performance indicators for governance legitimacy in wicked policy areas - climate change and public safety. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2019). R3: Funn erfaringer, status fra WP1. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Kolstad, Erik Wilhelm (2018). Hvor er vi med klimaservice?. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2018). Organizing for the small-scale wickedness of climate-related events: diverging approaches to capacity between municipalities and state agencies in western Norway. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Andersen, Gisle (2018). From carbon accounting to climate accountability? The role of knowledge production systems for coordinating wicked climate policies. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Zannakis, Mathias (2018). Coordinating the anthropocene: Governance of climate change mitigation and adaptation in Norway and Sweden. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2018). Work-related crime, wickedness, and coordination. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2018). Noen funn fra HordaPlan - og HordaKlim, R3 og COCAL.... (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Zannakis, Mathias (2018). Coordinating the Anthropocene: Governance of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Norway and Sweden. (external link)
- Stiller-Reeve, Mathew Alexander; Kvamsås, Hanna; Kolstad, Erik Wilhelm et al. (2018). A hackathon-like workshop to inspire dialogue and find solutions to improve climate services in Norway. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2017). Catch and release? Attributing and assuming accountability. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Rykkja, Lise H. (2017). Possible role of performance indicators for governance legitimacy in wicked policy areas – climate change and the police. (external link)
- Rykkja, Lise H.; Neby, Simon (2016). The Coordination of Wicked Problems - Climate Change, Police and Immigration. Novel practices for governance capacity and legitimacy. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2015). The audit society - et blikk på rapportering, kontroll og informasjon. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Pål Erling, Martinussen (2015). Leadership logics and NPM reform: does leadership influence performance?. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Pål Erling, Martinussen (2015). Leadership logics and NPM reform: does leadership influence hospital performance?. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2014). Marketization and accountability: Lessons from the reforming Norwegian healthcare system. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2013). Ansvar og (mis)tillit: Styring, demokrati og velferdsreformer. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Jantz, Bastian (2013). Soft sanctioning, real relationships: Accountability, media and public sector interaction in German and Norwegian hospitals and welfare administration. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Jantz, Bastian (2013). Soft sanctioning, real relationships: Accountability, media and public sector interaction in German welfare administration and Norwegian hospitals. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Neby, Simon (2012). Innovation in public management and gaming the system: The case of activity based funding in Norwegian hospitals. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2012). NPM vs. WoG in Norwegian healthcare: Accountability issues arising from a decade of health sector reforms. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Byrkjeflot, Haldor; Vrangbæk, Karsten (2011). Accountability dynamics in hospital reform: Norway and Denmark compared. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2011). Accountability and the media: Single-case patterns and lessons from Norwegian healthcare. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2011). Presentasjon: Kartlegging av familie- og barnevernets tilbud til lesbiske, homofile, bifile og transpersoner. (external link)
- Rykkja, Lise Hellebø; Hope, Kristin Lofthus; Neby, Simon (2011). The Development and Implementation of Climate Change Policies: Current Research and Future Perspectives. (external link)
- Rykkja, Lise Hellebø; Neby, Simon; Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2010). The Development and Implementation of Climate Change Policies: Current Research and Future Perspectives. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2009). Reforms and their spillover effects: A theoretical framing of reform based on lessons from the Norwegian hospital reform. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2009). Samhandling og reform. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2009). Samhandlingsreformen fra et forskningsperspektiv. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2009). Comparing hospital systems: The end of the decentralized model?. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2009). Reformer i spesialisthelsetjenesten: Skandinaviske tradisjoner, forskjeller og (uventede) effekter. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2008). Problems and Solutions in the Governance and Organization of the Scandinavian Hospital Fields. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2008). The Governance of the Scandinavian Hospital Systems: Developments and Reforms, Accountability and Control. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2008). Skandinaviske løsninger på styringsproblematikk - noen eksempler. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Byrkjeflot, Haldor (2008). The end of the decentralized model of healthcare governance? Comparing developments in the Scandinavian hospital sector. (external link)
- Byrkjeflot, Haldor; Neby, Simon (2007). The end of the decentralized Nordic model? Comparing developments in the Scandinavian hospital sectors. (external link)
- Hope, Kristin Lofthus; Neby, Simon; Kristin, Rubecksen et al. (2007). Årsmøte i Nettverk for organisasjonsforskning i Norge. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2006). Audit logics: Structures and practices in the Scandinavian hospital fields. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2006). Audit in the Scandinavian hospital sectors: Retrospection in Governance?. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2005). The Scandinavian hospital system: New governance mechanisms, new principles?. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
- Neby, Simon (2024). Academia and activism: climate change. (external link)
- Morsut, Claudia; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland; Neby, Simon et al. (2023). RISKSEC2.0 Local Stakeholders Workshop. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2020). Samfunnsfaglig klimamyteknusing: Omstilling, tilpasning, olja og slikt. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2019). Oppsummering - klimathon II 2019. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2019). Hvorfor er det så vanskelig å bruke kunnskap? Om organiseringen av norsk klimapolitikk. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2017). HordaKlim, HordaPlan, HordaFlom og R3 - den samfunnsvitenskapelige og tverrfaglige klimaforskningen ved Rokkansenteret. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2016). Hvorfor gjør vi ikke noe, når vi vet?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Neby, Simon; Lindén, Tord Skogedal (2013). Reforming the welfare state: Accountability, democracy and management. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2013). Sykehusreform - hva er problemet?. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2012). Hvorfor reformer ikke virker! Om reformer i norsk helsevesen fra et statsvitenskapelig/organisasjonsteoretisk ståsted. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2009). Sykehusreformen: Hvorfor reformer ikke alltid virker.... (external link)
- Hope, Kristin Lofthus; Neby, Simon (2009). Årsmøte i Nettverk for organisasjonsforskning i Norge. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2008). Ledelse og organisasjon i helsetjenestene. (external link)
Academic article
- Sataøen, Hogne Lerøy; Lövgren, Daniel; Neby, Simon (2024). Metaphors of communication professionals in higher education: between the trivial and the significant. (external link)
- Fleischer, Julia; Danielsen, Ole Andreas; Neby, Simon et al. (2024). The State as a Marketizer vs. the Marketization of the State: Two Organizational Models of Public Sector Corporatization. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Angell, Elisabeth; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland et al. (2023). Klimatilpasning i Norge. Mellom risiko, beredskap og normalsituasjon.. (external link)
- Sataøen, Hogne Lerøy; Lövgren, Daniel; Neby, Simon (2023). Creating the “University experience”: promotional and multimodal video productions in Scandinavian higher education. (external link)
- Rhinard, Mark Charles Thomas; Morsut, Claudia; Angell, Elisabeth et al. (2023). Understanding variation in national climate change adaptation: Securitization in focus. (external link)
- Kvamsås, Hanna; Neby, Simon; Haarstad, Håvard et al. (2021). Using collaborative hackathons to coproduce knowledge on local climate adaptation governance. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Zannakis, Mathias (2020). Coordinating wickedness: a comparative analysis of how Norway and Sweden organize for climate policies. (external link)
- Kolstad, Erik Wilhelm; Sofienlund, Oda Nærland; Kvamsås, Hanna et al. (2019). Trials, errors and improvements in co-production of climate services. (external link)
- Nesheim, Torstein; Gressgård, Leif Jarle; Hansen, Kåre et al. (2019). Gjenstridige problemer og tverretatlig samordning: Et analytisk rammeverk. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2019). Climate Adaptation and Preparedness in Norway: Third Order Effects, Small-Scale Wickedness and Governance Capacity. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Neby, Simon (2016). Gaming, accountability and trust: DRGs and activity-based funding in Norway. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2015). Quasi-Marketization’s Effects on Accountability: Lessons from Norwegian Health Care Reforms. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Neby, Simon; Mattei, Paola et al. (2015). Bending the Rules to Play the Game: Accountability, DRG and Waiting List Scandals in Norway and Germany. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Lindén, Tord Skogedal (2015). Fra ansvar til "accountability" og tilbake: Ansvarsutkreving i forvaltningen av den norske velferdsstaten. (external link)
- Rykkja, Lise H.; Neby, Simon; Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2014). Implementation and governance: Current and future research on climate policies. (external link)
- Mattei, Paola; Mitra, Mahima; Vrangbæk, Karsten et al. (2013). Reshaping public accountability: hospital reforms in Germany, Norway and Denmark. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Mattei, Paola; Mitra, Mahima et al. (2013). La réorganisationde l'imputabilité publique: les réformes hospitalières en Allemagne, en Norvège et au Danemark. (external link)
- Byrkjeflot, Haldor; Neby, Simon; Vrangbæk, Karsten (2012). Changing accountability regimes in hospital governance: Denmark and Norway compared. (external link)
- Byrkjeflot, Haldor; Neby, Simon (2008). The end of the decentralized model of healthcare governance? Comparing developments in the Scandinavian hsopital sectors. (external link)
Popular scientific article
- Neby, Simon; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland; Morsut, Claudia et al. (2023). Klimakrisen, klimarisiko og innrammingen av norsk klimapolitikk. (external link)
- Nesheim, Torstein; Neby, Simon (2017). Arbeidslivskriminalitet. Komplekst problem som kan håndteres, men neppe løses. (external link)
- Byrkjeflot, Haldor; Neby, Simon (2003). Farvel til den decentrale model? Den norske sygehusreform i komparativt perspektiv. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2023). Klimaomstilling og -tilpasning. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2023). Klimautfordringen - et spesielt gjenstridig problem?. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2023). Klimatilpasning og klimarisiko i kommunene. (external link)
- Angell, Elisabeth; Neby, Simon; Morsut, Claudia et al. (2023). Klimatilpasning i Norge: Mellom risiko, beredskap og normalsituasjon . (external link)
- Angell, Elisabeth; Neby, Simon; Kvamsås, Hanna (2023). Climate adaptation and risk- The Bergen case. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2022). Grenseoverskridende klimarisiko: Bergens sårbarhet og alternativer for håndtering. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2021). Fra strukturell kompleksitet til tidsproblem. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2020). Frå to til eitt klimatilpassingsfylke - og litt til. Nokre funn og utvalde refleksjonar om planlegging og klimatilpassing.. (external link)
- Sobolowski, Stefan Pieter; Neby, Simon (2017). User and stakeholder involvement for relevant, reliable and robust local-scale climate projections in Norway . (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2017). Highlights from the Norwegian case. Cross-agency measures to combat work-related crime and undeclared work.. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2016). Smartare rapportering! Oppsummering fra prosjektet så langt. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Rykkja, Lise H. (2016). Kriser, samfunssikerhet og klima. Utfordringer, muligheter og noen forskningserfaringer.. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2016). Statlig, tverretatlig samarbeid mot arbeidslivskriminalitet. Rapporten i korte trekk.. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2015). Hordaklim - fra Rokkansenterets side. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2015). Hordaklim - samfunnsforskningens bidrag. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2014). Marketization and accountability: Lessons from the quasi-markets of the reforming Norwegian healthcare system. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2014). DRG som organisasjonsreform: Konsekvenser for ansvar og legitimitet. (external link)
Feature article
- Neby, Simon; Haarstad, Håvard (2023). Bergen trenger en klimaetat. (external link)
- Aall, Carlo; Dannevig, Halvor; Brendehaug, Eivind Andre et al. (2023). Er Norge forberedt på tørkesommeren?. (external link)
- Angell, Elisabeth; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland; Morsut, Claudia et al. (2023). Er beredskap og klimatilpasning to sider av samme sak? . (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2022). Vi må lære av Voss!. (external link)
- Aall, Carlo; Kvitsand, Hanne Margrethe Lund; Rød, Jan Ketil et al. (2022). Klimakrisen, naturkrisen og energikrisen er en og samme sak. (external link)
- Aall, Carlo; Hovelsrud , Grete K. ; Vik, Marte Lange et al. (2021). Norge trenger en ny politikk for å ruste samfunnet mot klimaendringene . (external link)
- Aall, Carlo; Dannevig, Halvor; Rød, Jan Ketil et al. (2021). Et gigantisk etterslep. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Kolstad, Erik Wilhelm (2019). BT taler klimafornekternes sak. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2018). Vi må lære å leve med flom. (external link)
- Nesheim, Torstein; Neby, Simon; Ryssevik, Jostein (2017). Kriminell organisering?. (external link)
- Kolstad, Erik Wilhelm; Neby, Simon (2017). Ikke trekk konklusjoner før støvlene er tømt. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2014). Reform uten innhold. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2012). Når ansvaret tynger. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2008). Blant verdens beste helsesystem. (external link)
- Paasche, Øyvind; Engeland, Kolbjørn; Støren, Eivind Wilhelm Nagel et al. (2021). Hordaflom rapporten – Klima og flom. (external link)
- Bastesen, Eivind; Haave, Marte; Neby, Simon (2020). Utvikling av kartleggingsmetoder og estimat for oppryddingskostnader for makroplast i strandsonen. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Ølnes, Svein (2019). Smartare rapportering! Innovasjon gjennom nye modellar for rapportering mellom kommunar og stat. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2017). Work-related crime in Norway: Cross-departmental and inter-organisational measures in a multilevel governance setting. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Nesheim, Torstein; Ryssevik, Jostein et al. (2016). Innsats mot arbeidslivskriminalitet. Kartlegging og evaluering av hvordan det tverretatlige statlige samarbeidet fungerer. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Jantz, Bastian (2013). Soft sanctioning, real relationships: Accountability, media and public sector interaction in German employment administration and Norwegian hospitals. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Lægreid, Per; Mattei, Paola et al. (2013). same cheat, different wrapping: DRG scandals and accountability in Germany and Norway. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Rykkja, Lise Hellebø; Hope, Kristin Lofthus et al. (2012). Klimatiltak på Vestlandet. En innledende kartlegging. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Lægreid, Per (2012). Gaming the system and accountability relations: Negative side-effects of activity based funding in the Norwegian hospital system. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Ludvigsen, Kari (2012). Uni Rokkansenterets bidrag til prosjektet "Slagbehandlingskjeden Bergen". (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2012). Informasjons- og kommunikasjonsarbeidets rolle i det reformerende sykehusvesenet - en diskusjon. (external link)
- Hope, Kristin Lofthus; Neby, Simon (2010). Kartlegging av familievernets og barnevernets tjenestetilbud til lesbiske, homofile, bifile og transpersoner. (external link)
- Hope, Kristin Lofthus; Loga, Jill M; Neby, Simon (2009). Mellom lokalisme og kompetanse. Evaluering av familieverntjenesten i Bufetat, region vest. (external link)
- Byrkjeflot, Haldor; Neby, Simon (2004). The Decentralized Path Challenged? Nordic Health Care Reforms in Comparison. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2003). Interessekonflikt, kommunikasjonssvikt og kulturkollisjon. En studie av fusjonen mellom Telia og Telenor. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2003). Politisk styring og institusjonell autonomi - tre illustrasjoner. (external link)
Programme participation
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Neby, Simon (2018). Rapportering som organisatorisk aktivitet. Paradokser i offentlige organisasjoner.. (external link)
- Martinussen, Pål Erling; Neby, Simon; Vrangbæk, Karsten (2017). Sykehuspolitisk styring i Norge: mellom politikk og forvaltning. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2016). Marketization and Accountability: Lessons from the Reforming Norwegian Healthcare System. (external link)
- Byrkjeflot, Haldor; Neby, Simon (2005). Norge i Norden: Fra etternøler til pioner i reformering av sykehussektoren. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
- Neby, Simon (2009). Institutional reform and governance in the Scandinavian hospital fields. The dynamics of and between change and control. (external link)
- Neby, Simon (2009). Institutional reform and governance in the Scandinavian hospital fields : the dynamics of and between change and control. (external link)