Stefanie Meyer


Senior Adviser, Head of Research Section



Research administration

  • Pre-award support (see here for more details)
  • Administrative support of CEDAS (Center for Data Science)
  • Development and improvement of research administrative processes and routines at the department
  • Other administrative work

Institutional responsibilities

  • First deputy representative for group C (technical and administrative staff) in the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (2021-)
  • Contact person at the department for different research administrative networks

Previous responsibilities

  • Safety officer at the Department of Informatics (2023-2024)
  • CRIStin reporting of publications (2019-2024)
  • Administrative support of the ICT Research School (Department of Informatics, 2019-2023)
  • Participation in the university's Service Innovation Program (2019)
  • Member of the steering group for the Young Research Leaders program (Faculty of Psychology, 2015-2018)
  • Project management: reporting, organization of project meetings, communication, outreach, archiving, planning of researcher exchanges and more (2012-2016)

 Scientific background

  • Marine microbiology and ecology, biogeochemistry, molecular biology, microbial biogeography, marine S cycle, marine C cycle, ocean acidification, climate change

Member of the organizing committee for the Joint CEDAS-NORBIS summer school 2023

Member of the organizing committee for the CEDAS conference 2021

Co-organization of a science-policy event on “10 years of ocean carbon and climate research in Bergen”, Bergen, Norway, 20/01/2015

  • PS915 Introductory course on how to write competitive research grant applications (spring 2019)
  • Introductory course on how to write competitive research grant applications (together with Mathew Stiller-Reeve) (spring 2020, fall 2021)
  • Proposal writing class (fall 2020, fall 2021)
Academic article
Academic literature review

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Selected peer-reviewed publications

Molari M, Guilini K, Lott C, Weber M, de Beer D, Meyer S, Ramette A, Wegener G, Wenzhöfer F, Martin D, Cibic T, De Vittor C, Vanreusel A & Boetius A (2018) CO2 leakage alters biogeochemical and ecological functions of submarine sands. Science Advances 4: eaao2040. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aao2040.

Heinze C, Meyer S, Goris N, Anderson L, Steinfeldt R, Chang N, Le Quéré C & Bakker DCE (2015) The ocean carbon sink - impacts, vulnerabilities and challenges. Earth System Dynamics 6: 327-358. doi: 10.5194/esd-6-327-2015.

Meyer S, Wegener G, Lloyd KG, Teske A, Boetius A & Ramette A (2013) Microbial habitat connectivity across spatial scales and hydrothermal temperature gradients at Guaymas Basin. Frontiers in Microbiology 4: 207. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2013.00207.

Grünke S, Lichtschlag A, de Beer D, Felden J, Salman V, Ramette A, Schulz-Vogt HN & Boetius A (2012) Mats of psychrophilic thiotrophic bacteria associated with cold seeps of the Barents Sea. Biogeosciences 9: 2947-2960. doi: 10.5194/bg-9-2947-2012.

Grünke S, Felden J, Lichtschlag A, Girnth AC, de Beer D, Wenzhöfer F & Boetius A (2011) Niche differentiation among mat-forming, sulfide-oxidizing bacteria at cold seeps of the Nile Deep Sea Fan (Eastern Mediterranean Sea). Geobiology 9: 330-348. doi: 10.1111/j.1472-4669.2011.00281.x.

Grünke S, Lichtschlag A, de Beer D, Kuypers M, Lösekann-Behrens T, Ramette A & Boetius A (2010) Novel observations of Thiobacterium, a sulfur-storing Gammaproteobacterium producing gelatinous mats. ISME Journal 4: 1031-1043. doi: 10.1038/ismej.2010.23.





Horizon Europe project LEAD AI (Bergen research and training program for future AI leaders across the disciplines). Proposal support, Project Manager 8/2023-2/2024

EU-FP7-project CARBOCHANGE (Changes in carbon uptake and emissions by oceans in a changing climate). Project Manager

EU-FP7-PEOPLE Marie Curie Actions IRSES project SOCCLI (The role of Southern Ocean carbon cycle under climate change). Project Manager

NFR-KLIMAFORSK-project EVA (Earth system modelling of climate variations in the anthropocene). Project Manager

EU-FP7-project ECO2 (Sub-seabed CO2 storage: Impact on marine ecosystems). Research Associate and Project Manager (assisting task manager)

EU-FP7-project HERMIONE (Hotspot ecosystem research and man's impact on European seas). Dissertation

EU-FP6-project HERMES (Hotspot ecosystem research on the margins of European seas). Dissertation