Sivakami Rethnam Haug
Associate Professor
Pulp biology
Dental Education
National and international presentations.
Dental students lectures, preclinical and clinical endodontics.
Dentists' qualification program for outside EU/EØS, hygienists and international exchange students.
Post-graduate program and courses in Endodontic microsurgery.
Academic literature review
- Fristad, Inge; Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Bårdsen, Asgeir (2024). Biological properties versus solubility of endodontic sealers and cements. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam (2021). Preoperativ kasusvurdering i endodonti. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Fristad, Inge; Skeie, Marit Slåttelid et al. (2014). Biological principles for treatment of immature permanent teeth with pulpal pathosis. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Heyeraas, Karin Johanne (2006). Modulation of dental inflammation by the sympathetic nervous system. (external link)
Academic article
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Røegh, Margrethe; Fristad, Inge (2024). Endodontic emergency patients’ profile and treatment outcome – a prospective cohort study. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Siukosaari, Päivi; Furuholm, Jussi et al. (2023). «Nordic Endodontic Assessment Form» – en evaluering av kasusvanskelighet, behandlers ferdigheter og henvisningsrutiner. (external link)
- Virtej, Anca; Wigsten, Emma; Ørstavik, Dag Solmund et al. (2023). Utvikling av endodontien i fremtiden. (external link)
- Johnsen, Isabell; Bårdsen, Asgeir; Haug, Sivakami Rethnam (2023). Impact of Case Difficulty, Endodontic Mishaps, and Instrumentation Method on Endodontic Treatment Outcome and Quality of Life: A Four-Year Follow-up Study. (external link)
- Christensen, Hanne Quist; Linde, Brita Ringereide; Bårdsen, Asgeir et al. (2022). Influence of dental education on adoption and integration of technological aids in the delivery of endodontic care by dental practitioners: a survey. (external link)
- Zilinskaite-Petrauskiene, Inga; Haug, Sivakami Rethnam (2021). A Comparison of Endodontic Treatment Factors, Operator Difficulties, and Perceived Oral Health–related Quality of Life between Elderly and Young Patients. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam (2020). Hvorfor knekker rotfiler. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Linde, Brita Ringereide; Christensen, Hanne Quist et al. (2020). An investigation into security, self-confidence and gender differences related to undergraduate education in Endodontics. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Cuida Marthinussen, Ileana Mihaela (2018). Acute Dental Pain and Salivary Biomarkers for Stress and Inflammation in Patients with Pulpal or Periapical Inflammation. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Solfjeld, Ane F.; Ranheim, Line E. et al. (2018). Impact of Case Difficulty on Endodontic Mishaps in an Undergraduate Student Clinic. (external link)
- Närhi, Matti; Bjørndal, Lars; Pigg, Maria et al. (2016). Akuuti hammaskipu 1: pulpa- ja dentiinikipu. (external link)
- Närhi, Matti; Bjørndal, Lars; Pigg, Maria et al. (2016). Acute dental pain I: Pulpal and dentinal pain. (external link)
- Närhi, Matti; Bjørndal, Lars; Pigg, Maria et al. (2016). Akut tannvärk 1: Pulpasmärta och dentinsmärta. (external link)
- Närhi, Matti; Bjørndal, Lars; Pigg, Maria et al. (2016). Acute dental pain 1: pulpal and dentinal pain. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Fristad, Inge; Skeie, Marit Slåttelid et al. (2013). Biologiske prinsipp for behandling av umodne permanente tenner med skadet pulpa. (external link)
- Sivertsen, Tine Birkeland; Vilhjalmsson, Vilhjalmur Helgi; Fristad, Inge et al. (2013). Endodontisk behandling av umodne permanente tenner. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Fristad, Inge; Skeie, Marit Slåttelid et al. (2012). Biologiske prinsipp for behandling av umodne permanente tenner med pulpaskade. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Raju, Bina; Fristad, Inge et al. (2010). Differential expression of neuropeptide Y Y1 receptors during pulpal inflammation. (external link)
- Tripuwabhrut, Polbhat; Brudvik, Pongsri; Fristad, Inge et al. (2010). Experimental orthodontic tooth movement and extensive root resorption: periodontal and pulpal changes. (external link)
- Berggreen, Ellen; Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Mkonyi, Lilian Ephrem et al. (2009). Characterization of the dental lymphatic system and identification of cells immunopositive to specific lymphatic markers. (external link)
- Raju, Bina; Hultström, Michael; Haug, Sivakami Rethnam et al. (2009). Sympathectomy suppresses tumor growth and alters gene-expression profiles in rat tongue cancer. (external link)
- Raju, Bina; Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Ibrahim, Salah Osman et al. (2008). High interstitial fluid pressure in rat tongue cancer is related to increased lymph vessel area, tumor size, invasiveness and decreased body weight. (external link)
- Heyeraas, Karin Johanne; Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Bukoski, Richard D et al. (2008). Identification of a Ca2+-sensing receptor in rat trigeminal ganglia, sensory axons, and tooth dental pulp. (external link)
- Raju, Bina; Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Ibrahim, Salah Osman et al. (2007). Sympathectomy decreases size and invasiveness of tongue cancer in rats. (external link)
- Fristad, Inge; Berggreen, Ellen; Haug, Sivakami Rethnam (2006). Delta (δ)opioid receptors in small and medium-sized trigeminal neurons supporting the dental pulp of rats. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Heyeraas, Karin Johanne (2005). Immunoglobulin producing cells in the rat dental pulp after unilateral sympathectomy. (external link)
- Bletsa, Athanasia; Heyeraas, Karin Johanne; Haug, Sivakami Rethnam et al. (2004). IL-alpha and TNF-alpha expression in rat periapical lesions and dental pulp after unilateral sympathectomy. (external link)
- Csillag, Maria; Berggreen, Ellen; Fristad, Inge et al. (2004). Effect of electrical tooth stimulation on blood flow and immunocompetent cells in rat dental pulp after sympathectomy. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Brudvik, Pongsri; Fristad, Inge et al. (2003). Sympathectomy causes increased root resorption after orthodontic tooth movement in rats: immunohistochemical study. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Heyeraas, Karin Johanne (2003). Effects of sympathectomy on experimentally induced pulpal inflammation and periapical lesions in rats. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Berggreen, Ellen; Heyeraas, Karin Johanne (2001). The effect of unilateral sympathectomy and cavity preparation on peptidergic nerves and cells in rat dental pulp. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam (2023). Smerter fra tenner - er disse spesielle?. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam (2023). Case difficulty and operator abilities. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam (2023). Case difficulty and operator abilities. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam (2023). Pulp response to stimuli: from science to practice . (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam (2019). Why do endodontic files fracture?. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam (2016). Pulp Biology. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam (2012). Endodontic treatment in immature permanent teeth. (external link)
- Fristad, Inge; Haug, Sivakami Rethnam (2004). Revisjonsbehandling. (external link)
- Fristad, Inge; Haug, Sivakami Rethnam (2004). Bruk av mikroskop i endodontisk praksis. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Berggreen, Ellen; Byers, Margaret R. et al. (2000). Unilateral Sympathectomy and Dental Pulp Injury in Rats. (external link)
Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Christensen, Hanne Quist; Linde, Brita Ringereide; Vilhjalmsson, Vilhjalmur Helgi et al. (2022). A survey on the influence of dental education on the adoption and integration of technology by dental practitioners . (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam (2021). Clinical Symptoms And OHRQoL Four Years After Primary Endodontic Treatment. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam (2021). Endodontic Treatment Outcome: Effect of case difficulty and instrumentation methods.. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam (2020). Predicting factors for one-year endodontic treatment outcome. (external link)
- Ane F., Solfjeld; Ranheim, Line E.; Bårdsen, Asgeir et al. (2016). Use of engine driven and hand instrumentation techniques in undergraduate clinic. A study of case difficulty, procedural errors and user satisfaction.. (external link)
- Marthinussen, Mihaela Cudia; Strand, Gunnhild; Bllindheim, KH et al. (2016). Salivary flow and cortisol in nightshift workers. (external link)
- Virtej, Anca; Bårdsen, Asgeir; Haug, Sivakami Rethnam et al. (2013). Sequelae after traumatic dental injury in an adult patient. A case report. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Raju, Bina; Fristad, Inge et al. (2008). NPY-Y1 receptors in normal and inflamed dental pulp. (external link)
- Raju, Bina; Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Ibrahim, Salah Osman et al. (2008). Gene expression profile in rat tongue cancer after sympathectomy. (external link)
- Heyeraas, Karin Johanne; Haug, Sivakami Rethnam (2005). Unilateral sympathectomy induces immunoglobulin producing cells in the rat dental pulp. (external link)
- Csillag, M; Berggreen, Ellen; Fristad, Inge et al. (2004). Electrical Stimulation and Immune Cells in Rat Pulp after Sympathectomy. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Heyeraas, Karin Johanne (2003). Periapical bone resorption after unilateral sympathectomy in rat jaws. (external link)
- Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Heyeraas, Karin Johanne (2002). Effect of unilateral sympathectomy on immune cells in rat molar pulp. (external link)
- Berggreen, Ellen; Sae-Lim, Varawan; Haug, Sivakami Rethnam et al. (2000). Hard tissue responses in denervated replanted teeth in ferrets. (external link)
Short communication
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Heyeraas, Karin Johanne; Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Awumey, Emmanuel M. (2007). Identification of the Ca2+-sensing receptor in rat trigeminal ganglia, sensory axons and tooth dental pulp. (external link)
- Heyeraas, Karin Johanne; Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Byers, MR (2005). Unilateral sympathectomy induces immunoglobulin producing cells in rat dental pulp. (external link)