Study plan for BAMN-BIO Bachelor's Programme in Biology, vår 2025

ECTS Credits

Three years of full-time study, where the normal workload for a full-time student is 60 credits for one academic year.

Name of qualification

Bachelor of Science



Language of Instruction




Objectives and content

Through the bachelor's programme in biology, students develop a broad and fundamental subject competence within biology. Biologists use a wide range of skills that the degree introduces through in-depth teaching and learning activities, including student-active research. Biology is a complex discipline and spans ecology, biodiversity, physiology, molecular biology, cell biology and genetics, with evolution as an organizing framework. Biologists use various methods in the field and in the lab to study their discipline. The degree provides a good basis for understanding modern natural science and the fundamental questions about life and nature, and how biologists contribute with key expertise to solve current and future challenges.

Required Learning Outcomes

On completion of the programme the candidate should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:

The candidate can

  • describe how evolution explains the origin and diversity of life forms on Earth
  • describe key biological processes, from gene expression to physiological regulation and behaviour
  • characterise biological systems in terms of structure and functional relationships
  • describe metabolism and energy flow from cells to ecosystems on the basis of inherent physical, chemical and biological properties
  • identify groups of organisms in local ecosystems and characterise them according to morphological traits

The candidate can

  • articulate scientific questions informed by relevant scientific literature
  • study biological systems in laboratory and natural environments using relevant research methods and equipment
  • analyse, interpret and present biological data using basic numerical and statistical methods, including an assessment of uncertainty
  • apply scientific language in written and oral communication

General compentencies
The candidate can

  • identify ethical considerations arising from biological questions and applications
  • assess the factual basis of scientific claims
  • apply scientific perspectives in assessing challenges and opportunities associated with sustainability, resource management and bioproduction
  • plan and conduct projects in collaboration with others

Admission Requirements

Higher Education Entrance Qualification with Science (REALFA)

Compulsory units

The following courses are compulsory in the BSc programme (120 ECTS):

  • Introductory courses (20 ECTS): math (MAT101) and examen philosophicum (EXPHIL-MNSEM)
  • Compulsory courses: (10 ECTS): informatics (INF100)
  • Specialization (90 ECTS): biology (BIO100, BIO101, BIO102, BIO103 og BIO104), molecular biology (MOL100), chemistry (KJEM109), statistics (STAT101) and physics (PHYS101)

In addition 60 elective ECTS are required.

Recommended electives

We recommend that elective courses are relevant for specialisations in the master's programme in biology.

Please contact study administration for more information about elective courses.

Sequential Requirements, courses

  • 6. semester: Electives or study period abroad
  • 5. semester: Electives or study period abroad
  • 4. semester: BIO103, BIO104, EXPHIL-MNSEM/EXPHIL-MNEKS
  • 3. semester: BIO102, PHYS101, STAT101
  • 2. semester: BIO101, INF100, KJEM109
  • 1. semester: BIO100, MAT101/MAT105, MOL100

Study period abroad

During the last year of the study programme, it is possible to study one or two semesters abroad or at the University Centre at Svalbard (UNIS).

Teaching and learning methods

Students pursuing a degree in biology will engage in multiple forms of active learning. Biology courses employ group work, field and laboratory instruction, interactive lectures, and evidence-based assessment.

Teaching methods for each course are described further in the course description.

Assessment methods

Different forms of summative and formative assessment methods are used in this programme. These include portfolio assessment, reports, quizzes, project work, oral presentations and written exams.

Diploma and Diploma supplement

The Diploma, in Norwegian, and the Diploma Supplement, in English, will be issued when the degree is completed.

Grading scale

At UiB the grades are given in one of two possible grading scales: passed/failed and A to F.

The grading scale for each course is given in the course description.

Access to further studies

The bachelor's programme qualifies for application to the master's programme in biology and other relevant study programmes.


Through the bachelor’s degree, students acquire a number of practical and academic skills that are useful in working life. Many biologists work in nature and environmental management, aquaculture, education, public administration, industry, non-governmental organizations, communication and consultancy. In most cases, more opportunities open up for those who have completed their master's degree. The University of Bergen offers several master's degree studies that build on the bachelor's degree in biology.


The programme will be evaluated according to the quality assurance system of the University of Bergen.

Programme committee

The programme committee is responsible for the academic content, the structure and the quality of the programme.

Administrative responsibility

The Faculty of Science and Technology by the Department of Biological Sciences, holds the administrative responsibility for the programme.

Contact information

Please contact student adviser Tone Stokka if you have any questions:

  • Mail:
  • Phone: +47 55583031