Edit Simone Traini Position Guest Researcher Affiliation Faculty of Law E-mail simone.traini@uib.no Visitor address Magnus Lagabøtes plass 15010 Bergen Postal address P.O. Box 7806 NO-5020 Bergen Norway Simone Traini Position Guest Researcher Affiliation Faculty of Law Publications Academic lecture Traini, Simone (2023). Skatteforsk seminar - Simone Traini. (external link) Chiu, Tzu-Ting; Lim, Jee-Hae; Traini, Simone (2021). Blockchain Adoption and Investment Sensitivity to Stock Price. (external link) Academic article Traini, Simone; Goldman, Nathan C.; Lewellen, Christina M. (2022). Aggressive Tax Planning and Labor Investments. (external link) See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.