Anne Hatløy


Førsteamanuensis, Senter for Internasjonal Helse


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Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin

Bjørkhaug I and Anne Hatløy A (2009). Utilisation of Respondent Driven Sampling among a population of child workers in the diamond mining sector of Sierra Leone. Global Public Health, 4(1):96-109.

Bøås M, Hatløy A and Bjørkhaug I (2008) ‘Alcohol and drugs in post-war Sierra Leone’ African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies, 7(1): 41-52.

Bøås M and Hatløy (2008) . ‘Getting in, getting out’: militia membership and prospects for reintegration in post-war Liberia. Journal of Modern African Studies, 46 (1): 33-55.

Bøås M and Hatløy A (2008). Child labour in West Africa: Different children – Different work – Different vulnerabilities. International Migration,46 (3) 3-25.

Hallund J, Hatløy A, Benesi I and Thilsted SH (2007). Snacks are important for fat and vitamin intakes among rural African women: a cross-sectional study from Malawi. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition,  62: 866-871.

Hatløy A (2005). Life as a child domestic worker in Haiti. The Journal of Haitian Studies, 11 (1):11-25.

Torheim LE, Ouattara F, Diarra MM, Thiam FD, Barikmo I, Hatløy A and Oshaug A (2004). Nutrition adequacy and dietary diversity in rural Mali: association and determinants. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 58 (4):594-604.

Torheim LE, Barikmo I, Parr C, Hatløy A, Ouatara F, Oshaug A (2003). Validation of food variety as an indicator of diet quality assessed with a food frequency questionnaire for Western Mali. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 57:1283-1291.

Torheim LE, Barikmo I, Hatløy A, Ouattara F, Diarra M and Oshaug A (2001). Validation of a quantitative food frequency questionnaire in Western Mali. Public Helth Nutrition. Public Health Nutrition, 4(6):1267-1277.

Hatløy A, Hallund J, Diarra MM and Oshaug A (2000). Relationship between food variety scores, socio-economic status and nutritional status. A case study from Mali. Public Health Nutrition, 3(1):57-65.

Hatløy A (1999) Methodological aspects of assessing nutrition security. Examples from Mali. Doctoral dissertation. Institute for Nutrition Research, University of Oslo/Fafo-report 323.

Sampaio FS, von der Fehr FR, Arneberg P, Gigante DP and Hatløy A (1999) A Risk factors for dental fluorosis in 6-11 year-old children living in rural areas of Paraiba – Brazil. Caries Research, 33:66-73.

Hatløy A, Torheim LE and Oshaug A (1998). Food variety – a good indicator of nutritional adequacy? A case study from an urban area in Mali, West Africa. European Journal for Clinical Nutrition, 52:891-898.

Hatløy A and Oshaug A (1997). Human milk: An invisible food resource. Journal of  Human Lactation,13:299-305.

Nordeide MB, Hatløy A, Følling M, Lie E and Oshaug A (1996). Nutrient composition and nutritional importance of green leaves and wild food resources in an agricultural district, Koutiala, in Southern Mali. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 47:455-468.

Oshaug A, Pedersen J, Diarra M, Ag Bendech M, Hatløy A (1994). Problems and pitfalls in the use of estimated age in anthropometric measurements of children from 6 to 60 months of age: A case from Mali. Journal of Nutrition, 124: 636-644.
