Research groups
- Bergen Laboratory for the Study of Decision, Intuition, Consciousness, and Emotion
- Special needs education (SNE)
- Visual perception
- Proprioception
- Psychological principles in magic
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Ekroll, V. (2017). Now you see it, now you ... Aeon,
- Weekendavisen: Tro ikke Deres egne øjne (Anders Boas, 28.03.18,
- The Atlantic: What The Shrunken-Finger Illusion Reveals About the Brain (Ed Yong, 08.04.16,
- IFLScience: Does The "Shrunken Finger Illusion" Fool Your Brain? (Tom Hale, 05.04.16,
- Illusion lässt Finger schrumpfen (Eva Obermüller, 01.04.16,
- Wie ein Tischtennisball deinen Finger schrumpfen lässt (Katrin Klaus, 07.04.16,
Popular scientific lecture
- Ekroll, Vebjørn (2024). Visual and non-visual illusions in magic. (external link)
- van Lier, Rob; Ekroll, Vebjørn (2024). Starry Lisa, Mona Night. (external link)
- Ekroll, Vebjørn (2022). Magic for the mind’s eye. (external link)
- van Lier, Rob; Ekroll, Vebjørn (2022). An apparent-motion colour illusion. (external link)
- van Lier, Rob; Hazenberg, Simon Jan; Ekroll, Vebjørn (2024). Apparent motion may trigger colour filling-in. (external link)
- Forster, Pierre-Pascal; Czub, Marcin; Hazenberg, Simon Jan et al. (2024). The illusion of absence: Perceiving occluded space as empty. (external link)
- Ekroll, Vebjørn; van Lier, Rob (2022). Why are mountains often higher than they look?. (external link)
- Ekroll, Vebjørn (2019). Link ownership assignment – a psychological factor in knot magic. (external link)
- Svalebjørg, Mats; Øhrn, Heidi; Ekroll, Vebjørn (2018). The illusion of absence in magic tricks. (external link)
- van Lier, Rob; Ekroll, Vebjørn (2018). Amodal presence and absence in visual art – Magritte, Baldessari, Catalano, Picasso. (external link)
- Øhrn, Heidi; Svalebjørg, Mats; Ekroll, Vebjørn (2018). A perceptual illusion of empty space can evoke a perceptual illusion of levitation. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Pearson, David; Ekroll, Vebjørn (2024). Heuristic-based errors during intuitive spatial reasoning. (external link)
- Gibgot, Tyler; Kuhn, Gustav; Ekroll, Vebjørn et al. (2024). Magic InSIGHT: More than meets the eye. (external link)
- Ekroll, Vebjørn; Grytten, Kaia G.; Irgens-Hagevik, Madeleine U. et al. (2024). Creating shared experiences of magic for blindfolded and seeing participants. (external link)
- Kuhn, Gustav; Thomas, Cyril; Gibgot, Tyler et al. (2024). Magic for the blind - Are auditory tricks impossible?. (external link)
- Ekroll, Vebjørn; Wünsch, Lara; van Lier, Rob (2023). Towards More Universal Design in the Design of Miracles. (external link)
- Ekroll, Vebjørn; Standal Borgen, Vilde; Hauge Langholm, Nanna et al. (2022). Intuitive reasoning about blind spots. (external link)
- Ekroll, Vebjørn (2019). When imagery fails: Topological tricks as a challenge for cognitive science. (external link)
- Ekroll, Vebjørn; De Bruyckere, Evy; Vanwezemael, Lotte et al. (2018). Never repeat the same trick twice - unless it is based on amodal completion. (external link)
- Ekroll, Vebjørn; Mats, Svalebjørg (2018). How does magic work?. (external link)
Academic article
- van Lier, Rob; Hazenberg, Simon Jan; Ekroll, Vebjørn (2024). An apparent motion color illusion. (external link)
- Ekroll, Vebjørn; Wünsch, Lara; van Lier, Rob (2024). Magic for the mind's eye: A promising avenue for more universal design in the art of magic. (external link)
- Kuhn, Gustav; Gibgot, Tyler; Thomas, Cyril et al. (2024). Magic for the blind: are auditory tricks impossible?. (external link)
- Napora, Wojciech; Ekroll, Vebjørn (2023). Self-esteem and emotional reactivity of actors and magicians: a comparative study. (external link)
- Brick, Cameron; Hood, Bruce; Ekroll, Vebjørn et al. (2021). Illusory Essences: A Bias Holding Back Theorizing in Psychological Science. (external link)
- Harris, Samantha Marie; Binder, Per-Einar; Perez, Esperanza Diaz et al. (2021). General practitioners’ management of depression symptoms in Somali refugee and Norwegian patients: a film vignette experiment. (external link)
- Ekroll, Vebjørn; Svalebjørg, Mats; Pirrone, Angelo et al. (2021). The illusion of absence: how a common feature of magic shows can explain a class of road accidents. (external link)
- Haugland, Mons Daniel; Pearson, David G.; Ekroll, Vebjørn (2021). Möbius Band Surprise: A Systematic Illusion in Imagery. (external link)
- Svalebjørg, Mats; Øhrn, Heidi; Ekroll, Vebjørn (2020). The Illusion of Absence in Magic Tricks. (external link)
- Ekroll, Vebjørn; van Lier, Rob (2020). How visual perception of the inside of things creates the impossible dovetail. (external link)
- Ekroll, Vebjørn (2019). Illusions of Imagery and Magical Experiences. (external link)
- Øhrn, Heidi; Svalebjørg, Mats; Andersen, Steffen et al. (2019). A Perceptual Illusion of Empty Space Can Create a Perceptual Illusion of Levitation. (external link)
- van Lier, Rob; Ekroll, Vebjørn (2019). A Remarkable Depth Confusion in Images of the Incomplete Statues of Bruno Catalano. (external link)
- de-Wit, Lee; Ekroll, Vebjørn; Schwarzkopf, Dietrich Samuel et al. (2019). Is information theory, or the assumptions that surround it, holding back neuroscience?. (external link)
- Ekroll, Vebjørn; De Bruyckere, Evy; Vanwezemael, Lotte et al. (2018). Never Repeat the Same Trick Twice – Unless it is Cognitively Impenetrable. (external link)
- Ekroll, Vebjørn; Mertens, Kathleen; Johan, Wagemans (2018). Amodal Volume Completion and the Thin Building Illusion. (external link)
Book review
Popular scientific article
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
Kuhn, G., Gibgot, T., Thomas, C., & Ekroll, V. (2024). Magic for the blind: are auditory tricks impossible? Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
van Lier, R., Hazenberg, S. J., & Ekroll, V. (2024). An apparent motion color illusion. i-Perception, 15(4), 1-5.
Ekroll, V., Wünsch, L., & van Lier, R. (2024). Magic for the mind's eye: A promising avenue for more universal design in the art of magic. i-Perception, 15(1), 1–18.
Napora, W., & Ekroll, V. (2023). Self-esteem and emotional reactivity of actors and magicians: a comparative study. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 54(3), 229–244.
Ekroll, V. (2023). Book Review: Performing Deception: Learning, Skill and the Art of Conjuring by Rappert, B. Perception.
Harris, S. M., Binder, P., Diaz, E., Ekroll, V., & Sandal, G. M. (2021). General practitioners’ management of depression symptoms in Somali refugee and Norwegian patients: a film vignette experiment. BMJ Open, 11:e055261.
Brick, C., Hood, B., Ekroll, V., & de-Wit, L. (2021). Illusory essences: A bias holding back theorizing in psychological science. Perspectives on Psychological Science.
Haugland, M. D., Pearson, D. G., Ekroll, V. (2021). Möbius band surprise: A systematic illusion in imagery. i-Perception, 12(2), 1–10.
Ekroll, V., Svalebjørg, M., Pirrone, A., Böhm, G., Jentschke, S., van Lier, R., Wagemans, J., & Høye, A. (2021). The illusion of absence: how a common feature of magic shows can explain a class of road accidents. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 6, 22.
Ekroll, V. & van Lier, R. (2020). How visual perception of the inside of things creates the impossible dovetail. i-Perception. 11(5), 1–6.
van Lier, R. & Ekroll, V. (2020). A conceptual playground between perception and cognition: Introduction to the special issue on amodal completion. i-Perception, 11(4), 1–4.
Svalebjørg, M., Øhrn, H., Ekroll, V. (2020). The illusion of absence in magic tricks. i-Perception, 11(3), 1–21.
Øhrn, H., Svalebjørg, M., Andersen, S., Ring, A. E., & Ekroll, V. (2019). A perceptual illusion of empty space can create a perceptual illusion of levitation. i-Perception, 10(6), 1–16.
van Lier, R. & Ekroll, V. (2019). A remarkable depth confusion in images of the incomplete statues of Bruno Catalano. i-Perception, 10(6), 1–5.
de-Wit, L., Ekroll, V., Schwarzkopf, D. S., & Wagemans, J. (2019). Is information theory, or the assumptions that surround it, holding back neuroscience? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 42, e223,
Ekroll, V. (2019). Illusions of imagery and magical experiences. i-Perception,10(4), 1–34.
Ekroll, V. (2019). Book review: Gustav Kuhn, Experiencing the Impossible: The Science of Magic. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.
Ekroll, V., De Bruyckere, E., Vanwezemael, L., & Wagemans, J. (2018). Never repeat the same trick twice – unless it is cognitively impenetrable. i-Perception, 9(6), 1–14.
Ekroll, V., Mertens, K. & Wagemans, J. (2018). Amodal volume completion and the thin building illusion. i-Perception, 9(3), 1-21.
Fekete, T., Van de Cruys, S., Ekroll, V. & van Leeuwen, C. (2018). In the interest of saving time: a critique of discrete perception. Neuroscience of Consciousness, 2018, (1),
Ekroll, V. (2017). Now you see it, now you ... Aeon,
Ekroll, V., Sayim, B., & Wagemans, J. (2017). The other side of magic: The psychology of perceiving hidden things. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12(1) 91–106. doi:
Olkkonen, M. & Ekroll, V. (2016). Color Constancy and Contextual Effects on Color Appearance. In J. Kremers, R. C. Baraas & N. J. Marshall (eds.), Human Color Vision (pp. 159-188). Switzerland: Springer Series in Vision Research.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-44978-4_6
Ekroll, V., & Wagemans, J. (2016). Conjuring Deceptions: Fooling the Eye or Fooling the Mind?. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 20, 486-489. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2016.04.006
Ekroll, V., Sayim, B., Van der Hallen, R., & Wagemans, J. (2016). Illusory Visual Completion of an Object’s Invisible Backside Can Make Your Finger Feel Shorter. Current Biology, 26(8), 1029-1033.
Koenderink, J., Doorn, A. V., & Ekroll, V. (2016). Color Picking: The Initial 20s. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP), 13(3), 13. doi: 10.1145/2883613
de-Wit, L., Alexander, D., Ekroll, V., & Wagemans, J. (2016). Is neuroimaging measuring information in the brain?. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, doi: 10.3758/s13423-016-1002-0
Ekroll, V., Gilchrist, A., Koenderink, J. J., van Doorn, A. & Wagemans, J. (2015). Poggendorff rides again!. i-Perception, 6, 15-18.
Van de Cruys, S., Wagemans, J. & Ekroll, V. (2015). The put-and-fetch ambiguity: How magicians exploit the principle of exclusive allocation of movements to intentions. i-Perception, 6(2), 86–90.
Scherzer, T. R. & Ekroll, V. (2015) Partial modal completion under occlusion: What do modal and amodal percepts represent? Journal of Vision, 15(1):22, 1-20.
Beth, T., & Ekroll, V. (2015). The curious influence of timing on the magical experience evoked by conjuring tricks involving false transfer: decay of amodal object permanence?. Psychological Research, 79(4), 513-522.
Ekroll, V., Sayim, B., & Wagemans, J. (2013). Against better knowledge: The magical force of amodal volume completion. i-Perception, 4(8), 511-515.
Ekroll, V., & Faul, F. (2013). Perceptual organization in colour perception: Inverting the gamut expansion effect. i-Perception, 4(5), 328-332.
Ekroll, V. & Faul, F. (2013) Transparency perception: The key to understanding simultaneous color contrast. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 30(3), 342-352.
Faul, F. & Ekroll, V. (2012) Transparent layer constancy, Journal of Vision, 12(2):7, 1-26.
Ekroll, V. & Faul, F. (2012). Basic characteristics of simultaneous contrast revisited. Psychological Science, 23(10), 1246-1255.
Ekroll, V. & Faul, F. (2012). New laws of simultaneous contrast? Seeing and Perceiving, 25, 107-141.
Scherzer, T. R. & Ekroll, V. (2012). Occlusion improves the interpolation of sampled motion. Vision Research, 62, 17-25.
Ekroll, V., Faul, F. & Wendt, G. (2011). The strengths of simultaneous colour contrast and the gamut expansion effect correlate across observers: Evidence for a common mechanism. Vision Research, 51(3), 311-322.
Faul, F. & Ekroll, V. (2011). On the filter approach to perceptual transparency. Journal of Vision, 11(7):7, 1-33.
Ekroll, V. & Borzikowsky, C. (2010). The role of occlusion cues in apparent motion. Perception, 39(12), 1606-1623.
Wendt, G., Faul, F., Ekroll, V. & Mausfeld, R. (2010). Disparity, motion, and color information improve gloss constancy performance. Journal of Vision, 10(9):7, 1-17.
Ekroll, V. & Faul, F. (2009). A simple model describes large individual differences in simultaneous colour contrast. Vision Research, 49(18), 2261-2272.
Ekroll, V. & Scherzer, T. R. (2009). Apparent visual motion of the observer's own limbs. Perception, 38(5), 778-780.
Scherzer, T. R. & Ekroll, V. (2009). Intermittent occlusion enhances the smoothness of sampled motion. Journal of Vision, 10(16), 1-18.
Ekroll, V., Faul, F. & Golz, J. (2008). Classification of apparent motion percepts based on temporal factors. Journal of Vision, 8(4):31, 1-22.
Faul, F., Ekroll, V. & Wendt, G. (2008). Color appearance: The limited role of chromatic surround variance in the "Gamut Expansion Effect". Journal of Vision, 8(3):30, 1-20.
Ekroll, V., Faul, F. & Niederée, R. (2004). The peculiar nature of simultaneous colour contrast in uniform surrounds. Vision Research, 44(15), 1765-1786.
Lehnung, M., Leplow, B., Ekroll, V., Benz, B., Ritz, A., Mehdorn, M. & Ferstl, R. (2003). Recovery of spatial memory and persistence of spatial orientation deficits after traumatic brain injury during childhood. Brain Injury, 17, 855-869.
Lehnung, M., Leplow, B., Ekroll, V., Herzog. A., Mehdorn, M. & Ferstl, R. (2003). The role of locomotion in acquisition and transfer of spatial knowledge in children. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 44, 79-86.
Ekroll, V. & Faul, F. (2002). Perceptual transparency in neon color spreading displays. Perception & Psychophysics, 64(6), 945-955.
Ekroll, V., Faul, F., Niederée, R. & Richter, E. (2002). The natural center of chromaticity space is not always achromatic: A new look at color induction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 99(20), 13352-13356.
Faul, F. & Ekroll, V. (2002). Psychophysical model of chromatic perceptual transparency based on subtractive color mixture. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 19(6), 1084-1095.