Study plan for MAHF-ITAL Master's Programme in Italian, vår 2025

ECTS Credits

The course consists of 120 ECTS credits with the nominal length of two years full-time study.

Name of qualification

Master's degree in Italian


Full time

If you want to complete a part of or the whole program as a part time student (at minimum 50%), you must apply to the department for changes to your academic progress, using the applicable form. Please see Routines for the master's degree program.

Language of Instruction

See the individual course plans for the courses included in the program.

Objectives and content

The master's program in Italian is a full-time study program that runs over 4 semesters (120 ECTS), and represents the further academic specialization of the Bachelor's program in Italian. The program consists of two parts: courses that total 60 ECTS (ITAL301 + 302 + 304 + 306) and a master's thesis (ITAL350) of 60 ECTS.

The master's program in Italian enables specialization in either linguistics or literature.
The specialization will be based on a broad and in-depth overview of the most relevant disciplinary areas, and supposes that the student develops their oral and written proficiency in Italian in conjunction with their knowledge of Italian culture and history.

Required Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the program the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills, and general competence:


The candidate

  • has a general and broad knowledge of the field and specialized knowledge of their chosen area
  • has knowledge of central research questions and methods in the field
  • is familiar with the requirements and norms for academic writing


The candidate

  • has the disciplinary knowledge to work independently and long-term with academic problems
  • can familiarize themselves with and evaluate critical theories, methods, and interpretations within the field
  • can acquire and use their knowledge in new areas within the field
  • can define and undertake a research or development project adhering to research ethical norms

General competence:

The candidate

  • can use ICT tools that are necessary to conduct independent work within the field
  • possesses the skills to independently advance their proficiency and specialization
  • can communicate research questions, analyses, and conclusions in their field in Italian
  • knows relevant communicative genres
  • can participate in public debates related to their fiel

Admission Requirements

Admission to the master's program is open every two years. Admissions take place on odd-numbered years.

The master's program in Italian builds on a bachelor's degree that has minimum specialization of 80 ECTS in Italian language, literature and culture, or equivalent.

Bachelor degree from UiB that qualifies:

  • Bachelor degree in Italian

Other bachelor degrees that qualify:

  • Other bachelor degrees may qualify if you can document a minimum of 80 ECTS in Italian language, literature and culture, or equivalent.

You also need:

  • Average grade of minimum C in the subjects that document your qualification.
  • General language requirements: Language requirements for Norwegian and English are documented with the general university admissions certification ("generell studiekompetanse") either obtained from a Norwegian high school program or equivalent.

Specific language requirements: Applicants who cannot document the requirement for Norwegian may meet the general language requirements by documenting English proficiency from one of the following levels:

  • IELTS academic- International English Language Testing System (British Council's): Minimum score of 6.0 on each of the bands: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking
  • TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language, internet-based test (iBT): Minimum score of 80
  • PTE Academic- Pearson Test of English Academic: Minimum overall score of 53

Recommended previous knowledge

There are no formal qualifications, but almost all of the instruction is in Italian and proficiency in Italian is expected.

Introductory Courses

There are no preparatory courses for the master's program.

Compulsory units

ITAL301/History of the Italian Language and Linguistic Variation (H, 15 ECTS),

ITAL302/Italian Text Study and Literary Theory Analysis (H, 15 ECTS)

ITAL304/Italian Theoretical Subject (V, 15 ECTS)

ITAL306/Selected Topic in Italian language, literature, or culture (V, 15 ECTS)

ITAL350/Master's thesis in Italian (60 ECTS)

Upon departmental approval, the students may take ITAL306 and/or ITAL304 at another university through an exchange program, and/or replace ITAL306 with another relevant subject at UiB.

Recommended electives

- ALLV201/General literature theory (spring, autumn, 15 credits)

- LING311/Methods for linguistic master's degrees (spring, 10 credits)

- DASP307/Linguistic writing for master's and PhD students (spring, 5 credits)

- LINGMET*/Scientific theory and methodology for linguistic master's degrees (spring, 15 credits)
*LINGMET is not offered spring 2020.

- Or another approved elective offered by UiB or another university

Sequential Requirements, courses

Recommended course plan:

1st semester (fall)

  • ITAL301/History of The Italian Language and Linguistic Variation (15 ECTS)
  • ITAL302/Italian Text Study and Literature Theory Analysis (15 ECTS)

2nd semester (spring)

  • ITAL304/Italian Theoretical Subject (15 ECTS)
  • ITAL306/Selected Topic in Italian language, literature, or culture (15 ECTS)

3rd semester (fall)

  • ITAL350/Italian master's thesis (60 ECTS)

4th semester (spring)

  • ITAL350/Italian master's thesis (60 ECTS)

All the courses (totalt 60 ECTS) must be completed before the submission of a master's thesis.

Study period abroad

The master's program highly recommends and facilitates that the students take a part of their studies abroad through an exchange program. It is recommended that exhanges are planned for the 2nd semester.

Recommended exchange destinations in Italy can be found on the course website:

Students can also choose from the locations with which the University of Bergen has agreements. All information about exchange programs can be found at

The students can participate in an exchange program and complete ITAL306 and/or ITAL304 abroad. It is also possible to do field work abroad as a part of the master's thesis.

Teaching and learning methods

Through various forms of teaching, the students get to approach the subject in different ways. The teaching is research-based and presumes active participation from the students.

Working and teaching methods can be lectures, seminars, group projects, written and oral presentations, conceptual tasks, problem-solving, supervision, and the use of digital tools.

For more information, see the individual course plans.

Assessment methods

The students will have different forms of assessment throughout the program. For example, written school exam, supervised term paper, home exam, oral presentation, oral exam, and portfolio assessment.
The assessments are based on the learning outcomes for each course.

For more information, see the individual course plans.

Diploma and Diploma supplement

The diploma will be printed upon completion of the degree.

Grading scale

Grades for the different courses are based on one of two grading scales:

1) A - F, where F is a failing grade

2) Pass/fail

Information about which grading scale is used can be found in the individual course plans.

Access to further studies

Master's degrees with good results qualify for application to a Ph.D. program in the relevant field.

Students planning on taking PPU need to make sure that they meet the entry requirements during the course of their studies. Please visit the website for more information:


A master's degree in Italian provides a good background for teaching assignments at a higher level, and for work in both public and private sector in fields that require lingustic and cultural competence. The master's program is also the basis for Ph.D. programs in Italian linguistics and literature.


The master's programme is continuously evaluated in accordance with the guidelines for quality assurance at UiB. Subject and program evaluations can be found at

Suitability and autorisation

This program does not require a suitability assessment or authorization.

Programme committee

The program committee is responsible for the academic content, structure, and quality of the study program.

Administrative responsibility

The Department of Foreign Languages at the Faculty of Humanities has the administrative responsibility for the study program.

Contact information

If you have questions, please contact the student advisor for the program at: