Study plan for MAMN-ENERG Master's Programme in Energy, vår 2025

ECTS Credits

Two years of full-time study, where the normal workload for a full-time student is 60 credits for one academic year.

Name of qualification

Master of Science in Energy



Language of Instruction




Objectives and content


The Master`s programme in Energy, provides the student with a theoretical foundation to understand a wide range of issues related to energy. Specialization within topics related to renewable energy and energy technology is possible.

The programme gives the student capabilities to consider energy supply, conversion and application in a wider environmental and societal perspective.


The programme contains a few common courses within energy; the remaining courses are selected by the student within topics relevant for the master thesis.

The university's competence within energy related areas as well as external competence is utilized in

supervision of the master thesis as well in lecturing.

The education gives knowledge and skills for active participation within industry, research and development as well as state and local government. The education aims at giving the student a methodical foundation that makes him or her able to adapt to a rapidly changing work market.

Required Learning Outcomes

On completion of the programme the candidate should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The candidate

  • has in-depth scientifically based knowledge about the pros and cons related to various energy resources, their energy applications.
  • has specialized knowledge within one or more topics related to renewable energy or energy technology.
  • has a solid knowledge of basic topics as mathematics and physics that makes a foundation for continuous updating and enhancing the knowledge within the energy sector.
  • has knowledge about ethical and societal issues related to energy conversion and application.


The candidate

  • can apply state of art methods within the relevant field and is able to familiarize with new methods
  • can within the candidate's special field, perform specialized analyses of e.g. resources useful energy, system consequences of renewable energy, life cycle effects and environmental impacts
  • can, together with a supervisor, and with a high level of independence, plan and execute a research project
  • is able to familiarize with adjacent professional fields and cooperate with specialists within these fields

General competence

The candidate

  • can write and present a final project report in accordance with accepted scientific and technological standards.
  • can formulate and test hypotheses and make conclusions from own work using references from scientific literature.
  • can critically evaluate new ideas within renewable energy as well as contribute to new solutions.
  • can critically analyze and reflect upon relevant ethical problems related to energy conversion and application.
  • demonstrates understanding and respect for scientific values as openness, precision and reliability
  • can convey problems and results to specialists as well as the public

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Master’s programme in energy requires a relevant bachelor's degree in mathematics, natural sciences or engineering or equivalent. Furthermore, the subject MAT111 "Calculus I" (or mathematics 1+2+3) or equivalent plus either PHYS113 Mechanics 2 and Thermodynamics or KJEM210 Chemical Thermodynamics or equivalent must be included.

Topical group 1) Wind- and Ocean energy

The requirement is a bachelor’s degree within meteorology, oceanography physics or energy technology. Within this topical group the candidate may have a master thesis within e.g. wind energy, ocean energy, hydropower, global energy challenges, and environmental issues related to renewable energy.

Topical group 2) Mathematics, physics and informatics

The requirement is a bachelor’s degree within mathematics, physics, geophysics, computational methods or informatics. Within this topical group the candidate may have a master thesis within e.g. ocean energy, geothermal energy and storage, energy analyses and optimization, solar cells, rain cells, battery technology and safety in energy production.

Topical group 3) Chemistry and environment

The requirement is a bachelor degree within chemistry, nano technology or relevant engineering topics (environmental technology and industrial chemistry, energy technology). Within this topical group the candidate may have a master thesis within e.g. bioenergy, solar cells, materials for energy applications and batteries.


In cases with more applicants than available capacity, the applicants will be ranked according to the grades and capacity within each of the topical groups.

You must also have:

Recommended previous knowledge

Recommended previous knowledge is covered by admission requirements.

Compulsory units

The master`s programme consists of two components: Coursework and individual research project (master's thesis).

The courses ENERGI300 and ENERGI360 are compulsory. Elective courses can be chosen to approval from supervisor.

4. semester (spring): ENERGI399 (Thesis)

3. semester (autumn): ENERGI399 (Thesis)

2. semester: ENERGI360, elective - elective

1. semester: ENERGI300, elective - elective

ENERGI399 Master's thesis in Energy comprises 60 credits.

Courses shall be on 200- or 300-level. To approval from supervisor, a maximum of 10 ECTS can be on 100-level.

Recommended electives

Required and recommended courses supporting the various master theses will vary, even within each topical group. Advices will be given at start-up of the first semester

Sequential Requirements, courses

Sequential requirements for courses can be found under the headline “Compulsory units”.

Study period abroad

If you wish to stay abroad during the master study, you may contact the study advisor or your thesis supervisor.

Teaching and learning methods

A combination of teaching and learning methods is used in the various courses, depending on which topic you are taking, including lectures, exercises laboratory with journal, seminar and fieldwork. You may find more information in the course description.

The Master's thesis is an independently scientific work, under supervision of an academic supervisor.

Assessment methods

The assessment methods in the courses are written and oral examination, reports and oral exam. The assessment methods for each course are described in the course description.

The assessment methods for each course are described in the course description.

The final step in the programme is an oral examination. The examination is held when the master's thesis is submitted, evaluated and approved.

Diploma and Diploma supplement

The Diploma, in Norwegian, and the Diploma Supplement, in English, will be issued when the degree is completed.

Grading scale

At UiB the grades are given in one of two possible grading scales: passed/failed and A to F.

The master's thesis will be graded A to F.

The grading scale for each course is given in the course description.

Access to further studies

To be eligible for admission to the Doctoral education (PhD) the candidate must have completed a master's degree.

To qualify for the Doctoral education (PhD) at UiB the average grade for the master's thesis, the Master's degree and the bachelor's degree should be at least C.

In order to get enrolled you have to be granted a fellowship for doctoral training.


Candidates with a master's degree in energy are in demand. In society, there is a great focus on energy supply and energy use in the future. Achieving the 2 degree target, the UN's renewable energy target for 2030 and national emission targets are all strongly linked to the choice of energy sources and energy use. Both industry and society in general are undergoing strong restructuring in the energy area. There is an increasing need for master's candidates with detailed insight into various energy issues in both the public and private sector, and who can put these into a wider context.

In the business world, there is a rapid development of work with and tasks within the energy field. The expertise of civil engineers in energy can, for example, be used in

  • existing energy companies operating in Norway (such as Equinor, Statkraft and BKK)
  • companies that are established based on new business models (such as Otovo, Greenstat)
  • consulting company that supplies services to the energy field including energy trading (such as StormGeo, Multiconsult)
  • businesses within offshore wind, geothermal and CO2 storage (such as Equinor)
  • businesses within bioenergy (Bergen municipality) and biofuel (Statkraft)
  • transport companies, especially in the maritime area (such as shipping companies, NCE Maritime Cleantech)
  • companies (such as Aker Solutions, Aibel, Kværner)
  • Norwegian companies that position themselves for niches within global markets.

The study programme will also create a foundation for further doctoral studies in the field.


The programme will be evaluated according to the quality assurance system of the University of Bergen.

Programme committee

The programme committee is responsible for the academic content, the structure and the quality of the program

Administrative responsibility

The Faculty of Science and Technology through the Geophysical Institute holds the administrative responsiblity for the programme.

Contact information

Please contact the study advisor for the programme in case of questions: