Terje Restad
Project Manager, Administrative coordinator SFI Smart Ocean
I am the administrative manager for SFI Smart Ocean. As administrative manager, I will assist the Center Director and partners in administrative tasks related to the operation of the Center, in accordance with the research project's objectives and the center leader's needs. Important tasks will include:
Research strategic tasks
- Support in application work for new research projects, network support, etc.
- Be informed about announcements and deadlines, plan and facilitate application processes
- Coordinate work with the center's research strategies and publication goals
Project leader support
- Support the Center Director in planning for the implementation of milestones in the research project
- Progress and annual reporting to the Research Council and other reports to partners, the board and the general meeting
- Coordinate and organize various meetings, workshops and conferences
- Organize communication and information flow between the parties in the project
Financial tasks
- In collaboration with the Center Director and the board, be responsible for financial management and resource allocation
- Reporting
- Preparation and follow-up of budget
- Coordination with partners in financial matters
- Control and follow-up of finances at UiB and partners
Administrative tasks
- Secretary of the Board
- On-boarding of new employees and be a meeting point for the staff
- Coordination of the administrative services related to the Center
- Develop and maintain routines, guidelines and quality assurance at the Center
- Recruitment, follow-up of staff and guests at the center
About SFI Smart Ocean (Center for research-driven innovation, period 2020 - 2028)
Sustainable management of Norwegian waters, safe and optimum operation of underwater installations, and harmonic coexistence between ocean industries, requires improved data for knowledge-based decisions. Large amounts of measurements are made in oceans, costal areas, and fjords; from ships, buoys, and remotely operated vehicles. There is however a lack of real- and long-time measurements, that can enable systematic monitoring of important parameters at critical locations over time, with stationary and smarter underwater sensors.
SFI Smart Ocean aims to develop a wireless observation system that can provide alarm signal in case of events that are critical for the environment; in addition to monitoring at and around underwater installations as basis for condition based maintenance and safe operation of these.
The system will be based on a network of autonomous, energy efficient, and smart sensors that will enable acquisition and analysis of large amounts of information about the ocean environment and offshore installations. Data and information will be accessible at an aggregated level for national authorities, ocean industries, and research.
Long time history from stationary sensors in the sea and at installations, in fjords, coastal areas, harbor- and industry sites, together with advanced data analysis, will provide alarm signals for events and anomalies in operations and ocean environment, as basis for intervention decisions.
The results from the Centre will have large impact across ocean industries, petroleum, offshore wind, fisheries, and aquaculture; with importance for improved sustainability, safety, and cost efficiency in marine operations.
About 20 partners participate in the Centre, from university and institute sectors, industry enterprises, national authorities, and industry clusters. With University of Bergen as host institution, the Centre is localized at the Department of Physics and Technology, under the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.