Academic lecture
Kvalheim, Olav Martin; Rajalahti, Tarja
(2024). Can chemometrics and metabolomics provide information about a healthy lifestyle?. (external link)
Kvalheim, Olav Martin; Rajalahti, Tarja
(2021). A novel approach to handle confounders in multicollinear data - applied to study the relation of a measure of insulin resistance (the HOMA score) to lipoprotein subclass patterns in serum from prepubertal children. (external link)
Kvalheim, Olav Martin; Grung, Bjørn; Rajalahti, Tarja
(2019). Optimal Partial Least Squares models and predictions of properties using Monte Carlo resampling strategies. (external link)
Kvalheim, Olav Martin; Grung, Bjørn; Rajalahti, Tarja
(2019). Optimal partial least squares models and predictions of properties using Monte Carlo resampling strategies. (external link)
Kvalheim, Olav Martin; Arneberg, Reidar; Grung, Bjørn
et al. (2018). Development and maintenance of process models - automating the selection and updating of models. (external link)
Kvalheim, Olav Martin; Rajalahti, Tarja
(2018). Bruk av kjemometri til persontilpasset forebygging av livsstilssykdommer. (external link)
Kvalheim, Olav Martin; Arneberg, Reidar; Rajalahti, Tarja
(2017). Monte Carlo Cross validation for component selection and determination of prediction error in latent-variable regression. (external link)
Kvalheim, Olav Martin; Arneberg, Reidar; Grung, Bjørn
et al. (2017). Determination of optimum number of components in partial least squares regression. (external link)
Kvalheim, Olav Martin; Rajalahti, Tarja; Arneberg, Reidar
et al. (2007). Target projection and proper data pre-treatment for the analysis of proteomic profiles. (external link)
Kvalheim, Olav Martin; Rajalahti, Tarja; Arneberg, Reidar
et al. (2007). Analysis of Proteomic Profiles. (external link)
Rajalahti, Tarja; Arneberg, Reidar; Flikka, Kristian
et al. (2007). Preteatment of Mass Spectral Profiles: Application to proteomic data. (external link)
Popular scientific article
Academic article
Kvalheim, Olav Martin; Rajalahti, Tarja
(2024). Omega-3 Marine Fatty Acid Supplementation to Healthy Subjects Interacts With Moderate Physical Activity to Provide a Cardiovascular Healthier Lipoprotein Subclass Profile. (external link)
Skinnes, Mari Nilsen; Moe, Rikke Helene; Johansen, Thomas
et al. (2023). Work Ability in the Year after Rehabilitation—Results from the RehabNytte Cohort. (external link)
Hopland-Nechita, Florin Vasile; Andersen, John Roger; Rajalahti, Tarja
et al. (2023). Identifying possible biomarkers of lower urinary tract symptoms using metabolomics and partial least square regression. (external link)
Jones, Paul Remy; Rajalahti, Tarja; Resaland, Geir Kåre
et al. (2022). Associations of lipoprotein particle profile and objectively measured physical activity and sedentary time in schoolchildren: a prospective cohort study. (external link)
Kvalheim, Olav Martin; Rajalahti, Tarja; Aadland, Eivind
(2022). An approach to assess and adjust for the influence of multicollinear covariates on metabolomics association patterns-applied to a study of the associations between a comprehensive lipoprotein profile and the homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance. (external link)
Rajalahti, Tarja; Aadland, Eivind; Resaland, Geir Kåre
et al. (2021). Influence of adiposity and physical activity on the cardiometabolic association pattern of lipoprotein subclasses to aerobic fitness in prepubertal children. (external link)
Jones, Paul Remy; Rajalahti, Tarja; Resaland, Geir Kåre
et al. (2021). Cross-sectional and prospective associations between aerobic fitness and lipoprotein particle profile in a cohort of Norwegian schoolchildren. (external link)
Rajalahti, Tarja; Aadland, Eivind; Resaland, Geir Kåre
et al. (2021). Cardiometabolic associations between physical activity, adiposity, and lipoprotein subclasses in prepubertal norwegian children. (external link)
Kvalheim, Olav Martin; Grung, Bjørn; Rajalahti, Tarja
(2019). Number of components and prediction error in partial least squares regression determined by Monte Carlo resampling strategies. (external link)
Jones, Paul Remy; Rajalahti, Tarja; Resaland, Geir Kåre
et al. (2019). Associations of physical activity and sedentary time with lipoprotein subclasses in Norwegian schoolchildren: The Active Smarter Kids (ASK) study. (external link)
Kvalheim, Olav Martin; Arneberg, Reidar; Grung, Bjørn
et al. (2018). Determination of optimum number of components in
partial least squares regression from distributions of
the root‐mean‐squared error obtained by
Monte Carlo resampling. (external link)
Resaland, Geir Kåre; Rajalahti, Tarja; Aadland, Eivind
et al. (2018). Strong association between cardiorespiratory fitness and serum
lipoprotein subclass pattern in prepubertal healthy children. (external link)
Aadland, Eivind; Kvalheim, Olav Martin; Rajalahti, Tarja
et al. (2017). Aerobic fitness and metabolic health in children: A clinical validation of directly measured maximal oxygen consumption versus performance measures as markers of health. (external link)
Lin, Chenchen; Andersen, John Roger; Våge, Villy
et al. (2016). Intensive lifestyle intervention provides rapid reduction
of serum fatty acid levels in women with severe obesity
without lowering omega-3 to unhealthy levels. (external link)
Rajalahti, Tarja; Lin, Chenchen; Mjøs, Svein Are
et al. (2016). Changes in serum fatty acid and lipoprotein subclass concentrations from prepuberty to adulthood and during aging. (external link)
Lin, Chenchen; Rajalahti, Tarja; Mjøs, Svein Are
et al. (2016). Predictive associations between serum fatty acids and lipoproteins in healthy non-obese Norwegians: implications for cardiovascular health. (external link)
Rajalahti, Tarja; Lin, Chenchen; Mjøs, Svein Are
et al. (2016). Serum fatty acid and lipoprotein subclass concentrations and their associations in prepubertal healthy Norwegian children. (external link)
Matikainen, Minna; Rajalahti, Tarja; Peltoniemi, Marikki
et al. (2015). Determinants of New Product Launch Success in the Pharmaceutical Industry. (external link)
Kvalheim, Olav Martin; Arneberg, Reidar; Bleie, Olav L.
et al. (2014). Variable importance in latent variable regression models. (external link)
Provan, Fiona; Jensen, Linda Beate; Uleberg, Kai-Erik
et al. (2013). Proteomic analysis of epidermal mucus from sea liceinfected Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. (external link)
Provan, Fiona; Uleberg, Kai-Erik; Larssen, Eivind
et al. (2013). Proteomic analysis of epidermal mucus from sea lice–infected Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. (external link)
Kvalheim, Tarja Anniki Rajalahti; Kroksveen, Ann Cathrine; Arneberg, Reidar
et al. (2010). A multivariate approach to reveal biomarker signatures for disease classification: application to mass spectral profiles of cerebrospinal fluid from patients with multiple sclerosis. (external link)
Rajalahti, Tarja; Arneberg, Reidar; Kroksveen, Ann Cathrine
et al. (2009). Discriminating Variable Test and Selectivity Ratio Plot: Quantitative Tools for Interpretation and Variable (Biomarker) Selection in Complex Spectral or Chromatographic Profiles. (external link)
Rajalahti, Tarja; Arneberg, Reidar; Berven, Frode
et al. (2009). Biomarker discovery in mass spectral profiles by means of selectivity ratio plot. (external link)
Kvalheim, Olav Martin; Rajalahti, Tarja; Arneberg, Reidar
(2009). X-tended target projection (XTP) - comparison with orthogonal partial least squares (OPLS) and PLS post-processing by similarity transformation (PLS + ST). (external link)
Arneberg, Reidar; Rajalahti, Tarja; Flikka, Kristian
et al. (2007). Pretreatment of mass spectral profiles: Application to proteomic data. (external link)
Berven, Frode; Kroksveen, Ann Cathrine; Berle, Magnus Foldal
et al. (2007). Pre-analytical influence on the low molecular weight cerebrospinal fluid proteome. (external link)
Resaland, Geir Kåre; Rajalahti, Tarja; Aadland, Eivind
et al. (2017). Strong association between cardiorespiratory fitness and serum lipoprotein subclass pattern in prepubertal healthy children. (external link)
Rajalahti, Tarja; Aadland, Eivind; Andersen, John Roger
et al. (2014). A multivariate approach to reveal biomarker signatures in instrumental profiles of body fluids. (external link)
Rajalahti, Tarja; Arneberg, Reidar; Berven, Frode
et al. (2008). Biomarker discovery from mass spectral profiles: A combined proteomics and multivariate analysis. (external link)
Rajalahti, Tarja; Arneberg, Reidar; Berven, Frode
et al. (2008). Early diagnosis and biomarker discovery from mass spectral profiles: application to multiple sclerosis. (external link)
Academic literature review
Doctoral dissertation
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.