Tijana Przulj
PhD candidate, anglophone literature(s)
Research groups
- Research Group POTENT – Post-Truth English Teaching
- Aesthetic and Cultural Studies
- The Borders of Europe
- Post-Truth English Teaching
Short info
Keywords: transnational, postcolonial, aesthetics, imaginary, film, reality vs. fiction, autofiction, teacher education, knowledge integration
Dissertation Project "Contemporary Literary Negotiations: The Aesthetic Spaces of the Transnational"
My PhD project seeks to identify what can be termed a transnational aesthetic, and explore how this aesthetic manifests itself across varied works of transnational literature - two novels, a film, and a few poems. These texts also encompass varied transnational spaces as their protagonists navigate Nigerian American, Polish British, Polish American and Jamaican British experiences. My theoretical framework is based on the notions of memory, need and community-making agency, while also addressing aesthetic ties between literary works and the world outside of them.
Special Issue of American studies in Scandinavia: "Transnational Literature in America: Where Do We Stand Twenty Years After Fishkin’s Transnational Turn?"
This special issue sets out to explore fresh figurations of transnational literature and aesthetics in works of fiction about America or those produced therein, and offer new perspectives on the entanglements of transnational experience and the American society at large without reducing the notion of transnational to a symbolic moniker for the various consequences of the American geopolitical position. Guest editor: Tijana Przulj https://rauli.cbs.dk/index.php/assc/article/view/7181/7471
Quality Work in Teacher Education Project "From Auditorium to Classroom"
The goal of this project is twofold: 1) It seeks identify the needs of teaching students with regard to knowledge integration and creating cohesion between discipline and didactics subjects and school practice, and 2) it aims to respond to these needs through creation of appropriate teaching materials that can aid the students in learning to create this kind of cohesion. Project leaders: Associate professor Sigrid Ørevik, PhD candidate in English didactics Mari Lund Eide, and PhD candidate in anglophone literature Tijana Przulj.
Seminar for English Teachers in Upper Secondary Schools
Organized by: Fagnettverket for engelsk
The Bergen House of Literature (Litteraturhuset), 12.04.2024
"Transnational Experience in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Americanah"
Literary Panel "Muslim Migrants in the West: a literary journey with Leila Aboulela"
Bergen Global, 14.11.2023
Watch here: https://youtu.be/oFvtjlhoarE
Fall 2024: ENG122 (BA level) - American Literature and Culture (2 lectures and 2 seminar groups)
Fall 2024: ENG332 (MA level) - “What Is This Good For?”: Roles and Uses of Literature in a Transnational Perspective (course coordinator & lecturer)
Spring 2024: ENG125 (BA level) - British Literature and Culture (2 lectures)
Spring 2024: ENG335 (MA level) - Contemporary Scottish Literature and Its Transnational Intersections (course coordinator & lecturer)
Fall 2023: ENG332 (MA level) - “What Is This Good For?”: Roles and Uses of Literature in a Transnational Perspective (course coordinator & lecturer)
Previous teaching experience:
Spring 2022: ENG144 Literature, Culture and Society before 1900 (part-time lecturer/assistant professor; Volda University College)
Spring 2022: ENG144N Literature, Culture and Society before 1900 (part-time lecturer/assistant professor; Volda University College)
Spring 2022: MAGLU1-7 1b (third-year course for future teachers of years 1-7; part-time lecturer/assistant professor; Volda University College)
Spring 2022: MAGLU5-10 2b (third-year course for future teachers of years 5-10; part-time lecturer/assistant professor; Volda University College)
Fall 2020 & Fall 2021: ENG122 - American Literature and Culture (TA colloquia, UiB)
Fall 2020: ENG100 - Introduction to English Studies (TA seminars, UiB)
Academic article
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
Conference papers:
Przulj, Tijana. 2023 (not published). "American Culture, Transnational Concerns, and Postliberal Aesthetic: A Renewal?" Uppsala, Sweden: The 27th Biennial Conference of the Nordic Association for American Studies, May 25-27.
Przulj, Tijana. 2024 (not published). "The Transnational Selves in Alice Munro’s The View from Castle Rock and Souvankham Thammavongsa’s How to Pronounce Knife". Stirling, Scotland: The 25th Annual Conference of the Scottish Association for the Study of America, March 2.
Przulj, Tijana. 2024 (not published). "Transnational Intersections of Time and Place in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah and Sunjeev Sahota’s The Year of the Runaways". Montreal, Canada: 2024 ACLA Annual Meeting, March 14-17.
Przulj, Tijana. 2024 (Not published)."Autofictional Home(-making) in Transnational Literature: Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie". Joensuu, Finland: The 13th Biennial MESEA Conference, June 12-14.
Conference panels/seminars:
"Transnational Literature and Transnational Aesthetics: Developments and Negotiations". Montreal, Canada: 2024 ACLA Annual Meeting, March 14-17.
Other articles (non-peer-reviewed):
Przulj, Tijana. 2020. "Is Cliché the White Elephant of Romance?". Replikk 49 (Fall): 54-61. https://replikk.w.uib.no/2021/03/09/is-cliche-the-white-elephant-of-romance/