Study plan for PRMEDISIN programme, vår 2025

ECTS Credits

The undergraduate medical education programme has a scope of 360 ECTS. In the “Medisin 2015” study plan each admission cohort is split into an A-cohort and a B-cohort at the start of the 4th year of study. The B-cohort has a free term after the third year. 

Nominal length of the study is 6 years for the A-cohort and 6,5 years for the B-cohort.

Name of qualification

The programme leads tot he degree of Candidatus Medicinae.



Language of Instruction

Teaching is primarily given in Norwegian. Parts of the teaching and curriculum will be in English.



Objectives and content

The medical programme at the University of Bergen will qualify the candidates for authorization as a medical doctor in Norway, and entry-level positions within all medical specialties. Upon completion, the newly educated doctors should also be able to work within research, dissemination and health management.

During the course of the programme the students will aqquire a sound professional and updated knowledge base, and academic mindset, as a foundation for professional work, knowledge management, critical assessment of sources and lifelong learning.

Upon completion of the programme, the students will be able to diagnose and treat common illnesses. They will be able to handle acute medical conditions and injuries. They can take medical histories and perform clinical examinations and make differential-diagnostic assessments in a sound manner, and possess knowledge of further investigations and treatment of less common illnesses. They will be competent with regards to tutoring patients and next of kin, teaching, health promotion and cross-disciplinary cooperation in all branches of the health service.

During the course of their education the students will learn to place the patients in the center of attention, and meet patients and next of kin with empathy and respect. The students will therefore be trained in good communication with patients, next of kin and other health personell. They will be trained to make ethical considerations regarding treatment strategies, priorities and the use of medical knowledge.

The education will promote a wholesome understanding of health and illness and emphasise the most common health problems. The students will acquire insight into the risk factors of disease and experience with preventive measures on an individual and societal level. They will acquire insight into the national and global cost of disease and injury, as well as differences in health, both within and between countries.

The study will emphasise ethics, patient safety and human rights. The students will have knowledge of the organisation of the Norwegian healthservice, priniciples of health economics and quality improvement in the health sector.

The Medical Student Research Programme (Forskerlinjen) is a special offer for a select group of medical students (up to 10 %) who has an interest in medical research and is aiming for a future career in research. The students in Medical Student Research Programme undertake the medical programme in a normal manner. The added condition is that these students receive organized training in research, which may be the start of a doctoral thesis. Students who choose the Medical Student Research Programme have a nominal lenght of study corresponding to 7 years for A-cohort and 7,5 years for the B-cohort. 

Required Learning Outcomes


After completing the programme, the candidates should be capable of:

  • Describing the different biological, mental, environmental, social and cultural factors that form the basis for human health, for the development of diseases and injuries, and for the interaction between these factors in treatment and prevention
  • Describing how the health service is organised in addition to describing the interaction between the different medical disciplines and between public and private health care providers in patient treatment.


Practical abilities/skills

After completing the programme, the candidates should be capable of:

  • Using expedient, scientifically based methods to diagnose, treat and prevent disease in the medical area with a view to relieving suffering, illness and injury in patients
  • Cooperating with the patient in making a diagnosis and in planning and implementing treatment and preventive measures
  • Implementing rational and efficient work procedures
  • Critically assessing the scientific basis for medical knowledge and decisions
  • Using the resources that society has allocated to the health service as fairly as possible, including priorities at the individual level
  • Interpreting and communicating the limitations of the methods used by medical science, and the relationship between what is possible in technical and societal terms and what is desirable from a human perspective.

General competence

After completing the programme, the candidates should be capable of:

  • Creating security and confidence in the doctor-patient relationship
  • Reflecting on ethical issues and dealing with people who need their advice and services in a responsible and respectful manner
  • Creating good cooperation and relations with colleagues and other health service personnel
  • Applying scientific thinking and taking a critical approach to research results

Demonstrating the ability to reflect on their own behaviour and learning, and taking responsibility for their own further and continuing education in their professional careers.

Admission Requirements

Higher Education Entrance Qualification and MEROD: Mathetmatics R1 (or Mathematics S1 and S2) and Physics 1 and Chemistry 1 and 2.

Recommended previous knowledge

Sound knowledge of written and oral Norwegian is required for completion of parts of the undergraduate medical education programme. 

Introductory Courses

Examen Philosophicum, 10 ECTS 

Compulsory units

All courses are mandatory and must be completed in the determined order. It is not possible to change the education plan or the order of exams without faculty approval in advance. Most courses in the programme have mandatory teaching.

Course list

Recommended electives

The medical programme contains elective periods in the 3rd to 6th year of study. During these periods, the students may choose courses based on personal interest. For more information regarding elective periods, see: (english version not available)

Sequential Requirements, courses

The courses must be completed in a determined sequence. It is not possible to change the education plan or the sequence of courses without faculty approval in advance. Please consult the supplementary rules to § 2-2 (2), § 7-3 (2) and § 8-2 (3) in the University of Bergen’s bylaws on studies.

Examen Philosophicum is mandatory, but is exempt from the the requirement of sequence. EXPHIL must be passed at the latest before the student starts the 4th year of study.

If a student lacks a passing result in a subject after the regular exam and the associated continuation exam, the student will be moved down to the class below. This also applies if the student has valid absences for one or both of the exams

Study period abroad

The Faculty of Medicine cooperates on student exchanges with many different educational institutions, most of them in Scandinavia and Germany. This cooperation takes place within the framework of permanent networks such as NORDPLUS and ERASMUS+. The University of Bergen facilitates student exchange during the medical study, and recommends that exchange takes place in MED4, MED7, MED9 or the free term for the B-cohort. Please consult the faculty’s international coordinator to explore your options.

Teaching and learning methods

The Cand. Med.-programme utilises a variety of teaching methods which stimulate active learning; lectures, team-based learning, laboratory excercises, seminars, pratical excersises, professional groups, clinical groupwork and other clinical teaching. The use of mandatory teaching is quite extensive, partly given as plenary teaching and partly as group-based teaching.

Hospitals, doctor's offices, emergency services, health centers, and nursing homes are included as fixed teaching arenas for clinical rotations and practical placements for medical students from early in their studies. Placements in cooperating hospitals in Stavanger, Førde or Haugesund is part of the mandatory teaching schedule for the 4th-6th years, and the faculty offers financial support for travel and accomodations.

Assessment methods

To ensure that the students have the required knowledge, skills and general competence, various forms of assessment are conducted throughout the course of study:

  • Submission assignments
  • Portfolio assessment
  • Written school examination
  • OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination)
  • Oral examination
  • Digital tests
  • Supervised assignments and unsupervised assignments
  • Passed based on attendance
  • Laboratory reports
  • Practical training
  • Clinical tests 

Diploma and Diploma supplement

Diplomas are issued after the degree is commpleted. The diploma grants application rights for authorization as a physician to the Norwegian Directorate of Health.

Grading scale

A-F or Pass/Fail.

Access to further studies

Students may, after completing the cand. med.-degree, apply for admission to Ph.D.-studies.


Before candidates can be granted authorisation as medical practitioners, they must complete a total of one and a half years of medical internships in hospitals and in the municipal health service after completing the medical degree programme. They can work as hospital doctors or as GPs in the primary health service. They can also become researchers or teachers.


The medical education programme is continuously evaluated according to the guidelines of quality assurance at the University of Bergen. 

Course and programme evaluations are available at 

Suitability and autorisation

As a higher learning institution, the University of Bergen is tasked to assess whether you are professionally suited to work as authorized health personell. This assessment includes both professional, pedagogical and personal elements, and will take place during the entire course of the education - pursuant to the
Norwegian law on suitability assessment in higher education.

Programme committee

The Programme Committee for Medicine is responsible for the academic content, structure and quality of the study programme. 

Administrative responsibility

Faculty of Medicine. 

Contact information

Faculty of Medicine Student Information Centre: